It's possible to define a pointer to a member and using this later on:
struct foo
int a;
int b[2];
int main()
foo bar;
int foo::* aptr=&foo::a;
std::cout << bar.*aptr << std::endl;
Now I need to have a pointer to a specific element of an array, so normally I'd write
int foo::* bptr=&(foo::b[0]);
However, the compiler just complains about an "invalid use of non-static data member 'foo::b'"
Is it possible to do this at all (or at least without unions)?
Edit: I need a pointer to a specific element of an array, so int foo::* ptr points to the second element of the array (foo::b[1]).
Yet another edit: I need to access the element in the array by bar.*ptr=2, as the pointer gets used somewhere else, so it can't be called with bar.*ptr[1]=2 or *ptr=2.
However, the compiler just complains about an "invalid use of non-static data member 'foo::b'"
This is because foo::a and foo::b have different types. More specifically, foo::b is an array of size 2 of ints. Your pointer declaration has to be compatible i.e:
int (foo::*aptr)[2]=&foo::b;
Is it possible to do this at all (or at least without unions)?
Yes, see below:
struct foo
int a;
int b[2];
int main()
foo bar;
int (foo::*aptr)[2]=&foo::b;
/* this is a plain int pointer */
int *bptr=&((bar.*aptr)[1]);
bar.b[0] = 2;
bar.b[1] = 11;
std::cout << (bar.*aptr)[1] << std::endl;
std::cout << *bptr << std::endl;
Updated post with OP's requirements.
The problem is that, accessing an item in an array is another level of indirection from accessing a plain int. If that array was a pointer instead you wouldn't expect to be able to access the int through a member pointer.
struct foo
int a;
int *b;
int main()
foo bar;
int foo::* aptr=&(*foo::b); // You can't do this either!
std::cout << bar.*aptr << std::endl;
What you can do is define member functions that return the int you want:
struct foo
int a;
int *b;
int c[2];
int &GetA() { return a; } // changed to return references so you can modify the values
int &Getb() { return *b; }
template <int index>
int &GetC() { return c[index]; }
typedef long &(Test::*IntAccessor)();
void SetValue(foo &f, IntAccessor ptr, int newValue)
cout << "Value before: " << f.*ptr();
f.*ptr() = newValue;
cout << "Value after: " << f.*ptr();
int main()
IntAccessor aptr=&foo::GetA;
IntAccessor bptr=&foo::GetB;
IntAccessor cptr=&foo::GetC<1>;
int local;
foo bar;
bar.b = &local;
bar.c[1] = 2;
SetValue(bar, aptr, 2);
SetValue(bar, bptr, 3);
SetValue(bar, cptr, 4);
SetValue(bar, &foo::GetC<0>, 5);
Then you at least have a consistent interface to allow you to change different values for foo.
2020 update, with actual solution:
The Standard does currently not specify any way to actually work with the member pointers in a way that would allow arithmetics or anything to get the pointer to the "inner" array element
OTOH, the standard library now has all the necessities to patch the appropriate member pointer class yourself, even with the array element access.
First, the member pointers are usually implemented as "just offsets", although quite scary. Let's see an example (on g++9, arch amd64):
struct S { int a; float b[10]; };
float(S::*mptr)[10] = &S::b;
*reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t *>(&mptr) //this is 4
int S::*iptr = &S::a;
*reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t *>(&iptr) //this is 0
iptr = nullptr;
*reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t *>(&iptr) //this seems to be 18446744073709551615 on my box
Instead you can make a bit of a wrapper (it's quite long but I didn't want to remove the convenience operators):
#include <type_traits>
template<class M, typename T>
class member_ptr
size_t off_;
member_ptr() : off_(0) {}
member_ptr(size_t offset) : off_(offset) {}
/* member access */
friend const T& operator->*(const M* a, const member_ptr<M, T>& p)
{ return (*a)->*p; }
friend T& operator->*(M* a, const member_ptr<M, T>& p)
{ return (*a)->*p; }
/* operator.* cannot be overloaded, so just take the arrow again */
friend const T& operator->*(const M& a, const member_ptr<M, T>& p)
{ return *reinterpret_cast<const T*>(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&a) + p.off_); }
friend T& operator->*(M& a, const member_ptr<M, T>& p)
{ return *reinterpret_cast<T*>(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&a) + p.off_); }
