MFC - How can I disable a list item? - mfc

I have a CListCtrl with checkboxes. I want to be able to disable one of the items so that the user cannot click the checkbox. Is this possible? If so, how?
Found the specifics on how to hide a checkbox in another question
Need only some rows in a CListCtrl control to have check boxes

Shortly: Not easily possible.
You'll need to sub-class the CListCtrl and implement this behavior on your own or download for example the MFC Grid Control that allows you to do that.
As for the removing check-boxes idea, yes, that might be possible, MSDN:
Version 4.70. Enables check boxes for items in a list-view control. When
set to this style, the control creates
and sets a state image list with two
images using DrawFrameControl. State
image 1 is the unchecked box, and
state image 2 is the checked box.
Setting the state image to zero
removes the check box.


How to add or remove textboxes by changing the options in the combobox in Visual c++?

I want to know that whether I can add a textbox or label by changing the options in combo box. For example, I have 2 options in Combobox. If I choose the #1, it must show me 2 textboxes, but if I choose #2 it must show 3 textboxes.Can I do something like this in Visual Studio C++?
This can be done in two ways:
Dynamically create and destroy the edit controls using CreateWindowEx and DestroyWindow.
Statically create your GUI with 3 edit controls and set the visibility of the controls based on the selection using ShowWindow.
Have as many text-boxes you want. But hide them.
In the handler, show (or hide) the text boxes depending on selection.
Showing/hiding text boxes aren't good from UI perspective. You better enable/disable them appropriately. You may put alternate text when they are disabled, and bring back original change when they have to be enabled.
Creating textboxes at runtime, and then deleting them isn't' good approach. You will need to keep track of Win32 UI handle and/or MFC object. This approach will also need more of UI resource creation/deletion, parent-child relationship handling et. al.

Disable only specific list items in a win32 ListView

I am using win32, c++.
I have a ListView & i want to disable (grey out) only some of the items from the list.
Is that possible or only whole ListView can be greyed out?
The ListView control does not have a concept of disabled items. You can simulate that appearance using custom drawing support. This Sample demonstrates how to change the text and background color of items within the list view.
You would need to go further and provide some means of determining when a disabled item is selected within the view (as the selection will continue to work).
The Windows List View Common Control does not have a disabled state for Items. If you want to do that, you will have to implement it yourself.
This is a not-trivial exercise. It's not hard to change the visible appearance using customer draw, but handling hit-testing and selection would be quite complex.

Disable items in a CheckedListBox in MFC

Does CheckedListBox::Enable() to enable/disable items should behave like GetDlgItem(checkedbox)->EnableWindow(False), for a simple checkedbox, I mean for the last one, the item has the aspect of a disabled item, but for checkedlistbox the item has a normal aspect but I can't select it.
So is this normal for disable items from a CheckedListBox to not have a gray aspect?
Try to avoid using GetDlgItem
CCheckedListBox::Enable() is used to enable and disabled the individual checkbox in the list based on the index you pass into it.
EnableWindow is intended to enable or disable the entire control. In the case of a checkbox I would expect these to be similar however the CCheckedListBox may handle how it manages it's check box list items differently than how an independent checkbox control would behave.
You can probably override DrawItem and use owner drawn style if you want to do something different than the default behavior when updating visual aspects.

How to make checkboxes in a list view control tri-state?

Is it possible to make the checkboxes in a list view control with LVS_EX_CHECKBOXES style tri-state (having BS_3STATE button style)? I'm using WTL but I'm OK manually sending messages around.
Yes, you need an ImageList with 3 images of a unchecked, checked and indeterminate checkbox. Call ListView_SetImageList() to assign the LVSIL_STATE image list. Manipulate LVITEM.state to display the kind of checkbox you want.

How to underline individual items in a CListCtrl

We want some items in a CListView to appear like hypertext links.
I can make everything underlined by setting the lfUnderline flag in LOGFONT, and creating a font from this, before calling SetFont - but this applies to the whole CListView.
Does anyone know how to make individual items in a CListView to appear underlined?
You can do this by using the custom-draw notifications and modifying the font on the particular item you want within the custom-draw handler.
See this link for details.
Try this: