Passing the "enter key" event to flash player in an ATL Window? - c++

I have a Flash player (flash9.ocx) embedded in an ATL window and have coded functionality into the swf to respond to the return/enter key being pressed.
Works fine from the standalone swf player but as soon as its played from within my embedded player it doesn't execute. It's as if my window is getting in the way somehow?
Is there any way to pass the keypress through to the player?
FYI, there isn't anything to weird in place on the form.

I'm not VC++ developer, but I use Flash a lot.
Though not sure, it seems that the embedded player doesn't have the focus. Make sure you've got this part covered on the Flash side of things:
the stage exists ( you movie is properly initialized)
you set the KeyboardEvent listener to the stage.
You could use the FocusManager to make sure you've got the focus.
I don't know if you can pass the focus from you app to the SWF OLE through some tabIndex or something.
If still this doesn't work you can try using the External Interface to add callbacks from your app to flash player ( basically call and actionscript function from your app ).
This was achieved through fscommand before, but External Interface seems to be the thing to use now.
Good luck!

I don't use flash a lot but i'm a C++ programmer. =)
Let's see if I can help you.
I believe that your application is catching all the events before your flash movie. I don't know if there is a better way to do this but you could listen for any keyboard event on your form and use the SetVariable of your ActiveX component to set a variable inside Flash. Then, in the Flash Movie you could set a watch for any changes on this variable and trigger your Enter event.
Hope this helps.


Sending mouse and keyboard input to a unity3d game (Rust)

I would like a python option but that doesn't seem likely, I looked into c++ but I'm not intimately familiar and the methods I tried were not working. I need to be able to move the mouse(which I have been able to do) inside the game (which never works), and to press and or hold keys, AutoHotKey doesn't work for moving the mouse inside of popup dialogs only for controlling recoil and such. I have permission from the admin, I admin on one of his other servers, I'm not looking to release hacks for the game, its just a project I dabbled with for a while and would like to see out.
Does anyone have experience with this or ideas as to how I can simulate input from mouse or keyboard?
i have expeience in ahk and game bot making

Qt how to properly do a screensaver function windows C++

I have to do an touchscreen app for windows, and if the customer hasnt click for 60sec on the screen, a little video or advertsing appears (and leave right after the customer's clik).
I've already made my own thread function for that (a simple loop with a usleep), but i dont think its a good way.
I'm seeking for an obj or something else with Qt that could be better, any ideas?
I'm not sure I fully understand your question but it sounds like you want to listen to QTMouseEvents. Specifically it sounds like you'll be interested in events of type QEvent::MouseButtonPress. Start a timer on a click, once it reaches 60 seconds (note: reset the timer on each click) then start playing the video. Another event of that type will then allow you to 'restore' the main window app (if the video is playing)

How to detect a Windows event in Qt?

I am trying to build an app to detect Windows events, in particular events related to multimedia (playing video, playing audio and images).
For instance, if Windows Media Player is opened, the related event should be detected.
There is no 'events' for that.
You can detect the lauches of media players (by winapi ::FindWindow) or image viewers.
I don't think it's possible to do this with QT's built in functions alone. You'll have to use the Windows API. Depending on what you actually want to do this can get quite complicated.
If you just want to check if a certain application has been started yet, you could use the FindWindow function. I'd suggest to use a qt timer to create signals that you can use to check if the Window has opened yet.
QTimer::singleShot(200, this, SLOT(checkForMediaPlayer()));
Just add this to your QObject along with the checkForMediaPlayer member function that'll do whatever you want once the MediaPlayer has been detected.

Windows application needs focus

I am working on an application for a customer and have hit a problem.
The application talks to the mobile phone and does a bunch of call handling. One of the things it does is to show an "answer call" button. Clicking this with the mouse works fine.
But the customer wants to have a keyboard shortcut for this, and that's a problem. I can get the focus if a window in the application has focus. But Windows focus steal prevention doesn't allow me to take focus if the user is in a different application.
Please don't discuss the pros and cons of focus stealing here. I know them already and have given them to my customer. Wrong or not, they still want to do this, and they are paying the bill, so they get to decide.
There are a number of workarounds for this, but they do not seem to work anymore. For example, I set HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\ForegroundFlashCount to 3 and ...\ForegroundLockTimeout to 0.
So what are my options? Is this impossible? Or do I have to build a keyboard hook application that virus checkers will hate?
This is a Qt/C++ application, but if you have C# example code that can do this, that is great as well.
I hope you can help.
I do not know how dated this is but you could try RegisterHotKey.
It allows you listen for keyboard events system wide and not just when your application has focus. You don't have to provide your window handle, if you leave that argument null the events are still posted to your thread.

Stealing focus (for a good reason)

I'm working on a clone of Yakuake and, if you have used it, you'd know that one of it's features is stealing the focus for easiness.
Basically, you hit the "show" hotkey, the app appears and you can write on it.
You could be doing whatever thing with whatever app, (being Yakuake hidden), but as soon as you hit the hotkey, Yakuake appears and steals the focus. I want to do the same with my app.
I know there are some window manager rules that prevent applications from doing this, but Yakuake is doing it, why I'm not able to do it?
Also, this application is meant to be compatible with Windows, Linux and Mac, so no KDE or Gnome or < insert_your_favourite_window_manager_here > hacks; I won't go the detect-WM-and-do-hack way.
PS: I'm doing that app in C++ and Qt4.
Just to make it clear, I'm not asking for any code (but if you actually have some example, I appreaciate it). I'm asking for a way for doing it. What should I do to make the WM assign the focus to my app. Is there any standard way for doing so?
There is the Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint....
The solution is simpler than I thought. I did an animation with a duration of 0s and at the end of the animation I just did a focus. This did the work.
If you want to do it with a "show" hotkey or shortcut you'll have to create and use a hook on the keybord.
Qt don't provide such things so you'll have to do it by yourself.
you can have a look at this post : QT background process
I don't know for other OS.
When you'll get the right keyboard event from your hook, you can create a window with the "allwas on top hint" and that should by ok.