/* convert array access to array element access */
member_ptr<M, typename std::remove_extent<T>::type> operator*() const
{ return member_ptr<M, typename std::remove_extent<T>::type>(off_); }
/* the same with offset right away */
member_ptr<M, typename std::remove_extent<T>::type> operator[](size_t offset) const
{ return member_ptr<M, typename std::remove_extent<T>::type>(off_)+offset; }
/* some operators */
member_ptr& operator++()
{ off_ += sizeof(T); return *this; };
member_ptr& operator--()
{ off_ -= sizeof(T); return *this; };
member_ptr operator++(int)
{ member_ptr copy; off_ += sizeof(T); return copy; };
member_ptr operator--(int)
{ member_ptr copy; off_ -= sizeof(T); return copy; };
member_ptr& operator+=(size_t offset)
{ off_ += offset * sizeof(T); return *this; }
member_ptr& operator-=(size_t offset)
{ off_ -= offset * sizeof(T); return *this; }
member_ptr operator+(size_t offset) const
{ auto copy = *this; copy += offset; return copy; }
member_ptr operator-(size_t offset) const
{ auto copy = *this; copy -= offset; return copy; }
size_t offset() const { return off_; }
template<class M, typename T>
member_ptr<M, T> make_member_ptr(T M::*a)
{ return member_ptr<M, T>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(&(((M*)nullptr)->*a)));}
Now we can make the pointer to the array element directly:
auto mp = make_member_ptr(&S::b)[2];
S s;
s->*mp = 123.4;
// s.b[2] is now expectably 123.4
Finally, if you really, really like materialized references, you may get a bit haskell-lensish and make them compose:
// in class member_ptr, note transitivity of types M -> T -> TT:
template<class TT>
member_ptr<M,TT> operator+(const member_ptr<T,TT>&t)
{ return member_ptr<M,TT>(off_ + t.offset()); }
// test:
struct A { int a; };
struct B { A arr[10]; };
B x;
auto p = make_member_ptr(&B::arr)[5] + make_member_ptr(&A::a)
x->*p = 432.1;
// x.arr[5].a is now expectably 432.1
typedef int (foo::*b_member_ptr)[2];
b_member_ptr c= &foo::b;
all works.
small trick for member and function pointers usage.
try to write
char c = &foo::b; // or any other function or member pointer
and in compiller error you will see expected type, for your case int (foo::*)[2].
I'm not sure that what you want is legal without this pointer. For add 1 offset to your pointer you should get pointer on array from your pointer on member array. But you can dereference member pointer without this.
You can't do that out of the language itself. But you can with boost. Bind a functor to some element of that array and assign it to a boost::function:
#include <boost/lambda/lambda.hpp>
#include <boost/lambda/bind.hpp>
#include <boost/function.hpp>
#include <iostream>
struct test {
int array[3];
int main() {
namespace lmb = boost::lambda;
// create functor that returns test::array[1]
boost::function<int&(test&)> f;
f = lmb::bind(&test::array, lmb::_1)[1];
test t = {{ 11, 22, 33 }};
std::cout << f(t) << std::endl; // 22
f(t) = 44;
std::cout << t.array[1] << std::endl; // 44
I'm not sure if this will work for you or not, but I wanted to do a similar thing and got around it by approaching the problem from another direction. In my class I had several objects that I wanted to be accessible via a named identifier or iterated over in a loop. Instead of creating member pointers to the objects somewhere in the array, I simply declared all of the objects individually and created a static array of member pointers to the objects.
Like so:
struct obj
int somestuff;
double someotherstuff;
class foo
obj apples;
obj bananas;
obj oranges;
static obj foo::* fruit[3];
void bar();
obj foo::* foo::fruit[3] = { &foo::apples, &foo::bananas, &foo::oranges };
void foo::bar()
apples.somestuff = 0;
(this->*(fruit[0])).somestuff = 5;
if( apples.somestuff != 5 )
// fail!
// success!
int main()
foo blee;;
return 0;
It seems to work for me. I hope that helps.
Is there any way I can pass vector's index to an constructor of it's element?
for example:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
class Foo {
Foo(unsigned long index) {
std::cout << index << std::endl;
int main() {
std::vector<Foo> foo;
foo.resize(2); // any way to make this work?
this code does of cause not work because the compiler don't know how to construct a Foo(unsigned long index), but any way I can do some tricks(for example to custom an allocator?) to make this code actually work?
