CUDA compiler (nvcc) macro - c++

Is there a #define compiler (nvcc) macro of CUDA which I can use? (Like _WIN32 for Windows and so on.)
I need this for header code that will be common between nvcc and VC++ compilers. I know I can go ahead and define my own and pass it as an argument to the nvcc compiler (-D), but it would be great if there is one already defined.

I don't think it will be that trivial. Check the following thread

I know it has been long time now, but you might also find __CUDA_ARCH__ useful.


How can I make compiler version specific ifdef?

I've got the problem that my program will compile with g++10.2 and c++11 activated through cmake. but it will not compile with arduino dues arm-none-eabi-g++.exe compiler which also has c++11. The failure occurs because of one line that needs to be added for the arm compiler, but when I add that line to g++10.2 it won't compile.
So I need an #ifdef or some alternative to activate and deactivate the line specific for the compiler.
Like Deumaudit said in the comments:
Try to use __arm__, __aarch64__ or __ARM_ARCH macro
You'll probably be ok if you use #ifdef __arm__ or even #if defined(__arm__) || defined(__aarch64__)
If you're planning to add more supported platforms to your program, it might be a good idea to define some macros when building for a specific platform. I have my own _MY_APP_ARM macro defined in my CMakeLists.txt:
Which I can then use as #ifdef _MY_APP_ARM

How can I know what OS I'm working in?

I need a function that can clear the screen in both Linux and Windows. To do this, I want to know if there are some instructions that can tell me what operating system I'm working with.
I have searched for solution and I found the following code:
void clear_screen()
#ifdef WINDOWS
std::system ( "CLS" );
// Assume POSIX
There are two problems with this function:
I don't understand it.
-> for #ifdef WINDOWS, where is WINDOWS defined?
This code works in Linux but it doesn't work in Windows.
Note :
I'm using Windows XP.
I don't want any non-standard functionality ... such "curses"
Macros such as _WIN32, __gnu_linux__, __linux__ are defined by the compiler in question. You can find a comprehensive list of pre-defined compiler macros here.
_WIN32 is defined for both 32-bit and 64-bit environments of Windows.
You're looking for
// Windows, all variants (including 64-bit and ARM)
#ifdef _WIN32
#ifdef __unix__
These are defined by your compiler, and are not stored in a header file. Because of that, you don't need to #include a file first, and these #ifdefs will always give the correct result (unless you mess with the compiler)
WINDOWS is defined by your compiler, so this defines can be compiler-dependant. It's usefull in order to compile specific code depending on your OS.
There are various compiler-dependant macros. Unfortunately, they are not particularly useful, because they are not standardized and a C compiler for a particular OS does not necessarily #define them. I also suspect that they actually violate the C standard C11 7.1.3.
The 100% portable solution, which will compile on all C compilers, is to create such a constant yourself. Since C is a compiled language, you will have to compile your code differently for each OS anyhow. Simply add a file called os.c where you put a relevant #define or constant, then link this to your program. The only thing you need to change when compiling for a different OS is the make file path to your OS-specific os.c.

Detect ICC vs GCC at compile time

How to detect at compile time if I'm using gcc or icc?
(I was quite puzzled to find out that icc defines __GNUC__ -- and even __GNUC_MINOR__ and __GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__ ! why?)
We use
to split icc off, assuming gcc as a default.
I believe you could check for __INTEL_COMPILER according to this.
The reason ICC defines __GNUC__ etc. is because of code like yours that is inspecting compiler-specific macros and expects to see them...
Traditionally, compilers have defined a symbol of their own as well as their version as preprocessor symbols so that the code could be adapted (generally to work around bugs or specificities).
CLang has introduced a mechanism I had not seen so far, under the form of the __has_feature query. It does not replace the "work around bugs" practices (which is why CLang still exposes specific symbols) but allows a more natural style for querying the compiler capacities. I don't know if other compilers plan on defining such a facility.
You can make the processor output the defined macros in the preprocessor output and look for a macro that suits you. You can generated the preprocessor output like this:
icc -dM -E -o foo.P foo.c
Then look at foo.P (since it is a text file). In my case, I found icc defined an __ICC macro with the version of the compiler. It didn't define any __INTEL_COMPILER though.

