Is it possible to run Apache and IIS on the same machine with one IP-Address (and different ports ?) - django

The "main" one should be IIS. Is there an option to address the Apache without typing in the port-number
The reason for this is: I cannot get Django to work on IIS
Any ideas will be appreciated

You could set up Apache on a different port, then use redirects or proxying on IIS to get people to the Apache port without them having to type it.

The only way to avoid typing in the port number is to set up a proxy, which could be either one of the two webservers. That way, the proxy makes the connection on the alternate port and the client doesn't have to know where it is.
I don't know about IIS, but on Apache, you would have to load mod_proxy (and I think, mod_proxy_http) and then do something like this:
ProxyRequests Off
<Proxy *>
Order deny,allow
Allow from all
ProxyPass /foo
ProxyPassReverse /foo
Also check the docs for mod_proxy online.
You might also want to look at lightweight webservers such as lighttpd, if you're going to have two running. It's a common setup to have a light webserver taking specific tasks away from the main one. (Apache for dynamic and lighttpd for static content is one typical example).
There's also other possibilities, ranging from getting more fancy, such as
Have a third webserver doing only the proxying and the other two on alternate ports
Have them running on the same port but two IPs and hide that fact via your network setup
to attacking the root cause by either
finding somenone who knows how to get Django running on IIS
moving from IIS to another webserver
Of course, I have no clue what might be appropriate for your situation.

If this is a matter of running Django on a server that already needs IIS, you can run django on IIS directly, thanks to efforts like Django-IIS and PyISAPIe. I think it would be preferable to NOT run a second web server when all its going to be doing is proxying requests out to a third server, the Django code.


Deploy Django with SSL without Nginx

Is it possible to deploy a django project without using third party tools like nginx or apache just to serve up https:// webpages? Being forced to setup a reverse proxy or some other web server just to serve https seems a bit overkill.
Using of built-in development server ( runserver) is a bad idea for production environment. But, yes you can use SSL connection even with built-in server
Better idea is to use some application server. For example gunicorn. And yes again, you can serve SSL connection with gunicorn.
Apache or Nginx servers are not just for https. These allows you to effectively control other server resources like max number of processes, request/response headers, etc. WEB servers support many features that you can set without writing python code. And that will be more understandable for infra/server engineers.

AWS host new version of web app on another port?

We have an new version of php web app listening to port 80.
I am wondering if it is possible to host the new version on another port, with no code modification, while keep the old version listening to port 80.
For example, if the user visits the page, then it goes to the old version, and if the user visits the page then it goes to the new version.
Maybe I can achieve this with route53? or maybe I have to alter the apache configuration?
The way to achieve this is by tweaking the Apache configuration as you suggested, to force Apache to fetch your content from another DocumentRoot when the 8080 listener is triggered.
Route53 will not help here as a DNS system only resolves name to IP Address, and do not deal with multiple ports for the same IP address.
You can use Apache's VirtualHost to configure multiple listener. You can even have different PHP versions per host ports, as per Running two PHP versions on the same server

Running Django on a Linux Server using Apache with HTTPS

I've been trying to figure this out for a while now and nothing I've found has really been helping.
I've got a remote Linux server running with Apache installed, and right now everything going to the server is redirected to HTTPS through Apache. This all works fine and I can access the files I need to normally, but now I'd like to also add in a Django site to my server under a new "subdomain". (For example I'd like to still be able to access non-Django files as usual '' and also be able to access the Django site like '')
Could someone please give me some direction as to how I'd be able to do this? I can supply more information if it's needed.
Thanks in advance!
Edit 1: The Django server seems to dislike connecting via HTTPS and I'm getting an error that it can only support HTTP, but I need it because I want the site to be secure, and currently Apache is redirecting all HTTP requests to HTTPS, so do I need some other method of making it work?
Check out SNI and also potentially wild card certificates

Make available online a localhost web application

I have built a basic web application using html, css and php (it is a library with query, modify etc. capabilities). I have built the databases containing the books information, subscribers information etc. with phpMyAdmin from Wamp server. On localhost (C:\wamp\www) everything works ok (I can add, modify, make queries etc.).
Now I would like to make this web application available online, but I have no idea how this can be done. The access to the database must be also available online (for search, queries etc. from the databases).
Can somebody support me?
The access to your database can be local since the php files that use yourdatabase run in the same machine.
You only need to accept online access to your apache server, if it's not accessible yet, and have no firewall active. In this case you should be able to connect to your server by ip. And you'll need a domain and a dns server if you want not having to write the public IP to connect.
You need a public IP address or routing the outside web traffic to your own web server.
Most routers have an advanced section called IP/Port Forwarding: find yours. If you don’t have this, I’m afraid you cannot be reachable by the outside.
Besides that, find your private IP with:
take note of the IP address: that’s your private address, which uniquely identifies you in your local network. 
In httpd.conf change:
ServerName localhost:80
ServerName <private IP>:80
Also find this line:
Require local
And change it to:
Require all granted
Restart your web server. Find out what’s your current public IP address (the public address of your router: ) and visit:
http://<public IP>:<port>/
Or, in case you have not changed the default http port (80) just visit:
http://<public IP>/

Automatic HTTPS on Openshift/AWS/some PaaS

I'm working on a Python project that depends on a package that runs Gunicorn as a web server. I need to support https, but the Gunicorn configuration exposed by the package doesn't allow me to pass in keyfile or certfile options, and 'http' is hard-coded throughout the package.
I was wondering if there's some easy way to get https working transparently between clients and Gunicorn without Gunicorn knowing about it, on OpenShift or any popular PaaS.
Take a look at the solution purposed this Openshift KB
OpenShift Online apparently handles this automatically by default.
Just change the http to https in the application url they give you ( and you've got TLS using their * certificate.
I was expecting more configuration and just needed somebody to tell me "just change the url to https".