You can add elements in a for loop and pass the index as an argument to their ctors like this:
// Init your vector + optionally reserve space
std::vector<Foo> foo;
const unsigned elements_to_add = 5; // or whatever number
foo.reserve(foo.size() + elements_to_add);
// foo.size() will be passed as parameter to the ctor you defined
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < elements_to_add; i++) {
No, you will want to use std::generate() , or std::generate_n() in combination with std::back_inserter().
You can write a custom statefull allocator that will pass an index when an object is constructed.
Minimal example:
template<class T>
class Allocator {
using value_type = T;
T* allocate(std::size_t n) {
return static_cast<T*>(::operator new(n * sizeof(T)));
void deallocate(T* p, std::size_t) noexcept {
::operator delete(p);
template<class... Args>
void construct(T* p, Args&&... args) {
::new(static_cast<void*>(p)) T(counter_++, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
void destroy(T* p) noexcept {
std::size_t counter_ = 0;
Usage example:
struct Foo {
Foo(std::size_t index) {
std::cout << index << ' ';
Foo(std::size_t index, const Foo& other) : Foo(other) {
std::cout << index << ' ';
std::vector<Foo, Allocator<Foo>> foos1;
std::cout << std::endl;
std::vector<Foo, Allocator<Foo>> foos2;
// Output:
// 0 1 2
// 0 1 2 3
I guess there are many ways to get more or less what you want. But sooner or later, you'll probably find out that you won't need this.
Here is a possible solution:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
class Foo
inline static unsigned long _static_index = 0;
unsigned long _index;
Foo() : _index(_static_index) { ++_static_index; }
auto index() const { return _index; }
static void resetIndex() { _static_index = 0; }
int main()
std::vector<Foo> foos;
for (const auto& f : foos)
std::cout << f.index() << std::endl;
return 0;
So, you just increment a static counter and assign it to the private member _index. This obviously has its limitations. For instance, say you create 3 instances of Foo before filling your vector of Foos, then foos[0].index() would return 3 instead of 0. So, before filling foos, you would need to reset the _static_index.
hello i want to create simple array class to get value and insert value like (array[0] = 4) and this is my program but i have problem to use [] = in same time for insert
template <typename Param>
class arr
int Last_point = 0;
Param Data[];
void& operator[]=(int Element_id, Param v)
Data[Element_id] = v;
Param& operator[] (int Element_id)
return Data[Element_id];
void main()
arr <int> Array;
Array[1] = 555;
cout << "Is(" << to_string(Array[1]) << ")" << endl;
is there any operator like ([]=)? or for this, i have to use which methods? also i want to get value if just used []
The syntax you are attempting for the operator[] functions is quite wrong. You need something like:
// Version for non-const objects
Param& operator[](std::size_t i)
return Data[i];
// Version for const objects
Param const& operator[](std::size_t i) const
return Data[i];
If you want to support arrays whose sizes are known at compile time, you can use:
template <typename Param, std::size_t N>
class arr
Param Data[N];
Param& operator[](std::size_t i)
return Data[i];
Param const& operator[](std::size_t i) const
return Data[i];
If you want to support arrays whose sizes are known at run time, you can use the following. However, you need to be aware of The Rule of Three and make sure to implement the copy constructor and the copy assignment operator properly.
template <typename Param>
class arr
Param* Data;
arr(size_t size) : Data(new Param[size]) {}
~arr() { delete [] Data; }
Param& operator[](std::size_t i)
return Data[i];
Param const& operator[](std::size_t i) const
return Data[i];
Foo& operator[] is sufficient for reading and writing.
Include the size of the array as a template parameter, or replace Param[] with std::vector<Param>.
Use size_t instead of int for array index types.
You don't need to wrap Array[1] in to_string for output.
Don't use void main! The standard says main must be int.
void& is not valid C++ either.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
template <typename Param, size_t Size> class arr {
Param Data[Size];
Param &operator[](size_t Element_id) {
return Data[Element_id];
int main() {
arr<int, 3> Array;
Array[1] = 555;
cout << "Is(" << Array[1] << ")" << endl;
However, all that arr does in my snippet is be a less useful std::array!
I have a template class foo (essentially a matrix). The template parameter for foo can only be int, float, or double, i.e., not const int. The reason for this is that I have specialized operators for these, and it seems redundant to duplicate the operators for the const cases. I have two get_data functions, which return a pointer with appropriate constness. But I also wan't a row function that selects a single row and returns a const foo, such that the caller cannot modify the returned object.
