What is the purpose of __cxa_pure_virtual? - c++

Whilst compiling with avr-gcc I have encountered linker errors such as the following:
undefined reference to `__cxa_pure_virtual'
I've found this document which states:
The __cxa_pure_virtual function is an error handler that is invoked when a pure virtual function is called.
If you are writing a C++ application that has pure virtual functions you must supply your own __cxa_pure_virtual error handler function. For example:
extern "C" void __cxa_pure_virtual() { while (1); }
Defining this function as suggested fixes the errors but I'd like to know:
what the purpose of this function is,
why I should need to define it myself and
why it is acceptable to code it as an infinite loop?

If anywhere in the runtime of your program an object is created with a virtual function pointer not filled in, and when the corresponding function is called, you will be calling a 'pure virtual function'.
The handler you describe should be defined in the default libraries that come with your development environment. If you happen to omit the default libraries, you will find this handler undefined: the linker sees a declaration, but no definition. That's when you need to provide your own version.
The infinite loop is acceptable because it's a 'loud' error: users of your software will immediately notice it. Any other 'loud' implementation is acceptable, too.

1) What's the purpose of the function __cxa_pure_virtual()?
Pure virtual functions can get called during object construction/destruction. If that happens, __cxa_pure_virtual() gets called to report the error. See Where do "pure virtual function call" crashes come from?
2) Why might you need to define it yourself?
Normally this function is provided by libstdc++ (e.g. on Linux), but avr-gcc and the Arduino toolchain don't provide a libstdc++.
The Arduino IDE manages to avoid the linker error when building some programs because it compiles with the options "-ffunction-sections -fdata-sections" and links with "-Wl,--gc-sections", which drops some references to unused symbols.
3) Why is it acceptable to code __cxa_pure_virtual() as an infinite loop?
Well, this is at least safe; it does something predictable. It would be more useful to abort the program and report the error. An infinite loop would be awkward to debug, though, unless you have a debugger that can interrupt execution and give a stack backtrace.


Linking to external functions in dynamic libraries with LLVM

In my project, I am emitting LLVM IR which makes calls to external functions in dynamic libraries.
I declare my external functions like:
declare %"my_type"* #"my_function"()
In the external library, functions are declared like:
extern "C" {
my_type* my_function();
When I compile the IR and run it, the process immediately crashes. The same behavior happens if I declare and call a nonsense function that I know doesn't exist, so I assume what's happening is that the external function is not being found/linked. (I don't think that the function itself is crashing).
I am using Python's llvmlite library for this task, and within the same process where I JIT and invoke my LLVM IR, I have another python library imported which requires the external dynamic library; so I assume that library is loaded and in-memory.
The procedure I'm using to compile and execute my LLVM code is basically the same as what's in this document, except that the IR declares and invokes an external function. I have tried invoking cos(), as in the Kaleidoscope tutorial, and this succeeds, so I am not sure what is different about my own library functions.
I have tried adding an underscore to the beginning of the function name, but I get the same result. (Do I need to add the underscore in the LLVM function declaration?)
How do I verify my assumption that the process is crashing because the named function isn't found?
How do I diagnose why the function isn't being found?
What do I need to do in order to make use of external functions in a dynamic library, from LLVM code?
Edit: It seems there is indeed trouble getting the function pointers to my external function. If I try to merely print the function address by replacing my calls with %"foo" = ptrtoint %"my_type"* ()* #"my_function" to i64 and return/print the result, it still segfaults. Merely trying to obtain the pointer is enough to cause a crash! Why is this, and how do I fix it?
Edit: Also forgot to mention— this is on Ubuntu (in a Docker container, on OSX).
I figured it out— I was missing that I need to call llvmlite.binding.load_library_permanently(filename) in order for the external symbols to become available. Even though the library is already in memory, the function still needs to be invoked. (This corresponds to the LLVM native function llvm::sys::DynamicLibrary::LoadLibraryPermanently()).
From this answer, it appears calling the above function with nullptr will import all the symbols available to the process.
Oddly, on OSX, I found that the external symbols were available even though load_library_permanently() had not been explicitly called— I'm not sure why this is (perhaps the OSX build of llvmlite itself happened to call the function with nullptr, as above?).

Why Are Vtables Not Being Implemented Correctly On Embedded Platform?

