Compiler error for modifying a non-const object - c++

#include "iostream"
#include "vector"
class ABC {
bool m_b;
ABC() : m_b(false) {}
ABC& setBool(bool b) {
m_b = b;
return *this;
bool getBool() const {
return m_b;
void foo(const std::vector<ABC> &vec) {
int main(int argc, char*argv[]) {
std::vector<ABC> vecI;
ABC i;
When I compile it I get this error: passing const ABC as this argument of ABC& ABC::setBool(bool) discards qualifiers
Any ideas why this would happen since the object itelf is not a constant.

foo takes vec by reference-to-const, and you cannot change a const. So either remove the line that calls setBool, or if you really want to set the bool, change the argument type to std::vector&.
Or to be more strict about the implementation... You see, these two functions exist:
T& vector<T>::operator[](int);
T const& vector<T>::operator[](int) const;
When you call "vec[i]" on a const object, only the second one is valid, so it gets selected. But this overload obviously returns T const&, and that's the thing you can't change.

foo takes a const vector &, meaning that the contents of the vector cannot be modified. This, in turn, means that you are not allowed to call a non-const member function on any of the elements of vec, and setBoo.

The object probably is const. Although the vector contains ABCs and not const ABCs, the vector itself is const, so when you call operator[] on it, the const version of the operator is used. The const version of operator[] on a vector returns a vector::const_reference. So, from what I can tell you are trying to call a non-const method on a const ABC&.

As another workaround, you could store pointers to ABC objects in the vector and it will work fine - albeit at the extra cost of managing the cleanup. In this case you are not modifying the contents of the vector since the vector is only holding pointers.


Why can I pass by value here but not by reference (C++)?

I have an interesting predicament here where the code will compile if I pass a variable by value to the function but not if I pass it by reference, and I'm not sure why. In header.h:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
void get_name(std::string &name)
getline(std::cin, name);
template <class T, class U>
class readonly
friend U;
T data;
T& operator=(const T& arg) {data = arg; return data;}
operator const T&() const {return data;}
class myClass
typedef readonly<std::string, myClass> RO_string;
RO_string y;
void f()
get_name(y); // compile error
The main.cpp implementation file simply includes this header file, creates an instance of myClass and then calls f(). When doing so, it won't compile properly. The problem lies in the fact that I'm passing the variable y by reference to the get_name function. If I change the function so that I pass by value instead, everything compiles properly and works as expected (except I'm obviously not making changes to y anymore). However, I don't understand this behavior. Why does this happen and is there an optimal way to fix it in this situation?
Your conversion operator:
operator const T&() const {return data;}
Only allows implicit conversion to a const reference. This makes sense since you are interested in making something read only. But get_name requires a non-const reference to a string. That is, get_name expects to be able to mutate its input. The type being passed in cannot convert to a mutable string reference, only to a constant string reference, so it doesn't compile.
When you pass by value, it simply constructs a new string from the const reference to pass into the function, which is fine.
Intuitively, a function called get_name should probably take a const reference since it shouldn't need to mutate its input just to get the name.
As explained by Nir Friedman, get_name(y); invoques the implicit conversion operator which gives you a const reference.
But, as you wrote friend U;, myClass has access to the private member data of y and allows you to do:

When there is no non-const operator overload, will non-const object use const operator?

