fortran compiler 4 vs 11 - fortran

I am porting an application from fortran older version (4.0) to new version (11.0). While porting I am facing some problems with real*4 variables:
real*4 a,b,c
value for c in old compiler 0.667118, which is correct value. But with new compiler I am getting a small variation from the output(c variable) like 0.667120. Though it is a small variation, I am using these values in some other calculation. So the overall output has a huge difference. How to overcome this issue?

You are, I'm assuming, going from Microsoft Fortran Powerstation 4 to Intel Visual Fortran 11.xx ?
Anyways, try this:
program test32
integer, parameter :: iwp = selected_real_kind(15,300)
real(iwp) :: a,b,c
end program test32
which gives out:
0.98768753 0.67543453 0.66711826
I will not explain selected_real_kind, not because I do not wish, but because the help will probably do it much better. But, do ask if something in here is not clear.
p.s. The representation of real*4, or any type of real is processor dependent, and compiler dependent and that is one of the reasons why you're getting different results.

Discussion of changes in Intel visual Fortran compiler version 11 here:
The upshot is that older versions of the Fortran compiler would implicitly promote single-precision values to double-precision before performing an operation. The default behavior in version 11 is to perform the operation with single-precision. There are compiler options (/arch:ia32) to enable the old behavior in the new compiler.

I assume you are using Intel. Try to compile without optimization..


