C++ for the C# Programmer [closed] - c++

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I have a good understanding of OO from java and C# and I'm lucky in my engineering courses to have been exposed to the evils of both assembler and C (pointers are my playground :D ).
However, I've tried looking into C++ and the thing that gets me is the library code. There are so many nice examples of how to perform the bread and butter tasks in java and C#, but I've not been able to find a good explanation of how to do these things in C++.
I'd love to expand my knowledge into C++ to add to my skillset but I've not had a chance to be exposed to people and communities that are keen on these things.
Could anyone here recommend some good open source projects or tutorials which are useful. Bonus marks if they involve coming from java or C# into this environment.

I'd suggest that you work your way through the excellent Andrew Koenig and Barbara Moo book "Accelerated C++" (sanitised Amazon link). This book teaches you C++ rather than assume that you know C and then look at the C++ bits bolted on.
In fact, you dive in and are using STL containers in the early chapters.
Highly recommended.

As well as the other answers here, I think you should take a look at the QT toolkit. Not only does it have GUI widgets, it also has libraries to work with things like databases, multithreading and sockets.
A combination of BOOST and QT, IMHO, provides you with the tools to address in C++ any problem you might be faced with.

I don't have any such resources for you, unfortunately, as I took the long way of slowly discovering things piece by piece.
I do have a caveat for you, though: keep in mind that in the C++ world, the standard library has been very slow at providing useful services. Basically, you'll find a few algorithms, data structures, a few string-related classes and some basic I/O-related ones. Unlike Java or .Net, there is not an extended library of classes for all kinds of purposes (networking, file system services, cryptography, concurrency, etc) - the closest to that is probably Boost, which looks and feels like an extension to the standard library, but which is still external (although some parts of it are leaking back to the standard library).

It's worth bearing in mind that C++ is primarily a systems programming language. Thus its main emphasis is not on performing bread & butter tasks but on writing the tools that are used to perform those tasks. For example, rather than supplying database access libraries out of the box, C++ is intended to be used for writing the database engine itself.

Assuming you already have some knowledge of the C++ syntax, and have good Object Oriented experience I'd go for Effective c++ series.
It's a collection of "tips and tricks" explaining how c++ works under the hood. Which are the common misunderstandings from people coming from other languages and why c++ works this way.

It depends what platform you are programming on. C++ itself doesn't have the same sort of library that Java or C# have. That sort of functionality is traditionally supplied by the operating system. I suggest you learn C++ from a book (I like C++ Primer by Lippman but it may be a bit slow as its aimed at beginners) and then head to MSDN if you are programming on Windows. There are APIs for networking, XML parsing, encryption, just about everything you need. They are just tied to the OS instead of the language itself.
I don't know the equivalent resources for Linux or the Mac but I'm sure someone can supply them.


Why is there a networking library proposal for C++14/17? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Even though TCP/UDP/IP are commonly used protocols, I do not understand why they want it to be part of the ISO C++ Standard. These have nothing to do with the core of the language. Data structures are universally required tools hence STL makes sense but these protocols are too specific IMO.
There has been a long-standing sentiment that the C++ library's tiny focus area is something bad that's holding the language back. Most "modern" languages come with large framework libraries which include networking, graphics and JSON. By contrast, if you want to do any of these in C++, you a) don't get anything by default, and b) are overwhelmed with a choice of third-party libraries which you are usually unable to appraise properly and select from.
This is how that side of the opinion goes.
Of course there are other people who think that that's just the way it should be. Nonetheless, standardization is hard work, and whereas languages like Java and C# and Go have large companies behind them that can put energy into developing a huge library, C++ doesn't have that kind of manpower, and most people who spend time on C++ standardization are more interested in core aspects of programming: data structures, concurrency, language evolution (concepts, ranges, modules...).
So it isn't so much that people are generally opposed to a larger library, but it's not a priority for many. But if good ideas come around, they have a good chance for being considered. And large library components like networking won't be going into the standard library anyway, but rather into a free-standing Technical Specification, which is a way to see whether the idea is useful, popular and correct. Only if a TS gets widely used and receives lots of positive feedback will there be a possible future effort to include it into the IS.
(You may have noticed similar efforts to create Technical Specifications for file systems and for graphics.)
C++ 11 includes Threading in Standard. Now programmers need not to write PThread in Linux and Windows Threads in Windows, separably. Same can happen if Networking library gets Standardized.

