Best practices for writing a programming language parser - c++

Are there any best practices that I should follow while writing a parser?

The received wisdom is to use parser generators + grammars and it seems like good advice, because you are using a rigorous tool and presumably reducing effort and potential for bugs in doing so.
To use a parser generator the grammar has to be context free. If you are designing the languauge to be parsed then you can control this. If you are not sure then it could cost you a lot of effort if you start down the grammar route. Even if it is context free in practice, unless the grammar is enormous, it can be simpler to hand code a recursive decent parser.
Being context free does not only make the parser generator possible, but it also makes hand coded parsers a lot simpler. What you end up with is one (or two) functions per phrase. Which is if you organise and name the code cleanly is not much harder to see than a grammar (if your IDE can show you call hierachies then you can pretty much see what the grammar is).
The advantages:-
Simpler build
Better performance
Better control of output
Can cope with small deviations, e.g. work with a grammar that is not 100% context free
I am not saying grammars are always unsuitable, but often the benefits are minimal and are often out weighed by the costs and risks.
(I believe the arguments for them are speciously appealing and that there is a general bias for them as it is a way of signaling that one is more computer-science literate.)

Few pieces of advice:
Know your grammar - write it down in a suitable form
Choose the right tool. Do it from within C++ with Spirit2x, or choose external parser tools like antlr, yacc, or whatever suits you
Do you need a parser? Maybe regexp will suffice? Or maybe hack a perl script to do the trick? Writing complex parsers take time.

Don't overuse regular expressions - while they have their place, they simply don't have the power to handle any kind of real parsing. You can push them, but you're eventually going to hit a wall or end up with an unmaintainable mess. You're better off finding a parser generator that can handle a larger language set. If you really don't want to get into tools, you can look at recursive descent parsers - it's a really simple pattern for hand-writing a small parser. They aren't as flexible or as powerful as the big parser generators, but they have a much shorter learning curve.
Unless you have very tight performance requirements, try and keep your layers separate - the lexer reads in individual tokens, the parser arranges those into a tree, and then semantic analysis checks over everything and links up references, and then a final phase to output whatever is being produced. Keeping the different parts of logic separate will make things easier to maintain later.

Read most of the Dragon book first.
Parsers are not complicated if you know how to build them, but they are NOT the type of thing that if you put in enough time, you'll eventually get there. It's way better to build on the existing knowledge base. (Otherwise expect to write it and throw it away a few dozen times).

Yep. Try to generate it, not write. Consider using yacc, ANTLR, Flex/Bison, Coco/R, GOLD Parser generator, etc. Resort to manually writing a parser only if none of existing parser generators fit your needs.

Choose the right kind of parser, sometimes a Recursive Descendant will be enough, sometimes you should use an LR parser (also, there are many types of LR parsers).
If you have a complex grammar, build an Abstract Syntax Tree.
Try to identify very well what goes into the lexer, what is part of the syntax and what is a matter of semantics.
Try to make the parser the least coupled to the lexer implementation as possible.
Provide a good interface to the user so he is agnostic of the parser implementation.

First, don't try to apply the same techniques to parsing everything. There are numerous possible use cases, from something like IP addresses (a bit of ad hoc code) to C++ programs (which need an industrial-strength parser with feedback from the symbol table), and from user input (which needs to be processed very fast) to compilers (which normally can afford to spend a little time parsing). You might want to specify what you're doing if you want useful answers.
Second, have a grammar in mind to parse with. The more complicated it is, the more formal the specification needs to be. Try to err on the side of being too formal.
Third, well, that depends on what you're doing.


Can a LL(*) parser (like antlr3) parse C++?

