Why does MSVC++ consider "std::strcat" to be "unsafe"? (C++) - c++

When I try to do things like this:
char* prefix = "Sector_Data\\sector";
char* s_num = "0";
std::strcat(prefix, s_num);
std::strcat(prefix, "\\");
and so on and so forth, I get a warning
warning C4996: 'strcat': This function or variable may be unsafe. Consider using strcat_s instead.
Why is strcat considered unsafe, and is there a way to get rid of this warning without using strcat_s?
Also, if the only way to get rid of the warning is to use strcat_s, how does it work (syntax-wise: apparently it does not take two arguments).

If you are using c++, why not avoid the whole mess and use std::string. The same example without any errors would look like this:
std::string prefix = "Sector_Data\\sector";
prefix += "0";
prefix += "\\"
no need to worry about buffer sizes and all that stuff. And if you have an API which takes a const char *, you can just use the .c_str() member;

Because the buffer, prefix, could have less space than you are copying into it, causing a buffer overrun.
Therefore, a hacker could pass in a specially crafted string which overwrites the return address or other critical memory and start executing code in the context of your program.
strcat_s solves this by forcing you to pass in the length of the buffer into which you are copying the string; it will truncate the string if necessary to make sure that the buffer is not overrun.
google strcat_s to see precisely how to use it.

You can get rid of these warning by adding:
to your project's preprocessor definitions.

That's one of the string-manipulation functions in C/C++ that can lead to buffer overrun errors.
The problem is that the function doesn't know what the size of the buffers are. From the MSDN documentation:
The first argument, strDestination,
must be large enough to hold the
current strDestination and strSource
combined and a closing '\0';
otherwise, a buffer overrun can occur.
strcat_s takes an extra argument telling it the size of the buffer. This allows it to validate the sizes before doing the concat, and will prevent overruns. See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/d45bbxx4.aspx

Because it has no means of checking to see if the destination string (prefix) in your case will be written past its bounds. strcat essentially works by looping, copying byte-by-byte the source string into the destination. Its stops when it sees a value "0" (notated by '\0') called a null terminal. Since C has no built in bounds checking, and the dest str is just a place in memory, strcat will continue going ad-infinidium even if it blows past the source str or the dest. str doesn't have a null terminal.
The solutions above are platform-specific to your windows environment. If you want something platform independent, you have to wrangle with strncat:
strncat(char* dest, const char* src, size_t count)
This is another option when used intelligently. You can use count to specify the max number of characters to copy. To do this, you have to figure out how much space is available in dest (how much you allocated - strlen(dest)) and pass that as count.

To turn the warning off, you can do this.
#pragma warning(disable:4996)
btw, I strongly recommend that you use strcat_s().

There are two problems with strcat. First, you have to do all your validation outside the function, doing work that is almost the same as the function:
if(pDest+strlen(pDest)+strlen(pScr) < destSize)
You have to walk down the entire length of both strings just to make sure it will fit, before walking down their entire length AGAIN to do the copy. Because of this, many programmers will simply assume that it will fit and skip the test. Even worse, it may be that when the code is first written it is GUARANTEED to fit, but when someone adds another strcat, or changes a buffer size or constant somewhere else in the program, you now have issues.
The other problem is if pSrc and pDst overlap. Depending on your compiler, strcat may very well be simple loop that checks a character at a time for a 0 in pSrc. If pDst overwrites that 0, then you will get into a loop that will run until your program crashes.


better approach to copy portion of char array than strncpy

I used std::strncpy in c++98 to copy portion of a char array to another char array. It seems that it requires to manually add the ending character '\0', in order to properly terminate the string.
As below, if not explicitly appending '\0' to num1, the char array may have other characters in the later portion.
char buffer[] = "tag1=123456789!!!tag2=111222333!!!10=240";
char num1[10];
std::strncpy(num1, buffer+5, 9);
num1[9] = '\0';
Is there better approach than this? I'd like to have a one-step operation to reach this goal.
Yes, working with "strings" in C was rather verbose, wasn't it!
Fortunately, C++ is not so limited:
const char* in = "tag1=123456789!!!tag2=111222333!!!10=240";
std::string num1{in+5, in+15};
If you can't use a std::string, or don't want to, then simply wrap the logic you have described into a function, and call that function.
As below, if not explicitly appending '\0' to num1, the char array may have other characters in the later portion.
Not quite correct. There is no "later portion". The "later portion" you thought you observed was other parts of memory that you had no right to view. By failing to null-terminate your would-be C-string, your program has undefined behaviour and the computer could have done anything, like travelling back in time and murdering my great-great-grandmother. Thanks a lot, pal!
It's worth noting, then, that because it's C library functions doing that out-of-bounds memory access, if you hadn't used those library functions in that way then you didn't need to null-terminate num1. Only if you want to treat it as a C-style string later is that required. If you just consider it to be an array of 10 bytes, then everything is still fine.

