Undefined symbol _main when trying to build logstalgia on mac - c++

I have been trying to build the logstalgia project (http://code.google.com/p/logstalgia/) on my Mac (10.5). Rather than having to link it to the system libraries correctly, I have built and added all of the dependencies to the project. I am new at this, but I do think I have done this correctly, mostly because I have had two of my friends who are much more experienced say so.
Adding the frameworks removed all of the compile errors, but I still get a linker error. It seems to not be able to find the main() function. I have verified I included main.cpp in the sources to be compiled (using XCode) and that there are no accidental double declarations. I have also verified that the main function is correctly declared (no missing brackets, etc).
It is as though XCode does not link in the correct order. Any help would be really appreciated, I am really excited to be down to a single error! (Hope fixing this does not open a floodgate).
PS - I can definitely provide a zip of the Xcode project if anyone is willing to look!
Checking Dependencies
Ld "/Users/hamiltont/Downloads/logstalgia-0.9.2 2/Untitled/build/Debug/Untitled" normal i386
cd "/Users/hamiltont/Downloads/logstalgia-0.9.2 2/Untitled"
/developer/usr/bin/g++-4.0 -arch i386 -isysroot /developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk "-L/Users/hamiltont/Downloads/logstalgia-0.9.2 2/Untitled/build/Debug" -L/sw/lib "-L/Users/hamiltont/Downloads/logstalgia-0.9.2 2/Untitled/../../pcre-7.9/.libs" -L/opt/local/lib -L/sw/lib "-F/Users/hamiltont/Downloads/logstalgia-0.9.2 2/Untitled/build/Debug" -F/Users/hamiltont/Downloads/logstalgia-0.9.2 -F2/src/SDL.framework "-F/Users/hamiltont/Downloads/logstalgia-0.9.2 2/Untitled" -filelist "/Users/hamiltont/Downloads/logstalgia-0.9.2 2/Untitled/build/Untitled.build/Debug/Untitled.build/Objects-normal/i386/Untitled.LinkFileList" -mmacosx-version-min=10.5 -framework OpenGL -lpcre -lSDL -lSDL_image-1.2.0 -prebind -o "/Users/hamiltont/Downloads/logstalgia-0.9.2 2/Untitled/build/Debug/Untitled"
Undefined symbols:
"_main", referenced from:
start in crt1.10.5.o
ld: symbol(s) not found
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

I got this error to go away. If I understand, essentially SDL re-names the main function, so that it can do some stuff, then run your application, then clean up. Turns out that if you are building in Xcode, you must use ObjectiveC to compile your application.
In Xcode, telling the linker to try and use SDL_main(), rather than just main() does not work (for some technical reasons that are a bit beyond me). So, you include a few Objective C files. In Oc, you get the benefit of being able to say explicitely what the name of your main class is. Hence, the Objective C files you include seem to do nothing more than let Xcode know to look for SDL_main().
In summary, this really had nothing to do with Logstalgia, but was entirely a problem with getting SDL to link correctly in Xcode. This link is talking about this problem exactly. The SDLMain.h and SDLMain.m are Objective C files. If you can't find them, try googleing "Setting up SDL templates in Xcode." I installed the templates in Xcode, used one of them to create an empty project that would compile, link, and run (and promptly do nothing!) and then I added the project files I wanted to the pre-configured project.

Double-check the link file list to make sure main.cpp's object file is present there:
/Users/hamiltont/Downloads/logstalgia-0.9.2 2/Untitled/build/Untitled.build/Debug/Untitled.build/Objects-normal/i386/Untitled.LinkFileList
You might also want to preprocess the main.cpp to make sure main isn't getting inadvertently renamed (via a rogue macro) or omitted (via a rogue #if).


c++ undefined reference to PathFileExistsW (_imp__PathFileExistsW#4)

I'm trying to build headless blackcoin from source on Windows 8 with mingw 6.3
and I got the following error: .../src/leveldb/libleveldb.a(env_win.o):env_win.cc:(.text+0xaff): undefined reference to '_imp__PathFileExistsW#4'
This function is mentioned here https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/bb773584(v=vs.85).aspx
I would appreciate if someone can help me.
P.S. I linked the appropriate library.
Finally I was able to build it. Probably it is obvious for thoose guys who down voted the question. I simply answer since it might save time to somebody.
I relied on the Makefile which is a part of the project source code. Required library (shlwapi) present in the file so I was confused when it failed to build. Everything went well when I placed the library at the end of the linked files.
It was something like this
g++ ... -o -lshlwapi... /src/leveldb/libleveldb.a /src/leveldb/libmemenv.a
And became this
g++ ... -o /src/leveldb/libleveldb.a /src/leveldb/libmemenv.a -lshlwapi

