In a header file for other programm to use, can I only declare the templates? - c++

I was wondering about using or not templates, in other thread I found out that templates must be implement in the header file because of some reasons.
Thats ok, my question is if the source will be need if other programm use it?
from the logic of the other thread's answer, it seems that even other programm would need the full implementation so the compiler can say if a line can or not use the templated function.
if yes, I guess templates are not a good thing for the developer who wants others to use his library?
if no, then we are good and templates will be used.
or if at least there is anyway to save my hard, hours spent, code from others?
(I will use stl vectors and such, but I am asking for my own code... Templates seem to be nice, save you a lot of hardcoded lines or macro abusing, but if others can read your source than it makes almost no sense[lot of sense to open projects xD])

If you want users of your library to be able to use your templates, their source code needs to be available to those users.
However you can sometimes design your template classes so that most of the logic happens in non-template classes which don't have the full source code in the headers.

It depends on whether your templates are part of your libraries interface or whether they are just part of the implementation.
If they are part of the interface (i.e. perhaps a entry point returns an object of a specific template type), then yes, you need to expose your template definitions to the outside world.
But if the templates are solely part of your implementation, then once you build your library, there is no need to share the template definitions with consumers of your library.

You could write the templates as wrappers around non-template (often non-typesafe) code.
Advantages are...
The source for the non-template implementation code needn't be distributed.
It's a good way to reduce template bloat.
The obvious disadvantages are that you have an extra layer of abstraction and overhead, and non-typesafe implementation code obviously requires some care. I tend to have an abstract 'tool' class defined in the non-template code, specialised in the template wrapper. I call it a tool because methods don't primarily act on the tools state, but on objects passed in as void* parameters. The tool class encapsulates as most type-unsafety issues in a few methods. The template also provides the typesafe wrapper that users actually use, which interfaces to the unsafe code, providing the tool instance and doing typecasts etc.
For example, if I'm implementing a tree data structure, most tree algorithms will be type-unsafe and will see nodes and data items as void* pointers (or perhaps node* and data* pointers with node and data being declared but undefined structs). I'll have an abstract tree-tool-base with pure methods for node creation, disposal and other basic operations, and the wrapper template will basically specialise the tree tool, supplying method implementations that know the precise types of the nodes and data items, and holding an instance of the tool as a class member. To the user, the wrapper is just a typesafe container, same as any other.
BTW - when implementing the template wrapper, watch out for dependent name issues.


Dependency inversion (from S.O.L.I.D principles) in C++

After reading and watching much about SOLID principles I was very keen to use these principles in my work (mostly C++ development) since I do think they are good principles and that they indeed will bring much benefit to the quality of my code, readability, testability, reuse and maintainability.
But I have real hard time with the 'D' (Dependency inversion).
This principal states that:
A. High-level modules should not depend on low-level modules. Both should depend on abstractions.
B. Abstractions should not depend on details. Details should depend on abstractions.
Let me explain by example:
Lets say I am writing the following interface:
class SOLIDInterface {
//usual stuff with constructor, destructor, don't copy etc
virtual void setSomeString(const std::string &someString) = 0;
(for the sake of simplicity please ignore the other things needed for a "correct interface" such as non virutal publics, private virtuals etc, its not part of the problem.)
notice, that setSomeString() is taking an std::string.
But that breaks the above principal since std::string is an implementation.
Java and C# don't have that problem since the language offers interfaces to all the complex common types such as string and containers.
C++ does not offer that.
Now, C++ does offer the possibility to write this interface in such a way that I could write an 'IString' interface that would take any implementation that will support an std::string interface using type erasure
(Very good article:
So the implementation could use STL (std::string) or Qt (QString), or my own string implementation or something else.
Like it should be.
But this means, that if I (and not only I but all C++ developers) want to write C++ API which obeys SOLID design principles ('D' included), I will have to implement a LOT of code to accommodate all the common non natural types.
Beyond being not realistic in terms of effort, this solution has other problems such as - what if STL changes?(for this example)
And its not really a solution since STL is not implementing IString, rather IString is abstracting STL, so even if I were to create such an interface the principal problem remains.
(I am not even getting into issues such as this adds polymorphic overhead, which for some systems, depending on size and HW requirements may not be acceptable)
So may question is:
Am I missing something here (which I guess the true answer, but what?), is there a way to use Dependency inversion in C++ without writing a whole new interface layer for the common types in a realistic way - or are we doomed to write API which is always dependent on some implementation?
Thanks for your time!
From the first few comments I received so far I think a clarification is needed:
The selection of std::string was just an example.
It could be QString for that matter - I just took STL since it is the standard.
Its not even important that its a string type, it could be any common type.
I have selected the answer by Corristo not because he explicitly answered my question but because the extensive post (coupled with the other answers) allowed me to extract my answer from it implicitly, realizing that the discussion tends to drift from the actual question which is:
Can you implement Dependency inversion in C++ when you use basic complex types like strings and containers and basically any of the STL with an effort that makes sense. (and the last part is a very important element of the question).
Maybe I should have explicitly noted that I am after run-time polymorphism not compile time.
The clear answer is NO, its not possible.
It might have been possible if STL would have exposed abstract interfaces to their implementations (if there are indeed reasons that prevent the STL implementations to derive from these interfaces (say, performance)) then it still could have simply maintained these abstract interfaces to match the implementations).
For types that I have full control over, yes, there is no technical problem implementing the DIP.
But most likely any such interface (of my own) will still use a string or a container, forcing it to use either the STL implementation or another.
All the suggested solutions below are either not polymorphic in runtime, or/and are forcing quiet a some coding around the interface - when you think you have to do this for all these common types the practicality is simply not there.
If you think you know better, and you say it is possible to have what I described above then simply post the code proving it.
I dare you! :-)
Note that C++ is not an object-oriented programming language, but rather lets the programmer choose between many different paradigms. One of the key principles of C++ is that of zero-cost abstractions, which in particular entails to build abstractions in such a way that users don't pay for what they don't use.
The C#/Java style of defining interfaces with virtual methods that are then implemented by derived classes don't fall into that category though, because even if you don't need the polymorphic behavior, were std::string implementing a virtual interface, every call of one of its methods would incur a vtable lookup. This is unacceptable for classes in the C++ standard library supposed to be used in all kinds of settings.
Defining interfaces without inheriting from an abstract interface class
Another problem with the C#/Java approach is that in most cases you don't actually care that something inherits from a particular abstract interface class and only need that the type you pass to a function supports the operations you use. Restricting accepted parameters to those inheriting from a particular interface class thus actually hinders reuse of existing components, and you often end up writing wrappers to make classes of one library conform to the interfaces of another - even when they already have the exact same member functions.
Together with the fact that inheritance-based polymorphism typically also entails heap allocations and reference semantics with all its problems regarding lifetime management, it is best to avoid inheriting from an abstract interface class in C++.
Generic templates for implicit interfaces
In C++ you can get compile-time polymorphism through templates.
In its simplest form, the interface that an object used in a templated function or class need to conform to is not actually specified in C++ code, but implied by what functions are called on them.
This is the approach used in the STL, and it is really flexible. Take std::vector for example. There the requirements on the value type T of objects you store in it are dependent on what operations you perform on the vector. This allows e.g. to store move-only types as long as you don't use any of the operations that need to make a copy. In such a case, defining an interface that the value types needs to conform to would greatly reduce the usefulness of std::vector, because you'd either need to remove methods that require copies or you'd need to exclude move-only types from being stored in it.
That doesn't mean you can't use dependency inversion, though: The common Button-Lamp example for dependency inversion implemented with templates would look like this:
class Lamp {
void activate();
void deactivate();
template <typename T>
class Button {
Button(T& switchable)
: _switchable(&switchable) {
void toggle() {
if (_buttonIsInOnPosition) {
_buttonIsInOnPosition = false;
} else {
_buttonIsInOnPosition = true;
bool _buttonIsInOnPosition{false};
T* _switchable;
int main() {
Lamp l;
Button<Lamp> b(l)
Here Button<T>::toggle implicitly relies on a Switchable interface, requiring T to have member functions T::activate and T::deactivate. Since Lamp happens to implement that interface it can be used with the Button class. Of course, in real code you would also state these requirements on T in the documentation of the Button class so that users don't need to look up the implementation.
Similarly, you could also declare your setSomeString method as
template <typename String>
void setSomeString(String const& string);
and then this will work with all types that implement all the methods you used in the implementation of setSomeString, hence only relying on an abstract - although implicit - interface.
As always, there are some downsides to consider:
In the string example, assuming you only make use of .begin() and .end() member functions returning iterators that return a char when dereferenced (e.g. to copy it into the classes' local, concrete string data member), you can also accidentally pass a std::vector<char> to it, even though it isn't technically a string. If you consider this a problem is arguable, in a way this can also be seen as the epitome of relying only on abstractions.
If you pass an object of a type that doesn't have the required (member) functions, then you can end up with horrible compiler error messages that make it very hard to find the source of the error.
Only in very limited cases it is possible to separate the interface of a templated class or function from its implementation, as is typically done with separate .h and .cpp files. This can thus lead to longer compile times.
Defining interfaces with the Concepts TS
if you really care about types used in templated functions and classes to conform to a fixed interface, regardless of what you actually use, there are ways to restrict the template parameters only to types conforming to a certain interface with std::enable_if, but these are very verbose and unreadable. In order to make this kind of generic programming easier, the Concepts TS allows to actually define interfaces that are checked by the compiler and thus greatly improves diagnostics. With the Concepts TS, the Button-Lamp example from above translates to
template <typename T>
concept bool Switchable = requires(T t) {
// Lamp as before
template <Switchable T>
class Button {
Button(T&); // implementation as before
void toggle(); // implementation as before
T* _switchable;
bool _buttonIsInOnPosition{false};
If you can't use the Concepts TS (it is only implemented in GCC right now), the closest you can get is the Boost.ConceptCheck library.
Type erasure for runtime polymorphism
There is one case where compile-time polymorphism doesn't suffice, and that is when the types you pass to or get from a particular function aren't fully determined at compile-time but depend on runtime parameters (e.g. from a config file, command-line arguments passed to the executable or even the value of a parameter passed to the function itself).
If you need to store objects (even in a variable) of a type dependent on runtime parameters, the traditional approach is to store pointers to a common base class instead and to use dynamic dispatch via virtual member functions to get the behavior you need. But this still suffers from the problem described before: You can't use types that effectively do what you need but were defined in an external library, and thus don't inherit from the base class you defined. So you have to write a wrapper class.
Or you do what you described in your question and create a type-erasure class.
An example from the standard library is std::function. You declare only the interface of the function and it can store arbitrary function pointers and callables that have that interface. In general, writing a type erasure class can be quite tedious, so I refrain from giving an example of a type-erasing Switchable here, but I can highly recommend Sean Parent's talk Inheritance is the base class of evil, where he demonstrates the technique for "Drawable" objects and explores what you can build on top of it in just over 20 minutes.
There are libraries that help writing type-erasure classes though, e.g. Louis Dionne's experimental dyno, where you define the interface via what he calls "concept maps" directly in C++ code, or Zach Laine's emtypen which uses a python tool to create the type erasure classes from a C++ header file you provide. The latter also comes with a CppCon talk describing the features as well as the general idea and how to use it.
Inheriting from a common base class just to define interfaces, while easy, leads to many problems that can be avoided using different approaches:
(Constrained) templates allow for compile-time polymorphism, which is sufficient for the majority of cases, but can lead to hard-to-understand compiler errors when used with types that don't conform to the interface.
If you need runtime polymorphism (which actually is rather rare in my experience), you can use type-erasure classes.
So even though the classes in the STL and other C++ libraries rarely derive from an abstract interface, you can still apply dependency inversion with one of the two methods described above if you really want to.
But as always, use good judgment on a case-by-case basis whether you really need the abstraction or if it is better to simply use a concrete type. The string example you brought up is one where I'd go with concrete types, simply because the different string classes don't share a common interface (e.g. std::string has .find(), but QStrings version of the same function is called .contains()). It might be just as much effort to write wrapper classes for both as it is to write a conversion function and to use that at well-defined boundaries within the project.
Ahh, but C++ lets you write code that is independent of a particular implementation without actually using inheritance.
std::string itself is a good example... it's actually a typedef for std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>>. Which allows you to create strings using other allocators if you choose (or mock the allocator object in order to measure number of calls, if you like). There just isn't any explicit interface like an IAllocator, because C++ templates use duck-typing.
A future version of C++ will support explicit description of the interface a template parameter must adhere to -- this feature is called concepts -- but just using duck-typing enables decoupling without requiring redundant interface definitions.
And because C++ performs optimization after instantiation of templates, there's no polymorphic overhead.
Now, when you do have virtual functions, you'll need to commit to a particular type, because the virtual-table layout doesn't accommodate use of templates each of which generates an arbitrary number of instances each of which require separate dispatch. But when using templates, you'll won't need virtual functions nearly as much as e.g. Java does, so in practice this isn't a big problem.