My questions:
1) How can i make B const?
2) Should I make operator functions for e.g. foo ?
2) Should I make a reference_foo class?
template <class T>
class foo
using uint8_t = unsigned char;
int rows = 0;
int cols = 0;
T * data = nullptr;
bool reference = false;
foo() = default;
//foo(const foo&) // this is not included here for simplicity
//foo& operator=(const foo&) // this is not included here for simplicity
foo(int r, int c) : rows(r), cols(c)
data = new T[rows * cols];
if (!reference)
delete[] data;
T * get_data()
return data;
T const * get_data() const
return data;
const foo row(int r) const
foo t;
t.rows = 1;
t.cols = cols;
t.reference = true;
// = get_data() + r * cols; // ERROR: invalid conversion from 'const uint8_t*' to 'uint8_t*' = const_cast<T*>(get_data()) + r * cols; // Not pretty, but "ok" if the returned object is const
return t;
int main()
const foo<int> A(2, 1);
// A.get_data()[0] = 1; // ERROR: assignment of read-only location, perfectly catched by compiler
auto B = A.row(1);
B.get_data()[0] = 1; // B is not const... overwritten...
return 0;
The operator functions has been left out for simplicity.
There are 2 kinds of constness here. Const data and const handle.
What we want to do is create sanity out of the four combinations:
const handle, const data = const
const handle, mutable data = const
mutable handle, const data = const
mutable handle, mutable data = mutable
Furthermore, marking a return value as const has no meaning. A return value is an r-value. It will be either copied or moved. This will not result in a const handle at the call site.
So we need to detect constness in 2 places in respect of get_data(). C++ does the first for us with a const overload. Then we must defer to another template which is evaluated in deduced context so we can use std::enable_if:
#include <cstddef>
#include <utility>
#include <type_traits>
// default getter - element != const element
template<class Element, typename = void>
struct data_getter
using element_type = Element;
using const_element_type = std::add_const_t<element_type>;
// detect mutable container
element_type* operator()(element_type ** pp) const
return *pp;
// detect const container
const_element_type* operator()(element_type * const * pp) const
return *pp;
// specific specialisation for element == const element
template<class Element>
struct data_getter<Element,
std::is_same<Element, std::add_const_t<Element>>::value>>
// in this case the container's constness is unimportant, so
// we use const because it means only writing one method
Element* operator()(Element *const* p) const
return *p;
template <class T>
class foo
using element = T;
using const_element = std::add_const_t<element>;
int rows = 0;
int cols = 0;
element * data = nullptr;
bool reference = false;
foo() = default;
//foo(const foo&) // this is not included here for simplicity
//foo& operator=(const foo&) // this is not included here for simplicity
foo(int r, int c) : rows(r), cols(c)
data = new element[rows * cols];
if (!reference)
delete[] data;
decltype(auto) get_data()
// defer to getter
return data_getter<element>()(&data);
decltype(auto) get_data() const
// defer to getter
return data_getter<const_element>()(&data);
// this will return a mutable container of const data
foo<const_element> row(int r) const
foo<const_element> t;
t.rows = 1;
t.cols = cols;
t.reference = true; = get_data() + r * cols;
return t;
int main()
foo<int> A(2, 1);
A.get_data()[0] = 1;
auto AC = A.row(0);
auto x = AC.get_data()[0]; // fine
// AC.get_data()[0] = 1; // assignment of read-only location
return 0;
Is there a way in C++03 (or earlier) to write a class that can either store a const or non-const pointer, and handles access appropriately? Take the usage of the non-functional "SometimesConst" class as an example:
class SometimesConst
SometimesConst(int * buffer) : buffer(buffer) {} // Needs const qualifier?
int* get() { return buffer; } // Needs const qualifier?
void increment() { counter++; }
int * buffer; // Needs const qualifier?
int counter;
void function(int * n, const int * c)
// These are both okay
SometimesConst wn(n);
SometimesConst wc(c);
// Reading the value is always allowed
printf("%d %d", wn.get()[0], wc.get()[0]);
// Can increment either object's counter
// Can set non-const pointer
wn.get()[0] = 5;
// Should generate a compiler error
wc.get()[0] = 5;
Creating a const SometimesConst would not allow modification of the counter property of the object. Can a class be designed that has compile-time const safety for input objects, only if they are passed in as const?
