What is a good way to load textures dynamically in OpenGL? - c++

Currently I am loading an image in to memory on a 2nd thread, and then during the display loop (if there is a texture load required), load the texture.
I discovered that I could not load the texture on the 2nd thread because OpenGL didn't like that; perhaps this is possible but I did something wrong - so please correct me if this is actually possible.
On the other hand, if my failure was valid - how do I load a texture without disrupting the rendering loop? Currently the textures take around 1 second to load from memory, and although this isn't a major issue, it can be slightly irritating for the user.

You can load a texture from disk to memory on any thread you like, using any tool you wish for reading the files.
However, when you bind it to OpenGL, it's going to need to be handled on the same thread as the rendering for that OpenGL context. That being said, this discussion suggests that using a PBO in a second thread is an option, and can speed up the process.

You can certainly load the texture from disk into RAM in any number of threads you like, but OpenGL won't upload to VRAM in multiple threads for the reason mentioned in Reed's answer.
Given the loading from disk is the slowest part, thats the bit you'll probably want to thread. The loading thread(s) build up a queue of textures to be uploaded, then this queue is consumed by the thread that owns the GL context (mind your access to that queue by the various threads however). You could also consider a non-threaded approach of uploading N textures per frame, where N is a number that doesn't slow the rendering down too much.


Why is using multiple Pixel buffer Objects advised. Surely it is redundant?

This article is commonly referenced when anyone asks about video streaming textures in OpenGL.
It says:
To maximize the streaming transfer performance, you may use multiple pixel buffer objects. The diagram shows that 2 PBOs are used simultaneously; glTexSubImage2D() copies the pixel data from a PBO while the texture source is being written to the other PBO.
For nth frame, PBO 1 is used for glTexSubImage2D() and PBO 2 is used to get new texture source. For n+1th frame, 2 pixel buffers are switching the roles and continue to update the texture. Because of asynchronous DMA transfer, the update and copy processes can be performed simultaneously. CPU updates the texture source to a PBO while GPU copies texture from the other PBO.
They provide a simple bench-mark program which allows you to cycle between texture updates without PBO's, with a single PBO, and with two PBO's used as described above.
I see a slight performance improvement when enabling one PBO.
But the second PBO makes no real difference.
Right before the code glMapBuffer's the PBO, it calls glBufferData with the pointer set to NULL. It does this to avoid a sync-stall.
// map the buffer object into client's memory
// Note that glMapBufferARB() causes sync issue.
// If GPU is working with this buffer, glMapBufferARB() will wait(stall)
// for GPU to finish its job. To avoid waiting (stall), you can call
// first glBufferDataARB() with NULL pointer before glMapBufferARB().
// If you do that, the previous data in PBO will be discarded and
// glMapBufferARB() returns a new allocated pointer immediately
// even if GPU is still working with the previous data.
So, Here is my question...
Doesn't this make the second PBO completely useless? Just a waste of memory !?
With two PBO's the texture data is stored 3 times. 1 in the texture, and one in each PBO.
With a single PBO. There are two copies of the data. And temporarily only a 3rd in the event that glMapBuffer creates a new buffer because the existing one is presently being DMA'ed to the texture?
The comments seem to suggest that OpenGL drivers internally are capable to creating the second buffer IF and only WHEN it is required to avoid stalling the pipeline. The in-use buffer is being DMA'ed, and my call to map yields a new buffer for me to write to.
The Author of that article appears to be more knowledgeable in this area than myself. Have I completely mis-understood the point?
Answering my own question... But I wont accept it as an answer... (YET).
There are many problems with the benchmark program linked to in the question. It uses immediate mode. It uses GLUT!
The program was spending most of its time doing things we are not interested in profiling. Mainly rendering text via GLUT, and writing pretty stripes to the texture. So I have removed those functions.
I cranked the texture resultion up to 8K, and added more PBO Modes.
NO PBO (yeilds 6fps)
1 PBO. Orphan previous buffer. (yields 12.2 fps).
2 PBO's. Orpha previous buffer. (yields 12.2 fps).
1 PBO. DONT orphan previous PBO (possible stall - added by myself. yields 12.4 fps).
2 PBO's. DONT orphan previous PBO (possible stall - added by myself. yields 12.4 fps).
If anyone else would like to examine my code, it is vailable here
I have experimented with different texture sizes... and different updatePixels functions... I cannot, despite my best efforts get the double PBO implementation to perform any better than the single-PBO implementation.
Furthermore... NOT orphanning the previous buffer, actually vields better performance. Exactly opposite to what the article claims.
Perhaps modern drivers / hardware does not suffer the problem that this design is attemtping to fix...
Perhaps my graphics hardware / driver is buggy, and not taking advantage of the double-PBO...
Perhaps the commonly referenced article is completely wrong?
Who knows. . . .
My test hardware is Intel(R) HD Graphics 5500 (Broadwell GT2).