Error: Old-style type declaration REAL*16 not supported

I was given some legacy code to compile. Unfortunately I only have access to a f95 compiler and have 0 knowledge of Fortran. Some modules compiled but others I was getting this error:
Error: Old-style type declaration REAL*16 not supported at (1)
My plan is to at least try to fix this error and see what else happens. So here are my 2 questions.
How likely will it be that my code written for Fortran 75 is compatible in the Fortran 95 compiler? (In /usr/bin my compiler is f95 - so I assume it is Fortran 95)
How do I fix this error that I am getting? I tried googling it but cannot see to find a clear crisp answer.
The error you are seeing is due to an old declaration style that was frequent before Fortran 90, but never became standard. Thus, the compiler does not accept the (formally incorrect) code.
In the olden days before Fortran 90, you had only two types of real numbers: REAL and DOUBLE PRECISION. These types were platform dependent, but most compilers nowadays map them to the IEEE754 formats binary32 and binary64.
However, some machines offered different formats, often with extra precision. In order to make them accessible to Fortran code, the type REAL*n was invented, with n an integer literal from a set of compiler-dependent values. This syntax was never standard, so you cannot be sure of what it will mean to a given compiler without reading its documentation.
In the real world, most compilers that have not been asked to be strictly standards-compliant (with some option like -std=f95) will recognize at least REAL*4 and REAL*8, mapping them to the binary32/64 formats mentioned before, but everything else is completely platform dependent. Your compiler may have a REAL*10 type for the 80-bit arithmetic used by the x86 387 FPU, or a REAL*16 type for some 128-bit floating point math. However, it is important to stress that since the syntax is not standard, the meaning of that type could change from compiler to compiler.
Finally, in Fortran 90 a way to refer to different kinds of real and integer types was made standard. The new syntax is REAL(n) or REAL(kind=n) and is supported by all standard-compliant compilers. However, The values of n are still compiler-dependent, but the standard provides three ways to obtain specific, repeatable results:
The SELECTED_REAL_KIND function, which allows you to query the system for the value of n to specify if you want a real type with certain precision and range requirements. Usually, what you do is ask for it once and store the result in an INTEGER, PARAMETER variable that you use when declaring the real variables in question. For example, you would declare a type with at least 15 digits of precision (decimal) and exponent range of at least 100 like this:
REAL(rk) :: v
In Fortran 2003 and onwards, the ISO_C_BINDING module contains a series of constants that are meant to give you types guaranteed to be equivalent to the C types of the same compiler family (e.g. gcc for gfortran, icc for ifort, etc.). They are called C_FLOAT, C_DOUBLE and C_LONG_DOUBLE. Thus, you could declare a variable equivalent to a C double as REAL(C_DOUBLE) :: d.
In Fortran 2008 and onwards, the ISO_FORTRAN_ENV module contains a different series of constants REAL32, REAL64 and REAL128 that will give you a floating point type of the appropriate width - if some platform does not support one of those types, the constant will be a negative number. Thus, you can declare a 128-bit float as REAL(real128) :: q.
Javier has given an excellent answer to your immediate problem. However I'd just briefly like to address "How likely will it be that my code written for Fortran 77 is compatible in the Fortran 95 compiler?", with the obvious typo corrected.
Fortran, if the programmer adheres to the standard, is amazingly backward compatible. With very, very few exceptions standard conforming Fortran 77 is Fortran 2008 conforming. The problem is that it appears in your case the original programmer has not adhered to the international standard: real*8 and similar is not, and has never been part of any such standard and the problems you are seeing are precisely why such forms should never be, and should never have been used. That said if the original programmer only made this one mistake it may well be that the rest of the code will be OK, however without the detail it is impossible to tell
TL;DR: International standards are important, stick to them!
When we are at guessing instead of requesting proper code and full details I will venture to say that the other two answers are not correct.
The error message
Error: Old-style type declaration REAL*16 not supported at (1)
DOES NOT mean that the REAL*n syntax is not supported.
The error message is misleading. It actually means that the 16-byte reals are no supported. Had the OP requested the same real by the kind notation (in any of the many ways which return the gfortran's kind 16) the error message would be:
Error: Kind 16 not supported for type REAL at (1)
That can happen in some gfortran versions. Especially in MS Windows.
This explanation can be found with just a very quick google search for the error message:
It does not not complain that the old syntax is the problem, it just mentions it, because mentioning kinds might be confusing even more (especially for COMPLEX*32 which is kind 16).
The main message is: We really should be closing these kinds of questions and wait for proper details instead of guessing and upvoting the question where the OP can't even copy the full message the compiler has spit.
If you are using GNU gfortran, try "real(kind=10)", which will give you 10 bytes (80-bits) extended precision. I'm converting some older F77 code to run floating point math tests - it has a quad-precision ( the real*16 you mention) defined, but not used, as the other answers provided correctly point out (extended precision formats tend to be machine/compiler specific). The gfortran 5.2 I am using does not support real(kind=16), surprisingly. But gfortran (available for 64-bit MacOS and 64-bit Linux machines), does have the "real(kind=10)" which will give you precision beyond the typical real*8 or "double precision" as it was called in some Fortran compilers.
Be careful if your old Fortran code is calling C programs and/or maybe making assumptions about how precision is handled and floating point numbers are represented. You may have to get deep into exactly what is happening, and check the code carefully, to ensure things are working as expected, especially if fortran and C routines are calling each other. Here is url for the GNU gfortran info on quad-precision:
Hope this helps.

Implicit real error

I have written program with implicit real*8. The program is working fine but as soon as i inserted another data file that contains the data of long and double precision digits than the results i found were not appropriate. Experts and the program developers adviced me to change implicit real*16. But it is not working in my fortran power station 4.0 and giving implicit error. How to convert or upgrade the power station so that it can work with implicit real*16 or more?
Powerstation is too old. Not every compiler supports real*16 even now. Consider to obtain a new compiler. I suggest to begin with gfortran, that does support quad precision for sure.
Also I am worried that with that implicit things there might be many other problems hidden. Consider also explicit typing for your variables and using implicit none.
What are the values in your file? integers and double precision floating point values? Then it seems very unlikely that the problem is caused by your not reading them into quad-precision real variables. Only rarely do calculations need quad-precision. Are you reading the integer values into integer variables and the floats into Fortran reals? As the others have written, implicit typing is the worst approach ... it is still part of Fortran only to support legacy code. Best practice is to use "implicit none" and explicitly type all of your variables. This will allow the compiler to catch mistakes such as typos in variable names. For more about variable typing see Fortran: integer*4 vs integer(4) vs integer(kind=4) and Extended double precision