I am developing code for an embedded system (specifically, the PSoC 5, using PSoC Creator), and writing in C++.
While I've overcome most hurdles with using C++ , first off compiling in C++ using the compiler flag -x c++, defining the new and delete operators, making sure exceptions aren't thrown with the compiler flag -fno-exception, I've come to a brick wall when it comes to using virtual functions.
If I try and declare a virtual function, the compiler gives me the error undefined reference to "vtable for __cxxabiv1::__class_type_info". The only way to get around this is to use the compiler flag -fno-rtti, which prevents the error and makes it compile successfully. However, if I do that, the embedded program crashes when trying to run the overloaded virtual function, and I'm thinking this is because the vtable does not exist.
I don't see why you shouldn't be able to implement vtables on an embedded platform, since all it is a extra space in memory before or after member objects (depending on the exact compiler).
The reason I am trying to use virtual functions is because I am wanting to use FreeRTOS with C++, and other people have implemented this by using virtual functions (see http://www.freertos.org/FreeRTOS_Support_Forum_Archive/July_2010/freertos_Is_it_possible_create_freertos_task_in_c_3778071.html for the discussion, and https://github.com/yuriykulikov/Event-driven_Framework_for_Embedded_Systems for a well written embedded C++ FreeRTOS framework)
The fact that the error message refers to a class named __cxxabiv1 suggests that you are not linking against the correct C++ runtime for your platform. I don't know anything about PSoC, but on more "normal" platforms, this sort of error could happen if you used the gcc (resp. clang) command at link-time instead of g++ (resp. clang++); or under handwavey circumstances if you used -lc++ without -stdlib=libc++ or -lstdc++ without -stdlib=libstdc++.
Use the -v option to examine your linker command line, and try to find out exactly which C++ runtime library it's pulling in. It'll probably be named something like libcxxabi or libcxxrt.
This guy here gives step-by-step instructions for compiling C++ in PSoC Creator; but he never figured out how to link with a C++ runtime library, so all his tips are focused on how to remove C++isms from your code (-fno-rtti, -fno-exceptions,...). I agree that there doesn't seem to be any information online about how to actually use C++ with PSoC.
For this specific error, you could always try defining the missing symbol yourself:
// file "fix-link-errors.cpp"
namespace __cxxabiv1 {
class __class_type_info {
virtual void dummy();
void __class_type_info::dummy() { } // causes the vtable to get created here
Or many linkers have the ability to define undefined symbols as 0x0 through command-line options such as -C or --defsym. However, that's not only a Bad Idea but also inconvenient, because you'd have to figure out what the actual (mangled) name of the vtable object is, and the linker didn't tell you that. (This being GCC, it's probably something like __ZTVN10__cxxabiv117__class_type_infoE.)
Either of those "solutions" would result in horrible crashes if the program ever tried to do anything with the vtable; but they'd shut the linker up, if that's all you cared about and you knew the program would never actually use RTTI. But in that case, it should be sufficient to use -fno-rtti consistently on your entire project.
What, specifically, goes wrong when you use -fno-rtti?