No, not the way you are wanting to use it. The only way to have different behavior at compile time is to have different types. However, you can make that fairly easy to use:
#include <stdio.h>
template <typename T>
class SometimesConst
SometimesConst(T* buffer) : buffer(buffer) { }
T* get() { return buffer; }
void increment() { ++counter; }
T *buffer;
int counter;
typedef SometimesConst<const int> IsConst;
typedef SometimesConst<int> IsNotConst;
void function(int * n, const int * c)
IsNotConst wn(n);
IsConst wc(c);
// Reading the value is always allowed
printf("%d %d", wn.get()[0], wc.get()[0]);
// Can increment either object's counter
// Can set non-const pointer
wn.get()[0] = 5;
// Should generate a compiler error
wc.get()[0] = 5;
The language already mostly lets you do this with a simple class; with the way const cascades to access to members (combined with mutable for the counter member, which you've indicated should always be mutable), you can provide both read-only and read-write access to a buffer quite easily:
class C
C(int* buffer) : buffer(buffer) {}
const int* get() const { return buffer; }
int* get() { return buffer; }
void increment() const { counter++; }
int* buffer;
mutable int counter;
void function(int* n)
// These are both okay
C wn(n);
const C wc(n);
// Reading the value is always allowed
printf("%d %d", wn.get()[0], wc.get()[0]);
// Can increment either object's counter
// Can set non-const pointer
wn.get()[0] = 5;
// Generates a compiler error
wc.get()[0] = 5;
What you can't do with this is neatly arrange for the class to be instantiated with either a int* or a const int*; the two lead to totally different semantics for your class, so you should split it into two if you really need that.
Fortunately, templates make this easy:
template <typename T>
class C
C(T* buffer) : buffer(buffer) {}
const T* get() const { return buffer; }
T* get() { return buffer; }
void increment() const { counter++; }
T* buffer;
mutable int counter;
Now a C<int> is as above, but a C<const int> only provides read-only access to the buffer, even when the C<const int> object itself is not marked as const:
void function(int* n1, const int* n2)
C<int> a(n1);
C<const int> b(n2);
const C<int> c(n1);
const C<const int> d(n2);
// Reading the value is always allowed
printf("%d %d %d %d",
a.get()[0], b.get()[0],
c.get()[0], d.get()[0]
// Incrementing the counter is always allowed
// Can set non-const pointer
a.get()[0] = 5;
// Cannot set const pointer, or const/non-const pointer behind const object
//b.get()[0] = 5;
//c.get()[0] = 5;
//d.get()[0] = 5;
Live demo
I think that there is a design problem if you want to store two different things which must be handled in different ways in one class. But yes, you can do it:
struct X{};
class A
A(const X*) { cout << "const" << endl; }
A(X*) { cout << "non const" << endl; }
int main()
const X x1;
X x2;
A a1(&x1);
A a2(&x2);
the output is expected:
non const
I'm totally new here, so I'm not very familiar with style of writing here, so sorry if the question doesn't look like it should.
My question is, how can I create an array of object, but not with default constructors?
If I have something like this:
set<movie> a(3);
set<movie> b(2);
And constructors:
For movie
movie::movie(char *name, char *red, int len)
this->naziv=new char[strlen(name)+1];
this->reditelj=new char[strlen(red)+1];
And for set:
template<class t>
set<t>::set(int b)
this->niz=new t[br];
Answers are great,but on course they teach us some basic stuff about c++,how to create class,template class,I mean,to write programs from the beginning,so for now we don't use that classes and functions that most of you mentioned. The assignment is to write the code this way,so how can I do that?
The assignment is to make a class and a template class,template class is actually an array of objects,so I should make an object,that's an array of objects,and some other functions.