I need to create a parser to C++ 14. This parser must be created using C++ in order to enable a legacy code generation reuse. I am thinking to implement this using ANTLR3 (because ANTLR4 doesn't target C++ code yet).
My doubt is if ANTLR3 can parse C++ since it doesn't use the Adaptive LL(*) algorithm like ANTLR4.
Most classic parser generators cannot generate a parser that will parse a grammar for an arbitrary context free language. The restrictions of the grammars they can parse often gives rise to the name of the class of parser generators: LL(k), LALR, ... ANTLR3 is essentially LL; ANTLR4 is better but still not context free.
Earley, GLR, and GLL parser generators can parse context free languages, sometimes with high costs. In practice, Earley tends to be pretty slow (but see the MARPA parser generator used with Perl6, which I understand to be an Earley variant that is claimed to be reasonably fast). GLR and GLL seem to produce working parsers with reasonable performance.
My company has built about 40 parsers for real languages using GLR, including all of C++14, so I have a lot of confidence in the utility of GLR.
When it comes to parsing C++, you're in a whole other world, mostly because C++ parsing seems to depend on collecting symbol table information at the same time. (It isn't really necessary to do that if you can parse context-free).
You can probably make ANTLR4 (and even ANTLR3) parse C++ if you are willing to fight it hard enough. Essentially what you do is build a parser which accepts too much [often due to limitations of the parser generator class], and then uses ad hoc methods to strip away the extra. This is essentially what the hand-written GCC and Clang parsers do; the symbol table information is used to force the parser down the right path.
If you choose to go down this path of building your own parser, no matter which parser generator you choose, you will invest huge amounts of energy to get a working parser. [Been here; done this]. This isn't a good way to get on with whatever your intended task motivates this parser.
I suggest you get one that already works. (I've already listed two; you can find out about our parser through my bio if you want).
That will presumably leave you with a working parser. Then you want to do something with the parse tree, and you'll discover that Life After Parsing requires a lot of machinery that the parsers don't provide. Google the phrase to find my essay on the topic or check my bio.

Writing a tokenizer, where to begin?

I'm trying to write a tokenizer for CSS in C++, but I have no idea how to write a tokenizer. I know that it should be greedy, reading as much input as possible, for each token, and in theory I know how I could put that in code.
I have looked at Boost.Tokenizer, and it seems nice, but it doesn't help me whatsoever. It sure is a nice wrapper for a tokenizer, but the problem lies in writing the token splitter, the TokenizerFunction in Boost terms.
I have no idea how to write this tokenizer, are there any "neat" ways of doing it, like something that closely resembles the syntax itself?
Please note, I'm not looking for a parser! My application doesn't need to be able to understand CSS, just read a CSS file to a general internal tokenized format, process some things and output again.
Writing a "correct" lexer and/or parser is more difficult than you might think. And it can get ugly when you start dealing with weird corner cases.
My best suggestion is to invest some time in learning a proper lexer/parser system. CSS should be a fairly easy language to implement, and then you will have acquired an amazingly powerful tool you can use for all sorts of future projects.
I'm an Old Fart® and I use lex/yacc (or things that use the same syntax) for this type of project. I first learned to use them back in the early 80's and it has returned the effort to learn them many, many times over.
BTW, if you have anything approaching a BNF of the language, lex/yacc can be laughably easy to work with.
Boost.Spirit.Qi would be my first choice.
Spirit.Qi is designed to be a practical parsing tool. The ability to generate a fully-working parser from a formal EBNF specification inlined in C++ significantly reduces development time. Programmers typically approach parsing using ad hoc hacks with primitive tools such as scanf. Even regular-expression libraries (such as boost regex) or scanners (such as Boost tokenizer) do not scale well when we need to write more elaborate parsers. Attempting to write even a moderately-complex parser using these tools leads to code that is hard to understand and maintain.
The Qi tutorials even finish by implementing a parser for an XMLish language; writing a grammar for CSS should be considerably easier.

Can extended regex implementations parse HTML?

