Pessimistic versus Optimistic Concurrency (Locking versus Feedback) - concurrency

I'm building an application with the following criteria:
work items: items that need to be manually worked via the web by users (short one page form)
Multiple users working 'work items'
Each user has a queue of 'work items'
There is a search that allows users to view 'work items' and assign 'work items' to their queues
Users can take 'work items' out of other people's queues by assigning them to themselves
Note: 'work items' are worked only once. This is not a wiki page, it's more of a matching exercise that should only be performed once by one user. Once the 'work item' is worked, it is gone from the system (aside from some auditing/reporting), Somewhat like a bug tracking system
Which option do you believe is better? Can you cite any mainstream applications that support your opinion?
Option 1:
When user A goes to view or work a 'work item', the 'work item' becomes locked.
When other users go to the 'work item' after User A opens the 'work item', they will only be able to see the 'work item'. They can not write.
The lock expires after n minutes at which point another user can lock the 'work item'.
Option 2:
Any user can pull up a 'work item' without locking it.
If User A works the 'work item' by submitting the form and User B works the same 'work item', then user A's work will take affect in the database, and User B will be informed that their changes did not take affect because another user has modified the 'work item'.
I personally like option 2. Thoughts please?

Sounds like you're talking about pessimistic verses optimistic concurrency control.
Both are widely used, personally I find optimistic concurrency easier to deal with, but it will depend upon your own requirements and usage. If edits (and potential conflicts) are common then pessimistic concurrency control may be appropriate, if not, then optimistic concurrency will be faster and simpler to work with.
Let me know if you want to see code examples using RowVersion datatype in SQL Server (that's what I'm currently using), it's pretty simple though:
All tables include RowVersion column
All SELECT queries include this column (for data which can be modified)
All UPDATE or DELETE queries include a WHERE RowVersion = #RowVersion. This is the optimistic part, if 0 rows returned then someone else has touched the row, no update takes place, so tell user about it. NOTE: If row was updated then new value for RowVersion should also be returned. This also applies to INSERT queries, much like you would return the Id of an identity column after an insert.

Not sure how to describe the form in
simple terms, but its not a community
page, its a one time thing.
Hypothetically, let's say the user had
to match the name John DOEE to one of
the following John Doe Jon Do Once
it's worked, the edit is complete. In
our case, we would not need to mere
Considering that comment, I would go with option 1. Considering that these changes are one time changes, there is no benefit to allowing multiple people to work on the same change. You're only wasting the 2nd person's time.

I personally would go with option 2 - plus, if there applicable (for example those edits are on a longer text) make it the responsibility of User B to merge the edits. Give B a tool to do so.


How can I loop only the page records from the selected one to the latest?

I'm trying to loop all records displayed in a page, from the selected one to the end of the rows:
For example here, as I'm selecting only the 5th row it will loop through 5th and 6th row (as there are no more rows below)
What I've been trying is this:
ProdOrderLine := Rec;
UNTIL ProdOrderLine.NEXT = 0;
But it will loop through all records in the table which are not even displayed in the page...
How can I loop only the page records from the selected one to the latest?
Try Copy instead of assignment. Assignment only copies values of there field from one instance of record-variable to another, it died not copy filters or keys (sort order).
Alas, I have to mention that this is uncommon scenario to handle records like this in BC. General best practice approach would be to ask user to select all the records he or she needs with the shift+click, ctrl+click or by dragging the mouse. In that case you will use SetSelectionFiler to instantly grab ask the selected records.
This is how it works across the system and this how user should be taught to work. It is a bad idea to add a way to interact with record that only works in one page in the whole system even if users are asking for it bursting into tears. They probably just had this type of interaction in some other system they worked with before. I know this is a tough fight but it worth it. It is for the sake of stability (less coding = less bugs) and predictability (a certain way of interaction works across all the pages) of the system.

Designing an Oracle APEX DB for an Application - Mental Road Block

I need some help getting past a road block I've come across in creating my application in APEX.
This application will be to track financial disbursements from a company. It will utilize a one to many relationship. One associate to many different transaction details.
Using Quick SQL in APEX 19.2 I have created a couple tables. DISB and DISB_DTLS
Assignor vc
Processor vc
RCVD_DA date
PROC_DA date
ACT_NO number
AMT number
The problem I'm having is that I want to have the primary table DISB be for the associate. Hence "One Associate to Many Disbursements. However, we have so many details that it would make the interactive grid APEX uses way to big and squished when doing a Master Detail form. Yet the only way to modify two tables or a view would be a master detail form. That's why I put some disbursement info in the primary table DISB and not the DTLS table.
I know there are some creative applications out there, and need some help discovering what I can do in regards to updating multiple tables from one form, if possible. Or alternatives. I want to make this process easy for the associates. This was all in one spreadsheet at one point.
I recommend you don't compromise Database design over the UI.
What you can do in this case is filter segmentation.
Complete your Master-Detail as initially thought.
Some detail columns can be logically grouped so I would put some filters somewhere on the page which the users selects a Logical group of columns to be displayed. That way you hide/show the columns to ensure they fit on the screen. Think of Filters as radio buttons or even checkboxes, let the user choose what shows on the screen.

