Binding a static text box to a checkbox - mfc

I need some help in MFC. The following is my problem:
I have two controls a static text and a checkbox
When using MFC Wizard, i place a '&' in front of one of the letters in the static text, while executing if i press Alt+, the checkbox either gets enabled or disabled.
Now my problem is i am adding these controls programaticaly, and even though i have the '&' placed in the static text, if i press the Alt+, it doesn't change the state of the checkbox control.
My queries are:
Can anyone kindly let me know if there is some binding which has to be done in case we are adding the controls programatically.
If someone can briefly explain how the binding is taken care by MFC it will be gr8 help
One more thing the checkbox won't have any text associated with it.

Since the static text is not associated with the checkbox control, how can the system know which checkbox it should link? I bet if you look at the TAB ordering and the group settings of the controls, you will arrive at your solution.


How to set font in edit box part of a CMFCToolBarComboBoxButton?

I'm able to set the font used to draw the drop-down part of a CMFCToolBarComboBoxButton combo box which is embedded in a CMFCToolBar toolbar. However, I'm not able to set/change the font used for the edit field control which is part of the combo box. I.e., when the combo box is collapsed the currently selected item is always drawn with the standard/default font no matter what font is used for the entries when expanding the box.
I successfully change the font of the drop down box part by using a pointer to the underlying CComboBox object retrieved via CMFCToolBarComboBoxButton::GetComboBox() (and then via CComboBox::SetFont(...)). But when using the method CMFCToolBarComboBoxButton::GetEditCtrl() to obtain a pointer to the edit control part (in order to change its font, too) this method always returns a nulltpr. Does anybody know why or more importantly: What is the correct way to set the font used for the edit control part of the box?
I've searched the web now quite a lot but cannot find a solution to the problem. Thanks for any advice!
Additional note: I need to change the used font(s) at run time in my MFC application.
OK, I finally came to the conclusion that it's better to leave these fonts up to the OS settings anyway and not explicitly set them by the application code.
This is not a technically correct answer to the (my own) question, certainly, but may be a good advide for others chasing the same problem.

Does MFC CRichEditCtrl has a display level?

i'm currently working on a legacy project in MFC.
I encounter an issue where i create a bunch of CRichEditCtrl objs in the view, many of them are overlapping each other. When i select them, the visual is totally messed up.
Is it possible to click on a particular control and bring it to the "foreground". so i can edit on that particular control?
Other question is that is there a way to distinguish those controls dynamically?
I know when i create them, the last parementer is their ID. But when i click on those, i want command handler in parent dialog or view knows which one i'm about to edit.
Thanks in advance

HScrollbar/VScrollbar in the Groupbox to group multiple buttons in MFC

I tried to include the VScrollbar/ HScrollbar. where i have placed the group of static text control[ i have to place around 10 static text ] in the group. But i unable to do.Even I will be happy if you can able to suggest any other way to place the Text control's and can be able to implement the scrollbar
I am using VS 2013 professional.
Thanks for your reply. I feel sorry for not replying for your questions.
I implemented using custom draw clistctrl.
My job is to group list of static control and change the color based on the condition.
Initially I thought I should create individual control for everything and change the color based on the color control.
But I got the idea that how to use the clistctrl for my use.
Now I place all the texts in clistctrl and changing the color based on the condition.

custom combobox win32

I am trying to implement an auto-suggest feature in an win32 combobox (C++). I want to achieve a behaviour that is similar to the google auto suggest function. When the user types something into the edit-control of the combobox, its listbox opens and shows all possible matches. The Problem is the default behaviour of a win32 combobox is to always select the closest match and put the complete text (selected) into the edit control when the list is opened. I need to avoid this behaviour. The list should just open - dont select something and dont change the text in the edit-control!
I have tried to subclass the combobox and catch the CBN_DROPDOWN message, but this changes nothing on the default behavior.
Does anyone have a further idea? I dont want the auto-complete feature that just completes the text in the edit-control without opening the list.
Thx in advance
Greets, Michael

how to hide windows 7 switch user button in vc++ CredentialProvider sample

I have provided a screenshot of my
CredentialProvider window. In this
window everything is fine now but i
don't want to show Switch User
button to the user. How i can do
this. I am just editing Win-7 SDK
sample for CredentialProvider
(C++). Anyone can help me, or any
link for code help.
One more thing I want to ask is by default, the username text box displaying EditText in grey color. How i could change it to Username text. I can set text in SHStrDupW(L"", &_rgFieldStrings[SFI_EDIT_TEXT]); code but its not setting in background text. is there any hack for this.
Thanks SO members
You cannot directly prevent the Switch User button from appearing; if the conditions are present that cause it to appear, then it's going to appear. What you can do however: prevent the conditions that cause it to appear.
That button appears either when a tile is in the selected state and 1.) your credential provider is enumerating tiles other than the one that is selected, or 2.) other credential providers are enumerating tiles.
The first condition is easy to prevent: In GetCredentialCount(), always report that you will enumerate only one credential. (This means of course that you must structure the tile to handle all users.)
To prevent the second condition, you will have to implement a credential provider filter. (Search for the "ICredentialProviderFilter" interface if you don't know what that is.)
Good luck.
To answer question 2:
The username text box is displaying EditText in grey color. You can change it to Username text. You set text using
SHStrDupW(L"", &_rgFieldStrings[SFI_EDIT_TEXT]);
Have a look at common.h, there you'll find
If you change this Edit Text to UserName then it will show in your Text Box.