Linker errors with codelite, unittest++ and g++ on linux

I'm new to unit testing in c++, and writing c++ on Linux (Mint). I'm using CodeLite as my IDE. I have found several answers on stackoverflow about linker errors, but after hours of trying various solutions I have not succeeded in implementing a solution correctly.
I installed unittest++ through apt-get. The unittest++ header files were installed in /usr/include, so I added this to the Compiler linker options in Codelite (Right click project name->Settings, Compiler):
Codelite screenshot
I then have a very simple program, which consists entirely of one main.cpp file:
#include <unittest++/UnitTest++.h>
//See if unit tests are working
TEST(MyMath) {
int main()
return 0;
Running the project at this point generates a stream of linker errors other users have experienced, for example:
main.cpp:4: undefined reference to UnitTest::CurrentTest::Details()
At this point, my understanding is that I now need to tell the g++ compiler about the object files and link them to the unittest++ files. And this is where I'm stuck. The only .o file I see is in Debug/main.cpp.o and running the command
g++ main.cpp -o main.cpp.o -Lunittest++
as well as variations with the I and o flags, but all of them return the same linker errors I get when I try to compile. I've also tried to copy every g++ line in the forums and only get various errors.
I've tried to find a solution in the g++ man pages, read about the flags I've been using and did not infer a solution. I then quickly got buried in quantity of pages in the man entry. The documentation for CodeLite and unittest++ seems woefully out of date, so I posted here on stackoverflow as a last resort.
I'm fairly certain I'm just making a rookie mistake. If someone has feedback, I'd be grateful.
In your explanation, you try to link manually with g++ -c main.cpp -o main.cpp.o -Lunittest++ , but the -L option gives the path to additional directories to search for libraries. You probably want -lunittest++ to link with the unittest++ library. That library should provide the symbols you see in the "undefined reference" errors.
As a side note, "/usr/include" should be in the default search path and there's no need to add it explicitly.

Including expect/tcl library for C/C++

Recently I found an example of how to use the expect library in C++. I tried to compile it, but the compiler (g++) said, that tcl8.5/expect.h doesn't exists. So I tried to include tcl8.6/expect.h - still the same error. I checked the /usr/include/ directory and I wasn't surprised when I've noticed, that there is no tcl8.x directory.
I've searched for files with "expect" in their name. Here's what I found:
Unfortunately when I tried to include any of these I got the following list of errors during compilation:
> g++ test.cpp -Wall -std=c++0x -ltcl8.6 -lglog -o test
/tmp/cce8k1BA.o: In function `task(std::string const&, std::string const&, std::string const&)':
test.cpp:(.text+0x16): undefined reference to `exp_is_debugging'
test.cpp:(.text+0x20): undefined reference to `exp_timeout'
test.cpp:(.text+0x38): undefined reference to `exp_popen'
How can I solve this problem?
When I tried to link it with the expect lib (-lexpect) I got the following error:
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lexpect
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
I'm sure that both - tcl8.6 and expect 5.45-4 are installed.
The usual way of distributing Expect these days puts the shared library in a non-standard location and loads it dynamically by full pathname. This works well and is minimal fuss for most people, but does make it rather hard to use Expect's C interface in your own code.
The easiest way is going to be to build your own copy from source, especially as that will give you control over how exactly it was built. This can particularly include keeping the majority of symbols in the library instead of stripping them on install, which will help a lot with debugging. You probably ought to use the current supported version. (Yes, it's a release from several years ago. It doesn't need a lot of support effort most of the time.)
You haven't linked to the expect library during your build. Add -lexpect to your g++ command.

