Consuming custom objects between webservices - web-services

I have a webservice that is designed to accept performance data via a custom object. The custom object contains a Collection (Generic List) of performance measures among other data. The performance measure consists of simple data types (strings, ints, and a datetime). The only method exposed by the webservice requires this custom object (performance data object) to be passed in.
The problem lies in using this custom object externally. I wish to use the Add() and Item() methods of the Generic List class along with various other features within this class within another webservice. If I request the object from the Performance Data Webservice it seralizes the inner collection to an arrayList. I would like it to remain a generic collection.
I have toyed with using the XmlInclude method but currently havent found a solution with it.
The next thing I tried to do was create an assembly of this specific object that both the Peformance Data web service can use and any satelite programs (i.e. another webservice). The issue here is when I try to pass in the custom object created by the seperate assembly the performance data webservice barks its a different type. (Also I am applying the XmlInclude(GetType( custom assembly)) attribute to the exposed method). However still thinks the types are not convertable.
Note: I would prefer to call the Performance Data WS to get the custom object instead of having to deal with adding assemblies to each project that needs access.
Anyone have an idea other than restructing the program to work with methods exposed by the ArrayList?

If you use WCF, you can configure what type of collection comes out, whether an ArrayList, a fixed array, or a generic List.

I have found a solution that will work with .Net 2.0. By using Web Services Contract First (WSCF
I was able to pass generic collections between two services. A down side to WSCF, as the name suggests, is the approach requires the use of contract-first instead of the more common code-first methodology. Lucky it is not terribly complicated to modify the class and proxy after they are created. Hope this helps any lost travelers...


Selecting a design pattern to assing different objects via an interface, based on a user made configuration

Currently am I working on a by user configurable controller.
The user can configure the modules which are objects of the same or different classes, all returning one or more variables as integer or boolean.
The user can configure the links between the just configured objects as they can request each others return data via a method.
A execution manager executes the highest object in the configuration of which the return values are not used by other objects. The highest object will require as configured by the user, return data from other objects via their methods. These methods "activate" the object of which data is requested, and will further down ask return data from other objects.
I am planning to write this software in c++ an shall be running on a cortex-m4 microcontroller.
I have bin looking in to several design patters but cant find any matching one, suiting my needs. So i made my own design but am not totally convinced of it being the perfect solution.
My design so far:
a abstract base class acts as an interface for creation.
a class inheriting the base class Decorates the module.
an other base class acts as an interface to access a single bool or integer.
a class inheriting the "other base class" contains the actual algorithm to access the method to retrieve the data from the module.
for every single by configuration linkable bool or integer is an object created to retrieve the data, returning it via a standard base interface.
this means that Every module can have any number of variables only each resulting when used in a single object per variable.
Is there any other, more efficient design pattern than my "Brand pattern", creating less overhead but also providing the same run time flexibility?
MvG Robbert

Progressive Disclosure in C++ API

Following my reading of the article Programmers Are People Too by Ken Arnold, I have been trying to implement the idea of progressive disclosure in a minimal C++ API, to understand how it could be done at a larger scale.
Progressive disclosure refers to the idea of "splitting" an API into categories that will be disclosed to the user of an API only upon request. For example, an API can be split into two categories: a base category what is (accessible to the user by default) for methods which are often needed and easy to use and a extended category for expert level services.
I have found only one example on the web of such an implementation: the db4o library (in Java), but I do not really understand their strategy. For example, if we take a look at ObjectServer, it is declared as an interface, just like its extended class ExtObjectServer. Then an implementing ObjectServerImpl class, inheriting from both these interfaces is defined and all methods from both interfaces are implemented there.
This supposedly allows code such as:
public void test() throws IOException {
final String user = "hohohi";
final String password = "hohoho";
ObjectServer server = clientServerFixture().server();
server.grantAccess(user, password);
ObjectContainer con = openClient(user, password);
server.ext().revokeAccess(user); // How does this limit the scope to
// expert level methods only since it
// inherits from ObjectServer?
// ...
My knowledge of Java is not that good, but it seems my misunderstanding of how this work is at an higher level.
Thanks for your help!
Java and C++ are both statically typed, so what you can do with an object depends not so much on its actual dynamic type, but on the type through which you're accessing it.
In the example you've shown, you'll notice that the variable server is of type ObjectServer. This means that when going through server, you can only access ObjectServer methods. Even if the object happens to be of a type which has other methods (which is the case in your case and its ObjectServerImpl type), you have no way of directly accessing methods other than ObjectServer ones.
To access other methods, you need to get hold of the object through different type. This could be done with a cast, or with an explicit accessor such as your ext(). a.ext() returns a, but as a different type (ExtObjectServer), giving you access to different methods of a.
Your question also asks how is server.ext() limited to expert methods when ExtObjectServer extends ObjectServer. The answer is: it is not, but that is correct. It should not be limited like this. The goal is not to provide only the expert functions. If that was the case, then client code which needs to use both normal and expert functions would need to take two references to the object, just differently typed. There's no advantage to be gained from this.
The goal of progressive disclosure is to hide the expert stuff until it's explicitly requested. Once you ask for it, you've already seen the basic stuff, so why hide it from you?

