UPDATE: C++ Pointer Snippet - c++

Greetings again, and thanks once more to all of you who provided answers to the first question. The following code is updated to include the two functions per the assignment.
To see the original question, click here.
I am pretty sure this fulfills the requirements of the assignment, but once again I would greatly appreciate any assistance. Did I modify the delete statements appropriately? Thanks again.
int** createArray(int, int);
void deleteArray(int*[], int);
using namespace std;
int main()
int nRows;
int nColumns;
cout<<"Number of rows: ";
cout<<"Number of columns: ";
int** ppInt = createArray(nRows, nColumns);
deleteArray(ppInt, nRows);
int** createArray(int nRows, int nColumns)
int** ppInt = new int*[nRows];
for (int nCount = 0; nCount < nRows; nCount++)
ppInt[nCount] = new int[nColumns];
return ppInt;
void deleteArray(int** nPointer, int nRows)
for (int nCount = 0; nCount < nRows; nCount++)
delete[] nPointer[nCount];
delete[] nPointer;
P.S. Here is the assignment documentation itself, in case it helps:
(1) Design and implement a function to allocate memory for a 2-D integer array: the function is supposed to take two integers as parameters, one for number of rows and one for number of columns. You need to use “new” operator in this function. Remember that we need to first create an array of pointers. Then, for each pointer in that array, we need to create an array of integers. This function is supposed to return a pointer which points to a 2-D integer array.
(2) Design and implement a function to de-allocate memory for this 2-D array: the function is supposed to have two parameters (a pointer which points to a 2-D integer array, and the other one is number of rows in the array). In the function, you are supposed to de-allocate memory for this 2-D array using the “delete” operator. You should delete each row (an array of integers) first, and then delete the array of pointers.

The code looks good.
However, there are some problems you may want to address, for us humans:
Your function signatures (declarations) lack parameter names. More suitable:
int** createArray(int rows, int columns);
void deleteArray(int** array, int rows);
Your function names aren't too descriptive as to what they really create/delete. create2DArray would be a wiser choice, for example.
Your n prefixes to your variables hurt my eyes. numRows or rowCount is more readable.
Similarly, ppInt is crazy. Try array (for nPointer as well, for consistency). (Sadly, you can't write 2dArray.)
Using i as a loop counter is more common than nCount or similar (especially for array indexes). I suggest you use that instead.
Some things which go Above And Beyond, for your personal practice:
Create a class which takes rows and cols as arguments to its constructor. Make sure to deallocate the array automatically.
Use std::vector and create a resize member function for your class. Note that this deviates from the original question, which asked for pointers.
Create a copy function and a clone function to copy data to another 2D array (possibly of a different size!) or clone an existing array.

Its OK.
The problem is that you are not thinking about exception safety in your code.
int** ppInt = new int*[nRows]; // ALLOC 1
for (int nCount = 0; nCount < nRows; nCount++)
ppInt[nCount] = new int[nColumns]; // ALLOC 2
Say ALLOC 1 goes fine.
But if any of the ALLOC 2 fail then you have an exception and a severe memory leak.
For example.
You fail on the fourth call to ALLOC 2. Then you leak the memory from ALLOC 1 and the first three calls to ALLOC 2. Now in your situation the code is so trivial it probably does not matter. BUT this is the kind of thing you should always keep in mind when writting C++ code.
What will happen here if an exception is throw, what resources are going to be leaked what resources are not going to be cleaned up correctly.
I think you should think about wrapping your 2D array inside a class so that you can guarantee that memory is allocated and de-allocated correctly even in the presence of exceptions.

Looks reasonable to me.
I'm not sure about submitting a whole new question, though. It might have been better as an amendment to the original.

For "deleteArray", your prototype and definition aren't exactly the same:
void deleteArray(int*[], int);
void deleteArray(int** nPointer, int nRows)
They do have the same meaning, but for clarity I think it would be best to have them exactly the same (favoring `int**' to emphasize the fact that you're passing pointers) for consistency.
Also, include the argument names in the prototype.


