The claim that it is a mistake ever to use a standard C++ container as a base class surprises me.
If it is no abuse of the language to declare ...
// Example A
typedef std::vector<double> Rates;
typedef std::vector<double> Charges;
... then what, exactly, is the hazard in declaring ...
// Example B
class Rates : public std::vector<double> {
// ...
} ;
class Charges: public std::vector<double> {
// ...
} ;
The positive advantages to B include:
Enables overloading of functions because f(Rates &) and f(Charges &) are distinct signatures
Enables other templates to be specialized, because X<Rates> and X<Charges> are distinct types
Forward declaration is trivial
Debugger probably tells you whether the object is a Rates or a Charges
If, as time goes by, Rates and Charges develop personalities — a Singleton for Rates, an output format for Charges — there is an obvious scope for that functionality to be implemented.
The positive advantages to A include:
Don't have to provide trivial implementations of constructors etc
The fifteen-year-old pre-standard compiler that's the only thing that will compile your legacy doesn't choke
Since specializations are impossible, template X<Rates> and template X<Charges> will use the same code, so no pointless bloat.
Both approaches are superior to using a raw container, because if the implementation changes from vector<double> to vector<float>, there's only one place to change with B and maybe only one place to change with A (it could be more, because someone may have put identical typedef statements in multiple places).
My aim is that this be a specific, answerable question, not a discussion of better or worse practice. Show the worst thing that can happen as a consequence of deriving from a standard container, that would have been prevented by using a typedef instead.
Without question, adding a destructor to class Rates or class Charges would be a risk, because std::vector does not declare its destructor as virtual. There is no destructor in the example, and no need for one. Destroying a Rates or Charges object will invoke the base class destructor. There is no need for polymorphism here, either. The challenge is to show something bad happening as a consequence of using derivation instead of a typedef.
Consider this use case:
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
void kill_it(std::vector<double> *victim) {
// user code, knows nothing of Rates or Charges
// invokes non-virtual ~std::vector<double>(), then frees the
// memory allocated at address victim
delete victim ;
typedef std::vector<double> Rates;
class Charges: public std::vector<double> { };
int main(int, char **) {
std::vector<double> *p1, *p2;
p1 = new Rates;
p2 = new Charges;
// ???
return 0;
Is there any possible error that even an arbitrarily hapless user could introduce in the ??? section which will result in a problem with Charges (the derived class), but not with Rates (the typedef)?
In the Microsoft implementation, vector<T> is itself implemented via inheritance. vector<T,A> is a publicly derived from _Vector_Val<T,A> Should containment be preferred?
The standard containers do not have virtual destructors, thus you cannot handle them polymorphically. If you will not, and everyone who uses your code doesn't, it's not "wrong", per se. However, you are better off using composition anyway, for clarity.
Because you need a virtual destructor and the std containers don't have it. The std containers are not designed to act as base class.
For more information read the article "Why shouldn't we inherit a class from STL classes?"
A base class must have:
a public virtual destructor
or a protected non-virtual destructor
One strong counter-argument, in my opinion, is that you are imposing an interface and the implementation onto your types. What happens when you find out that vector memory allocation strategy does not fit your needs? Will you derive from std:deque? What about those 128K lines of code that already use your class? Will everybody need to recompile everything? Will it even compile?
The issue isn't a philisophical one, it's an implementation issue. The standard containers' destructors aren't virtual, which means there's no way to use runtime polymorphisim on them to get the proper desctructor.
I've found in practice it really isn't that much of a pain to create my own custom list classes with just the methods my code needs defined (and a private member of the "parent" class). In fact, it often leads to better-designed classes.
Aside from the fact that a base class needs a virtual destructor or a protected non-virtual destructor you are making the following assertion in your design:
Rates, and Charges for that matter, ARE THE SAME AS a vector of doubles in your example above. By your own assertion " time goes by, Rates and Charges develop personalities..." then is the assertion that Rates ARE STILL THE SAME AS a vector of doubles at this point? A vector of doubles is not a singleton for example therefore if I use your Rates to declare my vector of doubles for Widgets I may incur some headache from your code. What else about Rates and Charges are subject to change? Are any of the base class changes safely insulated from clients of your design should they change in a fundamental way?
The point is a class is an element, of many in C++, to express design intentions. Saying what you mean and meaning what you say is the reason against using inheritance in this manner.
...Or just posted more succinctly before my response: Substitution.
Also, in most cases, you should prefer composition or aggregation over inheritance if possible.
Is there any possible error that even an arbitrarily hapless user could introduce in the ??? section which will result in a problem with Charges (the derived class), but not with Rates (the typedef)?
Firstly, there's Mankarse's excellent point:
The comment in kill_it is wrong. If the dynamic type of victim is not std::vector, then the delete simply invokes undefined behaviour. The call to kill_it(p2) causes this to happen, and so nothing needs to be added to the //??? section for this to have undefined behaviour. – Mankarse Sep 3 '11 at 10:53
Secondly, say they call f(*p1); where f is specialised for std::vector<double>: that vector specialisation won't be found - you may end up matching the template specialisation differently - typically running (slower or otherwise less efficient) generic code, or getting a linker error if an un-specialised version isn't actually defined. Not often a significant concern.
Personally, I consider destruction through a pointer to base to be crossing the line - it may only be a "hypothetical" problem (as far as you can tell) given your current compiler, compiler flags, program, OS version etc. - but it could break at any time for no "good" reason.
If you are confident you can avoid deletion via a base-class pointer, go for it.