Here's my whole code:
#pragma once
using namespace std;
template<class t>
class set
int br;
t* niz;
set(int b);
set(set& copy);
int vrati_br_elem()
return br;
bool pripada(t elem);
set operator*(set& drugi);
friend istream& operator>> <>(istream& ulaz,set<t> &s);
friend ostream& operator<< <>(ostream& izlaz,set<t> &s);
template<class t>
template<class t>
set<t>::set(int b)
this->niz=new t[br];
template<class t>
delete [] niz;
template<class t>
bool set<t>::pripada(t elem)
for(int i=0;i<this->br;i++)
return true;
return false;
template<class t>
set<t> set<t>::operator *(set<t> &drugi)
int broj=0;
set<t> pom((this->br>>;
for(int i=0;i<this->br;i++)
for(int j=0;j<;j++)
return pom;
template<class t>
istream& operator>>(istream& ulaz,set<t> &s)
for(int i=0;i<;i++)
return ulaz;
template<class t>
ostream& operator<<(ostream& izlaz,set<t> &s)
for(int i=0;i<;i++)
return izlaz;
template<class t>
set<t>::set(set<t> ©)
this->niz=new t[br];
for(int i=0;i<this->br;i++)
using namespace std;
class movie
char* naziv;
char* reditelj;
int trajanje;
movie(movie& copy);
movie(char* name,char* red,int len);
movie& operator=(movie& film);
bool operator==(movie& film);
friend istream& operator>>(istream& ulaz,movie& film);
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& izlaz,movie& film);
using namespace std;
delete [] naziv;
delete [] reditelj;
movie::movie(movie ©)
this->naziv=new char[strlen(copy.naziv)+1];
this->reditelj=new char[strlen(copy.reditelj)+1];
movie& movie::operator =(movie &film)
delete [] naziv;
delete [] reditelj;
this->naziv=new char[strlen(film.naziv)+1];
this->reditelj=new char[strlen(film.reditelj)+1];
return *this;
bool movie::operator ==(movie &film)
return true;
return false;
istream& operator>>(istream& ulaz,movie& film)
return ulaz;
ostream& operator<<(ostream& izlaz,movie& film)
return izlaz;
movie::movie(char *name, char *red, int len)
this->naziv=new char[strlen(name)+1];
this->reditelj=new char[strlen(red)+1];
Don't use built-in arrays, especially if you are new. Built-in arrays are best left to experts and even then they are often best avoided. Instead of using T[n] just use std::vector<T>. This one will start out empty an you can then e.g. push_back() the objects you are interested in.
That said, I don't see where you code excerpt actually has a problem.
You can create an array of objects invoking the constructor directly.
movie objs[2] = {movie(arg1, arg2, arg3), movie(arg1, arg2, arg3)};
The standard way to do this is to use a allocator object, like all the standard containers.
template<class T, class alloc_type =std::allocator<T> >
class set {
typedef alloc_type::pointer pointer; //bring in it's pointer type
alloc_type alloc;
And then, use that for everything:
pointer buffer = alloc.allocate(100);
alloc.construct(buffer+0); //deault construct T
alloc.construct(buffer+1, T()); //construct T from copy
alloc.construct(buffer+2, 17); //construct T from 17
alloc.destroy(buffer+2); //clean up objects
alloc.deallocate(buffer); //clean up buffer
Remember, it's standard to construct from lowest index to highest, and to destroy in the reverse order.
The "correct" way to do this has changed with C++11, but since I use MSVC10, which can't do the correct way, I still use this way.
Basic implementations of each of these functions is rediculously simple, though.
template<class T>
class myallocator {
typedef T value_type;
typedef T* pointer;
typedef T& reference;
typedef const T* const_pointer;
typedef const T& const_reference;
typedef size_t size_type;
typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
myallocator () throw() {}
template <class U> myallocator (const myallocator<U>&) throw() {}
pointer address (reference x) const {return &x;}
const_pointer address (const_reference x) const {return &x;}
size_type max_size() const throw() {return size_type(-1);}
pointer allocate(size_type c,const_pointer h=0){return(T*)new char[sizeof(T)*c];}
void deallocate(pointer ptr, size_type c) {delete [] ptr;}
pointer construct(pointer ptr) {return new(ptr)T;}
template<class U>
pointer construct(pointer ptr, const U& from) {return new(ptr)T(from);}
void destroy(pointer ptr) {ptr->~T();}
The two construct members use what is called "placement new" which creates the object in an already existing space. Here, an array of chars.
You are trying to write your own container class, and you should not call it set. I will assume that you are calling it my_set in this answer.
I think this is the line you are interested in. You wish to pass in a default value here:
my_set<t>::my_set(int b, t default_value)
//creates a my_set with 'b' elements, where each element is set to default_value
Is this your goal? If so, it's easier to define niz as a *vector<t> instead of as t*
template<class t>
struct my_set {
int br;
vector<t> *niz;
my_set(int b, const t& default_value);
template<class t>
my_set<t>::my_set(int b, const t& default_value) {
//creates a my_set with 'b' elements, where each element is set to 0
this->niz=new vector<t>(b, default_value);
There are other changes you may consider, such as defining niz simply as vector<t>, not as vector<t>*, but I think that's beyond the scope of you original question.