Returning structure array value

So I am writing quite a long code and now I came to a problem. How to change structure's arrray's values and get them back to main function.
What I am trying to do this function is: to insert a new value at first array spot(which is 0). The whole for cycle frees the Z[0] and works fine. But I do not know how to return whole CHANGED structure array to the main program. How to do this?
Thank you.
P.S. sorry, for my broken english.
Here are the neccessary parts of the code:
void insertion(Player Z[], int size); //declaration of the funcion
int main()
int size=5;
Player *Z = new Player[size];
Insertion(Z, size); //calling the function
void Insertion(Player Z[], int size) //function
Player* temp = new Player[size];
for(int i=0;i<=size-1;i++)
delete [] Z;
Z = temp;
I see many problems in your code.
For example, why are you allocating an array of 5 Players, then deallocating the array and allocating the array again, having the same size? What's the benefit?
You should also note that C++ has call-by-value semantics so the delete[] Z and Z = temp lines have no effect outside of the function you're calling. So, that function should have a signature void Insertion(Player **Z, int size); or Player *Insertion(Player *Z, int size) if you don't want to modify the argument in-place but instead return the new value.
The comments suggested using std::vector. I heavily recommend that approach. If you need a variable-sized container, std::vector is the best choice.
If you however have a reason to do the manual allocations yourself (such as homework assignment) you should use the following strategy: maintain the size of the array in addition to its capacity, and whenever the size would be greater than the capacity, allocate a new array with twice the capacity, copy the contents and deallocate the old array.

Allocating an array of pointers

I'm hitting an odd segmentation fault that is happening somewhere and I was wondering whether it could be due to the way I allocated the matrix array of pointers.
It's declared as such in the .h file:
int **matrix;
But when I pass it, I am using it in this way int *matrix[], in order to
access individual rows with matrix[i] (this made a lot of my tasks simpler).
So, when I am allocating the matrix, should I have done:
matrix = new int * [vertices];
for (int i = 0; i < vertices; i++)
matrix[i] = new int[vertices];
Or for the third line, should I use the -> operator:
matrix[i]-> new int[vertices]; // Or something like this.
And what is the difference between the two?
The first option you suggested is completely fine in this case. But the second one with the -> operator is not even a valid syntax. The first line from the first suggestion actually creates an array of int* of size vertices:
matrix = new int * [vertices];
Each of the elements of this array is initialised with some garbage values. You can make sure it is initialised with zero by using braces like this: new int * [vertices](). But in either case accessing any of the pointers by matrix[i]-> would be meaningless. In fact the arrow operator -> is a dereference operator that is used exclusively with pointers to objects that have members. Hope that helps.

Return 2d array from C++

Inside a function, I make a 2d array that fills itself from a text file and needs to get returned to main. The array stays a constant size through the whole program.
I know this is something that gets asked a lot, but I always seem to get one of two answers:
Use std::vector or std::array or some other STD function. I don't really understand how these work, is there any site actually explaining them and how they act compared to normal arrays? Are there any special #includes that I need?
Use a pointer to the array, and return the pointer. First, on some of the answers to this it apparently doesn't work because of local arrays. How do I tell when it does and doesn't work? How do I use this array back in the main function?
I'm having more trouble with the concept of pointers and std::things than with the actual code, so if there's a website you know explains it particularly well, feel free to just put that.
Not necessarily the best solution, but the easiest way to get it working with vectors. The advantages are that you don't need to delete memory (happens automatically) and the array is bounds-checked in debug mode on most compilers.
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
using array2D = std::vector< std::vector< int > >;
array2D MyFunc(int x_size, int y_size)
array2D array(y_size, vector< int >(x_size));
int i = 0;
for (int y = 0; y < array.size(); y++)
for (int x = 0; x < array[y].size(); x++)
// note the order of the index
array[y][x] = i++;
return array;
int main()
array2D bob = MyFunc(10, 5);
for (int y = 0; y < bob.size(); y++)
for (int x = 0; x < bob[y].size(); x++)
cout << bob[y][x] << "\n";
Live example:
Sounds like you are new to C++. If this is indeed the case, I would suggest using arrays for now because you probably won't be using any of the stuff that STL containers give you. Now, let's talk about pointers.
You are correct that if you declare a local array in your function, the main function won't have access to it. However, this is not the case if you dynamically allocate the array using the new keyword. When you use new to allocate your array, you essentially tell the compiler to reserve a chunk of memory for your program. You can then access it using a pointer, which is really just the address of that chunk of memory you reserved. Therefore, instead of passing the entire array to the main function, all you need to do is pass a pointer (address) to that array.
Here are some relevant explanations. I will add to them as I find more:
Dynamic Memory
The easiest way to create a 2d array is as follows:
char (*array)[10];
array = new array[5][10];
Two dimensional arrays can be tricky to declare. The parenthesis above in the variable declaration are important to tell the compiler array is a pointer to an array of 10 characters.
It is really essential to understand pointers with C and C++ unless using the std:: collections. Even then, pointers are widely prevalent, and incorrect use can be devastating to a program.

