Debugging using gdb - Best practices - c++

I am a beginner in GDB and I got it working correctly. However, I am wondering how this is used in big projects. I have a project where build is done using makefile and g++. For GDB to work, we need to compile with debug symbols on, right (g++ -g files)?
Do I need to create a new target in makefile something like "debug", so that I can make a debug build like make debug. Is this the best practice?
Suppose, I need to debug only foo.cpp and is it possible to generate debug symbols only for that other than building whole program including main?
Any thoughts?

Not needed, although you may want to consider always building with -g (sometimes, you may even need to try and debug optimized (-O1, -O2, etc) code; why not leave -g on? For releases, you can always just run strip on the binary.
Yes. Build just that file with -g .

I don't think there is a big difference between the usage of gdb in big, medium or small projects. However, for big projects you must consider the amount of space required for the build, because the debugging info increases the size of the object and executable files.
If you initially underestimate the need for debugging of the whole solution you will likely suffer from your decision in the future. It is always good when the build could be done with or without debugging information, so write your build scripts carefully.
Yes, but consider my previous answer. Sometimes the problem could be coming from a module for which you don't have debugging info.

In big projects here where I work we always build with most verbose debugging info possible (like, '-ggdb3' for native gdb format or '-gdwarf-2 -g3' for access to macros in gdb).
When we're done with debugging, we just use 'strip' command to strip all debugging info from the binaries.
gcc -ggdb3 blah.c -o blah
strip blah

gdb will work without the symbols; it's just that the output is much less useful then.
It's a matter of preference. I build everything by default in debug mode, and do make release when necessary.

You can always have the debug version's saved somewhere, and if you ever need to re-bind the symbol info, after your debugging the stripped/release version, you can just go "file /path" and gdb will re-read the symbols for that target. Also you can use "symbol-file /path" to configure symbol information to be bound to a stripped file.


Are there any downsides to compiling with -g flag?

GDB documentation tells me that in order to compile for debugging, I need to ask my compiler to generate debugging symbols. This is done by specifying a '-g' flag.
Furthermore, GDB doc recommends I'd always compile with a '-g' flag. This sounds good, and I'd like to do that.
But first, I'd like to find out about downsides. Are there any penalties involved with compiling-for-debugging in production code?
I am mostly interested in:
GCC as the compiler of choice
Red hat Linux as target OS
C and C++ languages
(Although information about other environments is welcome as well)
Many thanks!
If you use -g (which on recent GCC or Clang can be used with optimization flags like -O2):
compilation time is slower (and linking will use a lot more memory)
the executable is a bigger file (see elf(5) and use readelf(1)...)
the executable carries a lot of information about your source code.
you can use GDB easily
some interesting libraries, like Ian Taylor's libbacktrace, requires DWARF information (e.g. -g)
If you don't use -g it would be harder to use the GDB debugger (but possible).
So if you transmit the binary executable to a partner that should not understand how your source code was written, you need to avoid -g
See also the strip(1) and strace(1) commands.
Notice that using the -g flag for debugging information is also valid for Ocaml, Rust
PS. Recent GCC (e.g. GCC 10 or GCC 11 in 2021) accept many debugger flags. With -g3 your executable carries more debug information (e.g. description of C++ macros and their expansion) that with -g or -g1. Of course, compilation time increases, and executable size also. In principle, your GCC plugin (perhaps Bismon in 2021, or those inside the source code of the Linux kernel) could add even more debug information. In practice, you won't do that unless you can improve your debugger. However, a GCC plugin (or some #pragmas) can remove some debug information (e.g. remove debug information for a selected set of functions).
Generally, adding debug information increases the size of the binary files (or creates extra files for the debug information). That's nowadays usually not a problem, unless you're distributing it over slow networks. And of course this debug information may help others in analyzing your code, if they want to do that. Typically, the -g flag is used together with -O0 (the default), which disables compiler optimization and generates code that is as close as possible to the source, so that debugging is easier. While you can use debug information together with optimizations enabled, this is really tricky, because variables may not exist, or the sequence of instructions may be different than in the source. This is generally only done if an error needs to be analyzed that only happens after the optimizations are enabled. Of course, the downside of -O0 is poorer performance.
So as a conclusion: Typically one uses -g -O0 during development, and for distribution or production code just -O3.

