Do fixtures with relationships work in app-engine-patch? - django

I have a fixture with multiple models that I'm using for testing. It
works for the basic models, but fails to create the entities for the
models with relationships. Is this a known limitation of app-engine-patch or am I missing
something? I'm using JSON for the fixture file.
I'm creating the fixture file with ' dumpdata --format=json >> file.json'
Here are the models involved:
class BibleBook(db.Model):
name = db.StringProperty(required=True)
description = db.TextProperty(required=True)
class Task(db.Model):
name = db.StringProperty(required=True)
description = db.TextProperty(required=True)
energy = db.IntegerProperty(default=1)
focus = db.IntegerProperty(default=0)
empathy = db.IntegerProperty(default=0)
denarii = db.IntegerProperty(default=0)
talents = db.IntegerProperty(default=0)
experience = db.IntegerProperty(default=1)
percent_per_task = db.IntegerProperty(default=5)
bibleBook = db.ReferenceProperty(BibleBook)
level = db.StringProperty(required=True, choices=set(["Catachumen", "Laymen", "Elder"]))
drop_percentage = db.IntegerProperty(default=10)
The json in the fixture file looks like this:
{"pk": "ag5sYXctYW5kLWdvc3BlbHIcCxIWbGF3YW5kZ29zcGVsX2JpYmxlYm9vaxgDDA",
"model": "lawandgospel.biblebook",
"fields": {"name": "Luke", "description": "Description"}},
{"pk": "ag5sYXctYW5kLWdvc3BlbHIXCxIRbGF3YW5kZ29zcGVsX3Rhc2sYBQw",
"model": "lawandgospel.task",
"fields": {"empathy": 0, "name": "Study Luke", "level": "Catachumen", "energy": 1,
"focus": 0, "experience": 1, "drop_percentage": 10, "talents": 0,
"bibleBook": "ag5sYXctYW5kLWdvc3BlbHIcCxIWbGF3YW5kZ29zcGVsX2JpYmxlYm9vaxgDDA",
"percent_per_task": 5, "denarii": 0, "description": "The Book of Luke"}}
The BibleBook model loads properly, but the Task one does not.
I'm checking this by doing:
books = BibleBook.gql('')
self.assertEquals(books.count(), 1)
tasks = Task.gql('')
self.assertEquals(tasks.count(), 1)
The first test passes, but the second does not.
Brian Yamabe

Thanks, celopes, for asking for the additional code. I decided to play with the json file and fixed the problem by using simple numbers for the pk's. Here's the JSON that fixes the problem for the models and tests I posted:
{"pk": "1",
"model": "lawandgospel.biblebook",
"fields": {"name": "Luke", "description": "The Gospel According to St. Luke."}},
{"pk": "2",
"model": "lawandgospel.task",
"fields": {"empathy": 0, "name": "Study the Gospel of Luke", "level": "Catachumen",
"energy": 1, "focus": 0, "experience": 1, "drop_percentage": 10, "talents": 0,
"bibleBook": "1", "percent_per_task": 5, "denarii": 0,
"description": "The Book of Luke"}}


Can I create a Django Rest Framework API with Geojson format without having a model

I have a Django app that requests data from an external API and my goal is to convert that data which is returned as list/dictionary format into a new REST API with a Geojson format.
I came across django-rest-framework-gis but I don't know if I could use it without having a Model. But if so, how?
I think the best way is to use the python library geojson
pip install geojson
If you do not have a Model like in geodjango you have to explicitly describe the geometry from the data you have.
from geojson import Point, Feature, FeatureCollection
data = [
"id": 1,
"address": "742 Evergreen Terrace",
"city": "Springfield",
"lon": -123.02,
"lat": 44.04
"id": 2,
"address": "111 Spring Terrace",
"city": "New Mexico",
"lon": -124.02,
"lat": 45.04
def to_geojson(entries):
features = []
for entry in entries:
point = Point((entry["lon"], entry["lat"]))
del entry["lon"]
del entry["lat"]
feature = Feature(geometry=point, properties=entry)
return FeatureCollection(features)
if __name__ == '__main__':
my_geojson = to_geojson(data)
Create the point geometry from lon, lat (Could also be another geometry type)
Create a feature with the created geometry and add the dictionary as properties. Note that I deleted lon, lat entries from the dictionary to not show up as properties.
Create A feature collection from multiple features
{"features": [{"geometry": {"coordinates": [-123.02, 44.04], "type":
"Point"}, "properties": {"address": "742 Evergreen Terrace", "city":
"Springfield", "id": 1}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry":
{"coordinates": [-124.02, 45.04], "type": "Point"}, "properties":
{"address": "111 Spring Terrace", "city": "New Mexico", "id": 2},
"type": "Feature"}], "type": "FeatureCollection"}
More Info here: Documentation Geojson Library

"error": "Prediction failed: unknown error."