Objective-C/C++ - Linker error/Method Signature issue

There is a static class Pipe, defined in C++ header that I'm including.
The static method I'm interested in calling (from Objective-c) is here:
static ERC SendUserGet(const UserId &_idUser,const GUID &_idStyle,const ZoneId &_idZone,const char *_pszMsg);
I have access to an objective-c data structure that appears to store a copy of userID, and zoneID -- it looks like:
#interface DataBlock : NSObject
GUID userID;
GUID zoneID;
Looked up the GUID def, and it's a struct with a bunch of overloaded operators for equality. UserId and ZoneId from the first function signature are #typedef GUID
Now when I try to call the method, no matter how I cast it (const UserId), (UserId), etc, I get the following linker error:
Ld build/Debug/Seeker.app/Contents/MacOS/Seeker normal i386
cd /Users/josh/Development/project/Mac/Seeker
/Developer/usr/bin/g++-4.2 -arch i386 -isysroot /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk -L/Users/josh/Development/TS/Mac/Seeker/build/Debug -L/Users/josh/Development/TS/Mac/Seeker/../../../debug -L/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/usr/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1 -F/Users/josh/Development/TS/Mac/Seeker/build/Debug -filelist /Users/josh/Development/TS/Mac/Seeker/build/Seeker.build/Debug/Seeker.build/Objects-normal/i386/Seeker.LinkFileList -mmacosx-version-min=10.5 -framework Cocoa -framework WebKit -lSAPI -lSPL -o /Users/josh/Development/TS/Mac/Seeker/build/Debug/Seeker.app/Contents/MacOS/Seeker
Undefined symbols:
"SocPipe::SendUserGet(_GUID const&, _GUID const&, _GUID const&, char const*)", referenced from:
-[PeoplePaneController clickGet:] in PeoplePaneController.o
ld: symbol(s) not found
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
Is this a type/function signature error, or truly some sort of linker error? I have the headers where all these types and static classes are defined #imported -- I tried #include too, just in case, since I'm already stumbling :P
Forgive me, I come from a web tech background, so this c-style memory management and immutability stuff is super hazy.
Edit: Added full linker error text. Changed "function" to "method". Also I'll note that we're using a custom makefile to compile a few projects external to this one. SocPipe static methods are referenced elsewhere, though, in this xcode project and seems to compile fine.
(Eh, let's turn that comment into an answer.)
The method signature looks fine; that is, what you're calling matches what is declared in the header. If it was not, you would probably be getting a compilation error rather than a linker error.
The linker's problem is that it doesn't have any corresponding object code to connect this call to: the method is declared but never defined.
The latter should occur either in a C++ source file which your project can compile, or else in some precompiled library or framework that you can link to. Either way, that file needs to be included in your project so that it can be made available to the linker.
The object file containing Pipe::SendUserGet is not being built, or it is not being linked into your Xcode target. Whether or not other static methods in Pipe work correctly is not necessarily relevant if those methods are defined in the header file.
You mentioned that you use external makefiles to build parts of your project. In that case, it's not enough to run the makefile at compile time as a dependency — you also have to include the resulting products in your project.
For example, if you have a makefile that builds libLIBRARY.a, then drag libLIBRARY.a into your project and add it to your target.
This only works if the makefile is building a library. It won't work if the makefile builds a program. It also gets more complicated if the library is a dynamic library, as you'll also have to make sure that the dynamic library gets distributed with your application (often by putting it in the app bundle, if you're making an app bundle). It also gets more complicated if you want to build a universal binary. You could theoretically pass the right CFLAGS to make to build a universal library, but it may be easier to run make once for each architecture and combine the results using a script (which is what I do).

