How To Write CRUD Unit Tests for Moq and Linq-to-Sql - unit-testing

I am just getting involved in Moq and unit testing, so forgive me if this seems obvious (a quick search through SO didn't show me anything like this).
I have an interface with the following proposed member:
void AddFeed(Feed feed);
That I would like to write a unit test for this functionality. The test class has a Moq Repository declared as follows:
static IFeedRepository MockFeedsRepository(params Feed[] feeds)
var mockFeedsRepository = new Moq.Mock<IFeedRepository>();
mockFeedsRepository.Expect(x => x.Feeds).Returns((feeds.AsQueryable));
return mockFeedsRepository.Object;
How should the mock repository declaration be modified to include this new desired behavior or should I create a different Moq (and just how would that be done).
My assumption is that after creating the mock, deriving the unit test will be much easier but hints are greatly appreciated.
Many thanks,

I'm also assuming that you would use the AddFeed method like this
Feed myNewFeed = new Feed();
and that you're not using it like this (which is poor design)
IFeedRepository feedRepository = new FeedRepository();
Feed myNewFeed = new Feed(feedRepository);
I'm going to guess that you would want to then have a test something like this:
public void TheTest()
IFeedRepository repository = MockFeedsRepository({feed1, feed2, feed3});
Feed newFeed = new Feed();
If that's the case then the test isn't actually testing anything other than your implementation of a mock in-memory repository. Is that what you really need to be doing?
I'd suggest that what you want to be doing is testing the L2Sql implementation of the repository instead, or testing how classes interact with the IFeedRepository interface.
And if you want to test the usage of the IFeedRepository interface then just do something simple like
public void TheTest()
IFeedRepository repository = Moq.Mock<IFeedRepository>();
Feed newFeed = new Feed();
repository.Expect(r => r.Add(newFeed)); //no return as it's a void method
//repository.Expect(r => r.Add(newFeed)).Throws(new ApplicationException()); --Test handing of exceptions
//Code to hit the .Add() method
//Assert the Add method was called.
For tips on asserting if a method was called, see Using Moq to determine if a method is called
I hope that helps


Calling Test Method from another Test Method

How can I call one test case from another like:
Public void GetRes()
var Result=ObjectClass.AddMaths(10,20);
Assert.AreEqual(30, result);
But I would like to test more then one like the following:
public static IEnumerable TestCaseMethod1()
ArrayList ObjList = new ArrayList();
//How can I write a Test Case For GetRes() & how can I call TestCaseMethod1()
I think what you are referring to is data driven testing, which is essentially passing data to a unit test via an attribute on the test method. There are plenty of resources on this topic e.g
I prefer nUnit's methodology for this (as opposed to MSTest which you are using). I'd suggest doing a search for data driven tests with nUnit ( has a good example).

How to decide what to mock in Java Unit Tests?

I am trying to write a Unit Tests to a legacy code using Mockito.
But I am not able to understand how do I mock it. Can some please help.
The real problem I am facing is actually I am not able to decide how to make a decision on what exactly is to be mocked? Below is the code. I have looked at numerous videos on YouTube and read many Mockito Tutorials but all of them seem to be guiding mostly about how to use the Mockito Framework.
The basic idea of what to Mock is still unclear. Please guide if you have a better source. I do understand that the code showed below does not really showcase the best coding practice.
public class DataFacade {
public boolean checkUserPresent(String userId){
return getSomeDao.checkUserPresent(userId);
private SomeDao getSomeDao() {
DataSource dataSource = MyDataSourceFactory.getMySQLDataSource();
SomeDao someDao = new SomeDao(dataSource);
Well, a Unittest, as the name implies, tests a unit. You should mock anything that isn't part of that unit, especially external dependencies. For example, a DAO is normally a good example for something that will be mocked in tests where the class under tests uses it, because otherwise you would really have actual data access in your test, making it slower and more prone to failure because of external reasons (for example, if your dao connects to a Datasource, that Datasource's target (for example, the database) may be down, failing your test even if the unit you wanted to test is actually perfectly fine). Mocking the DAO allows you to test things independently.
Of course, your code is bad. Why? You are creating everything in your method by calling some static factory method. I suggest instead using dependency injection to inject the DAO into your facade, for example...
public DataFacade(SomeDao someDao) {
this.someDao = someDao;
This way, when instantiating your DataFacade, you can give it a dao, which means, in your test you can give it a mock, for example...
public void testSomething() {
SomeDao someDaoMock = Mockito.mock(SomeDao.class);
DataFacade toTest = new DataFacade(someDaoMock); you can prepare your mock to do something and then call the DataFace method
Dependency injection frameworks like Spring, Google Guice, etc. can make this even easier to manage, but the first step is to stop your classes from creating their own dependencies, but let the dependencies be given to them from the outside, which makes the whole thing a lot better.
You should "mock" the inner objects that you use in your methods.
For example if you write unit tests for DataFacade->checkUserPresent, you should mock the getSomeDao field.
You have a lot of ways to do it, but basically you can make getSomeDao to be public field, or get it from the constructor. In your test class, override this field with mocked object.
After you invoke DataFacade->checkUserPresent method, assert that checkUserPresent() is called.
For exmaple if you have this class:
public class StudentsStore
private DbReader _db;
public StudentsStore(DbReader db)
_db = db;
public bool HasStudents()
var studentsCount = _db.GetStudentsCount();
if (studentsCount > 0)
return true;
return false;
And in your test method:
var mockedDb = mock(DbReader.class);
var store = new StudentsSture(mockedDb);

What is exactly mocking in unit testing?