I know what you're thinking - "oh my god, seriously, not again" - but please bear with me, my question is more than the title. Before we begin, I promise I will never try to parse arbitrary HTML with a regex, or ask anyone else how.
All of the many, many answers here explaining why you cannot do this rely on the formal definition of regular expressions. They parse regular languages, HTML is context-free but not regular, so you can't do it. But I have also heard that many regex implementations in various languages are not strictly regular; they come with extra tricks that break outside the bounds of formal regular expressions.
Since I don't know the details of any particular implementations, such as perl, my questions are:
Which features of regex tools are non-regular? Is it the back references? And in which languages are they found?
Are any of these extra tricks sufficient to parse all context-free languages?
If "no" to #2, then is there a formal category or class of languages that these extra features cover exactly? How can we quickly know whether the problem we are trying to solve is within the power of our not-necessarily-regular expressions?
The answer to your question is that yes, so-called “extended regexes” — which are perhaps more properly called patterns than regular expressions in the formal sense — such as those found in Perl and PCRE are indeed capable of recursive descent parsing of context-free grammars.
This posting’s pair of approaches illustrate not so much theoretical as rather practical limits to applying regexes to X/HTML. The first approach given there, the one labelled naïve, is more like the sort you are apt to find in most programs that make such an attempt. This can be made to work on well-defined, non-generic X/HTML, often with very little effort. That is its best application, just as open-ended X/HTML is its worst.
The second approach, labelled wizardly, uses an actual grammar for parsing. As such, it is fully as powerful as any other grammatical approach. However, it is also far beyond the powers of the overwhelming majority of casual programmers. It also risks re-creating a perfectly fine wheel for negative benefit. I wrote it to show what can be done, but which under virtually no circumstances whatsoever ever should be done. I wanted to show people why they want to use a parser on open-ended X/HTML by showing them how devilishly hard it is to come even close to getting right even using some of the most powerful of pattern-matching facilities currently available.
Many have misread my posting as somehow advocating the opposite of what I am actually saying. Please make no mistake: I’m saying that it is far too complicated to use. It is a proof by counter-example. I had hoped that by showing how to do it with regexes, people would realize why they did not want to go down that road. While all things are possible, not all are expedient.
My personal rule of thumb is that if the required regex is of only the first category, I may well use it, but that if it requires the fully grammatical treatment of the second category, I use someone else’s already-written parser. So even though I can write a parser, I see no reason to do so, and plenty not to.
When carefully crafted for that explicit purpose, patterns can be more resisilient to malformed X/HTML than off-the-shelf parsers tend to be, particularly if you have no real opportunity to hack on said parsers to make them more resilient to the common failure cases that web browsers tend to tolerate but validators do not. However, the grammatical patterns I provide above were designed for only well-formed but reasonably generic HTML (albeit without entity replacement, which is easily enough added). Error recovery in parsers is a separate issue altogether, and by no means a pleasant one.
Patterns, especially the far more commonplace non-grammatical ones most people are used to seeing and using, are much better suited for grabbing up discrete chunks one at a time than they are for producing a full syntactic analysys. In other words, regexes usually work better for lexing than they do for parsing. Without grammatical regexes, you should not try parsing grammars.
But don’t take that too far. I certainly do not mean to imply that you should immediately turn to a full-blown parser just because you want to tackle something that is recursively defined. The easiest and perhaps most commonly seen example of this sort of thing is a pattern to detect nested items, like parentheses. It’s extremely common for me to just plop down something simple like this in my code, and be done with it:
# delete all nested parens
Yes, the extensions in questions are backreferences, and they technically make "regexps" NP-complete, see the Wikipedia paragraph.

How much time would it take to write a C++ compiler using flex/yacc?