Suggestion on C++ object serialization techniques

I'm creating a C++ object serialization library. This is more towards self-learning and enhancements & I don't want to use off-the-shelf library like boost or google protocol buf.
Please share your experience or comments on good ways to go about it (like creating some encoding with tag-value etc).
I would like to start by supporting PODs followed by support to non-linear DSs.
PS: HNY2012
If you need serialization for inter process communication, then I suggest to use some interface language (IDL or ASN.1) for defining interfaces.
So it will be easier to make support for other languages (than C++) too. And also, it will be easier to implement code/stub generator.
I have been working on something similar for the last few months. I couldn't use Boost because the task was to serialize a bunch of existing classes (huge existing codebase) and it was inappropriate to have the classes inherit from the interface which had the serialize() virtual function (we did not want multiple inheritance).
The approach taken had the following salient features:
Create a helper class for each existing class, designated with the task of serializing that particular class, and make the helper class a friend of the class being serialized. This avoids introduction of inheritance in the class being serialized, and also allows the helper class access to private variables.
Have each of the helper classes (let's call them 'serializers') register themselves into a global map. Each serializer class implements a clone() virtual function ('prototype' pattern), which allows one to retrieve a pointer to a serializer, given the name of the class, from this map. The name is obtained by using compiler-specific RTTI information. The registration into the global map is taken care of by instantiating static pointers and 'new'ing them, since static variables get created before the program starts.
A special stream object was created (derived from std::fstream), that contained template functions to serialize non-pointer, pointer, and STL data types. The stream object could only be opened in read-only or write-only modes (by design), so the same serialize() function could be used to either read from the file or write into the file, depending on the mode in which the stream was opened. Thus, there is no chance of any mismatch in the order of reading versus writing of the class members.
For every object being saved or restored, a unique tag (integer) was created based on the address of the variable and stored in a map. If the same address occurred again, only the tag was saved, not the deep-copied object itself. Thus, each object was deep copied only once into the file.
A page on the web captures some of these ideas shared above: Hope that helps.
I wrote an article some years ago. Code and tools can be obsolete, but concepts can remain the same.
May be this can help you.

