How to make project templates and Satchmo templates co-exist? - django

I'm working with a Satchmo installation that resides within an existing project. This project has its own templates as well as templates for some of the various apps that are installed. Some of these app-specific templates have their own app_base.html variations that expect to derive form base.html. I'd like to be able to do the same thing with my Satchmo templates and have them reside within my project's base, but also have some additional html added around all of them.
news_base.html (extends base.html and adds news-specific template features)
base.html (overriding Satchmo's base)
This structure works somewhat, but not how I expected. in /store/base.html (Satchmo's base) I've simply replaced everything with a test message. I can see the message, so I know satchmo is loading its base and not the site's base. However, I can't extend my project's base anymore since using:
{% extends "base.html %}
Yields a recursion error since its calling itself and the following simply won't work.
{% extends "../base.html" %}
I realize that I can change my project's base.html to a slightly different name and point all app-specific templates at them, but it seems like a pretty major hack on such a fundamental aspect of the template structure.

Hmm, I didn't think django looked up templates relatively like that.
Kinda crazy hack, but this should work:
/templates/store/base.html extends "global_base.html"
/templates/global_base.html extends "base.html"

Depending on how you have your template structure set up, it might also be a good idea to play with the settings.TEMPLATE_LOADERS variable.
A tuple of callables (as strings) that
know how to import templates from
various sources. See The Django
template language: For Python
For more information on how this affects the template loading process:
From the way you describe your problem, it seems like by commenting out the "app_directories.load_template_source" file line, you might be able to better find a way to accomplish what you're doing.
Loads templates from Django apps on
the filesystem. For each app in
INSTALLED_APPS, the loader looks for a
templates subdirectory. If the
directory exists, Django looks for
templates in there.
This means you can store templates
with your individual apps. This also
makes it easy to distribute Django
apps with default templates.
For example, for this setting:
INSTALLED_APPS = ('myproject.polls',
'') ...then
get_template('foo.html') will look for
templates in these directories, in
this order:
Note that the loader performs an
optimization when it is first
imported: It caches a list of which
INSTALLED_APPS packages have a
templates subdirectory.
This loader is enabled by default.

I just had this same problem. It looks like the satchmo developers planned for this by putting an "empty" base in the shop template directory. While this may not be relevant to you anymore, I would have like to have seen this here.
You can make a "shop" directory in your template directory and copy the main satchmo base.html to that directory.
This worked for me.


{% extends 'NavigationEG/layout.html' %}

in flask templates, we combine HTML pages using extends, but my view(HTML) files are in diff folder. so how u can extend that? how to set a path? eg: {% extends 'NavigationEG/layout.html' %} NavigationEG is my folder but this way not work
without a folder, it works but I want to store it in one folder.
Like bergp said in this related question on stackoverflow, flask is looking for templates in the given templates folder. If you want to reference a different folder in your template, you could remove the template_folder when initlializing the app and refering to the full path in the render_template parameters.
Depending on the reason for the different folders, blueprints can have their own template_folder as well.
I hope this helps. If not, please share your file structure and parts of the code so we can help you find the source of this problem. Good luck.

(Django) How to include template file from app into base.html in templates

I am building a site in Django CMS. In my templates directory for the project is base.html.
I am writing an app "was_this_helpful" to add a dialog box on some pages for users to give feedback. I want to include a file from was_this_helpful/templates into base.html but it says the file does not exist.
{% include 'was_this_helpful/dialog.html' %}
My file structure look like this:
- was_this_helpful
- templates
- was_this_helpful
- dialog2.html
- dialog.html
- required app files
I read somewhere that sometimes template files need to be another level deeper in templates to be found which is why I made the dialog2.html but still it's not working. I do not understand how to accomplish this. Based on what I've read it should work. Is it different because I'm not in another app, just the templates directory?
Without knowing more it's hard to tell if it's a simple solution or not.
The way you have your code written, there is not a was_this_helpful/dialog.html - you only have a dialog2.html inside your was_this_helpful so was_this_helpful/dialog2.html would be the reference path.
I've always created another folder inside my templates folder with the name of the directory above my templates folder. Just like you have with your was_this_helpful second directory. I find that this makes it much easier to extend base.html files.
You can always do it absolutely too by two periods before the path call, so ../was_this_helpful/templates/dialog.html
If you don't have luck with that either, there is an {% extends %} method as well which might accomplish what you're trying to do as well.
Good luck!

Custon DjangoTemplates for one app

I want to use a third party app that did not use adequate django principles:
templates \w hard coded urls instead of {% url ... %} syntax
templates \w hard coded static files instead of {% static ... %} syntax
makemigrations is left to the user/deployer
all templates directly in templates folder, like 500.html, login.html, etc
interesting nested app-structure, where some apps are loaded depending on the configuration (i.e. advanced logic manipulating INSTALLED_APPS)
These make it hard to include the app in urls /suburl/.... I spent 15 minutes thinking this was rewritable, and a git PR would be a good idea, after realizing it might not be.
The most crucial problem, hard coded urls, is in the templates. Hence I want to copy the templates to my parent-project in a subfolder, fix them with generated urls, and redefine template-resolution for this particular app, but not for all apps.
This should keep my template-namespace relatively clean. Also, this way I avoid having to change all the view-functions to specify a better namespaced template. I don't want to get too involved in these, because these functions are massive.
Can I do this, define a customized DjangoTemplates for ONE specific app, but not the others?

Is it possible to force django_sql_explorer to extend my base.html?

I have installed django_sql_explorer package with pip .
I was wondering if it is possible to make \django_sql_explorer to extend my base.html without having all the django_sql_explorer source code in project ?
If you take a look here: you'll see that django-sql-explorer defines an explorer/base.html from which other templates override. So, if you want to use your own base.html create a directory named templates/explorer inside one of your apps and add a base.html there (this will override the django-sql-explorer's one).
Please keep in mind that this base.html can't be the same as your own site's base.html because you need to respect the block names that django-sql-explorer actually defines so that content will be visible.

Cannot Extend Django 1.2.1 Admin Template

I am attempting to override/extend the header for the Django admin in version 1.2.1. However when I try to extend the admin template and simply change what I need documented here:, I run into a recursion problem.
I have an index.html file in my project's templates/admin/ directory that starts with
{% extends "admin/index.html" %}
But it seems that this is referencing the local index file (a.k.a. itself) rather than the default Django copy. I want to extend the default Django template and simply change a few blocks. When I try this file, I get a recursion depth error.
How can I extend parts of the admin? Thanks.
SOLUTION: Rather than extending, I copied the files into my_templates_directory/admin/ and just edited them as I wished. This solution was acceptable, though not ideal.
The contrib/admin/templates/admin path needs to go before the directory with your custom admin templates in your list of paths in TEMPLATE_DIRS in your
Create a symlink to contrib/admin/templates/admin/ in your templates directory and use it in your {% extends %} statement.
cd /path/to/project/templates/
ln -s /path/to/django/contrib/admin/templates/admin/ django_admin
Now in your admin/index.html use {% extends "django_admin/index.html" %}
EDIT: Just realized that you're on windows... Not sure how to achieve the same results. Hopefully this still helps the folks on linux.
SOLUTION: Rather than extending, I copied the files into my_templates_directory/admin/ and just edited them as I wished. This solution was acceptable, though not ideal.