The advantages and Disadvantages between C++ and VB6 [closed]

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Closed 12 years ago.
I would like to know the advantages and disadvantages between C++ and VB6. The reason I am asking is because I came across a website where they have source code for various programs that are coded for Windows machines, and they are almost all coded in VB6.
However, I do not know a lot about VB6, and am trying to learn C++ at the moment, and I was wondering why people would code in VB6 instead of C++ or how they rank in different areas.
So I would appreciate it if someone could weigh the pros and cons of each language and really give me perspective of the languages.
I was wondering why people would code
in VB6 instead of C++ or how they rank
in different areas.
VB6 is a dead language. It was a Microsoft proprietary language.The VB6 IDE is no longer supported but VB6 applications are supported for at least the lifetime of Windows 8. Most (with many changes) of the syntax lives on in VB.NET (another proprietary language). In addition to the syntax, VB.NET and VB6 share the idea of "canned programming", where the developer just combines existing building blocks to create small applications very easily. VB6 introduced a large number of innovative techniques for this. It became known as RAD, Rapid Application Development or Rabid Application Development, depending on who you ask.
The problem with RAD, that it doesn't scale…
Probably you looked at a very old web site.
C++ is a general programming language standardized by ISO. There are also a great many other general programming languages, and many of them are also standardized. In addition there are general programming languages like Java that are not standardized by some international standards organization, but have sufficient heavy backing that it's almost as if they are open languages, in spite of being technically proprietary.
Going into more details comparing the languages serves no useful purpose.
You might read up on the old C versus Pascal debates to see why (these debates got pretty heated, so called language wars, but resulted in some classic papers such as Brian Kernighan's "Why Pascal is not my favorite language").
VB6 is antiquated -- the only reason people would code in it these days is if their company had business reasons for not upgrading to something newer (like a large legacy code-base written in VB6). Even then, you'd expect them to be looking to move on.
VB6 has been obsolete for quite some time now and superseded by VB.NET. C++ and Visual Basic have way too many differences to list here, but if you want to learn C++, it doesn't help much to learn from VB examples. There are plenty of books, tutorials and examples for C++ - in all likelihood, much more than what you would find for VB - so that's what you should be looking for.
I am learning C++, but only after Python and Java.
It is not suggested to learn C++ as a first language (that's what I got online).
I am interested in getting deeper in low-level programming an OSs so C/C++ is what I am aiming for right now.
I would say learn C++
One reason VB may still be used is that in some companies (such as the one I worked for) we required financial analysts who were good at understand the math behind the business AND be able to produce applications that solved business problems. It turned out (as others have pointed out above) that it was easier for us to hire folks with good functional business knowledge and then get them up-to-speed with VB than C++ or VC++, the latter two being the exclusive domain of the IT-department developers.
Basically if you are looking for low-level coding that offers more speed then go with C++, however if you are new to programming I wouldn't recommend it. However, there is much more overhead with C++ and coding can take more time. C++ also allows you to be object oriented if you so choose, but it does not force the paradigm.
Visual Basic is a high-level language and is pretty well noob friendly but is slower than C++. Visual Basic has less overhead meaning you can code a lot quicker once you get the hang of it. I'm not sure if VB is object oriented but I don't believe so.
C++ is a lower-level languagge, thus programs will perform better... everywhere, period.
VB6 is a higher-level languagge, so it'd probably be easrier to learn. Actually it would depend on your previous skills, if you know java you'll have a hard time understanding VB6.
A friend of mine once said, if you know english you can write VB6 :)
Plus, VB6 is no object-oriented, while C++ is
VB6 has since been superseded by VB.net. VB was and continues to be very "newbie" friendly. VB was easier(depends on what and whom you ask) to code in, whereas C++ allowed access to certain components not available in VB6. C++ was also significantly faster than VB6, though those type of speed differences don't matter much any more.
There are certain sites which continue to host/advocate vb6 code. VB6 support will be completely dropped after Windows 7.
So the main difference is that VB6 is a slower, (becoming unsupported), proprietary language that is easier to learn for programming beginners. C++ is a standardized, supported language that's quite a bit harder to learn, though its faster/more efficient.
For starters, I'd recommend a Basic dialect, be it Microsoft Small Basic (this is a newb's language), VB.net, FreeBasic, RealBasic, Auto-it or maybe even PowerBasic.
Hope this helps.

