I don't know if there is an official name for this, but I have been playing with what I like to call the "self-factory" pattern. Basically, it's when an abstract base class acts as a factory for itself. Let me explain:
I have Foo objects and Bar objects in my system, which are used via interfaces FooInterface and BarInterface. I need to give my clients the right type of Foo and Bar. The decision of which concrete Foo object to create is made at compile time. For example, if you compile on win32, you want to only create Win32Foo objects, and if you compile on OSX you want to only create OSXFoo objects and so on. But, the decision of which concrete Bar object to create is made at runtime, based on a key string.
Now, my question is about the best way to implement this scheme. One way I come up with uses regular factories:
shared_ptr<FooInterface> foo = FooFactory::create();
shared_ptr<BarInterface> happyBar = BarFactory::create("Happy");
shared_ptr<BarInterface> sadBar = BarFactory::create("Sad");
Another way is to use what I call "self-factories":
shared_ptr<FooInterface> foo = FooInterface::create();
shared_ptr<BarInterface> happyBar = BarInterface::create("Happy");
shared_ptr<BarInterface> sadBar = BarInterface::create("Sad");
What are the pros and cons of each approach, both from a usability standpoint and from an architectural standpoint?
I'd make an improvement:
shared_ptr<FooInterface> foo = Factory<FooInterface>::create();
shared_ptr<BarInterface> happyBar = Factory<BarInterface>::create("Happy");
shared_ptr<BarInterface> sadBar = Factory<BarInterface>::create("Sad");
You'd declare:
template <class I>
struct Factory { };
And then for each interface that needs a factory, you'd do this:
template <>
struct Factory<FooInterface>
static FooInterface create();
This allows you to keep the factory implementation separate from the interface declaration, but still using the type system to bind them at compile time.
Factories have two common uses:
1) Decide dynamic polymorphic type at runtime, based on parameters and/or global state (such as configuration). Your pattern does this.
2) Dependency injection: rather than using a static function to create objects, use a factory object, so that the type of object returned can be configured by the caller, by passing in whatever factory they want. Neither of these patterns provides this. Furthermore, your second pattern doesn't even allow static dependency injection (by having template functions that take a factory class as a template parameter), because the interface and the factory are the same.
So one con of your pattern (and of your regular factories) is that dependency injection isn't really supported. There is one and only one function to call to get an object that's a FooInterface, and that is FooInterface::create(). I'll not argue why dependency injection is useful, just point out that if you build this way, you can't use it.
Usually factories are responsible for creating objects of entire class hierarchies. So in your example you would have a Win32Factory, OSXFactory etc. One advantage of this is that you have to select the specific implementation ( win32/unix/etc) just once -- during factory creation, but if you use class interfaces, you have to supply the OS info all the time.
If you only have two classes (Foo and Bar) I'm not sure, if it's worth the effort to create factories for them and not just use a create method of the interfaces.
Oh, and when an interface has a method for creating objects of it's type, it's called the factory method pattern.
I want to improve compile times in a large C++ code base littered with cyclic dependencies. I've decided to go with using mainly pure abstract interfaces to reduce cyclic dependencies and thereby be able to split the project into smaller modules.
struct IBar {
virtual ~IBar();
virtual void foo() = 0;
std::unique_ptr<IBar> createIBar();
#include "ibar.h"
class Bar : IBar {
virtual ~Bar();
virtual void foo() {<do stuff>;}
Now my createIBar function needs to be defined somewhere. If I define it in bar.cpp, anyone using using ibar.h needs to link in bar.o which is what I'm trying to avoid. So I need some sort of factory which can work for clients only using this interface.
In our code base we are already employing a pattern where we create run-time initializers which instantiate derived classes to fulfill the duties of an interface. This is done by the build system identifying initializer functions based on a fixed pattern, and these are "linked" into the main application via extern int definitions so all instantiations are run when the application starts.
I could use this pattern to create a factory that creates Bars for clients only knowing about IBar, but I don't like it because it imposes extra duties on the build system which I'm trying to improve in the first place. Second, I would like to employ lazy loading dlls at a later stage and this pattern effectively kills that. Third, since this will be done with quite a lot of components, the list of factories and initializer calls would grow quite large after a while.
What other techniques exist that can take care of this use case?