strncpy char string issue when adding length

I'm having a problem with comparing 2 char strings that are both the same:
char string[50];
strncpy(string, "StringToCompare", 49);
if( !strcmp("StringToCompare", string) )
//do stuff
//the code runs into here even tho both strings are the same...this is what the problem is.
If I use:
strcpy(string, "StringToCompare");
instead of:
strncpy(string, "StringToCompare", 49);
it solves the problem, but I would rather insert the length of the string rather than it getting it itself.
What's going wrong here? How do I solve this problem?
You forgot to put a terminating NUL character to string, so maybe strcmp run over the end. Use this line of code:
string[49] = '\0';
to solve your problem.
You need to set the null terminator manually when using strncpy:
strncpy(string, "StringToCompare", 48);
string[49] = 0;
Lots of apparent guesses in the other answers, but a quick suggestion.
First of all, the code as written should work (and in fact, does work in Visual Studio 2010). The key is in the details of 'strncpy' -- it will not implicity add a null terminating character unless the source length is less than the destination length (which it is in this case). strcpy on the other hand does include the null terminator in all cases, suggesting that your compiler isn't properly handling the strncpy function.
So, if this isn't working on your compiler, you should likely initialize your temporary buffer like this:
char string[50] = {0}; // initializes all the characters to 0
// below should be 50, as that is the number of
// characters available in the string (not 49).
strncpy(string, "StringToCompare", 50);
However, I suspect this is likely just an example, and in the real world your source string is 49 (again, you should pass 50 to strncpy in this case) characters or longer, in which case the NULL terminator is NOT being copied into your temporary string.
I would echo the suggestions in the comments to use std::string if available. It takes care of all of this for you, so you can focus on your implementation rather than these trite details.
The byte count parameter in strncpy tells the function how many bytes to copy, not the length of the character buffer.
So in your case you are asking to copy 49 bytes from your constant string into the buffer, which I don't think is your intent!
However, it doesn't explain why you are getting the anomalous result. What compiler are you using? When I run this code under VS2005 I get the correct behavior.
Note that strncpy() has been deprecated in favor of strncpy_s, which does want the buffer length passed to it:
strncpy_s (string,sizeof(string),"StringToCompare",49)
strcopy and strncpy: in this situation they behave identically!!
So you didn't tell us the truth or the whole picture (eg: the string is at least 49 characters long)

What is the internal structure of an object of the (EDIT: MFC) CString class?

I need to strncpy() (effectively) from a (Edit: MFC) CString object to a C string variable. It's well known that strncpy() sometimes fails (depending on the source length **EDIT and the length specified in the call) to terminate the dest C string correctly. To avoid that evil, I'm thinking to store a NUL char inside the CString source object and then to strcpy() or memmove() that guy.
Is this a reasonable way to go about it? If so, what must I manipulate inside the CString object? If not, then what's an alternative that will guarantee a properly-terminated destination C string?
strncpy() only "fails" to null-terminate the destination string when the source string is longer than the length limit you specify. You can ensure that the destination is null-terminated by setting its last character to null yourself. For example:
#define DEST_STR_LEN 10
char dest_str[DEST_STR_LEN + 1]; // +1 for the null
strncpy(dest_str, src_str, DEST_STR_LEN);
dest_str[DEST_STR_LEN] = '\0';
If src_str is more than DEST_STR_LEN characters long, dest_str will be a properly-terminated string of DEST_STR_LEN characters. If src_str is shorter than that, strncpy() will put a null terminator somewhere within dest_str, so the null at the very end is irrelevant and harmless.
CSimpleStringT::GetString gives a pointer to a null-terminated string. Use this as the soure for strncpy. As this is C++, you should only use C-style strings when interfacing with legacy APIs. Use std::string instead.
One of the alternative ways would be to zero string first and then cast or memcpy from CString.
I hope they don't changed from when I used them: that was many years ago :)
They used an interesting 'trick' to handle the refcount and the very fast and efficient automatic conversion to char*: i.e the pointer is to LPCSTR, but some back byte is reserved to keep the implementation state.
So the struct can be used with the older windows API (LPCSTR without overhead). I found at the time the idea interesting!
Of course the key ìs the availability of allocators: they simply offsets the pointer when mallocing/freeing.
I remember there was a buffer request to (for instance) modify the data available: GetBuffer(0), followed by ReleaseBuffer().
If you are not compiling with _UNICODE enabled, then you can get a const char * from a CString very easily. Just cast it to an LPCTSTR:
CString myString("stuff");
const char *byteString = (LPCTSTR)myString;
This is guaranteed to be NULL-terminated.
If you have built with _UNICODE, then CString is a UTF-16 encoded string. You can't really do anything directly with that.
If you do need to copy the data from the CString, this very easy, even using C-style code. Just make sure that you allocate sufficient memory and are copying the right length:
CString myString("stuff");
char *outString = (char*)malloc(myString.Length() + 1);
strncpy(outString, (LPCTSTR)myString, myString.Length());
CString ends with NULL so as long as your text is correct (no NULL characters inside) then copying should be safe. You can write:
char szStr[256];
strncpy(szStr, (LPCSTR) String, 3);
szStr[3]='\0'; /// b-cos no null-character is implicitly appended to the end of destination
if you store null somehere inside CString object you will probably cause yourself more problems, CString stores its lenght internally.
Another alternative solution would rather involve support from CPU or compiler, as it's much better approach - simply make sure that when copying memory in "safe" mode, at any time after every atomic operation there is zero added on the end, so when whole loop fails, the destination string will still be terminated, without need to zero it fully before making copy.
There could be also support for fast zero - just mark start and stop of zeroed region and it's instantly cleared in RAM, this would make things a lot easier.