Is there a good way to avoid duplication of method prototypes in C++?

Most C++ class method signatures are duplicated between the declaration normally in a header files and the definition in the source files in the code I have read. I find this repetition undesirable and code written this way suffers from poor locality of reference. For instance, the methods in source files often reference instance variables declared in the header file; you end up having to constantly switch between header files and source files when reading code.
Would anyone recommend a way to avoid doing so? Or, am I mainly going to confuse experienced C++ programmers by not doing things in the usual way?
See also Question 538255 C++ code in header files where someone is told that everything should go in the header.
There is an alternative, but the cure is worse than the illness — define all the function bodies in the header, or even inline in the class, like C#. The downsides are that this will bloat compile times significantly, and it'll annoy veteran C++ programmers. It can also get you into some annoying situations of circular dependency that, while solvable, are a nuisance to deal with.
Personally, I just set my IDE to have a vertical split, and put the header file on the right side and the source file on the left.
I assume you're talking about member function declarations in a header file and definitions in source files?
If you're used to the Java/Python/etc. model, it may well seem redundant. In fact, if you were so inclined, you could define all functions inline in the class definition (in the header file). But, you'd definitely be breaking with convention and paying the price of additional coupling and compilation time every time you changed anything minor in the implementation.
C++, Ada, and other languages originally designed for large scale systems kept definitions hidden for a reason--there's no good reason that the users of a class should have to be concerned with its implementation, nor any reason they should have to repeatedly pay to compile it. Less of an issue nowadays with faster systems, but still relevant for really large systems. Additionally, TDD, stubbing and other testing strategies are facilitated by the isolation and quicker compilation.
Don't break with convention. In the end, you will make a ball of worms that doesn't work very well. Plus, compilers will hate you. C/C++ are setup that way for a reason.
C++ language supports function overloading, which means that the entire function signature is basically a way to identify a specific function. For this reason, as long as you declare and define function separately, there's really no redundancy in having to list the parameters again. More precisely, having to list the parameter types is not redundant. Parameters names, on the other hand, play no role in this process and you are free to omit them in the declaration (i.e in the header file), although I belive this limits readability.
You "can" get around the problem. You define an abstract interface class that only contains the pure virtual functions that an outside application will call. Then in the CPP file you provide the actual class that derives from the interface and contains all the class variables. You implement as normal now. The only thing this requires is a way to instantiate the derived implementation class from the interface class. You could do that by providing a static "Create" function that has its implementation in the CPP file.
InterfaceClass* InterfaceClass::Create()
return new ImplementationClass;
This way you effectively hide the implementation from any outside user. You can't, however, create the class on the stack only on the heap ... but it does solve your problem AND provides a better layer of abstraction. In the end though if you aren't prepared to do this you need to stick with what you are doing.