Finally, I have a question of my own for everybody. How can I do an uninitialized array new[] in C++? I'd like to new an array of known size, but with unconstructed data, and then use something like uninitialized_copy to copy data in.
One of the problems in your code is that this will fail if either string is 0
ostream& operator<<(ostream& izlaz,movie& film)
<< endl << film.naziv // fails if film.naziv == 0
<< endl << film.reditelj // fails if film.reditelj == 0
<< endl << film.trajanje << endl;
return izlaz;
That crashes for me. You should not do cout << (char*)0;. It's better to do something like cout << "". You could fix it by changing the constructor of movie:
this->naziv=""; // an empty, non-null, string
this->reditelj=""; // an empty, non-null, string
But a better solution is to stop using char * and use std :: string instead.
The expression new T[n] will always allocate space for n T objects and call the T constructor on each element. Similarly, delete[] niz, will always call the T destructor on each element. It seems that you want to manually control when the T constructor and destructor are called, so rather than using ::operator new[], you could just use ::operator new and its placement syntax.
You want niz to be an array of br T objects. Instead of this:
niz = new T[br];
You can use this:
niz = static_cast<T *>(::operator new(br * (sizeof (T))));
which will allocate space in the heap for br contiguous T objects, but not call the T constructor on any of them. It's basically like using malloc() to allocate space for the T objects.
But, now you have a problem: how do you actually use one of the T objects? Before you can do anything with niz[i], you need to make sure that the ith T object has been constructed. You can use placement new to construct it:
new(niz + i) T();
Notice that niz + i is the pointer to the ith T object. The effect of this statement is that the T constructor is called in place using the space at reinterpret_cast<char *>(niz + i) through reinterpret_cast<char *>(niz + i) + (sizeof (T)).
Now you have another problem: how do you keep track of which T objects have been constructed? You need to know this in order to call the destructor on the ones that have been constructed, or else you might leak memory.
One solution is to use a std::vector<bool> having br bool objects. If the ith bool is true, then you will know that the ith T object was constructed. Otherwise, it needs to be constructed.
In the set<T> destructor, you need to make sure to destroy all T objects that have been constructed. Suppose that the ith T object has been constructed. To call the T destructor on the ith T object, you can use this statement:
(niz + i)->~T();
Putting it all together, you would get something like this:
#include <cstddef>
#include <iostream>
#include <new>
#include <vector>
template <typename T>
class set
std::size_t br;
T *niz;
std::vector<bool> constructed;
std::string name;
: br(0), niz(NULL), constructed()
set(std::size_t br)
: br(br), niz(NULL), constructed(br, false)
niz = static_cast<T *>(::operator new(br * (sizeof (T))));
void destroy()
std::cout << "~set(" << name << ")\n";
if (niz) {
std::vector<bool>::const_iterator begin = constructed.begin(), it, end = constructed.end();
for (it = constructed.begin(); it != end; ++it) {
if (*it) {
(niz + (it - begin))->~T();
::operator delete(niz);
set<T>& operator=(const set<T>& other)
if (this != &other) {
niz = NULL;
constructed = std::vector<bool>(, false);
br =;
T *tmp = static_cast<T *>(::operator new( * (sizeof (T))));
try {
std::size_t i;
for (i = 0; i <; ++i) {
if (other.constructed[i]) {
new(tmp + i) T(other.niz[i]);
constructed[i] = true;
} catch (...) {
niz = tmp;
niz = tmp;
name = + " (2)";
return *this;
T& operator[](std::size_t i)
if (niz && !constructed[i]) {
new(niz + i) T();
constructed[i] = true;
return niz[i];
struct my_struct
char c;
my_struct(char c = 'a')
: c(c)
std::cout << "my_struct('" << c << "')\n";
std::cout << "~my_struct('" << c << "')\n";
int main()
::set<char> a, a2(3); = "a"; = "a2";
::set<my_struct> b(3); = "b";
b[0].c = '1';
b[2].c = '3';
b[1].c = '2';
::set<my_struct> b2(4); = "b2";
b = b2; += ", going by the name 'b'";
b[0].c = 'A';
b2[1].c = 'B';
Note: I do not recommend actually using this code. The point is to learn about the placement new operator and explicitly invoking a destructor through a pointer.
See STL templates vector and set for standard alternatives.