Opening SAS datasets for viewing from within a .sas program - sas

Is there a way to open a SAS dataset for viewing (i.e., in the "ViewTable" window) from within a .sas file?

I think this will do what you want:
dm log "vt sashelp.air";
Just change the "sashelp.air" part to your lib.table combo.

dw.mackie's answer is right on the money. That works great when submitted from the SAS editor window.
But I just want to caution you to be careful if you attempt it in batch mode (that is, having SAS run a .sas program directly from command-line using the -sysin option). It will indeed attempt to pop open the interactive SAS window environment upon execution.
But, if your batch code also attempts to build some graphs/charts, you'll be required to use the -noterminal option. And the -noterminal option isn't compatible with the dm command. You'd spot it right away in the log, but I just wanted to give you a heads-up.

Because of the size of some of my datasets I just do a simple proc print and limit the output to only 50 observations. I do this so often that I created the following macro that dumps the output to a html file.
%Macro DPrt(Dset, obs=50, vars=, w=, Path="C:\output\");
%LET BKPATH = &Path;
options obs = &obs.;
ods listing close;
ods html
path = &BKPATH.
body = "Debug-&Dset..htm"
style = THEME;
proc print data = &Dset n u split=' ';
%if &vars NE %THEN %DO;
var &vars.;
%if &w NE %THEN %DO;
ods html close;
ods listing;
options obs = MAX;
%Mend Dprt;
Sample call for dataset test looks like



I am trying to do a simple thing - write a PROC REPORT procedure within a DATA sentence. My main idea is - if the condition in data step is true - lets execute PROC REPORT, if it is false - do not execute PROC REPORT. Any ideas? Code runs without errors for now, but I see that condition in IF statement is not applied and PROC REPORT is ececute despite the fact that condition is not fulfilled.
Thank you in Advance.
%let DATO = 13062016;
PROC IMPORT OUT= WORK.auto1 DATAFILE= "C:\Users\BC1554\Desktop\andel.xlsx"
data want;
set WORK.auto1;
DATA tbl2;
SET want;
if (rownum => 1 and rownum <=6 ) then output work.tbl2 ;
ods LISTING close;
ODS RTF FILE="C:\Users\BC1554\Desktop\Statistik_andel_&DATO..rtf";
title "Statistics from monthly run of DK shares of housing companies (andelsboliger)";
data Tbl21 ;
set work.Tbl2;
where (DKANDEL='Daekning_pct_24052016' or DKANDEL='Daekning_pct_18042016') ;
difference = dif(Andel);
difference1 = dif(Total);
data Tbl211 ;
set work.Tbl21;
where (DKANDEL='Daekning_pct_18042016') ;
data Tbl2111 ;
set work.Tbl211;
where (DKANDEL='Daekning_pct_18042016') ;
if abs(difference) > 10 and abs (difference1) > 107 then ;
proc report data= work.Tbl2 spanrows;
columns DKANDEL Andel Total Ukendt ;
title2 "-";
title3 "We REPORT numbers on p.4-5".;
title4 "-";
title5 "The models coverage";
title6 "Run date &DATO.";
footnote1 "Assets without currency code not included";
define DKANDEL / order;
define Andel / order;
define Total / order;
define Ukendt / order;
define DKANDEL/ display;
define Andel / display;
Compute DKANDEL;
call define (_col_,"style","style={background=orange}");
Compute Andel;
call define (_col_,"style","style={background=red}");
run; title; footnote1;
ODS RTF close;
To conditionally execute code you need to use a macro so that you can use macro logic like %IF to conditionally generate the code.
But for your simple problem you can use a macro variable to modify the RUN; statement on your PROC REPORT step. Create a macro variable and set it to the value CANCEL when you don't want the step to run.
%let cancel=CANCEL;
if abs(difference) > 10 and abs (difference1) > 107 then call symputx('cancel','');
proc report ... ;
run &cancel ;
Simple example. Produce report if anyone is aged 13.
%let cancel=CANCEL;
data _null_;
set sashelp.class ;
if age=13 then call symputx('cancel',' ');
proc report data=sashelp.class ;
run &cancel;
Tom's answer is a good one, and probably what I'd do. But, an alternative that is more exactly what you suggested in the question seems also appropriate.
The way you execute a PROC REPORT in a data step (or execute any non-data-step code in a data step) is with call execute. You can use call execute to execute a macro, or just a string of code; up to you how you want to handle it. I would make it a macro, because that makes development much easier (you can write the macro just like regular code, and you can test it independently).
Here's a simple example that is analogous to what Tom put in his answer.
%macro print_report(data=);
proc report data=&data.;
%mend print_report;
data _null_;
set sashelp.class ;
if age=13 then do;
call execute('%print_report(data=sashelp.class)');
stop; *prevent it from donig this more than once;