When to use Header files that do not declare a class but have function definitions

I am fairly new to C++ and I have seen a bunch of code that has method definitions in the header files and they do not declare the header file as a class. Can someone explain to me why and when you would do something like this. Is this a bad practice?
Thanks in advance!
Is this a bad practice?
Not in general. There are a lot of libraries that are header only, meaning they only ship header files. This can be seen as a lightweight alternative to compiled libraries.
More importantly, though, there is a case where you cannot use separate precompiled compilation units: templates must be specialized in the same compilation unit in which they get declared. This may sound arcane but it has a simple consequence:
Function (and class) templates cannot be defined inside cpp files and used elsewhere; instead, they have to be defined inside header files directly (with a few notable exceptions).
Additionally, classes in C++ are purely optional – while you can program object oriented in C++, a lot of good code doesn't. Classes supplement algorithms in C++, not the other way round.
It's not bad practice. The great thing about C++ is that it lets you program in many styles. This gives the language great flexibility and utility, but possibly makes it trickier to learn than other languages that force you to write code in a particular style.
If you had a small program, you could write it in one function - possibly using a couple of goto's for code flow.
When you get bigger, splitting the code into functions helps organize things.
Bigger still, and classes are generally a good way of grouping related functions that work on a certain set of data.
Bigger still, namespaces help out.
Sometimes though, it's just easiest to write a function to do something. This is often the case where you write a function that only works on primitive types (like int). int doesn't have a class, so if you wanted to write a printInt() function, you might make it standalone. Also, if a function works on objects from multiple classes, but doesn't really belong to one class and not the other, that might make sense as a standalone function. This happens a lot when you write operators such as define less than so that it can compare objects of two different classes. Or, if a function can be written in terms of a classes public methods, and doesn't need to access data of the class directly, some people prefer to write that as a standalone function.
But, really, the choice is yours. Whatever is the most simple thing to do to solve your problem is best.
You might start a program off as just a few functions, and then later decide some are related and refactor them into a class. But, if the other standalone functions don't naturally fit into a class, you don't have to force them into one.
An H file is simply a way of including a bunch of declarations. Many things in C++ are useful declarations, including classes, types, constants, global functions, etc.
C++ has a strong object oriented facet. Most OO languages tackle the question of where to deal with operations that don't rely on object state and don't actually need the object.
In some languages, like Java, language restrictions force everything to be in a class, so everything becomes a static member function (e.g., classes with math utilities or algorithms).
In C++, to maintain compatibility with C, you are allowed to declare standalone C-style functions or use the Java style of static members. My personal view is that it is better, when possible, to use the OO style and organize operations around a central concept.
However, C++ does provide the namespaces facilities and often it is used in the same way that a class would be used in those situations - to group a bunch of standalone items where each item is prefixed by the "namespace" name. As others point out, many C++ standard library functions are located this way. My view is that this is much like using a class in Java. However, others would argue that Java uses classes because it doesn't have namespaces.
As long as you use one or the other (rather than a floating standalone non-namespaced function) you're generally going to be ok.
I am fairly new to C++ and I have seen a bunch of code that has method definitions in the header files and they do not declare the header file as a class.
Lets clarify things.
method definitions in the header files
This means something like this:
file "A.h":
class A {
void method(){/*blah blah*/} //definition of a method
Is this what you meant?
Later you are saying "declare the header file". There is no mechanism for DECLARING a file in C++. A file can be INCLUDED by witing #include "filename.h". If you do this, the contents of the header file will be copied and pasted to wherever you have the above line before anything gets compiled.
So you mean that all the definitions are in the class definition (not anywhere in A.h FILE, but specifically in the class A, which is limited by 'class A{' and '};' ).
The implication of having method definition in the class definition is that the method will be 'inline' (this is C++ keyword), which means that the method body will be pasted whenever there is a call to it. This is:
good, because the function call mechanism no longer slows down the execution
bad if the function is longer than a short statement, because the size of executable code grows badly
Things are different for templates as someone above stated, but for them there is a way of defining methods such that they are not inline, but still in the header file (they must be in headers). This definitions have to be outside the class definition anyway.
In C++, functions do not have to be members of classes.