That said, a few notes on your assessment:
"providing trivial implementations of constructors" - that's a hassle, but one tip for C++03: template <typename A> Classname(const A& a) : Base(a) { } template <typename A, typename B> Classname(const A& a, const B& b) : Base(a, b) { } ... can sometimes be easier than enumerating all the overloads, but doesn't handle non-const parameters, default values, explicit-vs-non-explicit constructors, nor scale to huge numbers of arguments. C++11 provides a better general solution.
Without question, adding a destructor to class Rates or class Charges would be a risk, because std::vector does not declare its destructor as virtual. There is no destructor in the example, and no need for one. Destroying a Rates or Charges object will invoke the base class destructor. There is no need for polymorphism here, either.
There is no risk posed by a derived class destructor if the object is not deleted polymorphically; if it is there undefined behaviour whether or not your derived class has a user-defined destructor. That said, you cross from "probably-ok-for-a-cowboy" to "almost-certainly-not-ok" when you add data members or further bases with destructors that perform clean-up (memory deallocation, mutex unlocking, file handle closing etc.)
Saying "will invoke the base class destructor" makes it sound like that's done directly with no implicitly-defined derived-class destructor involved or making the call - all an optimisation detail and not specified by the Standard.
Classes with non-virtual destructors are a source for bugs if they are used as a base class (if a pointer or reference to the base class is used to refer to an instance of a child class).
With the C++11 addition of a final class, I am wondering if it makes sense to set down the following rule:
Every class must fulfil one of these two properties:
be marked final (if it is not (yet) intended to be inherited from)
have a virtual destructor (if it is (or is intended to) be inherited from)
Probably there are cases were neither of these two options makes sense, but I guess they could be treated as exceptions that should be carefully documented.
The probably most common actual issue attributed to the lack of a virtual destructor is deletion of an object through a pointer to a base class:
struct Base { ~Base(); };
struct Derived : Base { ~Derived(); };
Base* b = new Derived();
delete b; // Undefined Behaviour
A virtual destructor also affects the selection of a deallocation function. The existence of a vtable also influences type_id and dynamic_cast.
If your class isn't use in those ways, there's no need for a virtual destructor. Note that this usage is not a property of a type, neither of type Base nor of type Derived. Inheritance makes such an error possible, while only using an implicit conversion. (With explicit conversions such as reinterpret_cast, similar problems are possible without inheritance.)
By using smart pointers, you can prevent this particular problem in many cases: unique_ptr-like types can restrict conversions to a base class for base classes with a virtual destructor (*). shared_ptr-like types can store a deleter suitable for deleting a shared_ptr<A> that points to a B even without virtual destructors.
(*) Although the current specification of std::unique_ptr doesn't contain such a check for the converting constructor template, it was restrained in an earlier draft, see LWG 854. Proposal N3974 introduces the checked_delete deleter, which also requires a virtual dtor for derived-to-base conversions. Basically, the idea is that you prevent conversions such as:
unique_checked_ptr<Base> p(new Derived); // error
unique_checked_ptr<Derived> d(new Derived); // fine
unique_checked_ptr<Base> b( std::move(d) ); // error
As N3974 suggests, this is a simple library extension; you can write your own version of checked_delete and combine it with std::unique_ptr.
Both suggestions in the OP can have performance drawbacks:
Mark a class as final
This prevents the Empty Base Optimization. If you have an empty class, its size must still be >= 1 byte. As a data member, it therefore occupies space. However, as a base class, it is allowed not to occupy a distinct region of memory of objects of the derived type. This is used e.g. to store allocators in StdLib containers.
C++20 has mitigated this with the introduction of [[no_unique_address]].
Have a virtual destructor
If the class doesn't already have a vtable, this introduces a vtable per class plus a vptr per object (if the compiler cannot eliminate it entirely). Destruction of objects can become more expensive, which can have an impact e.g. because it's no longer trivially destructible. Additionally, this prevents certain operations and restricts what can be done with that type: The lifetime of an object and its properties are linked to certain properties of the type such as trivially destructible.
final prevents extensions of a class via inheritance. While inheritance is typically one of the worst ways to extend an existing type (compared to free functions and aggregation), there are cases where inheritance is the most adequate solution. final restricts what can be done with the type; there should be a very compelling and fundamental reason why I should do that. One cannot typically imagine the ways others want to use your type.
T.C. points out an example from the StdLib: deriving from std::true_type and similarly, deriving from std::integral_constant (e.g. the placeholders). In metaprogramming, we're typically not concerned with polymorphism and dynamic storage duration. Public inheritance often just the simplest way to implement metafunctions. I do not know of any case where objects of metafunction type are allocated dynamically. If those objects are created at all, it's typically for tag dispatching, where you'd use temporaries.
As an alternative, I'd suggest using a static analyser tool. Whenever you derive publicly from a class without a virtual destructor, you could raise a warning of some sort. Note that there are various cases where you'd still want to derive publicly from some base class without a virtual destructor; e.g. DRY or simply separation of concerns. In those cases, the static analyser can typically be adjusted via comments or pragmas to ignore this occurrence of deriving from a class w/o virtual dtor. Of course, there need to be exceptions for external libraries such as the C++ Standard Library.
Even better, but more complicated is analysing when an object of class A w/o virtual dtor is deleted, where class B inherits from class A (the actual source of UB). This check is probably not reliable, though: The deletion can happen in a Translation Unit different to the TU where B is defined (to derive from A). They can even be in separate libraries.
The question that I usually ask myself, is whether an instance of the class may be deleted via its interface. If this is the case, I make it public and virtual. If this is not the case, I make it protected. A class only needs a virtual destructor if the destructor will be invoked through its interface polymorphically.