Strange error in variable values C++

I have used this code. Here a string is present from location starting from 4 and length of string is 14. All these calculations are done prior to this code. I am pasting a small snippet of the error containing code.
void *data = malloc(4096);
int len = 14;
int fileptr = 4;
string str;
memcpy(&str, (char *)data+fileptr, len);
Output i get is:
Here i am reading a string "System Catalog" from memory. Its displaying the string correctly. But the values of fileptr and len are abruptly changing after using memcpy() function.
string is not the same as a char*. string is an object. So you can't just memcpy() data to it. So the behavior of this code is undefined.
In your case, you are copying 14 bytes of junk data into str and corrupting the stack.
The result is that you are overwriting both len and fileptr with junk from the malloc().
I'm not sure exactly what you're trying to do, but if you want to create a string, you should do it like this:
string str = "System Catalog";
A string is an object and is not just a sequence of bytes. You cannot just memcpy over it from raw memory.
My guess is that in your code the str variable is allocated before other variables in stack memory and memcpy-ing over it you are overwriting them.
Note that your phrase "It's displaying the string correctly" has the seed of a common misconception about C++ in it.
When you do bad things in C++ (e.g. writing bytes over an object) you should expect the worst possible behavior. The worst possible behavior however is NOT an ugly result, a crash or a runtime error... but something that seems to work but that has bad consequences in the future.
You want to assign this many characters from that char pointer into a std::string, so you should look at what facilities a string object provides for doing that rather than hitting it over the head with memcpy(). As others have noted, memcpy() is for use in low-level C-style code, not for interacting with C++ objects.
In particular, you should study the assignment methods provided by std::string, one of which does exactly what you want -- which isn't a coincidence.
string is an object - please look up the semantics for it. Why are you doing this and what are you trying to achieve?
If for some reason you actually MUST use memcpy you can get the Internal address of the string to copy to (provided the string is big enough to contain the information you want to copy)
static_cast < char * >(&(str[0]));
But this is VERY VERY BAD. If you use it, I'm quite sure there are more crazy things going on in your code :-)

var arg list to tempfile, why is it needed?

I have this code inside a constructor of a class (not written by me) and it writes a variable arg list to a tmp file.
I wondered why this would be needed? The tmpfile is removed after this ctor goes out of scope and the var arg list sits inside the m_str vector.
Can someone suggest a better way of doing this without the use of a tmpfile?
DString(const char *fmt, ...)
DLog::Instance()->Log("Inside DString with ellipses");
va_list varptr;
va_start(varptr, fmt);
FILE *f = tmpfile();
if (f != NULL)
int n = ::vfprintf(f, fmt, varptr) + 1;
m_str.resize(n + 1);
::vsprintf(&m_str[0], fmt, varptr);
DLog::Instance()->Log("[ERROR TMPFILE:] Unable to create TmpFile for request!");
This is C++ code: I think you may be trying to solve the wrong problem here.
The need for a temp file would go away completely if you consider using a C++-esque design instead of continuing to use the varargs. It may seem like a lot of work to convert all the calling sites to use a new mechanism, but varargs provide a wide variety of possibilities to mis-pass parameters leaving you open to insidious bugs, not to mention you can't pass non-POD types at all. I believe in the long (or even medium) term it will pay off in reliability, clarity, and ease of debugging.
Instead try to implement a C++-style streams interface that provides type safety and even the ability to disallow certain operations if needed.
It's just using the temporary file as a place that it can write the contents that won't overflow, so it can measure the length, then allocate sufficient space for the string, and finally deposit the real output in the string.
I'd at least consider how difficult it would be to replace the current printf-style interface that's leading to this with an iostreams-style interface, which will make it easy to avoid and give all the usual benefits of iostreams (type-safe, extensible, etc.)
Edit: if changing the function's signature is really too difficult to contemplate, then you probably want to replace vfprintf with vsnprintf. vsnprintf allows you to specify a buffer length (so it won't overrun the buffer) and it returns the number of characters that would have been generated if there had been sufficient space. As such, usage would be almost like you have now, but avoid generating the temporary file. You'd call it once specifying a buffer length of 0, use the return value (+1 for the NUL terminator) to resize your buffer, then call it again specifying the correct buffer size.
It appears to be using the temp file as an output place for the ::vfprintf() call. It does that to get the length of the formatted string (plus 1 for the NULL). Then resizes m_str big enough to hold the formatted string, which gets filled in from the ::vsprintf() call.
The var arg list is not in the file or in m_str. The formatted output from printf() (and its variants) is in the file and in m_str.
I have a queasy feeling showing this but you could try:
FILE *fp=freopen("nul","w", stderr)
int n = ::vfprintf( fp , fmt, varptr );