GCC debugger stack trace displays wrong file name and line number

I am trying to port a fairly large C++ project to using g++ 4.0 on Mac OS X. My project compiles without errors, but I can't get GDB to work properly. When I look at the stack by typing "bt" on the GDB command line, all file names and line numbers displayed are wrong.
For example, according to the GDB stack trace, my main() function is supposed to be in stdexcept from the Mac OS X SDK, which does not make any sense.
What could cause GDB to malfunction so badly? I've already checked for #line and #file statements in my code and made sure that the code only has unix line endings. I've also cleaned and rebuilt the project. I've also tried debugging a Hello World project and that one did not have the same problem.
Could the problem have to do with one of the third party libraries I am linking and the way those are compiled? Or is it something completely different?
Here are two exemplary calls to gcc and ld as executed by Xcode. AFAIK all cpp-files in my project are compiled and linked with the same parameters.
/Developer/usr/bin/gcc-4.0 -x c++
-arch i386 -fmessage-length=0 -pipe -Wno-trigraphs -fpascal-strings -fasm-blocks -O0 -fpermissive -Wreturn-type -Wunused-variable -DNO_BASS_SOUND -D_DEBUG -DXCODE -D__WXMAC__ -isysroot /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk
-mfix-and-continue -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -mmacosx-version-min=10.4 -gdwarf-2 -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_LARGE_FILES -D__WXDEBUG__ -D__WXMAC__ -c "/Users/adriangrigore/Documents/Gemsweeper
Mac/TSDLGameBase.cpp" -o
/Developer/usr/bin/g++-4.0 -arch i386
-isysroot /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk
-L/opt/local/lib "-F/Users/adriangrigore/Documents/Gemsweeper
-filelist "/Users/adriangrigore/Documents/Gemsweeper
-mmacosx-version-min=10.4 /opt/local/lib/libboost_program_options-mt.a
-L/usr/local/lib -framework IOKit -framework Carbon -framework Cocoa -framework System -framework QuickTime -framework OpenGL -framework AGL -lwx_macd_richtext-2.8 -lwx_macd_aui-2.8 -lwx_macd_xrc-2.8 -lwx_macd_qa-2.8 -lwx_macd_html-2.8 -lwx_macd_adv-2.8 -lwx_macd_core-2.8 -lwx_base_carbond_xml-2.8 -lwx_base_carbond_net-2.8 -lwx_base_carbond-2.8 -framework SDL -framework Cocoa -o "/Users/adriangrigore/Documents/Gemsweeper
Mac.app/Contents/MacOS/Gemsweeper Mac"
Please note that I have already asked a similar question regarding the Xcode debugger here, but I am reposting since I just learned that this is in fact not Xcode's fault, but a problem with GCC / ld / GDB.
Edit: My project makes use of the following third-party libraries: SDL, Boost, wxWidgets. I am not sure if this matters for this problem, but I just wanted to mention it just in case it does.
I've tried compiling an Xcode SDL project template and did not experience the same problem, so it must be due to something special in my project.
Second Edit: As I just found out, I made a mistake while searching files with the string "This is an automatically generated". I just found several dozen files with the same string, all belonging to FreeImage, one of the third party libraries I am using. So, the problem seems to be related to FreeImage, but I am not still not sure how to proceed.
I got those symptoms, when my gdb version didn't match my g++ version.
Try to get the newest gdb.
Your cpp files certainly have debug symbols in them (the -gdwarf-2 option).
Do you use a separate dSYM file for the debug symbols? Or are they inside the object files. I would first try to use DWARF in dSYM files and see if that helps (or vice versa)
The third party libraries appear to be release builds though (unless you renamed them yourself of course) e.g. I know for sure boost uses the -d monniker in the library names to denote debug libraries (e.g. libboost_filesystem-mt-d.a).
Now, this shouldn't really pose a problem, it should just mean you can't step into the calls made to third party libraries. (at least not make any sense of it when you do ;) But since you have problems, it might be worth a try to link with debug versions of those libraries...
Are you compiling with optimization on? I've found that O2 or higher messes with the symbols quite a bit, making gdb and core files pretty much useless.
Also, be sure you are compiling with the -g option.
Can it be that you are using SDL? SDL redefines main so your main will be named SDL_main and that the SDL parts might be heavy optimized so down there you'll have problem getting good gdb output.
...just a thought
Read this
For a test, you could check if addr2line gives you expected values. If so, this would indicate that there's nothing wrong with the ELF generated by your compile/link parameters and casts all suspicion on GDB. If not, then suspicion is still on both the tools and the ELF file.
I've tried compiling an XCode SDL
project template and did not
experience the same problem, so it
must be due to something special in my
Correct. Your project settings are the thing that is different.
You will need to disable the debug optimizations in the Xcode project settings for the debug build. Xcode unfortunately makes GDB jump to weird lines (out of order) when you would expect it to move sequentially.
Go to your project settings. Set the following
1) Instruction Scheduling = None
2) Optimization Level = None [-O0]
3) ZERO_LINK = None
Your problems should go after after doing this.
Here is the project settings screen that you need to change the settings on:
From your flags the debug information should be in the object files.
Does your project settings build the executable in one location then move the final executable to another location when completed? If this is the case then gdb may not be finding the objectects files and thus not correctly retrieving the debug information from the object files.
Just a guess.
I encountered this several years ago when transitioning from the Codewarrior compilers to Xcode. I believe the way to get around this is to put the flag "-fno-inline-functions" in Other C Flags (for Dev only).
This problem was more pronounced on the PowerPC architecture for us.
What about if you remove the "-fvisibility-inlines-hidden" and "-mfix-and-continue" flags?
I've never had the "fix and continue" feature work properly for me.
WxWidgets do also define their own main if you use their IMPLEMENT_APP() macro
From here
As in all programs there must be a "main" function. Under wxWidgets main is implemented using this macro, which creates an application instance and starts the program.
See my answer here
I have now downloaded and compiled the FreeImage sources and yes, the file b44ExpLogTable.cpp is compiled into libfreeimage.a. The problem looks like the script gensrclist.sh just collects all .cpp files without skipping the one with a main in. That script generates a file named Makefile.srcs but one is already supplied. (running it on my Leopard failed, some problem with sh - it worked if I changed sh to bash)
Before you have changed anything this gives an a.out
c++ libfreeimage.a
The file Makefile.srcs has already been created so you should be able to remove the file b44ExpLogTable.cpp from it. Then do
make -f Makefile.osx clean
make -f Makefile.osx
When this is done the above c++ libfreeimage.a should give the following error
Undefined symbols:
"_main", referenced from:
start in crt1.10.5.o
ld: symbol(s) not found
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
I have a new thing you can try.
Just before your own main you can write
#ifdef main
# error main is defined
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
this should give an error if you have some header that redefines main.
If you define an own you might get an warning where a previous definition was made
#define main foo
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
You can also try to undef just before your main
#undef main
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {