How the buffer of cout work? - c++

I know that cout have buffer several days ago, and when I google it, it is said that the buffer is some like a stack and get the output of cout and printf from right to left, then put them out(to the console or file)from top to bottem. Like this,
a = 1; b = 2; c = 3;
buffer:|3|2|1|<- (take “<-” as a poniter)
output:|3|2|<- (output 1)
|3|<- (output 2)
|<- (output 3)
Then I write a code below,
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int c = 6;
int f()
return c;
int main()
int i = 0;
cout <<"i="<<i<<" i++="<<i++<<" i--="<<i--<<endl;
i = 0;
printf("i=%d i++=%d i--=%d\n" , i , i++ ,i-- );
cout<<f()<<" "<<f()<<" "<<f()<<endl;
c = 6;
printf("%d %d %d\n" , f() , f() ,f() );
return 0;
Under VS2005, the output is
i=0 i++=-1 i--=0
i=0 i++=-1 i--=0
9 8 7
9 8 7
It seems that the stack way is right~
However, I read C++ Primer Plus yesterday, and it is said that the cout work from left to right, every time return an object(cout), so "That’s the feature that lets you concatenate output by using insertion". But the from left to right way can not explain cout<
Then Alnitak tell me that, "The << operator is really ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, int), so another way of writing this is:
operator<< ( operator<< ( operator<< ( cout, a ), b ), c )",
If the rightest argument is first evaluated, it can be some explained.
Now I'm confused about how cout's buffer work, can somebody help me?

You are mixing a lot of things. To date:
Implementation details of cout
Chained calls
Calling conventions
Try to read up on them separately. And don't think about all of them in one go.
printf("i=%d i++=%d i--=%d\n" , i , i++ ,i-- );
The above line invokes undefined behavior. Read the FAQ 3.2. Note, what you observe is a side-effect of the function's calling convention and the way parameters are passed in the stack by a particular implementation (i.e. yours). This is not guaranteed to be the same if you were working on other machines.
I think you are confusing the order of function calls with buffering. When you have a cout statement followed by multiple insertions << you are actually invoking multiple function calls, one after the other. So, if you were to write:
cout << 42 << 0;
It really means: You call,
cout = operator<<(cout, 42)
and then use the return in another call to the same operator as:
cout = operator<<(cout, 0)
What you have tested by the above will not tell you anything cout's internal representation. I suggest you take a look at the header files to know more.

Just as a general tip, never ever use i++ in the same line as another usage of i or i--.
The issue is that function arguments can be evaluated in any order, so if your function arguments have any side-effects (such as the increment and decrement operations) you can't guarantee that they will operate in the order you expect. This is something to avoid.
The same goes for this case, which is similar to the actual expansion of your cout usage:
function1 ( function2 ( foo ), bar );
The compiler is free to evaulate bar before calling function2, or vice versa. You can guarantee that function2 will return before function1 is called, for example, but not that their arguments are evaluated in a specific order.
This becomes a problem when you do something like:
function1 ( function2 ( i++), i );
You have no way to specify whether the "i" is evaluated before or after the "i++", so you're likely to get results that are different than you expect, or different results with different compilers or even different versions of the same compiler.
Bottom line, avoid statements with side-effects. Only use them if they're the only statement on the line or if you know you're only modifying the same variable once. (A "line" means a single statement plus semicolon.)

What you see is undefined behavior.
Local i and global c are added/subtracted multiple times without sequence point. This means that values you get can be about anything. Depends on compiler, possibly also processor architecture and number of cores.
The cout buffer can be thought as queue, so Alnitak is right.

In addition to the other answers which correctly point out that you are seeing undefined behavior, I figured I'd mention that std::cout uses an object of type std::streambuf to do its internal buffering. Basically it is an abstract class which represents of buffer (the size is particular to implementation and can even be 0 for unbufferd stream buffers). The one for std::cout is written such that when it "overflows" it is flushed into stdout.
In fact, you can change the std::streambuf associated with std::cout (or any stream for that matter). This often useful if you want to do something clever like make all std::cout calls end in a log file or something.
And as dirkgently said you are confusing calling convention with other details, they are entirely unrelated to std::cout's buffering.

In addition, mixing output paradigms (printf and cout) are implementation specific.