I am requesting online prediction for a trained model (model created with linear learner algorithm) and getting "error": "Prediction failed: unknown error."
This is my first ML model in Google AI platform. Model training was successful, training data, validation data and test data all look good in the output folder. But when I try to test the model by passing the input JSON I get this error. I have looked for similar other posts but couldn't find the solution to get a successful prediction.
metadata.json in the artifact folder looks like
"feature_columns": {
"col_0": {
"mapping": {
"0": 0,
"1": 1,
"10": 10,
"2": 2,
"3": 3,
"4": 4,
"5": 5,
"6": 6,
"7": 7,
"8": 8,
"9": 9
"mode": "0",
"num_category": 11,
"treatment": "identity",
"type": "categorical"
"col_1": {
"mapping": {
"0": 0,
"1": 1,
"10": 10,
"2": 2,
"3": 3,
"4": 4,
"5": 5,
"6": 6,
"7": 7,
"8": 8,
"9": 9
"mode": "4",
"num_category": 11,
"treatment": "identity",
"type": "categorical"
"target_algorithm": "TensorFlow",
"target_column": {
"type": "regression"
The input JSON that I am passing for testing prediction is
{ "instances": [5,5] }
The model is expected to sum the 2 input features and give a result of 10
Can you please advise where the mistake is?
If you are using gcloud to send a file, do:
{"col_0": "5", "col_1": "5" }
If you are sending a bunch of instances through some other client, do:
"instances": [
{"col_0": "5", "col_1": "5" },
{"col_0": "3", "col_1": "2" }
Lak's answer is good and does the job.
Although my input data was different I got the same error, despite successful local predictions. Here are two additional things that helped me.
Run !gcloud ai-platform predict --help to learn more about how your input should be formatted and which flag to use when making the call.
Inspect the model with !saved_model_cli show --dir ${YOUR_LOCAL_MODEL_PATH} --all to check the names of the inputs. Verify that they are in fact (in your case) inputs[col_0] and inputs[col_1].
Using the "TEST & USE" interface you mentioned above (and in this SO answer) allows quicker experimentation.

Cloudsearch dynamic fields skipping fields

In cloudsearch (using IMDB data) I added two dynamic fields to the existing indexing options
I then got the entire JSON IMDB data from AWS and added the fields location_t and month_i.
"fields": {
"rating": 7.4,
"genres": ["Comedy", "Drama"],
"plot": "A New Jersey guy dedicated to his family, friends, and church, develops unrealistic expectations from watching porn and works to find happiness and intimacy with his potential true love.",
"release_date": "2013-01-18T00:00:00Z",
"title": "Don Jon",
"rank": 1,
"running_time_secs": 5400,
"directors": ["Joseph Gordon-Levitt"],
"image_url": "",
"year": 2013,
"actors": ["Joseph Gordon-Levitt", "Scarlett Johansson", "Julianne Moore"]
"type": "add",
"id": "tt2229499",
"location_t": "Berlin",
"month_i": 8},...
When I uploaded the JSON, it ignored the dynamic fields?
I did it anyway and I tried searching but to no avail. Anyone no what I am doing wrong. I followed the instructions to the book in dynamic fields
You need to have your dynamic fields as a part of your fields array, see below:
"fields": {
"rating": 7.4,
"genres": ["Comedy", "Drama"],
"plot": "A New Jersey guy dedicated to his family, friends, and church, develops unrealistic expectations from watching porn and works to find happiness and intimacy with his potential true love.",
"release_date": "2013-01-18T00:00:00Z",
"title": "Don Jon",
"rank": 1,
"running_time_secs": 5400,
"directors": ["Joseph Gordon-Levitt"],
"image_url": "",
"year": 2013,
"actors": ["Joseph Gordon-Levitt", "Scarlett Johansson", "Julianne Moore"],
"location_t": "Berlin",
"month_i": 8
"type": "add",
"id": "tt2229499",},...

How to convert django variable into json in template properly

I am using django-jsonify to convert django variable into json in javascript, and it returns such list
[{"pk": 4, "model": "", "fields": {"summary": "Testing", "title": "My Test"}}, {"pk": 5, "model": "", "fields": {"summary": "testing again", "title": "Another test"}}]
But desired list is
[{"pk": 4,"summary": "Testing", "title": "My Test"}, {"pk": 5,"summary": "testing again", "title": "Another test"}]
django-jsonify is just a thin wrapper around Django's builtin JSON model serializer. See:
If you want a different format, you'll have to define your own serializer. To do so, subclass the stdlib's json.JSONEncoder, and override the .default() method:
You'll also need to hook up your own template tag (or pass the JSON via the view, etc) - but, as you can see in the django-jsonify source, that part isn't very much code.

Django - serialize to JSON, how to serialize a FK User object

I'm on a page which sends a request to server side for a list of comments of current topic.
like this
localhost:8000/getComments/567 , while 567 is the topic id.
then, in my django view, like this:
def getProjectComments(request, pId):
format = 'json'
mimetype = 'application/javascript' #'application/xml' for 'xml' format
comments = PrjComment.objects.filter(prj=pId)
data = serializers.serialize(format, comments)
return HttpResponse(data,mimetype)
Now , the question is ,
when I try to use jQuery.parseJSON(data) at the browser side.
"pk": 10,
"model": "app.prjcomment",
"status": 1,
"time_Commented": "2011-12-11 17:23:56",
"prj": 1,
"content": "my comment 1",
"user": 25
"pk": 9,
"model": "app.prjcomment",
"fields": {
"status": 1,
"time_Commented": "2011-12-11 17:23:51",
"prj": 1,
"content": "comment \u4e00\u4e2a",
"user": 33
} ..
I need to use some detail information of user object. (user is a Foreign Key in model PrjComment)
such as user.first_name to display on the comment list.
but here it is only an id for user.("user": 33)
How can I do that? Anyone who can kind help?
Thank you very much
the User is the Django auth_user.
The easy solution would be to specify the values you need:
comments = PrjComment.objects.filter(prj=pId) \
To access your userprofile information use the table name as defined in your AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE setting. In my case the table is called userprofile, and I'd access the data like this:
where moreinfo is the field you're interested in