Differentiate nginx behaviour depending on URL - django

I have a Django application and I use nginx to serve static content. Unfortunately, all registered MIME types get displayed in client browser, while I would like to give an ability to download the same content, along with usual behaviour. Say, I have JPEG file under /media/images/image01.jpg and I want that nginx serves this file in usual way, with standard image/jpeg header, but additionally I want the same image to be served by nginx with content-disposition: attachment (effectively forcing content download) when accessed as, say, /downloads/images/image01.jpg. Anybody can suggest a solution?

Make sure you have the http_headers_module compiled in. (should be by default, if it isn't in the core)
Use "add_header content-disposition attachment;"
I recommend using a url like "/download?file=/downloads/images/image01.jpg" combined with a rewrite rule to avoid some annoying bug later.
Http Headers Module Documention


Cross-Origin Read Blocking (CORB) issue when making img request

I am currently trying to implement this solution here. The solution seems pretty simple and possible since I am the owner of both of the hosts. On mysite1.com I have added the following img tag.
<img src="//mysite1.com.com/cookie_set/" style="display:none;">
On my site2.com (django), I have a view like so:
def cookie_set(request):
response = HttpResponse()
response.set_cookie('my_cookie', value='awesome')
return response
When I release this code live. I get the following error:
Cross-Origin Read Blocking (CORB) blocked cross-origin response https://www.mysite2.com/cookie_set/ with MIME type text/html. See https://www.chromestatus.com/feature/121212121221 for more details.
I thought that maybe if I just added "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" in my view this might fix things, but according the docs here: https://www.chromium.org/Home/chromium-security/corb-for-developers, there's one more consideration:
For example, it will block a cross-origin text/html response requested from a or tag, replacing it with an empty response instead.
Are my assumptions correct? After adding the correct headers should I just change the content-type to something other than text/html?
Ultimately, my final goal is I would like to set a cookie for a different domain that I have control of (ideally without a redirect).
Best solution: use a different tag for this. (i.e. iframe).
The point behind CORB is to prevent certain tags from being used for XSSI data injection So img tags requests should not return text/html, application/json, or xml content types.
So unless the call to img tag really is for capturing the request itself (for referrer tracking, for example), then you get much more versatility by executing in an iframe anyway (like for SSO-redirection workflows).
See also: Setting third party cookie by using 1x1 <img> tag - Javascript doesn't drop cookie
I fixed this for image files by updating the Content-Type metadata under Properties in S3 - image/jpeg for JPEG files and image/png for PNG files.
My application uploads image files via multer-s3 and it seems it applies Content-Type: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'. It has a contentType option with content-type auto-detect feature - this should prevent improper headers and fix the CORB issue.
It seems the latest Chrome 76 version update includes listening to remote file URL headers, specifically Content-Type. CORB was not an issue for other browsers such as Firefox, Safari, and in-app browsers e.g. Instagram.

Can I force to display the file in browser rather than download it for a particular sub url?

Can I do this through javascript or modifying the HTTP header?
Any files coming out of this should not be auto-download, instead, display on browser. Can I overwrite the rules set by the browser? Can I also set this limit to just this particular sub url?
Thank you.
What type of file are you working with?
This is used through the HTTP header. If the mime type is a certain type, the browser will decide whether to download or display it. You can also force downloading. The file type will help.
For text files, set the content-type to text/plain. For JPEGs, set it to image/jpeg, and for PNGs set it to image/png. This should overwrite any attachment values Django is setting.
You want to use the Content-Disposition header for this. It should any haggling over content-type.
The default document type is declared under your server settings, not in how you link to the file. If you are under Apache try looking in httpd.conf for
DefaultType text/plain
If it says something different that may be your problem. text/plain should set all unknowns to download and be viewed in the browser as text.
I don't know any way of modifying this behavior through javascript as it has to be in the header of the file being downloaded.

