Password Information - c++

I want to get the various user account passwords which are stored in my computer programatically using Visual C++. Are there any APIs to help me do this?

There is no way to retrieve windows passwords nor passwords to most other programs via Win32 APIs.
For Windows passwords you typically have to ask the user to enter their username/password and verify it, all by using LogonUser.
For other programs they are usually stored on disk encrypted by the host application.

This is most definitely not allowed on Windows.
Consider the consequences of letting any given program obtain passwords. That would mean that programs like Solitaire would be able to get your password and use it in any number of nefarious ways. Worse, the program could use the password to access other machines in resources.
In short, it would throw security out the window

No. That would be a security hole. See this article.

It depends what passwords are you trying to get?
Some passwords can not be retrieved, like the Windows login passwords. Some other password are stored (plain or encrypted) somewhere in the disk or registry, depending on how the application stores them.
The Win32 API CredEnumerate, for example, can give you the user credentials (login and password) for some of the applications (Internet explorer passwords, ... etc).

You can only recover the hashed password, not the password itself.

I have no personal experience with this but I was once told that there are utilities out there (usually found on .ru sites ;)) that will do this sort of job for you. And that it's appalling to see how this happens, makes you paranoid. I can't however suggest a particular tool for doing this, but would like to oppose to all those that keep saying it's not possible.


Embedding username in C++ application to make logins easier?

Protecting against piracy when developing desktop applications through product keys, obfuscation, or similar client-side protections is pointless (plenty of stackoverflow posts regarding that). The only real way to prevent piracy is to create a client-server communication where important code is only on the server.
That's what I'm attempting to do with my software, require a login in order to authenticate requests to the server to process some data. Throw in an easy way to change the password and IP session tracking and it's pretty foolproof. However, now the user must enter a username and password when they want to use it, and they could enter someone else's credentials very easily.
Then thought then crossed my mind, what about embedding the username within the application when a user downloads the client software? Only a password would be required from the user's point of view, speeds things up a bit. Yes it's still possible to edit the program to someone else's username, but now it's less obvious.
So that's my question, are there any security risks or design flaws with having the username hard coded into the program? And secondly, how does one begin to implement the username embedding and C++ compilation on say... a Node js server application?
Thanks for your time.
You're missing the point of server-hosted software, and that's this:
You always have control over the server. You never have control over the client.
So when you say:
the user must enter a username and password when they want to use it, and they could enter someone else's credentials very easily
What you really mean is:
When someone enters someone else's credentials what can I do?
The answer to that is to limit or cancel access for credentials depending on access patterns. If you see suspicious access, like coming from IPs in different countries, you may want to investigate and possibly ban the account.
You're not powerless here when you control the server. Lock people out if you must.
You also don't want to embed information in the executable because legitimate owners, your customers, will want to verify they downloaded the right file based on a cryptographic hash like SHA2. If you modify each file they can't do this, and every version looks "hacked".
Instead, if you must, create some kind of encrypted access or license file that can be supplied to the server and decrypted with a key that's only stored on the server. Sure, they can share that file with someone else, but you can identify the unauthorized access and handle it accordingly.

Windows: How to get full users' accounts

Is there any way to get users' system account? I want to make authorisation in my prog with Windows account. Trying to use Active Directory, but it only helps with names and other information, but what about passwords? I understand that I can't get passwords in free access, and I don't need this. But is there any way just to compare input string with real user's windows password?
Or is there any other way to embed authorisation into my program with windows users' accounts?
You may start with NetUserEnum, and with NetQueryDisplayInformation.
There is no way to determine password of a user.
You may use LogonUser API to authenticate users based on password they'd give on your logon window. You should not keep the password after this API succeeds - that's a breach of safety.
Use CredUIPromptForCredentials for asking the user credentials.
The easiest way is to observe that you are in fact running in a login session for the current user, so he does know his password. From there on, Windows will handle all authorisations automatically.