Is there any reason why not to strip symbols from executable?

A couple of years ago I asked a question how to reduce size of executables. Using MinGW compiler, stripping symbols (-s option) helped to reduce 50%+ of the size.
Why the stripping is not default - is there any good reason why NOT to strip the symbols in some scenarios then? I'd like to understand it more deeply: today, I just vaguely know that symbols are involved in linking library. Are they needed in executable and do they affect executing speed?
I can't imagine them affecting the execution speed in any noticeable way though, in theory, you could have a tiny amount of cache misses in the process image.
You want to keep symbols in the file when you're debugging it, so that you can see which function you're in, check the values of variables and so forth.
But symbols make the file bigger: potentially, a lot bigger. So, you do not want symbols in a binary that you put on a small embedded device. (I'm talking about a real embedded device, not some 21st century Raspberry Pi with 9,000GB of storage space!)
I generally strip all release builds and don't strip any debug builds. This makes core dumps from customers slightly less useful, but you can always keep a copy of the unstripped release build and debug your core against that.
I did hear about one firm that had a policy of never stripping symbols even in release builds, so they could load a core directly into the debugger. This seems like a bit of an abstraction leak to me but, whatever. Their call.
Of course, if you really want, you can analyse the assembly yourself without them. But that's crazy...
MinGW is an acronym for "Minimalist GNU for Windows"; as such, the compiler suite is GCC ... the GNU Compiler Collection. Naturally, this compiler suite will tend to comply with the GNU Coding Standards, which demand that every build shall be a "debug build" ... i.e. it shall include both debugging symbols, and those required for linking. (This is logical, since a "debug build" is orders of magnitude more useful to the application developer, than is a so-called "release build"). Furthermore, a build system which discriminates between "debug build" and "release build" modes is more complex -- possibly significantly more so -- than one which concerns itself with only a "debug build".
In the GNU build model, there is no need for a "release build" anyway. A "release" is not created at build time; it is created at installation time -- usually as a "staged" installation, from which a release package is created. The GNU tool-chain includes both a strip command, and an install command, which can strip a "debug build" on the fly, when creating a staged installation for packaging as a release, (or in place, if you wish), so there really is no need to clutter the build system with "release build" specifics; just create a "debug build" up -front, then strip it after the event, so converting this to an effective "release build", when you require it.
Since your MinGW tool-chain is fundamentally a GNU tool-chain, it fully supports this GNU build model.
There is no good reason to strip symbols. By stripping symbols, for instance, you will eliminate a possibility to gather process stack - an extremely usuful feature.
EDIT. Several people here seem to be confused about the difference between debug symbols and 'general' symbols. The first are only produced when -g (or similar) option is given to the compiler, and are usually used only in debug builds (though can be used with optimized builds as well). The regular symbols are things such as function names, and are produced by compilers so that object files could be linked, or .so files loaded. There are several extremely useful non-invasive tools which can be used on non-debug running executables which depend on symbols being non-stripped.

I have a release binary with no debug information build with gcc , have source code

