Why am I able to read char[2] but not char[1]? - c++

I am able to read char into char[2] in OCI C++ code, but I am not able to read to char1?
Does anyone have any idea why?
(oracle data type is char(1))

If the input is being treated like a string, then room is needed to apply the null-termination (a '\0') at the end. That is if the data is 'a', then the string representation ("a") is stored in memory as two characters 'a' and '\0'. The '\0' is needed to tell the usual string processing suspects where the string ends.
Without knowing anything about the tools you're using I can't say for sure, but you might be able to assign to a character variable (as opposed to a character array variable).
Looking briefly at the docs along the link you posted, I suspect that you should be using std::string as the receiving type for textual data.

Possibly you need space for the null character at the end of the string?


Comparing a char variable to empty char does not work

Say x is a character.
Whenever I do if(x <> '') to know whether the variable is empty or not, it just does not work.
However, when I attempt to do this if(x <> chr(0)), it does work.
I have tried the same thing on two versions of the compiler : Free Pascal and Charm Pascal, but I am still facing the same problem.
There is no such thing as an "empty char". The Char type is always a single character.
That character could be 1 byte AnsiChar representing a value from 0..255. (In Delphi and fpc, it could also be a 2 byte WideChar representing a value from 0..65535.) Either way it is always represented as '<something>'. That "something" must be a character value.
When you compare x <> Chr(0) you are taking the byte value of 0 and converting it to a Char so a valid comparison can be performed.
Side Notes
For Char to reliably have the concept "no value" requires storing additional information. E.g. Databases may have a hidden internal bit field indicating the value is NULL. It's important to be aware that this is fundamentally different from any of the valid values it may have if it's not NULL. Libraries that interact with databases need to provide a way to determine if a value is NULL.
You haven't provided any information about the actual problem you're trying to solve but here are some thoughts that may yield progress:
If you're dealing with user input, it may be more appropriate to compare with a space character ' '.
If you're dealing with characters read from a file, you should probably be checking number of bytes/characters actually read.
If you're trying to determine the end of a string it's much more reliable to use the Length() of the string.
(Though there are some environments that use the convention of treating Char(0) as a special character meaning "end-of-string".) But the convention requires allocating an extra character making the string internally longer than its text length. So the technique is not usable if the environment doesn't support it.
Most importantly, from comments it seems you might be struggling with the difference between empty-string and how that's represented as a Char. And the point is that it isn't. You need to check the length of the string.
E.g. You can do the following:
if (s <> '') then
{ You now know there is at least 1 character in the string so
you can safely read it and not worry about "if it has a value".}
x := s[1];

omitting the null string terminator in c++ string

In my little project, I am trying to hash some bitmaps and the bitmaps are like: "BMP1 /0 bitmap data". I am using a md5 hash library that I found on the internet and it works as simple as:
std::string md5(const std::string);
The problem is, since I have a string terminator in the middle of the memory, if I try to make a string from this memory, I can have only the first part and not the bitmap data. So, my question is, can I not finish the string here and take the whole data into it. Thanks in advance.
If you take a look at the constructors that std::string provides, you'll find that among the many constructors, besides the constructor that takes a null terminated string as an argument (5), there is a constructor that takes pointer to a character string, and a count of characters (4). The description mentions specifically that the pointed string may contain null characters. This means that the null characers do not terminate the string.

Now when we get a string from the user using gets(), where does the '\0' terminating character go?

Now when we declare a string, the last character is the null character, right.
(Now pls see the image of the code and its output that i have attached)
As you can see in the image attached, i am getting the null character at the 7th posn!!! What is happening?
According to the book i refer to(see the other image attached), a string always has an extra character associated with it, at the end of the string, called the null character which adds to the size of the string.
But by the above code i am getting the null character at the 7th position, although according to the book, i should get it at the 6th position.
Can someone explain the output pls?
Any help is really appreciated!!
Thank You!
Do not use gets() - ever! It is entirely immaterial what gets() does as is has no place in any reasonably written code! It is certainly removed from the C++ standard and, as far as I know, also from C (I think C removed it first). gets() happily overruns the buffer provided as it doesn't even know the size of the storage provided. It was blamed as the primary reason for most hacks of systems.
In the code you linked to there is such a buffer overrun. Also not that sizeof() determines the size of a variable. It does not consider its content in any shape or form: sizeof(str) will not change unless you change the type of str. If you want to determine the size of the string in that array you'll need to use strlen(str).
If you really need to read a string into a C array using FILE* functions, you shall use fgets() which, in addition ot the pointer to the storage and the stream (e.g. stdin for the default input stream) also takes the size of the array as parameter. fgets() fails if it can't read a complete null-terminated string.
You declare a char array that can hold up to 5 chars, however, dummy\0 is 6 characters long, resulting in buffer overflow.

What to use to represent a lambda character in C++

In the program, Lambda λ theoretically represents nothing: ''. I thought of representing this programatically as '\0', but obviously that terminates a string which is not necessarily what lambda does. Also, I am reading in from istringstream and it has problems reading that character in.
So what character would you use?
I'm assuming you have a reason for representing Int,Char,Int as a string, rather than just define a struct to hold the data.
As you say, \0 doesn't work as it terminates the string. But there are other invisible ASCII characters that you can use and easily escape in C++. Have a look at this list of escape codes.

single character c-style string full of junk

It's a shame I can't figure out such basic thing about c++, but c-style strings are acting as I wouldn't expect. For example, I create it like this:
char* cstr = new char[1];
It's initialized to: Íýýýýý««««««««îţ . Like normal, I can set just first char because others are not really existing (or I thought that they aren't). While working whit c-style strings all this junk is ingored and everything works fine.
Now I mixed std::string whit those c-stlye one and what I get is a mess. Whit this code:
std::string str = "aaa";
str += cstr;
I end up whit: aaaÍýýýýý««««««««îţ , but now those characters actually exist as string.size() returns length including this junk.
I can't find why is this happening, but it must be connected whit string creating, because something like char* cstr = "aaa" results in aaa without any additional junk, but trying to change string initialized this way results in memory access violation. Could someone explain me this behavior please? Thanks!
PS: My JavaScript Failed to load so if someone could format this post properly, I'd be glad!
Answer: Oh god! How could I forget on that... thanks to all for, well, immediate answer. Best one was from minitech so I'll mark this as answer as soon as my java script loads up :/
All C-style strings are null-terminated. So, a string initialized using new char[1] leaves you space for no characters. You can't set the first character to anything but \0, otherwise normal string operations will keep reading into memory until they find a zero. So use new char[2] instead.
When working with C-style strings you need to have a null terminator:
char* cstr = new char[2];
cstr[0] = 'X';
cstr[1] = '\0';
Having said all that, it is really bad code to do the above. Just use std::string unless you have a very good reason not too. It takes care of the memory allocations and deallocations for you.
C-style strings require a NUL ('\0') terminator; they don't have a length associated with them like C++ strings do. So your single-character string must be new char[2]; it will not be initialized; and you will need to make sure it's terminated with \0.
When you use new char[1], you request space for an array of characters. There is no request that said characters are initialized. Thus, the "junk" that you see is uninitialized memory. Before treating the array as a C-style string, you should do this:
cstr[0] = '\0';
c-style strings are NULL delimited. So, to ignore any junk in memory you need to place NULL byte('\0') in the string body. Otherwise, system library function will look at all bytes starting with your string start until they meet NULL byte in the memory (which will be at some random position).
This also mean that to have c-style string of one character you actually need to allocate 2 bytes: one for a meaningful character and second for '\0'.