initialize an int[][] with new()

I am a c++ newbie. While learning I came across this.
if I have a pointer like this
int (*a)[2][3]
cdecl.org describe this as declare a as pointer to array 2 of array 3 of int:
When I try
int x[2][3];
a = &x;
this works.
My question is how I can initialize a when using with new() say something like
a = new int [] [];
I tried some combinations but doesn't get it quite right.
Any help will be appreciated.
You will have to do it in two steps - first allocate an array of pointers to pointers(dynamically allocated arrays) and then, allocate each of them in turn. Overall I believe a better option is simply to use std::vector - that is the preferred C++ way of doing this kind of things.
Still here is an example on how to achieve what you want:
int a**;
a = new int*[2];
for (int i =0; i< 2;++i){
a[i] = new int[3]
... use them ...
// Don't forget to free the memory!
for (int i = 0; i< 2; ++i) {
delete [] a[i];
delete [] a;
EDIT: and as requested by Default - the vector version:
std::vector<std::vector<int> > a(2, std::vector<int>(3,0));
// Use a and C++ will take care to free the memory.
It's probably not the answer you're looking for, but what you
need is a new expression whose return type is (*)[2][3] This
is fairly simple to do; that's the return type of new int
[n][2][3], for example. Do this, and a will point to the
first element of an array of [2] of array of [3] int. A three
dimensional array, in sum.
The problem is that new doesn't return a pointer to the top
level array type; it returns a pointer to the first element of
the array. So if you do new int[2][3], the expression
allocates an array of 2 array of 3 int, but it returns
a pointer to an array of 3 int (int (*a)[3]), because in C++,
arrays are broken (for reasons of C compatibility). And there's
no way of forcing it to do otherwise. So if you want it to
return a pointer to a two dimensional array, you have to
allocate a three dimensional array. (The first dimension can be
1, so new [1][2][3] would do the trick, and effectively only
allocate a single [2][3].)
A better solution might be to wrap the array in a struct:
struct Array
int data[2][3];
You can then use new Array, and everything works as expected.
Except that the syntax needed to access the array will be

elegant way to create&pass multi-dimensional array in c++?