Don't we have to assign return values of the functions to variables? C/C++

I've been using C/C++ for about three years and I can't believe I've never encountered this issue before!
This following code compiles (I've just tried using gcc):
#include <iostream>
int change_i(int i) {
int j = 8;
return j;
int main() {
int i = 10;
std::cout << "i = " << i << std::endl;
And, the program prints i = 10, as you might expect.
My question is -- why does this compile? I would have expected an error, or at least a warning, saying there was a value returned which is unused.
Naively, I would consider this a similar case to when you accidentally forget the return call in a non-void function. I understand it's different and I can see why there's nothing inherently wrong with this code, but it seems dangerous. I've just spotted a similar error in some very old code of mine, representing a bug which goes back a long time. I obviously meant to do:
i = change_i(10);
But forgot, so it was never changed (I know this example is silly, the exact code is much more complicated). Any thoughts would be much appreciated!
It compiles because calling a function and ignoring the return result is very common. In fact, the last line of main does so too.
std::cout << "i = " << i << std::endl;
is actually short for:
(std::cout).operator<<("i =").operator<<(i).operator<<(std::endl);
... and you are not using the value returned from the final operator<<.
Some static checkers have options to warn when function returns are ignored (and then options to annotate a function whose returns are often ignored). Gcc has an option to mark a function as requiring the return value be used (__attribute__((warn_unused_result))) - but it only works if the return type doesn't have a destructor :-(.
Ignoring the return value of a function is perfectly valid. Take this for example:
We're ignoring the return value of printf here, which returns the number of characters printed. In most cases, you don't care how many characters are printed. If compilers warned about this, everyone's code would show tons of warnings.
This actually a specific case of ignoring the value of an expression, where in this case the value of the expression is the return value of a function.
Similarly, if you do this:
You have an expression whose value is discarded (i.e. the value of i before being incremented), however the ++ operator still increments the variable.
An assignment is also an expression:
i = j = k;
Here, you have two assignment expressions. One is j = k, whose value is the value of k (which was just assigned to j). This value is then used as the right hand side an another assignment to i. The value of the i = (j = k) expression is then discarded.
This is very different from not returning a value from a non-void function. In that case, the value returned by the function is undefined, and attempting to use that value results in undefined behavior.
There is nothing undefined about ignoring the value of an expression.
The short reason it is allowed is because that's what the standard specifies.
The statement
discards the value returned by change_i().
The longer reason is that most expressions both have an effect and produce a result. So
i = change_i(10);
will set i to be 8, but the assignment expression itself also has a result of 8. This is why (if j is of type int)
j = i = change_i(10);
will cause both j and i to have the value of 8. This sort of logic can continue indefinitely - which is why expressions can be chained, such as k = i = j = 10. So - from a language perspective - it does not make sense to require that a value returned by a function is assigned to a variable.
If you want to explicitly discard the result of a function call, it is possible to do
and a statement like
j = (void)change_i(10);
will not compile, typically due to a mismatch of types (an int cannot be assigned the value of something of type void).
All that said, several compilers (and static code analysers) can actually be configured to give a warning if the caller does not use a value returned by a function. Such warnings are turned off by default - so it is necessary to compile with appropriate settings (e.g. command line options).
I've been using C/C++ for about three years
I can suppose that during these three years you used standard C function printf. For example
#include <stdio.h>
int main( void )
printf( "Hello World!\n" );
The function has return type that differs from void. However I am sure that in most cases you did not use the return value of the function.:)
If to require that the compiler would issue an error when the return value of a function is not used then the code similar to the shown above would not compile because the compiler does not have an access to the source code of the function and can not determine whether the function has a side effect.:)
Consider another standard C functions - string functions.
For example function strcpy is declared like
char * strcpy( char *destination, const char *source );
If you have for example the following character arrays
char source[] = "Hello World!";
char destination[sizeof( source )];
then the function usually is called like
strcpy( destination, source );
There is no sense to use its return value when you need just to copy a string. Moreover for the shown example you even may not write
destination = strcpy( destination, source );
The compiler will issue an error.
So as you can see there is sense to ignore sometimes return values of functions.
For your own example the compiler could issue a message that the function does not have a side effect so its call is obsolete. In any case it should issue a message that the function parameter is not used.:)
Take into account that sometimes the compiler does not see a function definition that is present in some other compilation unit or in a library. So the compiler is unable to determine whether a function has a side effect,
In most cases compilers deal with function declarations. Sometimes the function definitions are not available for compilers in C and C++.