Store password for relogin later in C++ app

I'm writing C++ desktop application that allows users to sign in on some web service. By technical requirements, user can check 'remember me' checkbox and after he close app and run it again, app should re-sign in with email and password user input first time.
I know that it is not safe and strongly not recommended to store passwords on disk but i have no idea how to remember user's password in safe way. Is there any best practices or advices for such case?
Note: my application is for Windows/Ubuntu/MacOS so it will be cool to know about OS-independent ways. My app is C++11/Qt5.4 based.
The way that you're supposed to implement this kind of design is to issue the user a SessionID that is stored locally, and which is used to authenticate and access their specific interface. Then, if they wish to log in again at a later time, simply use the stored SessionID, and if they wish to log in as someone else, clear the SessionID and then log them in like normal, issuing a new SessionID. That way you aren't storing sensitive information on their computer.

How to securely remember a login password for scripted web queries?

I'm looking at scripting parts of my workflow, which involves interacting with some web-services via SOAP and XML-RPC queries. I'm scripting using bash and python.
I need to authenticate against these web services, and I'd ideally like to do so
without having to type in my password for every request (typing it once per login would be fine)
without hardcoding it in my scripts
without storing it in plain text anywhere on disk
in a way which isn't specific to one flavour of Unix
The OS X keychain (via the 'security' command) is one possible solution for the Mac OS X case, but there are issues with using it from a script as noted in a related question, and I'm hoping for a more general solution.
I'll have a go at answering my own question.
I could do either or these, or a combination of both:
Store the password in a file with 600 permissions on an encrypted partition
Store the password in a file encrypted with a passphrase, and read that passphrase into an environment variable interactively, once for every shell I'll be calling the script from
Combining these approaches seems sufficiently paranoid.
I'm trying to wrap my head around your architecture, so I'm not sure which thing you are trying to authenticate. Are you trying to:
- check the web service caller
- check the web service provider
- both
And is the thing being authenticated a human using a program or the server itself?
And do you have to pass the service calls around and authenticate them at multiple points or is this strictly point to point?
And what is your assessment of risk? What bad stuff is the authentication preventing?
If you do your proposed #1, your authentication problem moves from the message to the server - if your server is physically protected and your authetication credentials to the OS are "strong enough" you're probably decently protected in where you've stored the password.
I'm confused on #2 - if you are reading in the passphrase interactively, why not read in the password interactively and not store the password at all? If the passphrase unlocks the password, handling the passphrase should be as careful as if you are handling the password.
The bigger concern with any password is where is it going, and how is it protected along the way. Using passwords within the web service will be risky if you are sending your web service messages in the clear. Also where are passwords checked on the other end, and how are they distributed to the server for storage for #1 and #2? This is just stuff to consider for any password based authentication mechanism.
Also - how often should passwords be changed and do you have a procedure for it?
And how much do you repeat the password? If you have exactly one password shared across every machine, the risk is much higher than a different password for each server/script or user, since you can disable them one at a time.
Maybe a technique like ssh-agent.

How should I manage username/password session information?

I have a website (the basic gist of which is described in this question), and I want to have some way to store the username and some information about the user consistently while they use the site (ie, upload and download data).
Right now, given a successful login, I was returning the hash of the password as well as any associated information. Anytime a user tries something, their username, hash, and so forth must match what's in the database. If the user logs out, their local Sinatra session has all information flushed.
I realize that this is a very naive approach. Is there a better way to handle user session information? The wikipedia entry on cookies mentions that a session uid is used instead of this other information; what is the advantage of that approach? I suspect that this approach is also vulnerable to other attacks, but since I verify everything that's done as it's done, I'm not sure what attacks I'm leaving myself open to.
Also, if/when I implement ssl, will these transactions be 'automagically' encrypted, or will I need to do something else to make sure that the strings are protected, if they need to be?
This is actually a very complicated issue. Just to illustrate, you have the problem of account lock-out: If you lock out based on failed attempts, how easy is it for an attacker to DOS your website?
I'll list a few best-practices to get you started:
Store Passwords Salted and Hashed alongside the Username and UserId. (You should also store the salt next to the hash.)
Disallow frequent bad-password attempts. (More frequent than once every few seconds).
If attempts are failing for any given user or any given IP address (more than 3 times a minute) require some form of human-validation, like a CAPTCHA. This allows you to prevent total DOS attacks.
If implementing an auto-login system, use a token authentication system.
For token authentication systems, use a Secure random number generator, send the plain token to the users, but Salt and Hash the token at the database.
Use TLS/SSL if possible, but don't rely on their security once the data is off-the-wire.
If your website is built in then you can use dot net securities.. which is really very good. and you can also use principle classes in it to make it more secure..