How much time would it take to write a C++ compiler using lex/yacc?
Where can I get started with it?
There are many parsing rules that cannot be parsed by a bison/yacc parser (for example, distinguishing between a declaration and a function call in some circumstances). Additionally sometimes the interpretation of tokens requires input from the parser, particularly in C++0x. The handling of the character sequence >> for example is crucially dependent on parsing context.
Those two tools are very poor choices for parsing C++ and you would have to put in a lot of special cases that escaped the basic framework those tools rely on in order to correctly parse C++. It would take you a long time, and even then your parser would likely have weird bugs.
yacc and bison are LALR(1) parser generators, which are not sophisticated enough to handle C++ effectively. As other people have pointed out, most C++ compilers now use a recursive descent parser, and several other answers have pointed at good solutions for writing your own.
C++ templates are no good for handling strings, even constant ones (though this may be fixed in C++0x, I haven't researched carefully), but if they were, you could pretty easily write a recursive descent parser in the C++ template language. I find that rather amusing.
It sounds like you're pretty new to parsing/compiler creation. If that's the case, I'd highly recommend not starting with C++. It's a monster of a language.
Either invent a trivial toy language of your own, or do something modeled on something much smaller and simpler. I saw a lua parser where the grammar definition was about a page long. That'd be much more reasonable as a starting point.
It will probably take you years, and you'll probably switch to some other parser generator in the process.
Parsing C++ is notoriously error-prone. The grammar is not fully LR-parsable, as many parts are context-sensitive. You won't be able to get it working right in flex/yacc, or at least it'll be really awkward to implement. There are only two front-ends I know of that get it right. Your best bet is to use one of these and focus on writing the back-end. That's where the interesting stuff is anyway :-).
Existing C++ Front Ends:
The EDG front-end is used by most of the commercial vendors (Intel, Portland Group, etc.) in their compilers. It costs money, but it's very thorough. People pay big bucks for it because they don't want to deal with the pain of writing their own C++ parser.
GCC's C++ front-end is thorough enough for production code, but you'd have to figure out how to integrate this into your project. I believe it's fairly involved to separate it from GCC. This would also be GPL, but I'm not sure whether that's a problem for you. You can use the GCC front-end in your project via gcc_xml, but this will only give you XML for classes, functions, namespaces, and typedefs. It won't give you a syntax tree for the code.
Another possibility is to use clang, but their C++ support is currently spotty. It'll be nice to see them get all the bugs out, but if you look at their C++ status page you'll notice there are more than a few test cases that still break. Take heed -- clang is a big project. If it's taking these guys years to implement a C++ front-end, it's going to take you longer.
Others have mentioned ANTLR, and there is a C++ grammar available for it, but I'm skeptical. I haven't heard of an ANTLR front end being used in any major compilers, though I do believe it's used in the NetBeans IDE. It might be suitable for an IDE, but I'm skeptical that you'd be able to use it on production code.
A long time, and lex and yacc won't help
If you have the skills to write a compiler for such a large language, you will not need the small amount of help that lex and yacc give you. In fact, while lex is OK it may take longer to use yacc, as it's not really quite powerful enough for C or C++, and you can end up spending far more time getting it to work right than it would take to just write a recursive descent parser.
I believe lex and yacc are best used for simple grammars, or when it is worth the extra effort to have a nicely readable grammar file, perhaps because the grammar is experimental and subject to change.
For that matter, the entire parser is possibly not the major part of your job, depending on exactly what goals you have for the code generator.
As others have already said, yacc is a poor choice for implementing a C++ parser. One can do it; the orginal GCC did so, before the GCC team got disgusted with how hard it was to maintain and extend. (Flex might be OK as a lexer).
Some say recursive descent parsers are best, because Bjarne Stroustrop said so. Our experience is the GLR parsing is the right answer for this, and our GLR-based C++ front end is a nice proof, as is the Elsa front end. Our front end has been used in anger on millions of lines of C++ (including Microsoft and GCC dialects) to carry out program analyses and massive source code transformation.
But what is not emphasized enough is that parsing is just a very small portion of what it takes to build a compiler, especially for C++. You need to also build symbol tables ("what does this identifier mean in this context?") and to do that you need to encode essentially most of several hundred pages of the C++ standard. We believe that the foundation on which we build compiler-like tools, DMS, is extremely good for doing this, and it took us over a man-year to get just this part right.
But then you have the rest of the compiler to consider:
AST construction
Semantic analysis and type checking
Control, Data flow, and pointer analysis
Basic code generation
Register allocation
Final Code Generation
Debugging support
I keep saying this: building a parser (the BNF part) for a language is like climbing the foothills of the Himalayas. Building a full compiler is like climbing Everest. Pretty much any clod can do the former (although C++ is right at the edge). Only the really serious do the latter, and only when extremely well prepared.
Expect building a C++ compiler to take you years.