OpenGL texture upload using PBOs?

I'm developing an OpenGL application using OpenGL2.1 and want to upload textures via threads.
What I have done so far:
Create a second context and share between the two
Upload texture data in a thread
Everything is working fine, except that I notice a small "lag" when the texture upload happens! I know this is because the driver have to synchronize the two contexts. The problem is that I want it to stream the texture. I don't want to update the texture later. I just want to load textures in the background while displaying an "almost smooth" loading animation without stalling the whole application.
That's the point I searched and found that PBOs can be used for DMA data transfer of pixel data. Is it possible to use a PBO for texture upload? If so, how?
You don't need a second context to upload the texture data async. Just make sure you don't use the buffer right after triggering the upload, or it will stall waiting for the copy to finish.
Here's an example of this process: http://www.songho.ca/opengl/gl_pbo.html#unpack
And here's a bit more info about what PBOs are and how they should be used: http://www.opengl.org/wiki/Pixel_Buffer_Object

OpenGL read pixels faster than glReadPixels

Is there a way to increase the speed of glReadPixels? Currently I do:
Gdx.gl.glReadPixels(0, 0, Gdx.graphics.getWidth(), Gdx.graphics.getHeight(), GL20.GL_RGBA, GL20.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, pixels);
The problem is that it blocks the rendering and is slow.
I have heard of Pixel Buffer Objects, but I am quite unsure on how to wire it up and whether it is faster or not.
Also is there any other solutation than glReadPixels?
Basically, I want to take a screenshot as fast as possible, without blocking the drawing of the next scene.
Is there a way to increase the speed of glReadPixels?
Well, the speed of that operation is actually not the main issue. It has to transfer a certain amount of bytes from the framebuffer to your system memory. In your typical desktop system with a discrete GPU, that involves sending the data over PCI-Express, and there is no way around that.
But as you already stated, the implicit synchronization is a big issue. If you need that pixel data as soon as possible, you can't really do much better than that synchronous readback. But if you can live with getting that data later, asynchronous readback via pixel buffer objects (PBOs) is the way to go.
The pseudo code for that is:
create PBO
do the glReadPixels
do something else. Both work on the CPU and issuing new commands for the GPU is ideal.
Read back the data from PBO by either using glGetBufferSubData or by mapping the PBO for reading.
The crucial point is the timing of step 5. I you do that to early, you still blocking the client side, as it will wait for the data to become available. For some screenshots, It should not be hard to delay that step for even one or two frames. That way, it will have only a slight impact on the overall render performance, and it will neither stall the GPU nor the CPU.