AWS DynamoDB Table Design: Store two UserIDs and Details in Table

I'm building an app where two users can connect with each other and I need to store that connection (e.g. a friendship) in a DynamoDB table. Basically, the connection table has have two fields:
userIdA (hash key)
userIdB (sort key)
I was thinking to add an index on userIdB to query on both fields. Should I store a connection with one record (ALICE, BOB) or two records (ALICE, BOB; BOB, ALICE)? The first option needs one write operation and less space, but I have to query twice to get all all connections of an user. The second option needs two write operations and more space, but I only have to query once for the userId.
The user tablehas details like name and email:
userId (hash key)
name (sort key)
In my app, I want to show all connections of a certain user with user details in a listview. That means I have two options:
Store the user details of the connected users also in the connection table, e.g. add two name fields to that table. This is fast, but if the user name changes (name and email are retrieved from Facebook), the details are invalid and I need to update all entries.
Query the user details of each userId with a Batch Get request to read multiple items. This may be slower, but I always have up to date user details and don't need to store them in the connection table.
So what is the better solution, or are there any other advantages/disadvantages that I may have overlooked?
After some google research regarding friendship tables with NoSQL databases, I found the following two links:
How does Facebook maintain a list of friends for each user? Does it maintain a separate table for each user?
NoSQL Design Patterns for Relational Data
The first link suggests to store the connection (or friendship) in a two way direction with two records, because it makes it easier and faster to query:
1 userIdA userIdB
2 userIdB userIdA
The second link suggests to save a subset of duplicated data (“summary”) into the tables to read it faster with just one query. That would be mean to save the user details also into the connection table and to save the userIds into an attribute of the user table:
# userIdA userIdB userDetails status
1 123 456 { userId: 456, name: "Bob" } connected
2 456 123 { userId: 123, name: "Alice" } connected
# userId name connections
1 123 Alice { 456 }
2 456 Bob { 123 }
This database model makes it pretty easy to query connections, but seems to be difficult to update if some user details may change. Also, I'm not sure if I need the userIds within the user table again because I can easily query on a userId.
What do you think about that database model?
In general, nosql databases are often combined with a couple of assumptions:
Eventual consistency is acceptable. That is, it's often acceptable in application design if during an update some of the intermediate answers aren't right. That is, it might be fine if for a few seconds while alice is becoming Bob's friend, It's OK if "Is Alice Bob's friend" returns true while "is Bob Alice's friend" returns false
Performance is important. If you're using nosql it's generally because performance matters to you. It's also almost certainly because you care about the performance of operations that happen most commonly. (It's possible that you have a problem where the performance of some uncommon operation is so bad that you can't do it; nosql is not generally the answer in that situation)
You're willing to make uncommon operations slower to improve the performance of common operations.
So, how does that apply to your question. First, it suggests that ultimately the answer depends on performance. That is, no matter what people say here, the right answer depends on what you observe in practice. You can try multiple options and see what results you get.
With regard to the specific options you enumerated.
Assuming that performance is enough of a concern that nosql is a reasonable solution for your application, it's almost certainly query rather than update performance you care about. You probably will be happy if you make updates slower and more expensive so that queries can be faster. That's kind of the whole point.
You can likely handle updates out of band--that is eventually consistency likely works for you. You could submit update operations to a SQS queue rather than handling them during your page load. So if someone clicks a confirm friend button, you could queue a request to actually update your database. It is OK even if that involves rebuilding their user row, rebuilding the friend rows, and even updating some counts about how many friends they have.
It probably does make sense to store a friend row in each direction so you only need one query.
It probably does make sense to store the user information like Name and picture that you typically display in a friend list duplicated in the friendship rows. Note that whenever the name or picture changes you'll need to go update all those rows.
It's less clear that storing the friends in the user table makes sense. That could get big. Also, it could be tricky to guarantee eventual consistency. Consider what happens if you are processing updates to two users' friendships at the same time. It's very important that you not end up with inconsistency once all the dust has settled.
Whenever you have non-normalized data such as duplicating rows in each direction, or copying user info into friendship tables, you want some way to revalidate and fix your data. You want to write code that in the background can go scan your system for inconsistencies caused by bugs or crashed activities and fix them.
I suggest you have the following fields in the table:
userId (hash key)
name (sort key)
connections (Comma separated or an array of userId assuming you have multiple connections for a user)
This structure can ensure consistency across your data.

