Where to find wsgen tool? - web-services

Where to find the wsgen tool?

If you mean the wsgen tool used to generate Java stubs from a WSDL file, it is included with JDK6 and located in the bin folder.

If you use maven, https://jax-ws-commons.dev.java.net/jaxws-maven-plugin/ is excellent.


How to download weka source code and use it into netbeans

I want to download source code for weka 3.6 and use it on netbeans to add some modifications on Apriori algorithm. I have been searching on Google but I didn't find any thing which can help me to do that.
You can find it on GrepCode. If you are looking for the jar, you can find it here or on Subversion (follow weka.wikispace instructions)
Also, if you installed Weka, in the installation folder there should be a jar called weka-src.jar

build error about AllJoyn in Xcode 5.1.1(alljoyn/Version.h can't find)

I'm refer "AllJoyn Programming Guide for the Objective-C Language" Document.
document is here
But when I build basic code, It will show
/myroot/alljoyn-14.02.00-osx_ios-sdk/alljoyn_objc/AllJoynFramework/AllJoynFramework/AJNVersion.mm:17:9: 'alljoyn/Version.h' file not found
I had put AllJoyn SDK and OpenSSL file in the folder and setting some property based on the document.
Have any one know how to resolve the problem?
I fell It's not find the AllJoyn iOS SDK Framework, but I had setting based on this document.
Thank you very much.
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my header search path
It's my data folder structure
I had find the problem. The problem is header search path not correct. When I set environment variable by terminal. I was not restart xcode . So there are still not find header file.

TeamCity MSbuild C++ only build some solutions

In our C++ project we have several solutions, is there a way to only build select solutions in TeamCity. Or is there parameters for msbuild that can accomplish this?
We are using .Net v4.0
Thanks in advance.
Another possibility is to call MSBuild just on your vcxproj files, not the whole sln files.
We use it very often - we have build batch files compiling just vcxproj files. With sln files we work only in VS IDE.
I guess you have several projects in your solution?
You can create a build configuration (something like Debug/Release) for the whole solution und choose which projects should be built in this. You can pass this configuration's name to Teamcity.

How to use .hpi files for vim

I have downloaded a .hpi file for cppcheck as plugin but i don't know how to use. Can anybody help me in this regard.
HPI files are Hudson Plug-In files. They are not Vim Plug-In files. You cannot use this .hpi file with Vim.

Can MSBuild run regex on my config files?

MSBuild generates a configuration file for me. I would then like to replace certain strings
in the file. Is this possible?
Also, I use Visual Studio as well to build my project. Can I do the same thing from Visual Studio?
Yes it can. Here is an opensource library from MSBuildTasks that has a RegEx replace task in it that can be executed when a project is built. I use it to handle the versioning of assemblies.