(Answering myself) The abstract factory pattern creates derived objects with base handles and I've concluded it is the best complement to the interface/implementation separation work I'm doing.
The crtp pattern as suggested by StoryTeller can also play a part if you accept a link time dependency to Bar everywhere you need to create a Bar. Crtp helps with static polymorphism, so that calls to a static createIBar function can be relayed to a static createBar function, which is not possible with regular polymorphism. I was not able to avoid the link time dependency using this pattern though.
This is for a "game engine" as a bit of programming practice. All of my GameObjects are component based, where each component adds a functionality to its parent GameObject and all of these components descend from a base Component class which has virtual methods making it polymorphic.
When I read in these gameobject definitions from an XML file some components need to know about others for example a physics component needs to be aware of the transform component for the physics calculations. However if these components aren't present in the XML file then occasionally it throws up nasty null-pointers and endless rabbit hole call stack chasing to find the XML typo I fudged while half asleep.
My solution was to have a node in the XML file as an assertion that a component of this type should exist and possibly throw an exception or another appropriate action if it doesnt.
<ComponentRequirement type="ComponentTransform">myTransformComponent</ComponentRequirement>
So I need a way of representing this in C++. The first idea, template classes to change according to what type of component it's the proxy of since this class needs to act like their unproxied component. I've solved that with some operator overloading so long as the class is a template class.
template <class T>
class ComponentRequirement {
T* operator->() { (I chose the arrow operator because the CompReq class will never be referenced as a pointer)
return this->component;
//Other unrelated functions . . .
T* component;
And this is all fine and dandy at compile time because I can just say
ComponentRequirement<ComponentTransform> req = ComponentRequirement("myComponentTransform");
But I need to be able to specify what that template type in place of the will be from a string when I read the XML in. I thought a hashmap could do it but I dont think the type name even "is" anything other than a human readable compiler hint so I couldn't use it as a hashmap value.
Can this be done and how could I go about implementing it? Inserting some string literal into a "black-box of magic" and get something that can be used as a template argument. And if it helps, everything that will be the value of "T" is polymorphic.
Or is there a better solution to my problem. It needs to be able to act as any Component I put into it and it needs to be discernable at runtime.
In my components I have a read and write function. If I read the component requirement in there I can make sure the template has the right value because each component is seperate.
I can then evaluate the requirements with a virtual function and a few functions in the gameobject class to check it's a valid configuration. This could solve the problem.
At a first glance I would use the factory pattern for your problem. That way you can create classes to create your objects given a different string without specifying the exact class you need at compile time unlike with normal typed constructors. The analogy I see people use are Virtual Constructors.
In essence you would have a map of factories (creator objects).
Define some top level interface for your components, such as IComponent.
Define a factory class for every component you want to generate that has a Create Instance method. I recommend the Create Instance method should be part of an interface like IFactory.
During setup of your program create your map and assign factories to particular keys. ActorCreator["MyComponent"] = new MyComponentFactory();
When you want to create an object read from an XML node you can just call the create instance method on the returned factory for the key. auto myComponent = ActorCreator[readXML]->CreateInstance();
You now have an actor/components whose concrete type has been decided at runtime instead of compile time.
I am relatively new to "design patterns" as they are referred to in a formal sense. I've not been a professional for very long, so I'm pretty new to this.
We've got a pure virtual interface base class. This interface class is obviously to provide the definition of what functionality its derived children are supposed to do. The current use and situation in the software dictates what type of derived child we want to use, so I recommended creating a wrapper that will communicate which type of derived child we want and return a Base pointer that points to a new derived object. This wrapper, to my understanding, is a factory.
Well, a colleague of mine created a static function in the Base class to act as the factory. This causes me trouble for two reasons. First, it seems to break the interface nature of the Base class. It feels wrong to me that the interface would itself need to have knowledge of the children derived from it.
Secondly, it causes more problems when I try to re-use the Base class across two different Qt projects. One project is where I am implementing the first (and probably only real implementation for this one class... though i want to use the same method for two other features that will have several different derived classes) derived class and the second is the actual application where my code will eventually be used. My colleague has created a derived class to act as a tester for the real application while I code my part. This means that I've got to add his headers and cpp files to my project, and that just seems wrong since I'm not even using his code for the project while I implement my part (but he will use mine when it is finished).