Flexible application configuration in C++

I am developing a C++ application used to simulate a real world scenario. Based on this simulation our team is going to develop, test and evaluate different algorithms working within such a real world scenrio.
We need the possibility to define several scenarios (they might differ in a few parameters, but a future scenario might also require creating objects of new classes) and the possibility to maintain a set of algorithms (which is, again, a set of parameters but also the definition which classes are to be created). Parameters are passed to the classes in the constructor.
I am wondering which is the best way to manage all the scenario and algorithm configurations. It should be easily possible to have one developer work on one scenario with "his" algorithm and another developer working on another scenario with "his" different algorithm. Still, the parameter sets might be huge and should be "sharable" (if I defined a set of parameters for a certain algorithm in Scenario A, it should be possible to use the algorithm in Scenario B without copy&paste).
It seems like there are two main ways to accomplish my task:
Define a configuration file format that can handle my requirements. This format might be XML based or custom. As there is no C#-like reflection in C++, it seems like I have to update the config-file parser each time a new algorithm class is added to project (in order to convert a string like "MyClass" into a new instance of MyClass). I could create a name for every setup and pass this name as command line argument.
The pros are: no compilation required to change a parameter and re-run, I can easily store the whole config file with the simulation results
contra: seems like a lot of effort, especially hard because I am using a lot of template classes that have to be instantiated with given template arguments. No IDE support for writing the file (at least without creating a whole XSD which I would have to update everytime a parameter/class is added)
Wire everything up in C++ code. I am not completely sure how I would do this to separate all the different creation logic but still be able to reuse parameters across scenarios. I think I'd also try to give every setup a (string) name and use this name to select the setup via command line arg.
pro: type safety, IDE support, no parser needed
con: how can I easily store the setup with the results (maybe some serialization?)?, needs compilation after every parameter change
Now here are my questions:
- What is your opinion? Did I miss
important pros/cons?
- did I miss a third option?
- Is there a simple way to implement the config file approach that gives
me enough flexibility?
- How would you organize all the factory code in the seconde approach? Are there any good C++ examples for something like this out there?
Thanks a lot!
There is a way to do this without templates or reflection.
First, you make sure that all the classes you want to create from the configuration file have a common base class. Let's call this MyBaseClass and assume that MyClass1, MyClass2 and MyClass3 all inherit from it.
Second, you implement a factory function for each of MyClass1, MyClass2 and MyClass3. The signatures of all these factory functions must be identical. An example factory function is as follows.
MyBaseClass * create_MyClass1(Configuration & cfg)
// Retrieve config variables and pass as parameters
// to the constructor
int age = cfg->lookupInt("age");
std::string address = cfg->lookupString("address");
return new MyClass1(age, address);
Third, you register all the factory functions in a map.
typedef MyBaseClass* (*FactoryFunc)(Configuration *);
std::map<std::string, FactoryFunc> nameToFactoryFunc;
nameToFactoryFunc["MyClass1"] = &create_MyClass1;
nameToFactoryFunc["MyClass2"] = &create_MyClass2;
nameToFactoryFunc["MyClass3"] = &create_MyClass3;
Finally, you parse the configuration file and iterate over it to find all the entries that specify the name of a class. When you find such an entry, you look up its factory function in the nameToFactoryFunc table and invoke the function to create the corresponding object.
If you don't use XML, it's possible that boost::spirit could short-circuit at least some of the problems you are facing. Here's a simple example of how config data could be parsed directly into a class instance.
I found this website with a nice template supporting factory which I think will be used in my code.

Robust method for making a copy of a TRemotable object in Delphi 2007

Is there a robust mechanism for making a copy of TRemotable object (or descendant) in Delphi 2007?
I'm creating a Delphi web service client that receives a variety of objects from a web service; of course, all are descendants of TRemotable. In the client, I create a matching object, then copy all the properties from the web service provided TRemotable to my own object. This is done via TypInfo.GetPropList() and then a loop around TypInfo. GetPropValue() and TypInfo.SetPropValue() method calls. Although this works great for the simple types - strings, ints, bool, etc, it doesn't work for complex types, like dates, times or sub-object types. And I assume that if the web service ever makes use of a new complex type, my copy code would also break.
It looks like one possibility is to serialize the object out to an XML document, then read it into the new object. But this seems like a great deal of overhead to just copy a series of properties around.
Found a more robust solution, seems to work fine for simply types, TXS... derivative types and subobject types:
procedure CopyNormal(Source, Target: TRemotable);
Converter: IObjConverter;
NodeObject: IXMLNode;
NodeParent: IXMLNode;
NodeRoot: IXMLNode;
XML: IXMLDocument;
XMLStr: WideString;
XML:= NewXMLDocument;
NodeRoot:= XML.AddChild('Root');
NodeParent:= NodeRoot.AddChild('Parent');
Converter:= TSOAPDomConv.Create(NIL);
NodeObject:= Source.ObjectToSOAP(NodeRoot, NodeParent, Converter, 'CopyObject', '', [ocoDontPrefixNode], XMLStr);
Target.SOAPToObject(NodeRoot, NodeObject, Converter);
TDateTime is just a Double by a different name, and you ought to be able to copy it without trouble. Or are you using some other format for your dates and times?
As for sub-objects, they can be handled by making your copy routine recursive. If it comes across a property that's an object, have it make a copy of that object and assign it to the parent object. (NOTE: This will only work if the sub-object also has published properties.)
Yes you could make the copy recursive, but that still leaves you with problems, how to copy internal private fields. You would have to expose all fields as properties and in my opinion that is not clean and is cumbersome.
I would definitely serialize the object. SOAP has so much overhead on its own that serialization is super fast in comparison. I would even argue that a simple HTTP approach using REST would be better.
You can look at my SimpleStorage framework that was made with such tasks (serialization) in mind. Especially look at adapters feature.
You can get it at:
There are also articles there that show how to use it. If you are already using other XML library and don't want to switch I would still prefer the serialization approach if I were you.
I doubt that you can make a http request last under 30ms. Serialization would take way less than that. Now add the SOAP overhead and you are super fast compared to it :)