A quickest way to learn Boost for returning C++/.NET veteran [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am a seasoned .NET and C++ programmer who has been almost exclusively programming in C# for last 5 years and now I had to go "back" to start programming in C++ again.
Before becoming a C# developer I was a hardcore C++/STL/COM programmer, but never really used Boost back then (apart from playing around with a smart pointers from Boost).
I am sort of refreshed my memory of C++ to a working level and now keen to learn Boost again. Can someone recommend me a quick way to learn Boost to a reasonable (ok, let me face it, newbie) working level. Any Boost FAQ, learning resourses, ideas and suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
This book is a very good reference, but I guess it is not really "quick". The good think is that in the same page, InformIT, you can find a sample chapter about boost::bind. That library is like the boost auto pointers, is one of the boost libraries I use to develop any C++ program in my daily basis. The other is boost::lambda, which is related with boost::bind. The own boost documentation is a very good tutorial.
And regarding the other functionalities, I guess is like any other general library, you just have to learn the components you need to use. I guess you can have a look to this page to be aware of all these functionalities boost is offering you.
I almost forgot boost::mpl (metaprogramming library). Again the official boost documentation can help you.
I can't see any reason to learn whole Boost at once. You could reference to Boost Documentation for information about parts of Boost you really need in your work.
There is a book - Beyond the C++ Standard Library: An Introduction to Boost. You could start from reading it.
There's no book that covers Boost as a whole. I had to start learning it 2 months ago, and I chose the "learn what you really need" approach.
Identify the problem
Read the library descriptions and choose those of interest
Most of them are pretty well documented and contain some examples/ tutorials so it shouldn't be so bad.
You will not find a book which covers all boost libs. Boost currently features more than 80 libraries.
My approach was:
Identify the lib you need to solve the current problem
Go to the web site of this library, read the tutorial or getting started (there you will learn it step-by-step)
As you develop using this lib you will get more and more questions, these can be answered by either consulting the reference (not tutorial) of the lib or posting to the boost mailing lists. Boost mailing lists are very active and you usually get an answer within the next hour.
There are only a few books I used to read to understand "hardcore" libs: Modern C++ Design by A. Alexandrescu and the MPL book from Abrahams & Gurtovoy.
The most important books I read were all Herb Sutter books, because idioms used in Boost and cetainly in STL are pretty well discussed there (Exceptional C++, More Exceptional C++ and Exceptional C++ Style). I also liked 101 Coding Guidelines by Sutter & Alexandrescu. The last book is more like a summary of most important idioms.

How important is Boost to learn for C++ developers? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am curious to learn Boost. But I wanted to ask:
How important is it to make the effort to learn Boost?
What prerequisites should one have before jumping on Boost?
Why I am curious to know about Boost is that many people are talking about Boost on IRC's channels and here in StackOverflow.
I think anyone that is seriously considering C++ development as a career should learn Boost, and learn it well. Once you get into serious programming you will realize how beneficial these libraries can be and how much more productive they can make you. Not only are they cross-platform, but once you get into data crunching with large numbers, the math libraries especially will seem like a gift from above.
As a game developer, I've been shocked by how many people don't know about Boost. I've mentioned it to contacts in various game studios and not only is it frequently not used (is licensing or porting it a problem?) but many people haven't even heard of it. This leads me to believe that from a career perspective, it's not actually critical to learn Boost, but from a personal development standpoint, it is definitely vital. :)
Discussed previously: what are the advantages of using the c++ boost libraries.
As for any pre-requisites, you should be familiar with the STL and some experience of templates wouldn't hurt. I'm always amazed at how many C++ programmers don't actually use either the STL or templates.
It's very important, especially as many libraries from Boost are getting into the C++ standard -- by using Boost, you get an early look at how the standard will look like (shared_ptr, anyone?).
Moreover, even if you don't use them, the Boost libraries are very well written and often interesting to look at; they do some really advanced C++.
I feel that boost is such a productivity enhancer that I don't think I would accept a job with a C++ shop not using boost.
A language is a tool. Use it if it helps you accomplish something.
I am so sick of these religions. "Should I use Boost? If I don't use Boost, does that mean I'm not a real C++ programmer? Will other C++ programmers like me?" Please. Any C++ programmer who cares if you use Boost or any other library is a close-minded jerk, and you should have nothing to do with him.
Rather, go find an intelligent, open-minded person who can tell you how Boost and who-knows-what-other library has helped him in his own work. He'll even admit that sometimes you don't need those libraries.
Alternate answer: re-implementing part of Boost or STL yourself is a good way to keep your programming abilities sharp. In other words, a C++ programmer who can't fall back to C because he's without his libraries is a weak programmer.
Boost has rich set of libraries that you get it for free.Get to know what are all the libraries available in boost so that you can use one if there is a need.About learning ,select libraries that are included in c++0X so that you can use it and soon compilers are going to support.About particular library learn it when ever you need.
Judging (scientifically :-) by the huge quantity of questions on SO about C++ which have top-rated answers along the lines of "Use Boost::SomethingOrOther", I would say it's very important.
The thing that drew me from C to Java instead of C++, was the huge quantity of supplied classes in Java. Boost almost manages to convince me to go back, except for the fact that I'm now heavily mired in web services where Java is the lingua franca.
Please remember boost is just a set of libraries which can be used to improve productivity (stop reinventing the wheel).
They are, by all accounts, well written and use techniques that you might not (i.e. defintely won't) think up by yourself. If your intention is to look through the source to learn advanced c++ techniques then knock yourself out but I think I'd buy a good book instead.
On the other hand, if you just want to use some library functions to improve your productivity consider your options. What are you developing and so what sort of libraries do you need?
Our company has cross platform products that use boost extensively but we also have windows only products that use some boost but, for the most part, rely on microsoft's libraries. MS libraries are good quality and have (imo) excellent documentation (part of MS success lies in making windows as easy to program as possible for third party developers). I mention MS specifically as they offer a broad range of libraries for many purposes like boost. We also use numerous other more focused 3rd party libraries (i.e. libraries that provide functionality in one area such as cryptography).