(The SD C++ front end handles lexing, parsing, AST generation, symbol tables, some type checking, and regeneration of compilable source text from the AST, including the original comments, for the major C++ dialects. It has been developed over a period of some 6 years).
EDIT: May, 2015. The original answer was written in 2010; we now have 11 years invested, taking us up through C++14. The point is that it is an endless, big effort to build one of these.
Firstly, the "flex" tag on SO is about Adobe's product, not the lexer generator. Secondly, Bjarne Stroustrup is on record as saying he wished he had implemented Cfront (the first C++ compiler) using recursive descent rather than a table driven tool. And thirdly, to answer your question directly - lots. If you feel you need to write one, take a look at ANTLR - not my favourite tool, but there are already C++ parsers for it.
This is a non-trivial problem, and would quite a lot of time to do correctly. For one thing, the grammar for C++ is not completely parseable by a LALR parser such as yacc. You can do subsets of the language, but getting the entire language specification correct is tricky.
You're not the first person to think that this is fun. Here's a nice blog-style article on the topic:
Parsing C++
Here's an important quote from the article:
"After lots of investigation, I
decided that writing a
parser/analysis-tool for C++ is
sufficiently difficult that it's
beyond what I want to do as a hobby."
The problem with that article is that it's a bit old, and several of the links are broken. Here are some links to some other resources on the topic of writing C++ parsers:
ANTLR Grammars (contain several grammars for C++)
A YACC-able C++ 2.1 Grammar and the resulting ambiguities
Parsing and Processing C++ Code (Wikipedia)
Lex,yacc will not be enough. You need a linker, assembler too.., c preprocessor.
It depends on how you do it.
How much pre-made components do you plan to use?
You need to get the description of the syntax and its token from somewhere.
For example, if you use LLVM, you can proceed faster. It already provides a lot of tools, assembler, linker, optimiser....
You can get a c preprocessor from boost project..
You need to create a test suite to test your compiler automatically.
It can take a year if you work on it each day or much less you have more talent and motivation.
Unless you have already written several other compilers; C++ is not a language you even want to start writing a compiler from scratch for, the language has a lot of places were the meaning requires a lot of context before the situation can be disambiguated.
Even if you have lots of experience writing compilers you are looking at several years for a team of developers. This is just to parse the code correctly into an intermediate format. Writing the backend to generate code is yet another specialized task (though you could steal the gcc backend).
If you do a google for "C++ grammars" there are a couple around to get you started.
C++ LEX Tokens:
C++ YACC Grammer:
A few years - if you can get research grant to re-write new lex/yacc :-)
People keep chasing their tails on this a lot - starting with Stroustrup who was always fancied being a language "designer" rather than actual compiler writer (remember that his C++ was a mere codegen for ages andwould still be there if it wasn't for gcc and other folks).
The core issue is that real research on parser generators pretty much ceased to exist ever since CPU-s became fast enough to handle functional languages and brute-force recursive descent. Recursive descent is the last resort when you don't know what to do - it does exhaustive search till it nabs one "rule" that fires. Once you are content with that you kind of loose interest in researching how to do it efficiently.
What you'd essentially need is a reasonable middle-ground - like LALR(2) with fixed, limited backtraching (plus static checker to yell if "desiogner" splurges into a nondeterministic tree) and also limited and partitioned symbol table feedback (modern parser need to be concurrency-friendly).
Sounds like a research grant proposal, doesn't it :-) Now if we'd find someone to actually fund it, that would be something :-))
A C++ compiler is very complicated. To implement enough of C++ to be compatible with most C++ code out there would take several developers a couple of years full time. clang is a compiler project being funded by Apple to develop a new compiler for C, C++, and Objective-C, with several full-time developers, and the C++ support is still very far from being complete after a couple of years of development.
Recursive decent is a good choice to parse C++. GCC and clang use it.
The Elsa parser (and my ellcc compiler) use the Elkhound GLR compiler generator.
In either case, writing a C++ compiler is a BIG job.
Well, what do you mean by write a compiler?
I doubt any one guy has made a true C++ compiler that took it down all the way to assembly code, but I have used lex and yacc to make a C compiler and I have done it without.
Using both you can make a compiler that leaves out the semantics in a couple days, but figuring out how to use them can take weeks or months easily. Figuring out how to make a compiler at all will take weeks or months no matter what, but the figure I remember is once you know how it works it took a few days with lex and yacc and a few weeks without but the second had better results and fewer bugs so really it's questionable whether they are worth using at all.
The 'semantics' is the actual code production. That can be very simple code that's just enough to work and might not take long at all, or you could spend your whole life doing optimization on it.
With C++ the big issue is templates, but there's so many little issues and rules I can't imagine someone ever wanting to do this. Even if you DO finish, the problem is you won't necessarily have binary compatibility ie be able to be recognized as a runnable program by a linker or the OS because there's more to it than just C++ and its hard to pin down standard but there's also yet more standards to worry about which are even less widely available.

Should I avoid regular expressions? [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
Closed 13 years ago.
Someone I know has been telling me that RegEx should be avoided, as it is heavyweight or involves heavy processing. Is this true? This made a clap in my ears, ringing my eardrums up until now.
I don't know why he told me that. Could it have been from experience or merely 3rd-hand information (you know what I mean...)?
So, stated plainly, why should I avoid regular expressions?
If you can easily do the same thing with common string operations, then you should avoid using a regular expression.
In most situations regular expressions are used where the same operation would require a substantial amount of common string operations, then there is of course no point in avoiding regular expressions.
Don't avoid them. They're an excellent tool, and when used appropriately can save you a lot of time and effort. Moreover, a good implementation used carefully should not be particularly CPU-intensive.
Overhyped? No. They're extremely powerful and flexible.
Overused? Absolutely. Particularly when it comes to parsing HTML (which frequently comes up here).
This is another of those "right tool for the job" scenarios. Some go too far and try to use it for everything.
You are right though in that you can do many things with substring and/or split. You will often reach a point with those where what you're doing will get so complicated that you have to change method or you just end up writing too much fragile code. Regexes are (relatively) easy to expand.
But hand written code will nearly always be faster. A good example of this is Putting char into a java string for each N characters. The regex solution is terser but has some issues that a hand written loop doesn't and is much slower.
You can substitute "regex" in your question with pretty much any technology and you'll find people who poorly understand the technology or too lazy to learn the technology making such claims.
There is nothing heavy-weight about regular expressions. The most common way that programmers get themselves into trouble using regular expressions is that they try to do too much with a single regular expression. If you use regular expressions for what they're intended (simple pattern matching), you'll be hard-pressed to write procedural code that's more efficient than the equivalent regular expression. Given decent proficiency with regular expressions, the regular expression takes much less time to write, is easier to read, and can be pasted into tools such as RegexBuddy for visualization.
As a basic parser or validator, use a regular expression unless the parsing or validation code you would otherwise write would be easier to read.
For complex parsers (i.e. recursive descent parsers) use regex only to validate lexical elements, not to find them.
The bottom line is, the best regex engines are well tuned for validation work, and in some cases may be more efficient than the code you yourself could write, and in others your code would perform better. Write your code using handwritten state machines or regex as you see fit, but change from regex to handwritten code if performance tests show you that regex is significantly inefficient.
"When you have a hammer, everything looks like a nail."
Regular expressions are a very useful tool; but I agree that they're not necessary for every single place they're used. One positive factor to them is that because they tend to be complex and very heavily used where they are, the algorithms to apply regular expressions tend to be rather well optimized. That said, the overhead involved in learning the regular expressions can be... high. Very high.
Are regular expressions the best tool to use for every applicable situation? Probably not, but on the other hand, if you work with string validation and search all the time, you probably use regular expressions a lot; and once you do, you already have the knowledge necessary to use the tool probably more efficiently and quickly than any other tool. But if you don't have that experience, learning it is effectively a drag on your productivity for that implementation. So I think it depends on the amount of time you're willing to put into learning a new paradigm, and the level of rush involved in your project. Overall, I think regular expressions are very worth learning, but at the same time, that learning process can, frankly, suck.
I think that if you learn programming in language that speaks regular expressions natively you'll gravitate toward them because they just solve so many problems. IE, you may never learn to use split because regexec() can solve a wider set of problems and once you get used to it, why look anywhere else?
On the other hand, I bet C and C++ programmers will for the most part look at other options first, since it's not built into the language.
You know, given the fact that I'm what many people call "young", I've heard too much criticism about RegEx. You know, "he had a problem and tried to use regex, now he has two problems".
Seriously, I don't get it. It is a tool like any other. If you need a simple website with some text, you don't need PHP/ASP.NET/STG44. Still, no discussion on whether any of those should be avoided. How odd.
In my experience, RegEx is probably the most useful tool I've ever encountered as a developer. It's the most useful tool when it comes to #1 security issue: parsing user input. I has saved me hours if not days of coding and creating potentially buggy (read: crappy) code.
With modern CPUs, I don't see what's the performance issue here. I'm quite willing to sacrifice some cycles for some quality and security. (It's not always the case, though, but I think those cases are rare.)
Still, RegEx is very powerful. With great power, comes great responsibility. It doesn't mean you'll use it whenever you can. Only where it's power is worth using.
As someone mentioned above, HTML parsing with RegEx is like a Russian roulette with a fully loaded gun. Don't overdo anything, RegEx included.
You should also avoid floating-point numbers at all cost. That is when you're programming in an embedded-environment.
Seriously: if you're in normal software-development you should actually use regex if you need to do something that can't be achieved with simpler string-operations. I'd say that any normal programmer won't be able to implement something that's best done using regexps in a way that is faster than the correspondig regular expression. Once compiled, a regular expression works as a state-maschine that is optimized to near perfection.
Overhyped? No
Under-Utilized Properly? Yes
If more people knew how to use a decent parser generator, there would be fewer people using regular expressions.
In my belief, they are overused by people quite a bit (I've had this discussion a number of times on SO).
But they are a very useful construct because they deliver a lot of expressive power in a very small piece of code.
You only have to look at an example such as a Western Australian car registration number. The RE would be
re.match("[1-9] [A-Z]{3} [0-9]{3}")
whilst the code to check this would be substantially longer, in either a simple 9-if-statement or slightly better looping version.
I hardly ever use complex REs in my code because:
I know how the RE engines work and I can use domain knowledge to code up faster solutions (that 9-if variant would almost certainly be faster than a one-shot RE compile/execute cycle); and
I find code more readable if it's broken up logically and commented. This isn't easy with most REs (although I have seen one that allows inline comments).
I have seen people suggest the use of REs for extracting a fixed-size substring at a fixed location. Why these people don't just use substring() is beyond me. My personal thought is that they're just trying to show how clever they are (but it rarely works).
Don't avoid it, but ask youself if they're the best tool for the task you have to solve. Maybe sometimes regex are difficult to use or debug, but they're really usefull in some situations. The question is to use the apropiate tool for each task, and usually this is not obvious.
There is a very good reason to use regular expressions in scripting languages (such as Ruby, Python, Perl, JavaScript and Lua): parsing a string with carefully optimized regular expression executes faster than the equivalent custom while loop which scans the string character-by-character. For compiled languages (such as C and C++, and also C# and Java most of the time) usually the opposite is true: the custom while loop executes faster.
One more reason why regular expressions are so popular: they express the programmer's intention in an extremely compact way: a single-line regexp can do as much as a 10- or 20-line while loop.
Overhyped? No, if you have ever taken a Parsing or Compiler course, you would understand that this is like saying addition and multiplication is overhyped for math problems.