How to tell if glibc is used

I am trying to implement backtrace functionality for a large framework, which is used for different platforms and OS'es. In some of them, it is linked against glibc, while in the other, something different (eg. uclibc) is used. backtrace() function exists only in the former.
Is there any way to tell whether glibc is used? Any #define? I was unable to find an answer in glibc manual. I know I can't have linking-time information during compilation, but I guess include files have to differ. At least backtrace have to be declared somewhere.
I would like to check it without being forced to pass explicit flags to the compiler.
Include features.h, it contains the macros you need, e.g.
#define __GNU_LIBRARY__ 6
/* Major and minor version number of the GNU C library package. Use
these macros to test for features in specific releases. */
#define __GLIBC__ 2
#define __GLIBC_MINOR__ 4
There are the #defines __GNU_LIBRARY__, __GLIBC__ and __GLIBC_MINOR__ (6, 2 and 11 on my system with glibc-2.11) in features.h.
Checking for preprocessor macros is not a good solution. uClibc and possibly other libc implementations define macros to mimic glibc (without providing all of its bloated functionality) for much the same reasons that all browsers include "Mozilla" in their User-Agent strings: broken programs that expect to see glibc and turn off lots of features if they don't see it.
Instead you should write a configure script to probe for backtrace and use it only if it's available.
Empirically, both of the following compile and run fine on GCC 6.4:
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
#ifdef __GLIBC__
return 0;
int main(void) {
#ifdef __GLIBC__
return 0;
but only the first produces output of course.
This must mean that __GLIBC__ comes from stdio.h which must include features.h, see also: What is the purpose of features.h header?
Therefore, strictly speaking, __GLIBC__ by itself is not a clear indication that glibc is used, since even without headers, GCC already embeds runtime objects such as crt1.o in the finale executable, and those come from glibc.
So the main missing question is: does glibc guarantee that features.h gets included by every header? I could not find a clear documentation quote. TODO.
#if defined(__GLIBC__) && !defined(__UCLIBC__) && !defined(__MUSL__)
This is getting a bit ugly and syntactically ambiguous, but useful.

C / C++ : Portable way to detect debug / release?

Is there a standardized (e.g. implemented by all major compilers) #define that will allow me to distinguish between debug and release builds?
if believe
#ifdef NDEBUG
// nondebug
// debug code
is the most portable.
But no compiler knows whether you are compiling debug or release, so this isn't automatic. But this one is used by assert.h in the c-runtime, so it's quite common. Visual Studio will set it, and I'm sure most other IDE's will as well.
Since there is no standard definition of debug or release, there isn't a way to do this. I can think of at least four different things that could be meant, and they can all be changed independently. Only two can be tested from within the code.
Compiler optimization level
Debugging symbols included in binary (these can even be removed at a later date)
assert() enabled (NDEBUG not defined)
logging turned off
Edit: I misread the question and waffled off on a different tangent!!! Apologies...
The macro _NDEBUG is used on Linux as well as on Windows...
If the binary is built and you need to determine if the build was release/debug, you can get a hexadecimal dump, if you see loads of symbols in it that would be debugging information...for example, under Linux, using the strings utility. There is a version available for Windows by SysInternals, available here on technet. Release versions of binary executables would not have the strings representing different symbols...
strings some_binary
Hope this helps,
Best regards,
Best I could come with is
#ifndef NDEBUG
// Production builds should set NDEBUG=1
#define NDEBUG false
#define NDEBUG true
#ifndef DEBUG
Then you can wrap your debug code in if(DEBUG) { ... }.