I am trying to test an http server functionality and this is the first time I get exposed to the notions of mocks, stubs and fakes. I'm reading this book that it says mocking is describing the state of a complex object at a certain moment, like a snapshot, and testing the object as it is actually the real one. right? I understand this. what I don't understand is what is the point of writing unit tests and assertions of certain cases that we fully describe in the mock object. If we set the expectations of arguments and return values on the mocking object, and we test for those exact values, the test will always pass. Please correct me. I know I am missing something here.
Mocks, Stubs or anything similar serves as a substitute for the actual implementation.
The idea of mocks is basically to test a piece of code in a isolated environment, substituting the dependencies for a fake implementation. For example, in Java, suppose we want to test the PersonService#save method:
class PersonService {
PersonDAO personDAO;
// Set when the person was created and then save to DB
public void save(Person person) {
person.setCreationDate(new Date());;
A good aproach is creating a unit test like this:
class PersonServiceTest {
// Class under test
PersonService personService;
// Mock
PersonDAO personDAOMock;
// Mocking the dependencies of personService.
// In this case, we mock the PersonDAO. Doing this
// we don't need the DB to test the code.
// We assume that personDAO will give us an expected result
// for each test.
public void setup() {
// This test will guarantee that the creationDate is defined
public void saveShouldDefineTheCreationDate() {
// Given a person
Person person = new Person();
// When the save method is called;
// Then the creation date should be present
assert person.getCreationDate() != null;
In another words, you should use mock to substitute dependencies of your code to an "actor" that can be configured to return an expected result or assert some behaviours.

How to unit test netty handler

I implement a handler which extends SimpleChannelHandler, and overrides some methods such as channelConnected, messageReceived. However, I am wondering how to unit test it?
I searched about "netty unit test" and found one article which said considering CodecEmbedder, but I am still not sure how to begin. Do you have any example or advice on how to unit test Netty code?
Thanks a lot.
In Netty, there are different ways to test your networking stack.
Testing ChannelHandlers
You can use Netty's EmbeddedChannel to mock a netty connection for testing, an example of this would be:
public void nettyTest() {
EmbeddedChannel channel = new EmbeddedChannel(new StringDecoder(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
channel.writeInbound(Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(new byte[]{(byte)0xE2,(byte)0x98,(byte)0xA2}));
String myObject = channel.readInbound();
// Perform checks on your object
assertEquals("☢", myObject);
This test above tests for StringDecoder ability to decode unicode correct (example from this bug posted by me)
You can also test the encoder direction using EmbeddedChannel, for this you should use writeOutBound and readInbound.
More Examples:
public void testIncompleteLinesStrippedDelimiters() {
EmbeddedChannel ch = new EmbeddedChannel(new DelimiterBasedFrameDecoder(8192, true,
ch.writeInbound(Unpooled.copiedBuffer("Test", Charset.defaultCharset()));
ch.writeInbound(Unpooled.copiedBuffer("Line\r\ng\r\n", Charset.defaultCharset()));
assertEquals("TestLine", releaseLater((ByteBuf) ch.readInbound()).toString(Charset.defaultCharset()));
assertEquals("g", releaseLater((ByteBuf) ch.readInbound()).toString(Charset.defaultCharset()));
More examples on github.
To test if you use your bytebufs, you can set a JVM parameter that checks for leaked ByteBuf, for this, you should add -Dio.netty.leakDetectionLevel=PARANOID to the startup parameters, or call the method ResourceLeakDetector.setLevel(PARANOID).

moqing static method call to c# library class

This seems like an easy enough issue but I can't seem to find the keywords to effect my searches.
I'm trying to unit test by mocking out all objects within this method call. I am able to do so to all of my own creations except for this one:
public void MyFunc(MyVarClass myVar)
Image picture;
picture = Image.FromStream(new MemoryStream(myVar.ImageStream));
FromStream is a static call from the Image class (part of c#). So how can I refactor my code to mock this out because I really don't want to provide a image stream to the unit test.
You can create an IImageLoader interface. The "normal" implementation just calls Image.FromStream, while your unit test version can do whatever you need it to do.
Moq and most other mocking frameworks don't support mocking out static methods. However, TypeMock does support mocking out static methods and that might be of interest to you if you're willing to purchase it. Otherwise, you'll have to refactor so that an interface can be mocked...
You could wrap the static function into Func type property which can be set by the unit test with a mock or stub.
public class MyClass
public Func<Image, MemoryStream> ImageFromStream =
(stream) => Image.FromStream(stream);
public void MyFunc(MyVarClass myVar)
picture = ImageFromStream(new MemoryStream(myVar.ImageStream));
This can be acheived with Moles, a Visual Studio 2010 Power Tools. The Moles code would look like this:
// replace Image.FromStream(MemoryStream) with a delegate
MImage.FromStreamMemoryStream = stream => null;