It is a system for solving parsing problems.
some problems are simpler and don't require regular expressions, some are harder and require better tools.
I've seen so many people argue about whether a given regex is correct or not that I'm starting to think the best way to write one is to ask how to do it on StackOverflow and then let the regex gurus fight it out.
I think they're especially useful in JavaScript. JavaScript is transmitted (so should be small) and interpreted from text (although this is changing in the new browsers with V8 and JIT compilation), so a good internal regex engine has a chance to be faster than an algorithm.
I'd say if there is a clear and easy way to do it with string operations, use the string operations. But if you can do a nice regex instead of writing your own state machine interpreter, use the regex.
Regular Expressions are one of the most useful things programmers can learn, they allow to speed up and minimize your code if you know how to handle them.
Regular expressions are often easier to understand than the non-regex equivalent, especially in a language with native regular expressions, especially in a code section where other things that need to be done with regexes are present.
That doesn't meant they're not overused. The only time string.match(/\?/) is better than string.contains('?') is if it's significantly more readable with the surrounding code, or if you know that .contains is implemented with regexes anyway
I often use regex in my IDE to quick fix code. Try to do the following without regex.
glVector3f( -1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f ); -> glVector3f( center.x - 1.0f, center.y + 1.0f, center.z + 1.0f );
Without regex, it's a pain, but WITH regex...
I'd agree that regular expressions are sometimes used inappropriately. Certainly for very simple cases like what you're describing, but also for cases where a more powerful parser is needed.
One consideration is that sometimes you have a condition that needs to do something simple like test for presence of a question mark character. But it's often true that the condition becomes more complex. For example, to find a question mark character that isn't preceded by a space or beginning-of-line, and isn't followed by an alphanumeric character. Or the character may be either a question mark or the Spanish "¿" (which may appear at the start of a word). You get the idea.
If conditions are expected to evolve into something that's less simple to do with a plain call to String.contains("?"), then it could be easier to code it using a very simple regular expression from the start.
It comes down to the right tool for the job.
I usually hear two arguments against regular expressions:
1) They're computationally inefficient, and
2) They're hard to understand.
Honestly, I can't understand how either are legitimate claims.
1) This may be true in an academic sense. A complex expression can double back on itself may times over. Does it really matter though? How many millions of computations a second can a server processor do these days? I've dealt with some crazy expressions, and I've never seen a regexp be the bottle neck. By far it's DB interaction, followed by bandwidth.
2) Hard for about a week. The most complicated regexp is no more complex than HTML - it's just a familiarity problem. If you needed HTML once every 3 months, would you get it 100% each time? Work with them on a daily basis and they're just as clear as any other language syntax.
I write validation software. REGEXP's are second nature. Every fifth line of code has a regexp, and for the life of me I can't understand why people make a big deal about them. I've never seen a regexp slow down processing, and I've seen even the most dull 'programmers' pick up the syntax.
Regexp's are powerful, efficient, and useful. Why avoid them?
I wouldn't say avoid them entirely, as they are QUITE handy at times. However, it is important to realize the fundamental mechanisms underneath. Depending on your implementation, you could have up to exponential run-time for a search, but since searches are usually bounded by some constant number of backtraces, you can end up with the slowest linear run-time you ever saw.
If you want the best answer, you'll have to examine your particular implementation as well as the data you intend to search on.
From memory, wikipedia has a decent article on regular expressions and the underlying algorithms.