change pointer of char[] in c++

I had to write a program that declares char text[16]; and int number; and then fills it with input from the user. Then I have to call another function (without passing anything) and recall that data from the stack and display it.
I was able to find both of them
// This is the function that is called without passing any variables
int number;
char text[16];
cout << *(&text + 5) << endl; // This outputs the correct text but I can not figure out how to assign it to text
number = *(int*)(&number + 20); // This works and outputs the correct number and saves correctly to int number;
cout << "\tnumber: "
<< number
<< endl;
cout << "\ttext: "
<< text
<< endl;
I would like to know if there is a way to transfer the text from *(&text + 5) to char text[16];
What you are doing is going to result in undefined behavior. Depending heavily on the compiler and therefore in turn on the architecture. The proof being that when I compile and run your code with different optimization flags I get different results. Check out
The first expression *(&text + 5) evaluates to taking the address of the text pointer in memory, adding 5 to it and then dereferencing that to get a character value that is stored at that location. This can be pretty much anything on the stack at that time.
&number + 20 will definitely go off the "visible" stack, this is pointer arithmetic and will result in you adding 20*sizeof(int) to the pointer to the memory address of number on the stack.
If this is what you are intending to do then you should probably use strcpy as suggested by #JafferWilson
From reading the comments on the answer by Curious the answer is:
There is no proper way to read local variables in another function in C++ without passing them (or pointers to them or references to them) as parameters (or within objects you pass as parameters).
You can assign file scope (so called global) variables and read them in other functions. That is almost always a bad idea.
I get the feeling you might be coming from an assembler programming background to even try this sort of thing. You need to surrender a bit more to the structured programming paradigm.

Saving variables sequentially onto the stack

I'm trying to write a simple program to show how variables can be manipulated indirectly on the stack. In the code below everything works as planned: even though the address for a is passed in, I can indirectly change the value of c. However, if I delete the last line of code (or any of the last three), then this no longer applies. Do those lines somehow force the compiler to put my 3 in variables sequentially onto the stack? My expectation was that that would always be the case.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void someFunction(int* intPtr)
// write some code to break main's critical output
int* cptr = intPtr - 2;
*cptr = 0;
int main()
int a = 1;
int b = 2;
int c = 3;
cout << a << endl;
cout << b << endl;
cout << "Critical value is (must be 3): " << c << endl;
cout << &a << endl;
cout << &b << endl;
cout << &c << endl; //when commented out, critical value is 3
Your code causes undefined behaviour. You can't pass a pointer to an int and then just subtract an arbitrary amount from it and expect it to point to something meaningful. The compiler can put a, b, and c wherever it likes in whatever order it likes. There is no guaranteed relationship of any kind between them, so you you can't assume someFunction will do anything meaningful.
The compiler can place those wherever and in whatever order it likes in the current stack frame, it may even optimize them out if not used. Just make the compiler do what you want, by using arrays, where pointer arithmetic is safe:
int main()
int myVars[3] = {1,2,3};
//In C++, one could use immutable (const) references for convenience,
//which should be optimized/eliminated pretty well.
//But I would never ever use them for pointer arithmetic.
int& const a = myVars[0];
int& const b = myVars[1];
int& const c = myVars[2];
What you do is undefined behaviour, so anything may happen. But what is probably going on, is that when you don't take the adress of c by commenting out cout << &c << endl;, the compiler may optimize avay the variable c. It then substitutes cout << c with cout << 3.
As many have answered, your code is wrong since triggering undefined behavior, see also this answer to a similar question.
In your original code the optimizing compiler could place a, b and c in registers, overlap their stack location, etc....
There are however legitimate reasons for wanting to know what are the location of local variables on the stack (precise garbage collection, introspection and reflection, ...).
The correct way would then to pack these variables in a struct (or a class) and to have some way to access that structure (for example, linking them in a list, etc.)
So your code might start with
void fun (void)
struct {
int a;
int b;
int c;
} _frame;
#define a _frame.a
#define b _frame.b
#define c _frame.c
do_something_with(&_frame); // e.g. link it
You could also use array members (perhaps even flexible or zero-length arrays for housekeeping routines), and #define a _frame.v[0] etc...
Actually, a good optimizing compiler could optimize that nearly as well as your original code.
Probably, the type of the _frame might be outside of the fun function, and you'll generate housekeeping functions for inspecting, or garbage collecting, that _frame.
Don't forget to unlink the frame at end of the routine. Making the frame an object with a proper constructor and destructor definitely helps. The constructor would link the frame and the destructor would unlink it.
For two examples where such techniques are used (both because a precise garbage collector is needed), see my qish garbage collector and the (generated C++) code of MELT (a domain specific language to extend GCC). See also the (generated) C code of Chicken Scheme or Ocaml runtime conventions (and its <caml/memory.h> header).
In practice, such an approach is much more welcome for generated C or C++ code (precisely because you will also generate the housekeeping code). If writing them manually, consider at least fancy macros (and templates) to help you. See e.g. gcc/melt-runtime.h
I actually believe that this is a deficiency in C. There should be some language features (and compiler implementations) to introspect the stack and to (portably) backtrace on it.