FORTRAN error - undefined reference to 'jfix'

I am newbie to FORTRAN. I have some FORTRAN programs written in Intel FORTRAN and now I am compiling them using gfortran.
One of the subroutines uses the JFIX() function. When I complie the following error is thrown.
undefined reference to 'jfix_'
The subroutine has reference to this intrinsic function on the top like External::JFIX
Can anyone help me resolve this?
JFIX is an Intel extension to FORTRAN. It converts its argument to INTEGER(4).
There may be a GNU FORTRAN equivalent, or you may have to provide it yourself.
The Intel FORTRAN Language Reference is available from various places on the web. Here's one.
JFIX may be the one you need, but you should be careful as JFIX not only converts real to integers (as INT does), but also all other kinds of stuff to integer(4).
From the Intel Fortran Language Reference found here, it converts
REAL(4), REAL(8), REAL(16), COMPLEX(4),
That was just to say to you and future readers: while it's the equivalent of INT in your case here, it is not the case everywhere.
As you're new to Fortran let me just give one more precision: the number between parenthesis is the precision kind of the variable. For instance, REAL(4) is simple precision on a "conventional" architecture, REAL(8) double precision.

What do I do about a FORTRAN intrinsic that was not part of the standard?

I'm trying to get a legacy FORTRAN code working by building it from source using gfortran. I have finally been able to build it successfully, but now I'm getting an out-of-bounds error when it runs. I used gdb and traced the error to a function that uses the loc() intrinsic. When I try to print the value of loc(ae), with ae being my integer value being passed, I get the error "No symbol "loc" in current context." I tried compiling with ifort 11.x and debugged with DDT and got the same error. To me, this means that the compiler knows nothing of the intrinsic.
A little reading revealed that the loc intrinsic wasn't part of the F77 standard, so maybe that's part of the problem. I posted the definition of the intrinsic below, but I don't know how I can implement that into my code so loc() can be used.
Any advice or am I misinterpreting my problem? Because both gfortran and ifort crash in the same place due to an out of bounds error, but the function utilizing loc() returns the same large number between both compilers. It seems a bit strange that loc() wouldn't be working if both compilers shoot back the same value for loc.
iaddr = loc(obj)
is a variable, array, function or subroutine whose address is wanted.
is an integer with the address of "obj". The address is in the same
format as stored by an LARn
LOC is used to obtain the address of
something. The value returned is not
really useful within Fortran, but may
be needed for GMAP subroutines, or
very special debugging.
Well, no, the fact that it compiles means that loc is known by the compiler; the fact that gdb doesn't know about it just means it's just not known by the debugger (which probably doesn't know the matmult intrinsic, either).
loc is a widely-available non-standard extension. I hate those. If you want something standard that should work everywhere, c_loc, which is part of the C<->Fortran interoperability standard in Fortran2003, is something you could use. It returns a pointer that can be passed to C routines.
How is the value from the loc call being used?
Gfortran loc seems to work a bit differently with arrays to that of some other compilers. If you are using it to eg check for array copies or such then it can be better to do loc of the first element loc(obj(1,1)) or similar. This is equivalent to what loc does I think with intel, but in gfortran it gives instead some other address (so two arrays which share exactly the same memory layout have different loc results).

Fortran 95: inline evaluation of if-conditions

Here a small snippet of code that returns epsilon() for a real value:
program epstest
real :: eps=1.0, d
if (d==1.0) then
end if
end do
write(*,*) eps, epsilon(d)
end program
Now, when I replace the if condition by
if (1.0+eps==1.0) then
the program should have the same in return but it unfortunately does not! I tested it with the latest (snapshot) release of g95 on Linux and Windows.
Can someone explain that issue to me?
Floating point arithmetic has many subtle issues. One form of source code can generate different machine instructions than another seemingly almost identical source code. For example, "d" might get stored to a memory location, while "1.0 + eps" might be evaluated solely with registers ... this can cause different precision.
More generally, why not use the intrinsic functions provided for Fortran 95 that disclose the characteristics of a particular precision of reals?