Well, to be strictly clear, it's only if the pointer is deleted or the object is destructed (through the base class pointer only) that the UB is invoked.
There could be some exceptions for cases where the API user cannot delete the object, but other than that, it's generally a wise rule to follow.
Ok, this is really difficult to confess, but I do have a strong temptation at the moment to inherit from std::vector.
I need about 10 customized algorithms for vector and I want them to be directly members of the vector. But naturally I want also to have the rest of std::vector's interface. Well, my first idea, as a law-abiding citizen, was to have an std::vector member in MyVector class. But then I would have to manually reprovide all of the std::vector's interface. Too much to type. Next, I thought about private inheritance, so that instead of reproviding methods I would write a bunch of using std::vector::member's in the public section. This is tedious too actually.
And here I am, I really do think that I can simply inherit publicly from std::vector, but provide a warning in the documentation that this class should not be used polymorphically. I think most developers are competent enough to understand that this shouldn't be used polymorphically anyway.
Is my decision absolutely unjustifiable? If so, why? Can you provide an alternative which would have the additional members actually members but would not involve retyping all of vector's interface? I doubt it, but if you can, I'll just be happy.
Also, apart from the fact that some idiot can write something like
std::vector<int>* p = new MyVector
is there any other realistic peril in using MyVector? By saying realistic I discard things like imagine a function which takes a pointer to vector ...
Well, I've stated my case. I have sinned. Now it's up to you to forgive me or not :)
Actually, there is nothing wrong with public inheritance of std::vector. If you need this, just do that.
I would suggest doing that only if it is really necessary. Only if you can't do what you want with free functions (e.g. should keep some state).
The problem is that MyVector is a new entity. It means a new C++ developer should know what the hell it is before using it. What's the difference between std::vector and MyVector? Which one is better to use here and there? What if I need to move std::vector to MyVector? May I just use swap() or not?
Do not produce new entities just to make something to look better. These entities (especially, such common) aren't going to live in vacuum. They will live in mixed environment with constantly increased entropy.
The whole STL was designed in such way that algorithms and containers are separate.
This led to a concept of different types of iterators: const iterators, random access iterators, etc.
Therefore I recommend you to accept this convention and design your algorithms in such way that they won't care about what is the container they're working on - and they would only require a specific type of iterator which they'd need to perform their operations.
Also, let me redirect you to some good remarks by Jeff Attwood.
The main reason for not inheriting from std::vector publicly is an absence of a virtual destructor that effectively prevents you from polymorphic use of descendants. In particular, you are not allowed to delete a std::vector<T>* that actually points at a derived object (even if the derived class adds no members), yet the compiler generally can't warn you about it.
Private inheritance is allowed under these conditions. I therefore recommend using private inheritance and forwarding required methods from the parent as shown below.
class AdVector: private std::vector<double>
typedef double T;
typedef std::vector<double> vector;
using vector::push_back;
using vector::operator[];
using vector::begin;
using vector::end;
AdVector operator*(const AdVector & ) const;
AdVector operator+(const AdVector & ) const;
virtual ~AdVector();
You should first consider refactoring your algorithms to abstract the type of container they are operating on and leave them as free templated functions, as pointed out by majority of answerers. This is usually done by making an algorithm accept a pair of iterators instead of container as arguments.
If you're considering this, you've clearly already slain the language pedants in your office. With them out of the way, why not just do
struct MyVector
std::vector<Thingy> v; // public!
void func1( ... ) ; // and so on
That will sidestep all the possible blunders that might come out of accidentally upcasting your MyVector class, and you can still access all the vector ops just by adding a little .v .
What are you hoping to accomplish? Just providing some functionality?
The C++ idiomatic way to do this is to just write some free functions that implement the functionality. Chances are you don't really require a std::vector, specifically for the functionality you're implementing, which means you're actually losing out on reusability by trying to inherit from std::vector.
I would strongly advise you to look at the standard library and headers, and meditate on how they work.
I think very few rules should be followed blindly 100% of the time. It sounds like you've given it quite a lot of thought, and are convinced that this is the way to go. So -- unless someone comes up with good specific reasons not to do this -- I think you should go ahead with your plan.
There is no reason to inherit from std::vector unless one wants to make a class that works differently than std::vector, because it handles in its own way the hidden details of std::vector's definition, or unless one has ideological reasons to use the objects of such class in place of std::vector's ones. However, the creators of the standard on C++ did not provide std::vector with any interface (in the form of protected members) that such inherited class could take advantage of in order to improve the vector in a specific way. Indeed, they had no way to think of any specific aspect that might need extension or fine-tune additional implementation, so they did not need to think of providing any such interface for any purpose.
The reasons for the second option can be only ideological, because std::vectors are not polymorphic, and otherwise there is no difference whether you expose std::vector's public interface via public inheritance or via public membership. (Suppose you need to keep some state in your object so you cannot get away with free functions). On a less sound note and from the ideological point of view, it appears that std::vectors are a kind of "simple idea", so any complexity in the form of objects of different possible classes in their place ideologically makes no use.
In practical terms: If you do not have any data members in your derived class, you do not have any problems, not even in polymorphic usage. You only need a virtual destructor if the sizes of the base class and the derived class are different and/or you have virtual functions (which means a v-table).
BUT in theory: From [expr.delete] in the C++0x FCD: In the first alternative (delete object), if the static type of the object to be deleted is different from its dynamic type, the static type shall be a base class of the dynamic type of the object to be deleted and the static type shall have a virtual destructor or the behavior is undefined.