Access violation calling C++ dll

I created c++ dll (using mingw) from code I wrote on linux (gcc), but somehow have difficulties using it in VC++. The dll basically exposes just one class, I created pure virtual interface for it and also factory function which creates the object (the only export) which looks like this:
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) DeviceDriverApi* GetX5Driver();
I added extern "C" to prevent name mangling, dllexport is replaced by dllimport in actual code where I want to use the dll, DeviceDriverApi is the pure virtual interface.
Now I wrote simple code in VC++ which just call the factory function and then just tries to delete the pointer. It compiles without any problems but when I try to run it I get access violation error. If I try to call any method of the object I get access violation again.
When I compile the same code in MinGW (gcc) and use the same library, it runs without any problems. So there must be something (hehe, I guess many differences actually :)) between how VC++ code uses the library and gcc code.
Any ideas what?
The code is:
DeviceDriverApi* x5Driver = GetX5Driver();
if (x5Driver->isConnected())
Console::WriteLine(L"Hello World");
delete x5Driver;
It's crashing when I try to call the method and when I try to delete the pointer as well. The object is created correctly though (the first line). There are some debug outputs when the object is created and I can see them before I get the access violation error.
You're using one compiler (mingw) for the DLL, and another (VC++) for the calling code.
You're calling a 'C' function, but returning a pointer to a C++ Object.
That will never work, because VTable layouts are almost guranteed to be incompatible. And, the DLL and app are probably using different memory managers, so you're doing new() with one and delete() with the other. Again, it just won't work.
For this to work the two compilers need to both support a standard ABI (Application Binary Interface). I don't think such a thing exists for Windows.
The best option is to expose all you DLL object methods and properties via C functions (including one to delete the object). You can the re-wrap into a C++ object on the calling end.
The two different compilers may be using different calling conventions. Try putting _cdecl before the function name in both the client code and the DLL code and recompiling both.
More info on calling conventions here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X86_calling_conventions
EDIT: The question was updated with more detail and it looks likely the problem is what Adrien Plisson describes at the end of his answer. You're creating an object in one module and freeing it in another, which is wrong.
(1) I suspect a calling covnention problem as well, though the simple suggestion by Leo doesn't seem to have helped.
Is isConnected virtual? It is possible that MinGW and VC++ use different implementations for a VTable, in which case, well, tough luck.
Try to see how far you get with the debugger: does it crash at the call, or the return? Do you arrive at invalid code? (If you know to read assembly, that usually helps a lot with these problems.)
Alternatively, add trace statements to the various methods, to see how far you get.
(2) For a public DLL interface, never free memory in the caller that was allocated by a callee (or vice versa). The DLL likely runs with a completely different heap, so the pointer is not known.
If you want to rely on that behavior, you need to make sure:
Caller and Callee (i.e. DLL and main program, in your case) are compiled with the same version of the sam compiler
for all supported compilers, you have configured the compile options to ensure caller and callee use the same shared runtime library state.
So the best way is to change your API to:
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) DeviceDriverApi* GetX5Driver();
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void FreeDeviceDriver(DeviceDriverApi* driver);
and, at caller site, wrap in some way (e.g. in a boost::intrusive_ptr).
try looking at the imported libraries from both your DLL and your client executable. (you can use the Dependency Viewer or dumpbin or any other tool you like). verify that both the DLL and the client code are using the same C++ runtime.
if it is not the case, you can indeed run into some issues since the way the memory is managed may be different between the 2, leading to a crash when freeing from one runtime a pointer allocated from another runtime.
if this is really your problem, try not destroying the pointer in your client executable, but rather declare and export a function in your DLL which will take care of destroying the pointer.

Where does abort() and terminate() "live"?

Regarding the terminate handler,
As i understand it, when something bad happens in code, for example when we dont catch an exception,
terminate() is called, which in turn calls abort()
set_terminate(my_function) allows us to get terminate() to call a user specified function my_terminate.
my question is: where do these functions "live" they don't seem to be a part of the language, but work as if they are present in every single cpp file, without having to include any header file.
If there are default handler functions for terminate and abort that you did not install yourself, they'd have to be in the runtime library provided by your compiler.
Normally, every program is linked against the runtime library (e.g. glibc under Linux). Among other reasons, this is because the runtime library contains "hidden" code for essential things, e.g. code that calls your main function at startup.
I don't see why you think there is no need to include a header:
int main() {
gives the following error for me:
error: 'abort' was not declared in this scope
Neither C nor C++ have any "special" functions - if you want to use a function, you must declare it somehow. These two live in the C++ Standard Library, and are declared in cstdlib and exception. Of course, these headers themselves may be #included by other headers, thus making the functions available, but this is not specified by the standard.
set_terminate - terminate handler function
Sets f as the terminate handler function.
A terminate handler function is a function automatically called when the exception handling process has to be abandoned for some reason. This happens when a handler cannot be found for a thrown exception, or for some other exceptional circumstance that makes impossible to continue the handling process.
The terminate handler by default calls cstdlib's abort function