SAS libref not recognized in macro loop

I've run into an odd SAS quirk that I can't figure out - hopefully you can help.
I have a simple macro loop that imports CSV files and for some reason if I use a libref statement in the "out=" part of the import procedure, SAS doesn't recognize the libref as a valid name. But if I use the same libref in a data step, it works just fine.
The specific error it gives is: "ERROR: "TESTDB." is not a valid name."
I'd like to figure this out because I work with pretty big files and want to avoid reading through them more times than is necessary.
Here's the code that works, with some comments in it. I got around the issue by reading in the files, then writing them to permanent SAS datasets in a second step, but ideally I'd like to import the files directly into the "TESTDB" library. Any idea how to get SAS to recognize a libref in the "out=" statement of the import procedure?
libname testdb "C:\SAS test";
%let filepath = C:\SAS test\;
%macro loop(values);
%let count=%sysfunc(countw(&values));
%do i = 1 %to &count;
%let value = %qscan(&values,&i,%str(,));
proc import datafile = "&filepath.&value..csv"
out = &value dbms=csv replace; getnames=yes;
/*"out=testdb.&value" in the line above does not work*/
data testdb.&value; set &value; run;
/*here the libref testdb works fine*/
Thanks in advance for your help!
Perhaps try:
Sometimes the macro language does not unquote values automatically. With result that the extra quoting characters introduced by a quoting function (%qscan %str %bquote %superq etc) cause problems.
Strange error. I am not able to pin it. My guess is that it has something to do with how the value macro variables are being created. When I moved the value variable creation to a data step and used Call Symputx, it works.
%macro loop(files);
/* Create macro variables for files.*/
data _null_;
count = countw("&files.",",");
call symputx("count",count,"L");
do i = 1 to count;
call symputx(cats("file",i),scan("&files.",i,","),"L");
/* Read and save each CSV as a sas table. */
%do i=1 %to &count.;
proc import datafile = "&filepath.&&file&i...csv"
out = testdb.&&file&i. dbms=csv replace; getnames=yes;

SAS-Dynamically Writing Bar Charts to Excel workbook in SAS Macro

I am trying to dynamically generate and export bar charts to and an excel workbook. My Macro pulls certain distinct Identifier codes and creates two summary tables (prov_&x table and the prov_revcd_&x) and populates to single excel sheet, for each respective ID. I have been unable however to successfully generate bar charts for the data and export to excel. Below is a condensed version of code. I have removed the steps for creating the prov_&x table and the prov_revcd_&x table to help keep the post as concise as possible. I have tried using the GOUT function and NAME function and then explicitly calling those but that does not seem to work. Any suggestions are welcomed and I understand my macro code is a little sloppy but it generates the tables so I will clean up once I can get the bar charts to generate.
Also, I can see in my results viewer that the graphs are generating, so I'm assuming the problem is in how I am trying to reference them to the workbook. THANKS!
%macro runtab(x);
/*Create summary chart for generating graph of codes billed per month*/
proc sql;
CREATE TABLE summary_&x AS
select DISTINCT month, COUNT (CH_ICN) AS ICN_Count, CLI_Revenue_Cd_Category_Cd
FROM corf_data1_sorted
WHERE BP_Billing_Prov_Num_OSCAR=&x
group by month ,CLI_Revenue_Cd_Category_Cd;
/*Create a graph of Services Per Month and group by the Revenue Code*/
proc sgplot data=summary_&x NAME= 'graph_&x';
title 'Provider Revenue Analysis';
vbar month / response=ICN_count group=CLI_Revenue_Cd_Category_Cd stat=sum
datalabel datalabelattrs=(weight=bold);
yaxis grid label='Month';
%mend runtab;
/*Create a macro variable of all the codes */
proc sql noprint;
select BP_Billing_Prov_Num_OSCAR
into :varlist separated by ' ' /*Each code in the list is sep. by a single space*/
from provider;
%let cntlist = &sqlobs; /*Store a count of the number of oscar codes*/
%put &varlist; /*Print the codes to the log to be sure our list is accurate*/
/*write a macro to generate the output tables*/
%macro output(x);
ods tagsets.excelxp options(sheet_interval='none' sheet_name="&x");
proc print data=prov_&x;
proc print data=prov_revcd_&x;
proc print data=graph_&x;
/*Run a loop for each oscar code. Each code will enter the document generation loop*/
%macro loopit(mylist);
%let else=;
%let n = %sysfunc(countw(&mylist)); /*let n=number of codes in the list*/
%do I=0 %to &n;
%let val = %scan(&mylist,&I); /*Let val= the ith code in the list*/
%do j=0 %to &n;
%let val = %scan(&mylist,&j); /*Let val= the jth code in the list*/
/*Run the macro loop to generate the required tables*/
/*Run the macro loop over the list of significant procedure code values*/
ods tagsets.excelxp file="W:\user\test_wkbk.xml";
ods tagsets.excelxp close;
You can't export charts with ODS TAGSETS.EXCELXP, unfortunately.
You have a few options if you need to export charts.
Use ODS Excel, available in the more recent maintenance releases of SAS 9.4. See Chris H's blog post for more information on that. It is fairly similar to Tagsets.ExcelXP, but not identical. It does generate a "Real" excel file (.xlsx).
Create an HTML file that Excel can read, using TAGSETS.MSOFFICE2K or regular HTML. Chevell Parker, a SAS tech support analyst, has a few papers like this one on the different options.
Use DDE to write your image to the excel file. Not a preferred option but included for completeness.
There is also a new proc - proc mschart - that is enabled in SAS 9.4 TS1M3 due out in a month or two, that will generate Excel charts in ODS EXCEL (ie, not an image, but telling Excel to make a chart here please).