first question:
for known dimensions, we don't need new/malloc for the creation
const int row = 3;
const int col = 2;
int tst_matrix[row][col] ={{1,2},{3,4},{5,6}}
however, there is no easy to pass this two-dimensional array to another function, right? because
int matrix_process(int in_matrix[][])
is illegal, you have to specify all the dimensions except the first one. if I need to change the content of in_matrix, how could I easily pass tst_matrix to the function matrix_process?
second question:
what's the standard way to create 2-dimensional array in c++ with new? I dont wanna use std::vector etc.. here.
here is what I come up with, is it the best way?
int **tst_arr = new int*[5];
int i=0, j=0;
for (i=0;i<5;i++)
tst_arr[i] = new int[5];
for (j=0;j<5;j++)
tst_arr[i][j] = i*5+j;
In addition, if I pass tst_array to another function, like:
int change_row_col( int **a)
//check which element is 0
for (i=0; i<5; i++)
if (*(*(a+i)+j)==0) //why I can not use a[i][j] here?
In addition, if I use ((a+i)+j), the result is not what I want.
Here is the complete testing code I had:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
//Input Matrix--a: Array[M][N]
int change_row_col( int **a)
int i,j;
int* row = new int[5];
int* col = new int[5];
//check which element is 0
for (i=0; i<5; i++)
if (*(*(a+i)+j)==0) //why I can not use a[i][j] here?
for (j=0;j<5;j++)
if (row[i] || col[j])
return 1;
int main ()
int **tst_arr = new int*[5];
int i=0, j=0;
for (i=0;i<5;i++)
tst_arr[i] = new int[5];
for (j=0;j<5;j++)
tst_arr[i][j] = i*5+j;
for (i=0; i<5;i++)
for(j=0; j<5;j++)
cout<<" "<<tst_arr[i][j];
for (i=0; i<5;i++)
for(j=0; j<5;j++)
cout<<" "<<tst_arr[i][j];
for (i=0;i<5;i++)
delete []tst_arr[i];
delete []tst_arr;
For multidimensional arrays were all the bounds are variable at run time, the most common approach that I know of is to use a dynamically allocated one dimensional array and do the index calculations "manually". In C++ you would normally use a class such as a std::vector specialization to manage the allocation and deallocation of this array.
This produces essentially the same layout as a multidimensional array with fixed bounds and doesn't have any real implied overhead as, without fixed bounds, any approach would require passing all bar one of the array dimensions around at run time.
I honestly think the best idea is to eschew raw C++ arrays in favor of a wrapper class like the boost::multi_array type. This eliminates all sorts of weirdness that arises with raw arrays (difficulty passing them S parameters to functions, issues keeping track of the sizes of the arrays, etc.)
Also, I strongly urge you to reconsider your stance on std::vector. It's so much safer than raw arrays that there really isn't a good reason to use dynamic arrays over vectors in most circumstances. If you have a C background, it's worth taking the time to make the switch.
My solution using function template:
template<size_t M,size_t N>
void Fun(int (&arr)[M][N])
for ( int i = 0 ; i < M ; i++ )
for ( int j = 0 ; j < N ; j++ )
template < typename T, size_t Row_, size_t Col_>
class t_two_dim {
static const size_t Row = Row_;
static const size_t Col = Col_;
/* ... */
T at[Row][Col];
template <typename T>
int matrix_process(T& in_matrix) {
return T::Row * T::Col + in_matrix.at[0][0];
2) use std::vector. you're adding a few function calls (which may be inlined in an optimized build) and may be exporting a few additional symbols. i suppose there are very good reasons to avoid this, but appropriate justifications are sooooo rare. do you have an appropriate justification?
The simple answer is that the elegant way of doing it in C++ (you tagged C and C++, but your code is C++ new/delete) is by creating a bidimensional matrix class and pass that around (by reference or const reference). After that, the next option should always be std::vector (and again, I would implement the matrix class in terms of a vector). Unless you have a very compelling reason for it, I would avoid dealing with raw arrays of arrays.
If you really need to, but only if you really need to, you can perfectly work with multidimensional arrays, it is just a little more cumbersome than with plain arrays. If all dimensions are known at compile time, as in your first block this are some of the options.
const unsigned int dimX = ...;
const unsigned int dimY = ...;
int array[dimY][dimX];
void foo( int *array[dimX], unsigned int dimy ); // [1]
void foo( int (&array)[dimY][dimX] ); // [2]
In [1], by using pass-by-value syntax the array decays into a pointer to the first element, which means a pointer into an int [dimX], and that is what you need to pass. Note that you should pass the other dimension in another argument, as that will be unknown by the code in the function. In [2], by passing a reference to the array, all dimensions can be fixed and known. The compiler will ensure that you call only with the proper size of array (both dimensions coincide), and thus no need to pass the extra parameter. The second option can be templated to accomodate for different sizes (all of them known at compile time):
template <unsigned int DimX, unsigned int DimY>
void foo( int (&array)[DimY][DimX] );
The compiler will deduct the sizes (if a real array is passed to the template) and you will be able to use it inside the template as DimX and DimY. This enables the use of the function with different array sizes as long as they are all known at compile time.
If dimensions are not known at compile time, then things get quite messy and the only sensible approach is encapsulating the matrix in a class. There are basically two approaches. The first is allocating a single contiguous block of memory (as the compiler would do in the previous cases) and then providing functions that index that block by two dimensions. Look at the link up in the first paragraph for a simple approach, even if I would use std::vector instead of a raw pointer internally. Note that with the raw pointer you need to manually manage deletion of the pointer at destruction or your program will leak memory.
The other approach, which is what you started in the second part of your question is the one I would avoid at all costs, and consists in keeping a pointer into a block of pointers into integers. This complicates memory management (you moved from having to delete a pointer into having to delete DimY+1 pointers --each array[i], plus array) and you also need to manually guarantee during allocation that all rows contain the same number of columns. There is a substantial increase in the number of things that can go wrong and no gain, but some actual loss (more memory required to hold the intermediate pointers, worse runtime performance as you have to double reference, probably worse locality of data...
Wrapping up: write a class that encapsulates the bidimensional object in terms of a contiguous block of memory (array if sizes are known at compile time --write a template for different compile time sizes--, std::vector if sizes are not known until runtime, pointer only if you have a compelling reason to do so), and pass that object around. Any other thing will more often than not just complicate your code and make it more error prone.
For your first question:
If you need to pass a ND array with variable size you can follow the following method to define such a function. So, in this way you can pass the required size arguments to the function.
I have tested this in gcc and it works.
Example for 2D case:
void editArray(int M,int N,int matrix[M][N]){
//do something here
int mat[4][5];
editArray(4,5,mat); //call in this way