But you can derive privately from std::vector without problems.
I have used the following pattern:
class PointVector : private std::vector<PointType>
typedef std::vector<PointType> Vector;
using Vector::at;
using Vector::clear;
using Vector::iterator;
using Vector::const_iterator;
using Vector::begin;
using Vector::end;
using Vector::cbegin;
using Vector::cend;
using Vector::crbegin;
using Vector::crend;
using Vector::empty;
using Vector::size;
using Vector::reserve;
using Vector::operator[];
using Vector::assign;
using Vector::insert;
using Vector::erase;
using Vector::front;
using Vector::back;
using Vector::push_back;
using Vector::pop_back;
using Vector::resize;
If you follow good C++ style, the absence of virtual function is not the problem, but slicing (see
Why is absence of virtual functions not the problem? Because a function should not try to delete any pointer it receives, since it does not have an ownership of it. Therefore, if following strict ownership policies, virtual destructors should not be needed. For example, this is always wrong (with or without virtual destructor):
void foo(SomeType* obj)
if(obj!=nullptr) //The function prototype only makes sense if parameter is optional
delete obj;
class SpecialSomeType:public SomeType
// whatever
int main()
SpecialSomeType obj;
doStuff(&obj); //Will crash here. But caller does not know that
// ...
In contrast, this will always work (with or without virtual destructor):
void foo(SomeType* obj)
if(obj!=nullptr) //The function prototype only makes sense if parameter is optional
class SpecialSomeType:public SomeType
// whatever
int main()
SpecialSomeType obj;
// The correct destructor *will* be called here.
If the object is created by a factory, the factory should also return a pointer to a working deleter, which should be used instead of delete, since the factory may use its own heap. The caller can get it form of a share_ptr or unique_ptr. In short, do not delete anything you didn't get directly from new.
Yes it's safe as long as you are careful not to do the things that are not safe... I don't think I've ever seen anyone use a vector with new so in practice you'll likely be fine. However, it's not the common idiom in c++....
Are you able to give more information on what the algorithms are?
Sometimes you end up going down one road with a design and then can't see the other paths you might have taken - the fact that you claim to need to vector with 10 new algorithms rings alarm bells for me - are there really 10 general purpose algorithms that a vector can implement, or are you trying to make an object that is both a general purpose vector AND which contains application specific functions?
I'm certainly not saying that you shouldn't do this, it's just that with the information you've given alarm bells are ringing which makes me think that maybe something is wrong with your abstractions and there is a better way to achieve what you want.
I also inherited from std::vector recently, and found it to be very useful and so far I haven't experienced any problems with it.
My class is a sparse matrix class, meaning that I need to store my matrix elements somewhere, namely in an std::vector. My reason for inheriting was that I was a bit too lazy to write interfaces to all the methods and also I am interfacing the class to Python via SWIG, where there is already good interface code for std::vector. I found it much easier to extend this interface code to my class rather than writing a new one from scratch.
The only problem I can see with the approach is not so much with the non-virtual destructor, but rather some other methods, which I would like to overload, such as push_back(), resize(), insert() etc. Private inheritance could indeed be a good option.
This question is guaranteed to produce breathless pearl-clutching, but in fact there is no defensible reason for avoiding, or "unnecessarily multiplying entities" to avoid, derivation from a Standard container. The simplest, shortest possible expression is clearest, and best.
You do need to exercise all the usual care around any derived type, but there is nothing special about the case of a base from the Standard. Overriding a base member function could be tricky, but that would be unwise to do with any non-virtual base, so there is not much special here. If you were to add a data member, you would need to worry about slicing if the member had to be kept consistent with contents of the base, but again that is the same for any base.
The place where I have found deriving from a standard container particularly useful is to add a single constructor that does precisely the initialization needed, with no chance of confusion or hijacking by other constructors. (I'm looking at you, initialization_list constructors!) Then, you can freely use the resulting object, sliced -- pass it by reference to something expecting the base, move from it to an instance of the base, what have you. There are no edge cases to worry about, unless it would bother you to bind a template argument to the derived class.
A place where this technique will be immediately useful in C++20 is reservation. Where we might have written
std::vector<T> names; names.reserve(1000);
we can say
template<typename C>
struct reserve_in : C {
reserve_in(std::size_t n) { this->reserve(n); }
and then have, even as class members,
. . .
reserve_in<std::vector<T>> taken_names{1000}; // 1
std::vector<T> given_names{reserve_in<std::vector<T>>{1000}}; // 2
. . .
(according to preference) and not need to write a constructor just to call reserve() on them.
(The reason that reserve_in, technically, needs to wait for C++20 is that prior Standards don't require the capacity of an empty vector to be preserved across moves. That is acknowledged as an oversight, and can reasonably be expected to be fixed as a defect in time for '20. We can also expect the fix to be, effectively, backdated to previous Standards, because all existing implementations actually do preserve capacity across moves; the Standards just haven't required it. The eager can safely jump the gun -- reserving is almost always just an optimization anyway.)
Some would argue that the case of reserve_in is better served by a free function template:
template<typename C>
auto reserve_in(std::size_t n) { C c; c.reserve(n); return c; }
Such an alternative is certainly viable -- and could even, at times, be infinitesimally faster, because of *RVO. But the choice of derivation or free function should be made on its own merits, and not from baseless (heh!) superstition about deriving from Standard components. In the example use above, only the second form would work with the free function; although outside of class context it could be written a little more concisely:
auto given_names{reserve_in<std::vector<T>>(1000)}; // 2
Here, let me introduce 2 more ways to do want you want. One is another way to wrap std::vector, another is the way to inherit without giving users a chance to break anything:
Let me add another way of wrapping std::vector without writing a lot of function wrappers.