SAS-Writing Multiple Tables to one XLSX Workbook w/ 2 tables per sheet

I am new to SAS and am having some issues exporting data. I have written a macro to generate some summary tables based on a certain ID. The macro creates two tables for each ID identified in a particular proc sql query. I can write out the last two tables but it overwrites all tables. I was wondering if there is a way to generate one sheet, containing the two summary tables, for each ID identified in my query. Below is the code I have to date for exporting data:
%macro output(x);
ods tagsets.excelxp file="W:\user\test.xls" options(sheet_interval='none');
proc print data=prov_&x;
proc print data=prov_revcd_&x;
ods tagsets.excelxp close;
/*Run a loop for each IDcode. Each code will enter the document generation loop*/
%macro loopit(mylist);
%let else=;
%let n = %sysfunc(countw(&mylist)); /*let n=number of codes in the list*/
%do I=1 %to &n;
%let val = %scan(&mylist,&I); /*Let val= the ith code in the list*/
%do j=1 %to &n;
%let val = %scan(&mylist,&j); /*Let val= the jth code in the list*/
/*Run the macro loop to generate the required tables*/
/*Run the macro loop over the list of significant procedure code values*/
Any help for correcting this issue would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
I would rewrite %output like so.
%macro output(x);
ods tagsets.excelxp options(sheet_interval='none' sheet_name="&x");
proc print data=prov_&x;
proc print data=prov_revcd_&x;
Then as Reeza suggests put the original ods tagsets.excelxp file= ... and close outside the whole macro.
ods tagsets.excelxp file="c:\temp\test.xlsx";
ods tagsets.excelxp close;
If you use PROC EXPORT, that does allow apending to a workbook without this step (and no ODS at al).
%macro output(x);
proc export data=prov_&x outfile="c:\temp\test.xlsx" dbms=excel replace;
However, this only allows one dataset per sheet - so either you append them together first as a single dataset, or you use 2 sheets in this solution.
Move the ods tagsets.excelxp file= and ods tagsets.excelxp close to outside of the macro otherwise you're recreating the file each time.
You may want to explicitly name the sheets as well.

Sending an ALERT using ODS in SAS

I'm trying to send an alert only if a macro variable value is not 0 and another alert all times, both in same script.
I want to send this only if variable value is not 0.
filename myfile1 email To=&ToAddress
subject="ALERT for &tday." TYPE="text/html";
ODS HTML BODY=myfile1 style=BarrettsBlue;
Proc print data=Counts_6days noobs label;
title "monitoring by Score Date";
ODS html close;
ods listing;
I want to send this all times.
filename myfile email To=&ToAddress
subject="monitoring for &tday." CONTENT_TYPE="text/html";
ODS HTML BODY=myfile style=BarrettsBlue;
Proc print data=COUNTS noobs label;
title "monitoring by Score Date";
In SAS conditional macro statements need to be wrapped in a macro. For example:
%macro example(arg);
%if &arg. ~= 0 %then %do;
/* Your conditional code here */
%mend example;
%let var = 0;
This code creates a macro called %example which expects one parameter. The macro is called with %example(), at which point it evaluates the code inside the macro. The %if %then %do; %end; block allows you to choose whether some code is run or not based upon whether the condition evaluates to true or false.
In your case you could wrap your first block in a macro similar to this, while leaving the second block outside.