Making a Row Read Only in a tabular form based on table value

I have a tabular form which is updated throughout the year and i wanted to prevent users from editing certain rows. Currently the 'row type' is hard coded however I want the application admin to control which 'row types' are readable / write at certain times. My answered question, click here.
Currently a dynamic action is fired which prevents the rows that contain the type 'manager figure' and 'sales_target' being edited.
I have created a table with the three row types against each customer. Each status is set by a number: 0 to 3 (These i will decode into something meaningful for users).
0 - Row with that row type is read only.
1 - Users can enter into the row with that row type.
2 - row is read only with that row type.
3 - row is complete and set to read only.
I have created a new form (new tab) for the admin user to maintain each status.
Currently for Customer 'Big Toy Store' rows should be set as follows:
Manager Figure row should be read only (since set to 2)
Sales should be readable (since set to 0)
Sales target should be writable (since set to 1)
Please can i be pointed in the right direction, ive looked into jquery but struggling to work out how to pass the output of an sql query to it, so it can be used to determine which rows should be read only.
workspace: apps2
user: developer.user
password: DynamicAction
application name: Application 71656 Read only Rows for Tabular Form
I'm not sure that a tabular form is a good format to work out this idea. As you can see, you require quite a bit of javascript to produce the results you want. Not only that, but this is all client side too, and thus there are some security risks to take into account. After all, I could just run some Firebug and disable or revert all things you did, and even change the numbers. Especially with sales figures, which is something you most definitely do want altered by everybody and is also the nature of your question, security is important.
There are more elegant ways here for you to control this, and not in the least to reduce the amount of highly customized javascript code. For example, you could do away with the tabular form, and instead implement a modal popup from an interactive report. Since the modal popup would be an iframe and thus a different page, you can create a form page. On a form page you have a lot more control over what happens to certain elements. You can specify conditions, read-only conditions, or use authorization schemes. All things you can not evidently use in a tabular form.
I'd think you'd do yourself a service by thinking this over again, and explore a different option. How much of a dealbreaker is using a tabular form actually?
You need the user. You need to know what group he belongs to, and then this has to be checked against the different statusses and rows have to be en/disabled. Do you really want this to happen on the client side?
I'm not saying it can't be done in a tabular form and javascript. It can, I'm just really doubting this is the correct approach!

Concurrency in django admin change view

My model:
class Order(models.Model):
property_a = models.CharField()
property_b = models.CharField()
property_c = models.CharField()
Many users will access a given record in a short time frame via admin change page, so I am having concurrency issues:
User 1 and 2 open the change page at the same time. Assume all values are blank when they load the page. User 1 sets property_a to "a", and property_b to "b", then saves. A second later if user 2 changes property b and c then saves, it will quietly overwrite all the values from user 1. in this case, property_a will go back to being blank and b and c will be whatever user 2 put in.
I need recommendations on how to handle this. If I have to have a version field in the model, how do i pass it to the admin, where do I do the check so I can elegantly notify the user their changes can't be saved because another user has modified the record? Is there a more seamless way than just returning an error to the user?
The standard solution is to prevent your users from sharing a single record. It's not at all clear why so many users are messing with the exact same Order instance.
Consider that Order is probably a composite object and you've put too much into a single model. That's the first -- and best -- solution.
If (for inexplicable reasons) you won't decompose this, then you have to create a two-part update transaction.
Requery the data. Compare with the original query as done for this user's session.
If the data doesn't match the original query, then someone else changed it. The user's changes are invalidated, rolled back, wiped out, and the user sees a new query.
If the data does match, you can try to commit the change.
The above algorithm has a race condition, which is usually resolved via low-level SQL. Note that it invalidates a user's work, making it maximally irritating.
That's why your first choice is to decompose your models to eliminate the concurrency.
my model has a miscellaneous notes field
This is a bad design. (a) Concurrency is ruined by collisions on this field. (b) There's no log or history of comments.
Item (b) means that a badly-behaved user can maliciously corrupt this data. If you keep notes and comments as a log, you can -- in principle -- limit users to changing only their own comments.
[In most databases with "miscellaneous notes" the field has become a costly, hard-to-maintain liability full of important but impossible-to-parse data. Miscellaneous notes is where users invent their own processes outside the application software. ]
"miscellaneous notes" must be treated like a log, with an unlimited number of notes -- date-stamped -- identified by user -- appended to the Order.
If you simply partition the design to put notes in a separate table, you solve your concurrency issues.