g++ undefined reference to typeinfo

I just ran across the following error:
(.gnu.linkonce.[stuff]): undefined
reference to [method] [object
undefined reference to `typeinfo for
Why might one get one of these "undefined reference to typeinfo" linker errors?
Can anyone explain what's going on behind the scenes?
One possible reason is because you are declaring a virtual function without defining it.
When you declare it without defining it in the same compilation unit, you're indicating that it's defined somewhere else - this means the linker phase will try to find it in one of the other compilation units (or libraries).
An example of defining the virtual function is:
virtual void fn() { /* insert code here */ }
In this case, you are attaching a definition to the declaration, which means the linker doesn't need to resolve it later.
The line
virtual void fn();
declares fn() without defining it and will cause the error message you asked about.
It's very similar to the code:
extern int i;
int *pi = &i;
which states that the integer i is declared in another compilation unit which must be resolved at link time (otherwise pi can't be set to it's address).
This can also happen when you mix -fno-rtti and -frtti code. Then you need to ensure that any class, which type_info is accessed in the -frtti code, have their key method compiled with -frtti. Such access can happen when you create an object of the class, use dynamic_cast etc.
This occurs when declared (non-pure) virtual functions are missing bodies. In your class definition, something like:
virtual void foo();
Should be defined (inline or in a linked source file):
virtual void foo() {}
Or declared pure virtual:
virtual void foo() = 0;
Quoting from the gcc manual:
For polymorphic classes (classes with virtual functions), the type_info object is written out along with the vtable [...] For all other types, we write out the type_info object when it is used: when applying `typeid' to an expression, throwing an object, or referring to a type in a catch clause or exception specification.
And a bit earlier on the same page:
If the class declares any non-inline, non-pure virtual functions, the first one is chosen as the “key method” for the class, and the vtable is only emitted in the translation unit where the key method is defined.
So, this error happens when the "key method" is missing its definition, as other answers already mentioned.
If you're linking one .so to another, yet one more possibility is compiling with "-fvisibility=hidden" in gcc or g++. If both .so files were built with "-fvisibility=hidden" and the key method is not in the same .so as another of the virtual function's implementations, the latter won't see the vtable or typeinfo of the former. To the linker, this looks like an unimplemented virtual function (as in paxdiablo's and cdleary's answers).
In this case, you must make an exception for the visibility of the base class with
__attribute__ ((visibility("default")))
in the class declaration. For instance,
class __attribute__ ((visibility("default"))) boom{
virtual void stick();
Another solution, of course, is to not use "-fvisibility=hidden." That does complicate things for the compiler and linker, possibly to the detriment of code performance.
The previous answers are correct, but this error can also be caused by attempting to use typeid on an object of a class that has no virtual functions. C++ RTTI requires a vtable, so classes that you wish to perform type identification on require at least one virtual function.
If you want type information to work on a class for which you don't really want any virtual functions, make the destructor virtual.
I just spent a few hours on this error, and while the other answers here helped me understand what was going on, they did not fix my particular problem.
I am working on a project that compiles using both clang++ and g++. I was having no linking issues using clang++, but was getting the undefined reference to 'typeinfo for error with g++.
The important point: Linking order MATTERS with g++. If you list the libraries you want to link in an order which is incorrect you can get the typeinfo error.
See this SO question for more details on linking order with gcc/g++.
Possible solutions for code that deal with RTTI and non-RTTI libraries:
a) Recompile everything with either -frtti or -fno-rtti
b) If a) is not possible for you, try the following:
Assume libfoo is built without RTTI. Your code uses libfoo and compiles with RTTI. If you use a class (Foo) in libfoo that has virtuals, you're likely to run into a link-time error that says: missing typeinfo for class Foo.
Define another class (e.g. FooAdapter) that has no virtual and will forward calls to Foo that you use.
Compile FooAdapter in a small static library that doesn't use RTTI and only depends on libfoo symbols. Provide a header for it and use that instead in your code (which uses RTTI). Since FooAdapter has no virtual function it won't have any typeinfo and you'll be able to link your binary. If you use a lot of different classes from libfoo, this solution may not be convenient, but it's a start.
In the base class (an abstract base class) you declare a virtual destructor and as you cannot declare a destructor as a pure virtual function, either you have to define it right here in the abstract class, just a dummy definition like virtual ~base() { } will do, or in any of the derived class.
If you fail to do this, you will end up in an "undefined symbol" at link time.
Since VMT has an entry for all the pure virtual functions with a matching NULL as it updates the table depending on the implementation in the derived class. But for the non-pure but virtual functions, it needs the definition at the link time so that it can update the VMT table.
Use c++filt to demangle the symbol. Like $c++filt _ZTIN10storageapi8BaseHostE
will output something like "typeinfo for storageapi::BaseHost".