#include <utility> // For std:: forward
struct Derived: protected std::vector<T> {
// Anything...
using underlying_t = std::vector<T>;
auto* get_underlying() noexcept
return static_cast<underlying_t*>(this);
auto* get_underlying() const noexcept
return static_cast<underlying_t*>(this);
template <class Ret, class ...Args>
auto apply_to_underlying_class(Ret (*underlying_t::member_f)(Args...), Args &&...args)
return (get_underlying()->*member_f)(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
Inheriting from std::span instead of std::vector and avoid the dtor problem.
class A
virtual void foo () = 0;
At this point it is absolutely obvious that A is an abstract class and will never be instantiated on it's own. So why the standard doesn't demand that automatically generated destructor must be virtual as well?
I ask myself this question every time I need to define a dummy virtual desctuctor in my interface classes and can't see why the commetee did't do this.
So the question: why generated destructor in an abstract class is not virtual?
Because in C++ you don't pay for what you don't need, and a virtual destructor adds overhead (even in already polymorphic classes) that isn't needed in many cases. For example you might not need polymorphic destruction and choose to have a protected destructor instead.
Further, as an alternative scenario, imagine that you have a class with a virtual method that does desire polymorphic destruction. Now imagine that the other virtual method is no longer needed and removed but polymorphic destruction is still needed. Now you have to remember to go back and add a virtual destructor or suffer undefined behavior.
Finally I think it would be hard to justify changing the default virtualness of the destructor (and it alone) based on whether a class is polymorphic or not rather than always and consistently making a destructor non-vurtual unless requested otherwise.
A virtual Destructor would cause dereferencing every time this class would be destructed. Rather small overhead, but C++ wants to save as much time as possible. Anyway, being explicit is always better, than trusting implicit compiler magic.
C++'s motto: "Trust the programmer".
LG ntor
When the c++ standard was written, it was written by keeping in my mind that it will be used on various platforms. Some of which might has memory constraints.By adding virtual-ism we are increasing the overhead.That why at that time every method/dtor needs to be explicitly made virtual by the programmer, whenever we do require polymorphism.
Now question comes to why can not standard c++ implementation of abstract class default destructor. Dont you think it will strange to have different implementation, and also it will cause confusion.And what about the case(however small it is) , when you dont need the distructor to be virtaul(so as to save memory).Why waste the memory
I'm currently having a discussion with my teacher about class design and we came to the point of Initialize() functions, which he heavily promotes. Example:
class Foo{
{ // acquire light-weight resources only / default initialize
virtual void Initialize()
{ // do allocation, acquire heavy-weight resources, load data from disk
// optionally provide a Destroy() function
// virtual void Destroy(){ /*...*/ }
Everything with optional parameters of course.
Now, he also puts emphasis on extendability and usage in class hierarchies (he's a game developer and his company sells a game engine), with the following arguments (taken verbatim, only translated):
Arguments against constructors:
can't be overridden by derived classes
can't call virtual functions
Arguments for Initialize() functions:
derived class can completely replace initialization code
derived class can do the base class initialization at any time during its own initialization
I have always been taught to do the real initialization directly in the constructor and to not provide such Initialize() functions. That said, I for sure don't have as much experience as he does when it comes to deploying a library / engine, so I thought I'd ask at good ol' SO.
So, what exactly are the arguments for and against such Initialize() functions? Does it depend on the environment where it should be used? If yes, please provide reasonings for library / engine developers or, if you can, even game developer in general.
Edit: I should have mentioned, that such classes will be used as member variables in other classes only, as anything else wouldn't make sense for them. Sorry.
For Initialize: exactly what your teacher says, but in well-designed code you'll probably never need it.
Against: non-standard, may defeat the purpose of a constructor if used spuriously. More importantly: client needs to remember to call Initialize. So, either instances will be in an inconsistent state upon construction, or they need lots of extra bookkeeping to prevent client code from calling anything else:
void Foo::im_a_method()
if (!fully_initialized)
throw Unitialized("Foo::im_a_method called before Initialize");
// do actual work
The only way to prevent this kind of code is to start using factory functions. So, if you use Initialize in every class, you'll need a factory for every hierarchy.
In other words: don't do this if it's not necessary; always check if the code can be redesigned in terms of standard constructs. And certainly don't add a public Destroy member, that's the destructor's task. Destructors can (and in inheritance situations, must) be virtual anyway.
I"m against 'double initialization' in C++ whatsoever.
Arguments against constructors:
can't be overridden by derived classes
can't call virtual functions
If you have to write such code, it means your design is wrong (e.g. MFC). Design your base class so all the necessary information that can be overridden is passed through the parameters of its constructor, so the derived class can override it like this:
Derived::Derived() : Base(GetSomeParameter())
This is a terrible, terrible idea. Ask yourself- what's the point of the constructor if you just have to call Initialize() later? If the derived class wants to override the base class, then don't derive.
When the constructor finishes, it should make sense to use the object. If it doesn't, you've done it wrong.
One argument for preferring initialization in the constructor: it makes it easier to ensure that every object has a valid state. Using two-phase initialization, there's a window where the object is ill-formed.
One argument against using the constructor is that the only way of signalling a problem is through throwing an exception; there's no ability to return anything from a constructor.
Another plus for a separate initialization function is that it makes it easier to support multiple constructors with different parameter lists.