A way of generating chunks

I'm making a game and I'm actually on the generation of the map.
The map is generated procedurally with some algorithms. There's no problems with this.
The problem is that my map can be huge. So I've thought about cutting the map in chunks.
My chunks are ok, they're 512*512 pixels each, but the only problem is : I have to generate a texture (actually a RenderTexture from the SFML). It takes around 0.5ms to generate so it makes the game to freeze each time I generate a chunk.
I've thought about a way to fix this : I've made a kind of a threadpool with a factory. I just have to send a task to it and it creates the chunk.
Now that it's all implemented, it raises opengl warnings like :
"An internal OpenGL call failed in RenderTarget.cpp (219) : GL_INVALID_OPERATION, the specified operation is not allowed in the current state".
I don't know if this is the good way of dealing with chunks. I've also thought about saving the chunks into images / files, but I fear that it take too much time to save / load them.
Do you know a better way to deal with this kind of "infinite" maps ?
It is an invalid operation because you must have a context bound to each thread. More importantly, all of the GL window system APIs enforce a strict 1:1 mapping between threads and contexts... no thread may have more than one context bound and no context may be bound to more than one thread. What you would need to do is use shared contexts (one context for drawing and one for each worker thread), things like buffer objects and textures will be shared between all shared contexts but the state machine and container objects like FBOs and VAOs will not.
Are you using tiled rendering for this map, or is this just one giant texture?
If you do not need to update individual sub-regions of your "chunk" images you can simply create new textures in your worker threads. The worker threads can create new textures and give them data while the drawing thread goes about its business. Only after a worker thread finishes would you actually try to draw using one of the chunks. This may increase the overall latency between the time a chunk starts loading and eventually appears in the finished scene but you should get a more consistent framerate.
If you need to use a single texture for this, I would suggest you double buffer your texture. Have one that you use in the drawing thread and another one that your worker threads issue glTexSubImage2D (...) on. When the worker thread(s) finish updating their regions of the texture you can swap the texture you use for drawing and updating. This will reduce the amount of synchronization required, but again increases the latency before an update eventually appears on screen.
things to try:
make your chunks smaller
generate the chunks in a separate thread, but pass to the gpu from the main thread
pass to the gpu a small piece at a time, taking a second or two

Asynchronous readback from opengl front buffer using multiple PBO's

I am developing an application that needs to read back the whole frame from the front buffer of an openGL application. I can hijack the application's opengl library and insert my code on swapbuffers. At the moment I am successfully using a simple but excruciating slow glReadPixels command without PBO's.
Now I read about using multiple PBO's to speed things up. While I think I've found enough resources to actually program that (isn't that hard), I have some operational questions left. I would do something like this:
create a series (e.g. 3) of PBO's
use glReadPixels in my swapBuffers override to read data from front buffer to a PBO (should be fast and non-blocking, right?)
Create a seperate thread to call glMapBufferARB, once per PBO after a glReadPixels, because this will block until the pixels are in client memory.
Process the data from step 3.
Now my main concern is of course in steps 2 and 3. I read about glReadPixels used on PBO's being non-blocking, will this be an issue if I issue new opengl commands after that very fast? Will those opengl commands block? Or will they continue (my guess), and if so, I guess only swapbuffers can be a problem, will this one stall or will glReadPixels from front buffer be many times faster than swapping (about each 15->30ms) or, worst case scenario, will swapbuffers be executed while glReadPixels is still reading data to the PBO? My current guess is this logic will do something like this: copy FRONT_BUFFER -> generic place in VRAM, copy VRAM->RAM. But I have no idea which of those 2 is the real bottleneck and more, what the influence on the normal opengl command stream is.
Then in step 3. Is it wise to do this asynchronously in a thread separated from normal opengl logic? At the moment I think not, It seems you have to restore buffer operations to normal after doing this and I can't install synchronization objects in the original code to temporarily block those. So I think my best option is to define a certain swapbuffer delay before reading them out, so e.g. calling glReadPixels on PBO i%3 and glMapBufferARB on PBO (i+2)%3 in the same thread, resulting in a delay of 2 frames. Also, when I call glMapBufferARB to use data in client memory, will this be the bottleneck or will glReadPixels (asynchronously) be the bottleneck?
And finally, if you have some better ideas to speed up frame readback from GPU in opengl, please tell me, because this is a painful bottleneck in my current system.
I hope my question is clear enough, I know the answer will probably also be somewhere on the internet but I mostly came up with results that used PBO's to keep buffers in video memory and do processing there. I really need to read back the front buffer to RAM and I do not find any clear explanations about performance in that case (which I need, I cannot rely on "it's faster", I need to explain why it's faster).
Thank you
Are you sure you want to read from the front buffer? You do not own this buffer, and depending on your OS it might be destroyed, e.g., by another window on top of it.
For your use case, people typically do
draw N
start PBO read N from back buffer
draw N+1
start PBO read N+1
sync PBO read N
process N
from a single thread.