Could C++ have not obviated the pimpl idiom?

As I understand, the pimpl idiom is exists only because C++ forces you to place all the private class members in the header. If the header were to contain only the public interface, theoretically, any change in class implementation would not have necessitated a recompile for the rest of the program.
What I want to know is why C++ is not designed to allow such a convenience. Why does it demand at all for the private parts of a class to be openly displayed in the header (no pun intended)?
This has to do with the size of the object. The h file is used, among other things, to determine the size of the object. If the private members are not given in it, then you would not know how large an object to new.
You can simulate, however, your desired behavior by the following:
class MyClass
// public stuff
#include "MyClassPrivate.h"
This does not enforce the behavior, but it gets the private stuff out of the .h file.
On the down side, this adds another file to maintain.
Also, in visual studio, the intellisense does not work for the private members - this could be a plus or a minus.
I think there is a confusion here. The problem is not about headers. Headers don't do anything (they are just ways to include common bits of source text among several source-code files).
The problem, as much as there is one, is that class declarations in C++ have to define everything, public and private, that an instance needs to have in order to work. (The same is true of Java, but the way reference to externally-compiled classes works makes the use of anything like shared headers unnecessary.)
It is in the nature of common Object-Oriented Technologies (not just the C++ one) that someone needs to know the concrete class that is used and how to use its constructor to deliver an implementation, even if you are using only the public parts. The device in (3, below) hides it. The practice in (1, below) separates the concerns, whether you do (3) or not.
Use abstract classes that define only the public parts, mainly methods, and let the implementation class inherit from that abstract class. So, using the usual convention for headers, there is an abstract.hpp that is shared around. There is also an implementation.hpp that declares the inherited class and that is only passed around to the modules that implement methods of the implementation. The implementation.hpp file will #include "abstract.hpp" for use in the class declaration it makes, so that there is a single maintenance point for the declaration of the abstracted interface.
Now, if you want to enforce hiding of the implementation class declaration, you need to have some way of requesting construction of a concrete instance without possessing the specific, complete class declaration: you can't use new and you can't use local instances. (You can delete though.) Introduction of helper functions (including methods on other classes that deliver references to class instances) is the substitute.
Along with or as part of the header file that is used as the shared definition for the abstract class/interface, include function signatures for external helper functions. These function should be implemented in modules that are part of the specific class implementations (so they see the full class declaration and can exercise the constructor). The signature of the helper function is probably much like that of the constructor, but it returns an instance reference as a result (This constructor proxy can return a NULL pointer and it can even throw exceptions if you like that sort of thing). The helper function constructs a particular implementation instance and returns it cast as a reference to an instance of the abstract class.
Mission accomplished.
Oh, and recompilation and relinking should work the way you want, avoiding recompilation of calling modules when only the implementation changes (since the calling module no longer does any storage allocations for the implementations).
You're all ignoring the point of the question -
Why must the developer type out the PIMPL code?
For me, the best answer I can come up with is that we don't have a good way to express C++ code that allows you to operate on it. For instance, compile-time (or pre-processor, or whatever) reflection or a code DOM.
C++ badly needs one or both of these to be available to a developer to do meta-programming.
Then you could write something like this in your public MyClass.h:
#pragma pimpl(MyClass_private.hpp)
And then write your own, really quite trivial wrapper generator.
Someone will have a much more verbose answer than I, but the quick response is two-fold: the compiler needs to know all the members of a struct to determine the storage space requirements, and the compiler needs to know the ordering of those members to generate offsets in a deterministic way.
The language is already fairly complicated; I think a mechanism to split the definitions of structured data across the code would be a bit of a calamity.
Typically, I've always seen policy classes used to define implementation behavior in a Pimpl-manner. I think there are some added benefits of using a policy pattern -- easier to interchange implementations, can easily combine multiple partial implementations into a single unit which allow you to break up the implementation code into functional, reusable units, etc.
May be because the size of the class is required when passing its instance by values, aggregating it in other classes, etc ?
If C++ did not support value semantics, it would have been fine, but it does.
Yes, but...
You need to read Stroustrup's "Design and Evolution of C++" book. It would have inhibited the uptake of C++.