As with everything this is really a design decision that should be made with the specific requirements of the problem at hand, rather than making a blanket generalization.
A voice of dissension is in order here.
You might be working in an environment where you have no choice but to separate construction and initialization. Welcome to my world. Don't tell me to find a different environment; I have no choice. The preferred embodiment of the products I create is not in my hands.
Tell me how to initialize some aspects of object B with respect to object C, other aspects with respect to object A; some aspects of object C with respect to object B, other aspects with respect to object A. The next time around the situation may well be reversed. I won't even get into how to initialize object A. The apparently circular initialization dependencies can be resolved, but not by the constructors.
Similar concerns goes for destruction versus shutdown. The object may need to live past shutdown, it may need to be reused for Monte Carlo purposes, and it might need to be restarted from a checkpoint dumped three months ago. Putting all of the deallocation code directly in the destructor is a very bad idea because it leaks.
Forget about the Initialize() function - that is the job of the constructor.
When an object is created, if the construction passed successfully (no exception thrown), the object should be fully initialized.
While I agree with the downsides of doing initialization exclusively in the constructor, I do think that those are actually signs of bad design.
A deriving class should not need to override base class initialization behaviour entirely. This is a design flaw which should be cured, rather than introducing Initialize()-functions as a workaround.
Not calling Initialize may be easy to do accidentally and won't give you a properly constructed object. It also doesn't follow the RAII principle since there are separate steps in constructing/destructing the object: What happens if Initialize fails (how do you deal with the invalid object)?
By forcing default initialization you may end up doing more work than doing initialization in the constructor proper.
Ignoring the RAII implications, which others have adequately covered, a virtual initialization method greatly complicates your design. You can't have any private data, because for the ability to override the initialization routine to be at all useful, the derived object needs access to it. So now the class's invariants are required to be maintained not only by the class, but by every class that inherits from it. Avoiding that sort of burden is part of the point behind inheritance in the first place, and the reason constructors work the way they do with regard to subobject creation.
Others have argued at length against the use of Initialize, I myself see one use: laziness.
For example:
File file("/tmp/xxx");
Now, if foo never uses file (after all), then it's completely unnecessary to try and read it (and would indeed be a waste of resources).
In this situation, I support Lazy Initialization, however it should not rely on the client calling the function, but rather each member function should check if it is necessary to initialize or not. In this example name() does not require it, but encoding() does.
Only use initialize function if you don't have the data available at point of creation.
For example, you're dynamically building a model of data, and the data that determines the object hierarchy must be consumed before the data that describes object parameters.
If you use it, then you should make the constructor private and use factory methods instead that call the initialize() method for you. For example:
class MyClass
static std::unique_ptr<MyClass> Create()
std::unique_ptr<MyClass> result(new MyClass);
return result;
void initialize();
That said, initializer methods are not very elegant, but they can be useful for the exact reasons your teacher said. I would not consider them 'wrong' per se. If your design is good then you probably will never need them. However, real-life code sometimes forces you to make compromises.
Some members simply must have values at construction (e.g. references, const values, objects designed for RAII without default constructors)... they can't be constructed in the initialise() function, and some can't be reassigned then.
So, in general it's not a choice of constructor vs. initialise(), it's a question of whether you'll end up having code split between the two.
Of bases and members that could be initialised later, for the derived class to do it implies they're not private; if you go so far as to make bases/members non-private for the sake of delaying initialisaton you break encapsulation - one of the core principles of OOP. Breaking encapsulation prevents base class developer(s) from reasoning about the invariants the class should protect; they can't develop their code without risking breaking derived classes - which they might not have visibility into.
Other times it's possible but sometimes inefficient if you must default construct a base or member with a value you'll never use, then assign it a different value soon after. The optimiser may help - particularly if both functions are inlined and called in quick succession - but may not.
[constructors] can't be overridden by derived classes you can actually rely on them doing what the base class needs...
[constructors] can't call virtual functions
The CRTP allows derived classes to inject functionality - that's typically a better option than a separate initialise() routine, being faster.
Arguments for Initialize() functions:
derived class can completely replace initialization code
I'd say that's an argument against, as above.
derived class can do the base class initialization at any time during its own initialization
That's flexible but risky - if the base class isn't initialised the derived class could easily end up (due to oversight during the evolution of the code) calling something that relies on that base being initialised and consequently fails at run time.
More generally, there's the question of reliable invocation, usage and error handling. With initialise, client code has to remember to call it with failures evident at runtime not compile time. Issues may be reported using return types instead of exceptions or state, which can sometimes be better.
If initialise() needs to be called to set say a pointer to nullptr or a value safe for the destructor to delete, but some other data member or code throws first, all hell breaks loose.
initialise() also forces the entire class to be non-const in the client code, even if the client just wants to create an initial state and ensure it won't be further modified - basically you've thrown const-correctness out the window.
Code doing things like p_x = new X(values, for, initialisation);, f(X(values, for initialisation), v.push_back(X(values, for initialisation)) won't be possible - forcing verbose and clumsy alternatives.
If a destroy() function is also used, many of the above problems are exacerbated.
Ok, this is really difficult to confess, but I do have a strong temptation at the moment to inherit from std::vector.
I need about 10 customized algorithms for vector and I want them to be directly members of the vector. But naturally I want also to have the rest of std::vector's interface. Well, my first idea, as a law-abiding citizen, was to have an std::vector member in MyVector class. But then I would have to manually reprovide all of the std::vector's interface. Too much to type. Next, I thought about private inheritance, so that instead of reproviding methods I would write a bunch of using std::vector::member's in the public section. This is tedious too actually.
