I have just started to develop in QlikView so I'm completely a newbie.
The problem that I have is that I need to create a c++ dll that can be used as a custom data source for QlikView, I already created the dll and QlikView can see it, but I don't know how should I do to make my data available to QlikView.
The data that I want to use is obtained as a request from the server, and the code is inside the c++ dll.
I had some examples that my boss got from QlikView tech department, they are SalesForce example and EbayDll example but they are kind of confusing, so I was wondering if you can point me to another example that may be easier to follow, or if you can give me some pointers that help me accomplish what I'm trying to do.
Just if someone is interested, I posted the same question in the QlikView Forum and the answer that I got was
"Get the version 9 SDK. It includes doc and a sample for a Custom Data Source. The SDK is available on a QV Server installation. If not already installed, I believe you can download the QVS9 and just install the SDK portion on your workstation."
The example contained in the SDK actually help me out a lot.
In QlikView 10 you can now use (the easier approach) of using the QVX API!
I already did some searching on stackoverflow and as far as I can see there are many ways to use databases in C++. Unfortunately at work my tools are pretty limited. I only get to use visual studio C++ 6 and don't even have boost (although I have learned to cope with that) - I assume that I can only use what is the standard distribution being delivered togather with VS C++ 6.
Now my code generates a lot of data and I would like to store some of it in a simple databse (like an MS Access db). What tools might I be able to use?
My alternative approauch would be to create a database-like object via a struct and vectors/arrays.
I also have office 2010 installed - perhaps I could somehow use Access?
Computation-speed also plays a role - the faster the better.
Another important thing: my PC at work isn't an open client. Thus I can not install any new software. Downloading and moving files works. Basically I must be able to install the tool by just moving the files into a desired folder.
Please let me know if the question is confusing or insufficiently detailed I will do what i can to remedy the situation then.
Thnaks in advance for your help :)
Even though you said 'only standard tools', I'd still say, get SQLite. It ss a public domain software, i.e. no license whatsoever . You can download an 'amalgamation' - one .h file and one .c file and include it into your project. It should compile in VC6 no problem. Very easy to use, you will be up and running in 10 minutes.
It does exactly what you need - a DB in a single file, no servers, zero-setup, etc.
Well, Visual C++ 6 did include MFC which had a suite of classes for the creation and manipulation of databases, I'm fairly certain it would be possible to use these to create a database that is accessible from Access. Unfortunately Microsoft's online help doesn't seem to go back that far, but all the reference material you need should come with the VS 6. (In my opinion VS Help system was better back then anyways.)
On a side note, you could download an old version of boost that would work with VS6. I'm not sure what the last version of boost that supports VS6 is, my guess it's somewhere around 1.3x.
VC6 should work.
Can you use MFC's db objects? (DAO I think back then?).
If your app really generates a lot of data, you might want to look at MySql. I've run into size limitations in older Access tables. Unless it's an extraordinarily simple db, you probably don't want to brew your own (though it might be fun if you have a lot of time).
The key will be finding a driver/db combo that will work. I would install the GA (free) MySql, create a tiny db with 1 table and find the driver ("connector" in MySql terms) that will work. Maybe older ODBC driver?
Also, check out ConnectionStrings.com for info on getting connected to a particular database / driver.
I want to fetch contacts from thunderbird using a C++ program.
As Outlook exposes API to access contacts,tasks,events and notes,is there any API by which i can access Thunderbird contacts ???
If not please tell me some other solution to access the thunderbird's addressbook.
There is a page at Mozilla (MDN) which describes the API for the address book (https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Thunderbird/Thunderbird_API_documentation) but it seems to be a bit out-of-date (last update was in 2000).
The good thing about Open Source is that you can check out the API for yourself. Hopefully it's also well commented to a large extent (I haven't checked it out though). Thread here http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic.php?f=27&t=591519.
You can get the source code at https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Download_Mozilla_Source_Code. They also have some information at their Wiki regarding getting help in development (for instance connect to their IRC channel (https://wiki.mozilla.org/Thunderbird/Development).
Hello all CodeIgniter guys :), I'm new to CodeIgniter andIi have now put my project on github. Here is my github page: https://github.com/SimonJ/Hip-hop-project
So I would hear about someone bothered to look through my files and make comments about what I can do better so I can learn something new :)
I have tried to use ocular template system but I get this error:
An Error Was Encounter Unable to load the Requested Class: ocular
Do you know what I'm doing wrong?
This question borders on the edge of belonging on Code Review instead of Stack Overflow, but I'll help you with your templating issue.
Are you running PHP 5 on your server? It looks like Ocular is using "public" and "private" words for functions and variables.
You are running an older version of Codeigniter by the looks of it because I don't see a folder called "core" in your application folder. There's a community version of CI called Reactor here or you can get the standard CI 2.0 from EllisLab here. I would upgrade to one of those, personally I would use Reactor.
Ocular is great but Phil Sturgeon has a lighter template library simply called template you might be interested in looking at as well, here. Like I said in the first paragraph of this answer, go to Code Review if you would like to have your code critiqued and reviewed.
PS. Welcome to Codeigniter, it's an awesome PHP framework.
I'm trying to code a small program for my friend's company. They build metal cabinets and every cabinet is made out of several parts. So when a customer tells them they need a new cabinet, they tell them the single part numbers. My friend needs now a little tool/database where he can look after those part numbers and if there is an entry, he can download the corresponding blueprint (saved as PDF). Of course the program needs also a function to create a new entry and uploading a PDF file with this entry.
The program needs only to be installed local on one windows machine.
Now I need to know if there is maybe a special way to solve this. It would be helpful if someone could give me some keywords, so I can google it and figure out how to begin :)
I have basic skills in C++ and Java and willing to learn new stuff :)
Have used sqlite for database applications and found it to have a lot of functionality and speed. It lacks all the advanced database admin stuff but for single user/embedded databases its ideal. I use it over MySQL because of a significant performance improvement.
It has a Java interface via java.sql.Connection.
I think this is a good opportunity to try something else than C++/Java. In your case I would go for Ruby on Rails and for example the PaperClip extension (http://thoughtbot.com/community/) (haven't used PaperClip myself, though). Ruby on Rails is kind of made for this type of problem.
I would like to call an Exchange 2010 web service from a remote client such as an iPhone to book a meeting room / to know if a meeting room is available etc.
Does anyone has an example available please?
Thanks a lot,
I don't know of any easy to follow sample so this is just some information that might help you get started anyway.
This page has a sample for creating an appointment in C#. So I'd say that's part of the answer, the other part is to find out how to use SOAP from your language of choice. This SO question discusses just this.