What technologies do C++ programmers need to know? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
C++ was the first programming language I really got into, but the majority of my work on it was academic or for game programming. Most of the programming jobs where I live require Java or .NET programmers and I have a fairly good idea of what technologies they require aside from the basic language. For example, a Java programmer might be required to know EJB, Servlets, Hibernate, Spring, and other technologies, libraries, and frameworks.
I'm not sure about C++, however. In real life situations, for general business programming, what are C++ programmers required to know beyond the language features? Stuff like Win32 API, certain libraries, frameworks, technologies, tools, etc.
Edit: I was thinking of the standard library as well when I said basic language, sorry if it was wrong or not clear. I was wondering if there are any more specific domain requirements similar to all the technologies Java or .NET programmers might be required to learn as apposed to what C++ programmers need to know in general. I do agree that the standard library and Boost are essential, but is there anything beyond that or is it different for every company/project/domain?
As for every language, I believe there are three interconnected levels of knowledge :
Master your language. Every programmer should (do what it takes to) master the syntax. Good references to achieve this are :
The C++ Programming Language by Bjarne Stroustrup.
Effective C++ series by Scott Meyers.
Know your libraries extensively.
STL is definitely a must as it has been included in the C++ Standard Library, so knowing it is very close to point 1 : you have to master it.
Knowing boost can be very interesting, as a multi-platform and generic library.
Know the libraries you are supposed to work with, whether it is Win32 API, OCCI, XPCOM or UNO (just a few examples here). No need to know a database library if you develop purely graphic components...
Develop your knowledge of patterns. Cannot avoid Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software here...
So, my answer to your updated question would be : know your language, know your platform, know your domain. I think there is enough work by itself here, especially in C++. It's an evergoing work that should never be overlooked.
C++ developer have to grok std and boost libraries.
List of other technologies largely depends on project type. For sure you will have some interaction with SO, so you will need to know API of your environment.
As for data-access and other stuffs there are tons for different solutions. C++ is much richer than some managed langs in that sense. 99% of old popular systems have C/C++ interface.
After you clarified your question a bit in the comment to my answer I can recommend:
Good code browser (SourceInsight or Understand For C++ for example)
Static analysis tools (Link, KlockWork Inforce, etc.)
MySQL\SQLite (I encountered these DB in a huge number of C++ projects)
UI technologies (OpenGL\GLUT, DirectX, GDI, Qt, etc)
technologies you should know as a C++ programmer (and therefore more technically knowledgeable than lesser programmers ;) ):
performance issues - what makes things go slow, how to find and fix such issues. I also mean stuff like context switching, cache lines, optimised searches, memory usage and constraints, and similar stuff that your average VB/C# developer doesn't care about.
threading issues - how to get the most from a multi-threaded app, how to detect and fix abuses of the same.
low-level communications - especially being able to connect to obscure systems that no-one else has written a toolkit for (especially radio comms), latency and bandwidth management.
Otherwise, for specific tools - it depends on what you're targeting, Windows dev will be different to Linux, different to embedded.
This will largely depend on the used platform and other constraints. As a general rule, a good (C++) programmer is (or should be) able to learn a platform-specific API in a very short time. For C++, it's much more important to understand the different tool chains (e.g. a Windows programmer should also know the GCC tool chain) and differences in compilers. Programmer should also understand limitations and platform-dependend behaviour of the language.
As for libraries, C++ programmers absolutely need to know STL and Boost. No discussion.
Standard Template Library
Besides the stuff everyone listed, keep in mind that C++ programmer have space on the embedded systems market (much more than most other high level languages).So familiarity with embedded systems and development may open a lot of doors and job opportunities where you will not be competing so heavily with Java development for example. So learning to code compact code (compact after compiled) and low memory usage techniques is a good bet.
if you're using gcc you should definitely know gdb. Actually, you should be proficient with the local debugger for whichever compiler you're using. Other than that there is such a wide range of libraries used that being able to quickly pick up an API is more useful than any specific one. I would suggest learning doxygen though.
If you are using linux then Valgrind is a very usefull tool for checking how your program deals with memory access.
In no specific order
MFC & Win32
The popular way to use C++ in the mobile space would involve learning Symbian OS development.