And here I am, I really do think that I can simply inherit publicly from std::vector, but provide a warning in the documentation that this class should not be used polymorphically. I think most developers are competent enough to understand that this shouldn't be used polymorphically anyway.
Is my decision absolutely unjustifiable? If so, why? Can you provide an alternative which would have the additional members actually members but would not involve retyping all of vector's interface? I doubt it, but if you can, I'll just be happy.
Also, apart from the fact that some idiot can write something like
std::vector<int>* p = new MyVector
is there any other realistic peril in using MyVector? By saying realistic I discard things like imagine a function which takes a pointer to vector ...
Well, I've stated my case. I have sinned. Now it's up to you to forgive me or not :)
Actually, there is nothing wrong with public inheritance of std::vector. If you need this, just do that.
I would suggest doing that only if it is really necessary. Only if you can't do what you want with free functions (e.g. should keep some state).
The problem is that MyVector is a new entity. It means a new C++ developer should know what the hell it is before using it. What's the difference between std::vector and MyVector? Which one is better to use here and there? What if I need to move std::vector to MyVector? May I just use swap() or not?
Do not produce new entities just to make something to look better. These entities (especially, such common) aren't going to live in vacuum. They will live in mixed environment with constantly increased entropy.
The whole STL was designed in such way that algorithms and containers are separate.
This led to a concept of different types of iterators: const iterators, random access iterators, etc.
Therefore I recommend you to accept this convention and design your algorithms in such way that they won't care about what is the container they're working on - and they would only require a specific type of iterator which they'd need to perform their operations.
Also, let me redirect you to some good remarks by Jeff Attwood.
The main reason for not inheriting from std::vector publicly is an absence of a virtual destructor that effectively prevents you from polymorphic use of descendants. In particular, you are not allowed to delete a std::vector<T>* that actually points at a derived object (even if the derived class adds no members), yet the compiler generally can't warn you about it.
Private inheritance is allowed under these conditions. I therefore recommend using private inheritance and forwarding required methods from the parent as shown below.
class AdVector: private std::vector<double>
typedef double T;
typedef std::vector<double> vector;
using vector::push_back;
using vector::operator[];
using vector::begin;
using vector::end;
AdVector operator*(const AdVector & ) const;
AdVector operator+(const AdVector & ) const;
virtual ~AdVector();
You should first consider refactoring your algorithms to abstract the type of container they are operating on and leave them as free templated functions, as pointed out by majority of answerers. This is usually done by making an algorithm accept a pair of iterators instead of container as arguments.
If you're considering this, you've clearly already slain the language pedants in your office. With them out of the way, why not just do
struct MyVector
std::vector<Thingy> v; // public!
void func1( ... ) ; // and so on
That will sidestep all the possible blunders that might come out of accidentally upcasting your MyVector class, and you can still access all the vector ops just by adding a little .v .
What are you hoping to accomplish? Just providing some functionality?
The C++ idiomatic way to do this is to just write some free functions that implement the functionality. Chances are you don't really require a std::vector, specifically for the functionality you're implementing, which means you're actually losing out on reusability by trying to inherit from std::vector.
I would strongly advise you to look at the standard library and headers, and meditate on how they work.
I think very few rules should be followed blindly 100% of the time. It sounds like you've given it quite a lot of thought, and are convinced that this is the way to go. So -- unless someone comes up with good specific reasons not to do this -- I think you should go ahead with your plan.
There is no reason to inherit from std::vector unless one wants to make a class that works differently than std::vector, because it handles in its own way the hidden details of std::vector's definition, or unless one has ideological reasons to use the objects of such class in place of std::vector's ones. However, the creators of the standard on C++ did not provide std::vector with any interface (in the form of protected members) that such inherited class could take advantage of in order to improve the vector in a specific way. Indeed, they had no way to think of any specific aspect that might need extension or fine-tune additional implementation, so they did not need to think of providing any such interface for any purpose.
The reasons for the second option can be only ideological, because std::vectors are not polymorphic, and otherwise there is no difference whether you expose std::vector's public interface via public inheritance or via public membership. (Suppose you need to keep some state in your object so you cannot get away with free functions). On a less sound note and from the ideological point of view, it appears that std::vectors are a kind of "simple idea", so any complexity in the form of objects of different possible classes in their place ideologically makes no use.
In practical terms: If you do not have any data members in your derived class, you do not have any problems, not even in polymorphic usage. You only need a virtual destructor if the sizes of the base class and the derived class are different and/or you have virtual functions (which means a v-table).
BUT in theory: From [expr.delete] in the C++0x FCD: In the first alternative (delete object), if the static type of the object to be deleted is different from its dynamic type, the static type shall be a base class of the dynamic type of the object to be deleted and the static type shall have a virtual destructor or the behavior is undefined.
But you can derive privately from std::vector without problems.
I have used the following pattern:
class PointVector : private std::vector<PointType>
typedef std::vector<PointType> Vector;
using Vector::at;
using Vector::clear;
using Vector::iterator;
using Vector::const_iterator;
using Vector::begin;
using Vector::end;
using Vector::cbegin;
using Vector::cend;
using Vector::crbegin;
using Vector::crend;
using Vector::empty;
using Vector::size;
using Vector::reserve;
using Vector::operator[];
using Vector::assign;
using Vector::insert;
using Vector::erase;
using Vector::front;
using Vector::back;
using Vector::push_back;
using Vector::pop_back;
using Vector::resize;
If you follow good C++ style, the absence of virtual function is not the problem, but slicing (see
Why is absence of virtual functions not the problem? Because a function should not try to delete any pointer it receives, since it does not have an ownership of it. Therefore, if following strict ownership policies, virtual destructors should not be needed. For example, this is always wrong (with or without virtual destructor):
void foo(SomeType* obj)
if(obj!=nullptr) //The function prototype only makes sense if parameter is optional
delete obj;
class SpecialSomeType:public SomeType
// whatever
int main()
SpecialSomeType obj;
doStuff(&obj); //Will crash here. But caller does not know that
// ...