In my case it was a virtual function in an interface class that wasn't defined as a pure virtual.
class IInterface
virtual void Foo() = 0;
I forgot the = 0 bit.
Similarly to the RTTI, NO-RTTI discussion above, this problem can also occur if you use dynamic_cast and fail to include the object code containing the class implementation.
I ran into this problem building on Cygwin and then porting code to Linux. The make files, directory structure and even the gcc versions (4.8.2) were identical in both cases, but the code linked and operated correctly on Cygwin but failed to link on Linux. Red Hat Cygwin has apparently made compiler/linker modifications that avoid the object code linking requirement.
The Linux linker error message properly directed me to the dynamic_cast line, but earlier messages in this forum had me looking for missing function implementations rather than the actual problem: missing object code. My workaround was to substitute a virtual type function in the base and derived class, e.g. virtual int isSpecialType(), rather than use dynamic_cast. This technique avoids the requirement to link object implementation code just to get dynamic_cast to work properly.
I got a lot of these errors just now. What happened is that I split a header-file-only class into a header file and a cpp file. However, I didn't update my build system, so the cpp file didn't get compiled. Among simply having undefined references to the functions declared in the header but not implemented, I got a lot of these typeinfo errors.
The solution was to re-run the build system to compile and link the new cpp file.
in my case, i used a third-party library with header files and so file. i subclassed one class, and link error like this occurred when i try to instantiate my subclass.
as mentioned by #sergiy, knowning it could be the problem of 'rtti', i managed to workaround it by put the constructor implementation into separate .cpp file and apply '-fno-rtti' compile flags to the file. it works well.
as i am still not quite clear about the internal of this link error, i am not sure whether my solution is general. however, i think it worth a shot before trying the adaptor way as mentioned by #francois . and of course, if all source codes are available(not in my case), better do recompile with '-frtti' if possible.
one more thing, if you choose to try my solution, try make the separate file as simple as possible, and do not use some fancy features of C++. take special attention on boost related things, cause much of it depends on rtti.
I've got same error when my interface (with all pure virtual functions) needed one more function and I forgot to "null" it.
I had
class ICommProvider
* #brief If connection is established, it sends the message into the server.
* #param[in] msg - message to be send
* #return 0 if success, error otherwise
virtual int vaSend(const std::string &msg) = 0;
* #brief If connection is established, it is waiting will server response back.
* #param[out] msg is the message received from server
* #return 0 if success, error otherwise
virtual int vaReceive(std::string &msg) = 0;
virtual int vaSendRaw(const char *buff, int bufflen) = 0;
virtual int vaReceiveRaw(char *buff, int bufflen) = 0;
* #bief Closes current connection (if needed) after serving
* #return 0 if success, error otherwise
virtual int vaClose();
Last vaClose is not virtual so compiled did not know where to get implementation for it and thereby got confused. my message was:
...TCPClient.o:(.rodata+0x38): undefined reference to `typeinfo for ICommProvider'
Simple change from
virtual int vaClose();
virtual int vaClose() = 0;
fixed the problem. hope it helps
I encounter an situation that is rare, but this may help other friends in similar situation. I have to work on an older system with gcc 4.4.7. I have to compile code with c++11 or above support, so I build the latest version of gcc 5.3.0. When building my code and linking to the dependencies if the dependency is build with older compiler, then I got 'undefined reference to' error even though I clearly defined the linking path with -L/path/to/lib -llibname. Some packages such as boost and projects build with cmake usually has a tendency to use the older compiler, and they usually cause such problems. You have to go a long way to make sure they use the newer compiler.
With this error message, G++'s linker is telling you, that it cannot assemble the full static typeinfo descriptor for a given class, when it is needed. As many have already pointed out, this is most likely due to missing definitions of virtual functions.
The bad thing, though, is, that the order of error messages may be counter-intuitive, with the "undefined reference to typeinfo" occuring before the undefined references to the missing virtual definitions. Here an example, that I just experienced:
/usr/bin/ld: module.o:(.data.rel.ro+0x10): undefined reference to `typeinfo for type_xxx'
/usr/bin/ld: module.o:(.data.rel.ro+0x28): undefined reference to `typeinfo for type_xxx'
/usr/bin/ld: module.o:(.data.rel.ro+0x40): undefined reference to `typeinfo for type_xxx'
/usr/bin/ld: module.o:(.data.rel.ro+0x150): undefined reference to `type_xxx::has_property(std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)'
So that missing definition of type_xxx::has_property(const std::string&) is only reported as the fourth error. So, sometimes it pays off to skip those error messages, that one doesn't understand, and handle the ones, first, that are easy to understand. Because in this case, adding the missing definitions then also fixes the problem with the undefined typeinfo references.
Check that your dependencies were compiled without -f-nortti.
For some projects you have to set it explicitly, like in RocksDB:
USE_RTTI=1 make shared_lib -j4
In my case it is purely a library dependency issue even if I have dynamic_cast call. After adding enough dependency into makefile this problem was gone.