unexpected output in cout and printf [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Could anyone explain these undefined behaviors (i = i++ + ++i , i = i++, etc…)
For the code below:
main() {
int i = 1 ;
cout << i << ++i << i++ ;
Why do I get the output as 331 instead of what was expected i.e 122 ?
( Same is the case even if I use printf instead of cout ?)
<< is a function, namely something like ostream& operator<<(ostream& lhs, RhsType rhs).
cout << a;
is equivalent to
operator<<(cout, a);
The function returns lhs, that is return lhs, - so in the above examples cout is returned.
So your example
cout << i << ++i << i++ ;
is equivalent to
operator<<(operator<<(operator<<(cout, i), ++i), i++);
Correction C++ does not specify which order the increment operations are performed. It seems logical to you and me that the most nested would go first, but as far as the compiler is concerned it is free to execute the increment whenever it likes. It is the same behaviour as a function like myFunc(cout, i++, ++i, i) where the order in which the increments are evaluated is undefined. The only thing guaranteed is the functions are evaluated inside to outside.
The compiler is free to change the order of evaluation. You are changing i multiple times on the same statament which causes undefined behaviour.
This is the reason why you should not write such code.
I'm sure this will give you different results with different compilers.
Using Visual C++ this gives you different output when run in Debug and Release versions.
The output you observed can be explained in this way: The expression is evaluated right-to-left *before* being passed to cout or printf for output.
Starting value is 1
i++ is post increment, ie it will print the value (1) and then
increment to 2: output 1
++i is pre-incremen, so 2 becomes 3 before it is printed: output 3
finally, the current value of i (3) is printed: output 3
These respective values are passed to the output routine.
To clarify, my answer only tries to explain the observed behavior, not lay down hard and fast rules for how the compiler or output routines order their evaluations/actions.
Having said that, this type of code is not good practice and quite likely to cause all sorts of problems that could be avoided.

When getting the max var, what's difference between using function and macro [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
What is double evaluation and why should it be avoided?
(4 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
reading combase.cpp code, I find following:
/* We have to ensure that we DON'T use a max macro, since these will typically */
/* lead to one of the parameters being evaluated twice. Since we are worried */
/* about concurrency, we can't afford to access the m_cRef twice since we can't */
/* afford to run the risk that its value having changed between accesses. */
template<class T> inline static T ourmax( const T & a, const T & b )
return a > b ? a : b;
I don't understand why "max macro leads to one of the parameters being evaluated twice"?
Consider an usage like in this code sample:
#define max(a,b) (a>b?a:b)
int main()
int a = 0;
int b = 1;
int c = max(a++, b++);
cout << a << endl << b << endl;
return 0;
The intention probably was to print 1 and 2, but macro expands to:
int c = a++ > b++ ? a++ : b++;
b gets incremented twice, and the program prints 1 and 3.
In some cases, expressions passed as arguments to macros can be evaluated more than once.
Although Als has quite clearly explained the immediate issue, I see two
larger issues. The first is simple: max can't be a macro, since it is
a standard function template, defined in <algorithm>. (In the case of
VC++, you need to define NOMINMAX in order to use <algorithm>. But
since it's always preferable to use a standard function when it does the
job, you should practically always add NOMINMAX to your preprocessor
defines, and be done with it.)
The second is even more worrisome, since it shows a lack of
understanding concerning the code. The comments make reference to
"concurrency", and suggest that by using the function, there are no
concurrency issues. This is simply incorrect. If any other thread (or
process, in the case of shared memory) may modify either of the
arguments, the behavior is undefined. In particular, as written, the
compiler likely would read one of the values twice; the arguments are
references. But regardless of how you write it, the compiler is allowed
to reread the values; and even if it doesn't, there's nothing to ensure
that the accesses are atomic. Whoever wrote the comment does not
understand the basic principles of multithreaded code.