Should I use nested classes in this case?

I am working on a collection of classes used for video playback and recording. I have one main class which acts like the public interface, with methods like play(), stop(), pause(), record() etc... Then I have workhorse classes which do the video decoding and video encoding.
I just learned about the existence of nested classes in C++, and I'm curious to know what programmers think about using them. I am a little wary and not really sure what the benefits/drawbacks are, but they seem (according to the book I'm reading) to be used in cases such as mine.
The book suggests that in a scenario like mine, a good solution would be to nest the workhorse classes inside the interface class, so there are no separate files for classes the client is not meant to use, and to avoid any possible naming conflicts? I don't know about these justifications. Nested classes are a new concept to me. Just want to see what programmers think about the issue.
I would be a bit reluctant to use nested classes here. What if you created an abstract base class for a "multimedia driver" to handle the back-end stuff (workhorse), and a separate class for the front-end work? The front-end class could take a pointer/reference to an implemented driver class (for the appropriate media type and situation) and perform the abstract operations on the workhorse structure.
My philosophy would be to go ahead and make both structures accessible to the client in a polished way, just under the assumption they would be used in tandem.
I would reference something like a QTextDocument in Qt. You provide a direct interface to the bare metal data handling, but pass the authority along to an object like a QTextEdit to do the manipulation.
You would use a nested class to create a (small) helper class that's required to implement the main class. Or for example, to define an interface (a class with abstract methods).
In this case, the main disadvantage of nested classes is that this makes it harder to re-use them. Perhaps you'd like to use your VideoDecoder class in another project. If you make it a nested class of VideoPlayer, you can't do this in an elegant way.
Instead, put the other classes in separate .h/.cpp files, which you can then use in your VideoPlayer class. The client of VideoPlayer now only needs to include the file that declares VideoPlayer, and still doesn't need to know about how you implemented it.
One way of deciding whether or not to use nested classes is to think whether or not this class plays a supporting role or it's own part.
If it exists solely for the purpose of helping another class then I generally make it a nested class. There are a whole load of caveats to that, some of which seem contradictory but it all comes down to experience and gut-feeling.
sounds like a case where you could use the strategy pattern
Sometimes it's appropriate to hide the implementation classes from the user -- in these cases it's better to put them in an foo_internal.h than inside the public class definition. That way, readers of your foo.h will not see what you'd prefer they not be troubled with, but you can still write tests against each of the concrete implementations of your interface.
We hit an issue with a semi-old Sun C++ compiler and visibility of nested classes which behavior changed in the standard. This is not a reason to not do your nested class, of course, just something to be aware of if you plan on compiling your software on lots of platforms including old compilers.
Well, if you use pointers to your workhorse classes in your Interface class and don't expose them as parameters or return types in your interface methods, you will not need to include the definitions for those work horses in your interface header file (you just forward declare them instead). That way, users of your interface will not need to know about the classes in the background.
You definitely don't need to nest classes for this. In fact, separate class files will actually make your code a lot more readable and easier to manage as your project grows. it will also help you later on if you need to subclass (say for different content/codec types).
Here's more information on the PIMPL pattern (section 3.1.1).
You should use an inner class only when you cannot implement it as a separate class using the would-be outer class' public interface. Inner classes increase the size, complexity, and responsibility of a class so they should be used sparingly.
Your encoder/decoder class sounds like it better fits the Strategy Pattern
One reason to avoid nested classes is if you ever intend to wrap the code with swig ( for use with other languages. Swig currently has problems with nested classes, so interfacing with libraries that expose any nested classes becomes a real pain.
Another thing to keep in mind is whether you ever envision different implementations of your work functions (such as decoding and encoding). In that case, you would definitely want an abstract base class with different concrete classes which implement the functions. It would not really be appropriate to nest a separate subclass for each type of implementation.