Am I correct in thinking that the factory really needs to be a wrapper around the Base class rather than the Base acting as the factory?
You do NOT want to use your interface class as the factory class. For one, if it is a true interface class, there is no implementation. Second, if the interface class does have some implementation defined (in addition to the pure virtual functions), making a static factory method now forces the base class to be recompiled every time you add a child class implementation.
The best way to implement the factory pattern is to have your interface class separate from your factory.
A very simple (and incomplete) example is below:
class MyInterface
virtual void MyFunc() = 0;
class MyImplementation : public MyInterface
virtual void MyFunc() {}
class MyFactory
static MyInterface* CreateImplementation(...);
I'd have to agree with you. Probably one of the most important principles of object oriented programming is to have a single responsibility for the scope of a piece of code (whether it's a method, class or namespace). In your case, your base class serves the purpose of defining an interface. Adding a factory method to that class, violates that principle, opening the door to a world of shi... trouble.
Yes, a static factory method in the interface (base class) requires it to have knowledge of all possible instantiations. That way, you don't get any of the flexibility the Factory Method pattern is intended to bring.
The Factory should be an independent piece of code, used by client code to create instances. You have to decide somewhere in your program what concrete instance to create. Factory Method allows you to avoid having the same decision spread out through your client code. If later you want to change the implementation (or e.g. for testing), you have just one place to edit: this may be e.g. a simple global change, through conditional compilation (usually for tests), or even via a dependency injection configuration file.
Be careful about how client code communicates what kind of implementation it wants: that's not an uncommon way of reintroducing the dependencies factories are meant to hide.
It's not uncommon to see factory member functions in a class, but it makes my eyes bleed. Often their use have been mixed up with the functionality of the named constructor idiom. Moving the creation function(s) to a separate factory class will buy you more flexibility also to swap factories during testing.
When the interface is just for hiding the implementation details and there will be only one implementation of the Base interface ever, it could be ok to couple them. In that case, the factory function is just a new name for the constructor of the actual implementation.
However, that case is rare. Except when explicit designed having only one implementation ever, you are better off to assume that multiple implementations will exist at some point in time, if only for testing (as you discovered).
So usually it is better to split the Factory part into a separate class.
Is there a way to add new methods to a class, without modifying original class definition (i.e. compiled .lib containing class and corresponding .h file) like C#'s class extension methods?
No. C++ has no such capability.
As mentioned in other answers, the common workarounds are:
Define a derived class, perhaps with a factory to hide the actual implementation class
Define a decorator class
Define non-member functions that operate on instances of the class
No, you can't do this in C++.
If you want to achieve something like this you have 2 options,
You could inherit from the class (if this is an option, it might not be legal as the class may not have been written to allow inheritance)
You can write your own wrapper class that has the same interface + your new methods and delegate to the one you want to extend.
I prefer the delegation approach.
C# class extension methods are mostly syntactic sugar. You get the same functionality with free functions (i.e., functions with a reference or constant reference to your class as their first parameter). Since this works well for the STL, why not for your class?
In C++ you can use free functions, but sometimes extension methods work better when you nest many functions together. Take a look at this C# code:
var r = numbers.Where(x => x > 2).Select(x => x * x);
If we to write this in C++ using free function it would look like this:
auto r = select(where(numbers, [](int x) { return x > 2; }), [](int x) { return x * x; });
Not only is this difficult to read, but it is difficult to write. The common way to solve this is to create what is called a pipable function. These functions are created by overloading the | pipe operator(which is just really the or operator). So the code above could be written like this:
auto r = numbers | where([](int x) { return x > 2; }) | select([](int x) { return x * x; });
Which is much easier to read and write. Many libraries use pipable function for ranges, but it could be expanded to other classes as well. Boost uses it in their range library, pstade oven uses it, and also this C++ linq library uses it as well.
If you would like to write your own pipable function, boost explain how to do that here. Other libraries, however, provide function adaptors to make it easier. Pstade egg has a pipable adaptor, and linq provides the range_extension adaptor to create a pipable function for ranges as least.