In contrast, this will always work (with or without virtual destructor):
void foo(SomeType* obj)
if(obj!=nullptr) //The function prototype only makes sense if parameter is optional
class SpecialSomeType:public SomeType
// whatever
int main()
SpecialSomeType obj;
// The correct destructor *will* be called here.
If the object is created by a factory, the factory should also return a pointer to a working deleter, which should be used instead of delete, since the factory may use its own heap. The caller can get it form of a share_ptr or unique_ptr. In short, do not delete anything you didn't get directly from new.
Yes it's safe as long as you are careful not to do the things that are not safe... I don't think I've ever seen anyone use a vector with new so in practice you'll likely be fine. However, it's not the common idiom in c++....
Are you able to give more information on what the algorithms are?
Sometimes you end up going down one road with a design and then can't see the other paths you might have taken - the fact that you claim to need to vector with 10 new algorithms rings alarm bells for me - are there really 10 general purpose algorithms that a vector can implement, or are you trying to make an object that is both a general purpose vector AND which contains application specific functions?
I'm certainly not saying that you shouldn't do this, it's just that with the information you've given alarm bells are ringing which makes me think that maybe something is wrong with your abstractions and there is a better way to achieve what you want.
I also inherited from std::vector recently, and found it to be very useful and so far I haven't experienced any problems with it.
My class is a sparse matrix class, meaning that I need to store my matrix elements somewhere, namely in an std::vector. My reason for inheriting was that I was a bit too lazy to write interfaces to all the methods and also I am interfacing the class to Python via SWIG, where there is already good interface code for std::vector. I found it much easier to extend this interface code to my class rather than writing a new one from scratch.
The only problem I can see with the approach is not so much with the non-virtual destructor, but rather some other methods, which I would like to overload, such as push_back(), resize(), insert() etc. Private inheritance could indeed be a good option.
This question is guaranteed to produce breathless pearl-clutching, but in fact there is no defensible reason for avoiding, or "unnecessarily multiplying entities" to avoid, derivation from a Standard container. The simplest, shortest possible expression is clearest, and best.
You do need to exercise all the usual care around any derived type, but there is nothing special about the case of a base from the Standard. Overriding a base member function could be tricky, but that would be unwise to do with any non-virtual base, so there is not much special here. If you were to add a data member, you would need to worry about slicing if the member had to be kept consistent with contents of the base, but again that is the same for any base.
The place where I have found deriving from a standard container particularly useful is to add a single constructor that does precisely the initialization needed, with no chance of confusion or hijacking by other constructors. (I'm looking at you, initialization_list constructors!) Then, you can freely use the resulting object, sliced -- pass it by reference to something expecting the base, move from it to an instance of the base, what have you. There are no edge cases to worry about, unless it would bother you to bind a template argument to the derived class.
A place where this technique will be immediately useful in C++20 is reservation. Where we might have written
std::vector<T> names; names.reserve(1000);
we can say
template<typename C>
struct reserve_in : C {
reserve_in(std::size_t n) { this->reserve(n); }
and then have, even as class members,
. . .
reserve_in<std::vector<T>> taken_names{1000}; // 1
std::vector<T> given_names{reserve_in<std::vector<T>>{1000}}; // 2
. . .
(according to preference) and not need to write a constructor just to call reserve() on them.
(The reason that reserve_in, technically, needs to wait for C++20 is that prior Standards don't require the capacity of an empty vector to be preserved across moves. That is acknowledged as an oversight, and can reasonably be expected to be fixed as a defect in time for '20. We can also expect the fix to be, effectively, backdated to previous Standards, because all existing implementations actually do preserve capacity across moves; the Standards just haven't required it. The eager can safely jump the gun -- reserving is almost always just an optimization anyway.)
Some would argue that the case of reserve_in is better served by a free function template:
template<typename C>
auto reserve_in(std::size_t n) { C c; c.reserve(n); return c; }
Such an alternative is certainly viable -- and could even, at times, be infinitesimally faster, because of *RVO. But the choice of derivation or free function should be made on its own merits, and not from baseless (heh!) superstition about deriving from Standard components. In the example use above, only the second form would work with the free function; although outside of class context it could be written a little more concisely:
auto given_names{reserve_in<std::vector<T>>(1000)}; // 2
Here, let me introduce 2 more ways to do want you want. One is another way to wrap std::vector, another is the way to inherit without giving users a chance to break anything:
Let me add another way of wrapping std::vector without writing a lot of function wrappers.
#include <utility> // For std:: forward
struct Derived: protected std::vector<T> {
// Anything...
using underlying_t = std::vector<T>;
auto* get_underlying() noexcept
return static_cast<underlying_t*>(this);
auto* get_underlying() const noexcept
return static_cast<underlying_t*>(this);
template <class Ret, class ...Args>
auto apply_to_underlying_class(Ret (*underlying_t::member_f)(Args...), Args &&...args)
return (get_underlying()->*member_f)(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
Inheriting from std::span instead of std::vector and avoid the dtor problem.