Serving protected static media from django/nginx + streaming from a 3rd party app

We want to serve protected media from django, using something similar to the django nginx x-accel-redirect setup.
The only problem is that the static files are not located on the public facing django/nginx machine, but in a internal machine that streams the file via http/rest api.
Currently we download the file on the nginx machine and serve it via nginx x-accel-redirect, but we want to optimize this part and looking for options. x-accel-redirect has known problems with files that are streamed from another source.
We are contemplating using django itself as a quasi buffer, but are open to other options as integrating something like whizzer/twisted, or maybe even having another service altogether.
What would be the best option for serving those static files and preserving security?
Use: http://www.allbuttonspressed.com/projects/django-filetransfers
Make your own Django storage backend for the internal machine's http/rest api, that returns
a File object, and pass that object to filetransfer's server_file function.
That's how I do it in Mayan EDMS https://github.com/rosarior/mayan/blob/master/apps/documents/views.py#L300
django-storages' backends could help you get started.
Django_resto appears to have an http based storage class
I had success doing something similar using django-http-proxy. This assumes that the image server is at least as reliable as the django server.
Then in my urls, I simply mapped the url to the http proxy view, something like:
(r'^protected/.*$', 'httpproxy.views.proxy'),
Then configured PROXY_FORMAT accordingly.
Implement a simple one-shot signature system in the media machine, using any very thin (django is OK, as it does not need to get to the database) code layer, and x-accel-redirect in nginx.
In the auth machines, generate the correct signature only when the user is allowed to get the resource, and return a 302 to the signed media.
The signature could be time-based, expiring in a fraction of a second, so a sniffer can't use the URL again.
You could use lighttpd to handle the streaming. It has a nice module to protect resources with signatures: http://redmine.lighttpd.net/wiki/1/Docs:ModSecDownload
So I'm thinking you could have nginx just proxy to the streaming server (that's lighttpd).
It's pretty easy to cook up the signature, here's a python example: init.py#cl-27">https://bitbucket.org/ionelmc/django-secdownload-storage/src/be9b18701015/secdownload_storage/init.py#cl-27

How can I do an HTTP redirect in C++

I'm making an HTTP server in c++, I notice that the way apache works is if you request a directory without adding a forward slash at the end, firefox still somehow knows that it's a directory you are requesting (which seems impossible for firefox to do, which is why I'm assuming apache is doing a redirect).
Is that assumption right? Does apache check to see that you are requesting a directory and then does an http redirect to a request with the forward slash? If that is how apache works, how do I implement that in c++? Thanks to anyone who replies.
Determine if the resource represents a directory, if so reply with a:
HTTP/1.X 301 Moved Permanently
Location: URI-including-trailing-slash
Using 301 allows user agents to cache the redirect.
If you wanted to do this, you would:
call stat on the pathname
determine that it is a directory
send the necesssary HTTP response for a redirect
I'm not at all sure that you need to do this. Install the Firefox 'web developer' add-on to see exactly what goes back and forth.
Seriously, this should not be a problem. Suggestions for how to proceed:
Get the source code for Apache and look at what it does
Build a debug build of Apache and step through the code in a debugger in such a case; examine which pieces of code get run.
Install Wireshark (network analysis tool), Live HTTP Headers (Firefox extension) etc, and look at what's happening on the network
Read the relevant RFCs for HTTP - which presumably you should be keeping under your pillow anyway if you're writing a server.
Once you've done those things, it should be obvious how to do it. If you can't do those things, you should not be trying to develop a web server in C++.
The assumption is correct and make sure your response includes a Location header to the URL that allows directory listing and a legal 301/302 first line. It is not a C++ question, it is more of a HTTP protocol question, since you are trying to write a HTTP server, as one of the other posts suggests, read the RFC.
You should install Fiddler and observe the HTTP headers sent by other web servers.
Your question is impossible to answer precisely without more details, but you want to send an HTTP 3xx status code with a Location header.

Setting a header in apache

I'm trying to serve static files for download in a django application, I figured that I'd put the static files in /media/files and have Apache set the content-type header to application/octet-stream (the files to download are going to be word files but I'll work out the details later).
To do this I activated mod_headers and then in the apache config did this:
<Location "/media/files">
Header set Content-Type "application/octet-stream"
After doing this I restarted apache and tried a sample file but it doesn't work, I still get text/plain in the content type and the browser does not prompt me to download anything.
By the way I know it is recommended to use a different web server for static files but I don't have much control on the server I'm going to deploy, it has to be only Apache with mod_python.
There could be any number of problems (it takes a lot more information than you've provided to trace down some apache config problems) but here are some thoughts:
Are you absolutely certain this snippet is being applied to the right files (e.g., if there are multiple virtual servers, and you stuck this in the wrong one, well..)
Do you have rewriting going on that might prevent this from being seen as a match?
Are you setting the Content-Type header elsewhere?
Do you have content arbitration going on? Depending, that could override anything you do in the headers.
One thing you might try is to add some other header and see if it comes back. Also, try doing the request yourself with telnet or elsewise reducing the number of things between you and the server. Use the log files. They are there to help you. Good luck.