Using linq, you first just create your function as a function object like this:
struct contains_t
template<class Range, class T>
bool operator()(Range && r, T && x) const
{ return (r | linq::find(x)) != boost::end(r); };
Then you initialize the function using static initialization like this:
range_extension<contains_t> contains = {};
Then you can use your pipable function like this:
if (numbers | contains(5)) printf("We have a 5");
Generally not. However, if the library does not create instances of the class that require your extension and you are able to modify all places in the app that create an instance of the class and require your extensions, there is a way you can go:
Create a factory function that is called at all places that require an instance of the class and returns a pointer to the instance (google for Design Patterns Factory, ...).
Create a derived class with the extensions you want.
Make the factory function return your derived class instead of the original class.
class derivedClass: public originalClass { /* ... */};
originalClass* createOriginalClassInstance()
return new derivedClass();
Whenever you need to access the extensions, you need to cast the original cast to the derived class, of course.
This is roughly how to implement the "inherit" method suggested by Glen. Glen's "wrapper class with same interface" method is also very nice from a theoretical point of view, but has slightly different properties that makes it less probable to work in your case.
There is one way in which it can be done. And that's by relaxing your requirements a bit. In C++, people often say that the interface of a class consists not just of its member functions, but of all functions that work on the class.
That is, non-member functions which can be given the class as a parameter should be considered part of its interface.
For example, std::find() or std::sort() are part of the interface of std::vector, even though they aren't members of the class.
And if you accept this definition, then you can always extend a class simply by adding nonmember functions.
You cannot add methods or data physically to the class file which is in binary form. However, you can add methods and data (functionality and state) to the objects of that class by writing extension classes. This is not straight forward and requires Meta-Object-Protocol and Interface based programming. You need to do a lot to achieve this in C++ since it does not support Reflection out of the box. In such an implementation when you query for the interface implemented by your new extension class via the original class object pointer, the meta object implementation returns that interface pointer via the meta class object for the extension class that it creates at runtime.
This is how many customizable (plugin based) software application frameworks work. However, you must remember that it requires many other MOP mechanisms to be written to instanciate meta objects for all the classes using dictionaries in which the object relations are described and give the correct interface pointers for the original and extended class objects. Dassault Systemes' CATIA V5 is written in such an architecture called CAA V5 where you can extend existing components by writing new extension classes with the desired functionality.
Sure you can:
template <typename Ext>
class Class: public Ext { /* ... */ };
That doesn't mean it's the best approach though.
Sorry, no. Once your code is in obj, you can not change it. If this can be done in VC partial classes would be supported already. There is one exception though, operator methods can be extended using global functions, pretty like how cout<< is implemented in STL.
I have an ABC with several derived classes. To create these derived classes I use the factory pattern:
.h file:
class derivedFactory
base* createInstance();
.cpp file:
base* derivedFactory::createInstance()
return new derived();
Is there any advantage to this over just having a free function:
.h file:
base* derivedFactoryFunction();
.cpp file:
base* derivedFactoryFunction()
return new derived();
Also: I use the abstract factory pattern for dependency injection. I might use an inheritance hierarchy based on the ABC:
class objectCreator
base* create() = 0;
Is there any advantage to using this over a function pointer:
boost::function<base* ()> factory_ptr;
Using boost::bind/lambda this seems to make my code more composable, and if I wish I can wrap a real factory object in it. I can see that there may be a slight performance decrease but this is much to worry about as it is only called during startup.
It depends on how flexible your factory needs to be. If the factory needs external information (like from a configuration file, program options, etc) to determine how to construct objects, than an object makes sense. If all you will ever need is in the arguments to factory, than a function is probably fine.
The only advantage I can see to having a pointer is for testing, where you can use a different factory function.
Do you ever want more than one factory for a type? If so, you need factory objects.
Having a interface with a single method or a pointer to method is equivalent.
But in the second case you'll get into trouble if you want another method to go along with ther first one...
And the interface is more readable than the method pointer in my opinion.
Then you chose.
I'd say the advantage of having the factory function as a static method within the class itself is that it is clear that it is part of the lifecycle of that class. Making it separate means other programmers who use your class would have to look somewhere else to find the factory method.
I'm sorry I'm unsure of exactly what you mean by passing around the function pointer to the factor method, but I generally wouldn't use a function pointer if you don't have to. Function pointers cannot be inlined as they cannot be resolved at compile time, which means they could possibly be slower. But besides that, it just seems bad design to use a function pointer if you can already be sure of which function you're going to call at compile time.