When I try to build the source with debug mode the stack shown is totally diffrent and in case of release there are only a few methods shown in the backtrace with gdb ,
Why does this happen ? Is this because in debug mode there are extra methods , How can have two methods have the same address in debug and release mode .
Also in that case How can I build to to have accurate address information with complete stack trace . Any help would be appreciated since I am new to debugging on Linux , Windows it was much easier it seems with pdb files .
As discussed in the comments to #rockoder's answer, besides lacking debug symbols (which would be included with -g) in an optimized build whole function calls may not be present any more due to inlining.
When I try to build the source with debug mode the stack shown is
totally diffrent and in case of release there are only a few methods
shown in the backtrace with gdb , Why does this happen ? Is this
because in debug mode there are extra methods?
It is probably just due to compiler optimizations. What you call release build is probably built with compiler speed optimizations enabled and debug symbols disabled. Speed optimizations include code inlining which just copies function code in place instead of calling it, so function is not visible in call stack.
There could also be some extra/different methods, if the code was written with some appropriate preprocessor checks.
How can have two methods have the same address in debug and release
mode .
Depends on what your debug and release mode are. If they use same compiler optimizations and differ only in debug information, methods will have same addresses. If you debug build is not optimized (-O0 on GCC) then methods will be larger, as much unnecessary work is done, for example variables are read from memory before every manipulation and written back after it. Since each method will probably be smaller, functions will have different addresses, as they are generally packed one after another.
Also in that case How can I build to to have accurate address
information with complete stack trace .
Enable debug information. On GCC that would be -g3 (or -g or similar). This adds enough information for code address <-> source line queries (either from debugger or crash stack dump).
Any help would be appreciated since I am new to debugging on Linux ,
Windows it was much easier it seems with pdb files .
Are there any significant differences with Windows binaries debugging?
g++/gcc has many options used for debugging a program but the most common one is -g. Refer link. The first option discussed is -g.
Some additional information here.
Compile code without -g:
g++ broken.cpp -o broken_release
Compile code with -g:
g++ -g broken.cpp -o broken_debug
Now fire ls -l and note the size different between the files broken_release and broken_debug. Size of broken_debug should be greater then that of broken_release. That's because it contains debug information which could be used by debuggers like gdb.

Executable runtime crash caused by linking with dynamic library

Stack: MIPS, Linux, C, C++ using GNU Tools to compile and link (building on x86 for MIPS)
Fair warning: I'm a C, C++ novice, feel free to suggest anything which might be obvious as it's possible I have not tried it yet.
I am able to build an executable which dynamically links to a library (live555), if I statically link to this everything works fine, however when I attempt to dynamically link the executable crashes during runtime. To confirm I am building the .so files correctly, I've also tried building other executables (the test tools included with live555) to dynamically link against these .so libs and these tools work fine.
The linking/build seems to work fine, no errors or warnings are thrown during the build. I can inspect the crashing executable with readelf -d and clearly see the .so references. I can also run ldd on the MIPS system on the executable and the libraries seem to be loaded fine, strace output also shows these libraries as being loaded. Unfortunately the strace output doesn't really provide me with any insite, I've talked with others familiar with this system and they are not sure what the problem is.
Just looking for ideas and tools to try, if anyone has any thoughts I'd appropriate them!
Thanks for reading
There is not enough information here to start troubleshooting in depth. Some ideas to start debugging, from least to most time-consuming:
After you run ldd on your executable, check the path(s) where that library is being loaded from, make sure the library is the version you compiled / linked against. Easy way is to get it's MD5 hash on your target and host, make sure they are the same.
Also check to make sure you don't have multiple instances of the library installed
Double check the aliases for your library, make sure they point to the same place
Try enabling crash dump generation $> ulimit -c unlimited, run gdb or DDD, load the crash dump and inspect your environment.
Check your CFLAGS, it could be as #YannRamin said, you need -fPIC for MIPS. You can run make -n to see how your binary is being generated.
Check your LDPATH env on target and make sure it is sensible; empty is perfectly fine btw.
Check your LDFLAGS during compile / linking. You might have to run make -n, look for gcc command or collect command, then copy-paste the entire line and add --verbose to the end so you can see exactly what the linker is doing. You might have to fix paths for sources / object files, depending on how your build system is setup.
The idea is to try and eliminate potential issues, such as:
wrong library version: installed vs compiled against
multiple locations / bad aliasing
symbol pollution when compiling / linking
many others
You're lucky that you have Linux installed, so should be fairly easy, just might be time consuming.

How to Debug gcc code using cmake

I have an c++ application developed using gcc(4.1) and compiled with CMAKE MakeFiles . The Code is large in size and debugging it is tough. I dont know how to debug the code line by line using cmake Utility. Any idea how to do it?
Thanks in advance :) .
CMake is a system to enhance the definition of makefiles (it is a meta system that creates platform specific makefiles). It is not a debugger. You can use gdb for debugging.
To ensure your program is compiled for debugging properly, make sure the flags passed to gcc include -O0, which means no-optimizations, and -g for debugging information,
or -ggdb to produce a format that suits gdb really well (see also