It seems it is in VS2013. But why in effective c++' item 3, the non-const operator calls const operator when they do exactly the same thing?
This is the code in Effective c++ item 3:
class TextBlock {
const char& operator[](std::size_t position) const // same as before
return text[position];
char& operator[](std::size_t position) // now just calls const op[]
return const_cast<char&>( // cast away const on type;
static_cast<const TextBlock&>(*this)[position] // add const to *this's type;call const version of op[]
A const object cannot use a non-const method. (Remember that operators are only methods).
But the converse is true: A non-const object can use a const method (although it will use a non-const equivalent if that's present).
A method is only const if it is marked as const: a compiler is not allowed to assert const-ness by inspecting the function body.
Yes: if a const member function is present, but no non-const version, then calling that function on a non-const object will use the const function.
#include <iostream>
struct Foo {
void bar() const { std::cout << "const bar()\n"; }
int main() {
Foo f;;
prints const bar().
Note the reverse is not true. You may not call a non-const member function on a const object:
struct Foo {
void bar() { std::cout << "non-const bar()\n"; }
int main() {
const Foo f;;
gives a compiler error:
SO.cpp: In function 'int main()':
SO.cpp:9:11: error: passing 'const Foo' as 'this' argument of 'void Foo::bar()' discards qualifiers [-fpermissive];
EC++ Item 3, Use const whenever possible has a subsection, Avoiding Duplication in const and Non-const Member Functions. The reason it suggests that you don't just let the compiler pick the const version is that the return types are different (by a const) - the non-const version casts this away:
class CharWrapper {
char c_;
char const& getC() const
std::cout << "const getC()\n";
return c_; // pretend this line is complicated
char& getC()
std::cout << "non-const getC()\n";
char const& c = const_cast<CharWrapper const&>(*this).getC(); // call the right one to avoid duplicating the work
return const_cast<char&>(c); // fix the result type
int main() {
CharWrapper wrapper;
wrapper.getC() = 'a';
Notice that it calls const operator and casts away constness (it one of those few times where it does not result in UB). It is needed so non-const operator returns a mutable reference. Otherwise you would not be able to modify objects contained in vector at all.
Call to existing operator instead of writing code again is done to avoid code duplication and possible future errors when you change one function, but forgot the other.
Regarding your comment: there is no move involved. It returns a reference. I would expect no difference in generated code for both const and non-const operator.

C++ compiler picking the wrong overload of a class member function

I have this code:
template <class T>
class Something
T val;
inline Something() : val() {}
inline Something(T v) : val(v) {}
inline T& get() const { return val; }
inline Something& operator =(const Something& a) { val = a.val; return *this; }
typedef Something<int> IntSomething;
typedef Something<const int> ConstIntSomething;
class Other
IntSomething some_function()
return IntSomething(42);
ConstIntSomething some_function() const
return ConstIntSomething(42);
void wtf_func()
Other o;
ConstIntSomething s;
s = o.some_function();
However, the compiler picks the wrong overload of Other::some_function() in wtf_func() (i.e. the non-const one). How can I fix this? Note that for certain reasons I cannot change the name of Other::some_function().
o is not const-qualified, so the non-const some_function is selected. If you want to select the const-qualified overload, you need to add the const qualifier to o:
Other o;
Other const& oref(o);
ConstIntSomething s;
s = oref.some_function();
When overload resolution occurs, the compiler only looks at the o.some_function() subexpression; it does not look at the context around the function call to decide to pick something else. Further, the return type of a member function is not considered during overload resolution.
Note that it may make more sense for IntSomething to be implicitly convertible to ConstIntSomething, either using an operator ConstIntSomething() overload in IntSomething (less good) or using a non-explicit ConstIntSomething(IntSomething const&) constructor in ConstIntSomething (more good).
It doesn't pick the wrong overload; const-ness is resolved by whether this is const or not. In your case, o is non-const, so the non-const overload is picked.
You can hack this by creating a const-reference to o, e.g.:
const Other &o2 = o;
s = o2.some_function();
But really, you should probably be considering your overloads in Something. For instance, you can't currently do this:
IntSomething x;
ConstIntSomething y;
y = x;
which doesn't sound correct. Why shouldn't you be allowed to take a const ref to a non-const ref?
Your object o needs to be const object for a const function to be called on it. Otherwise the compiler rightly picks up the non const version of the function.
The compiler picks the overload to use based on the constness of the object that will become this. You can make it call the desired version with static_cast: s = static_cast<const Other&>(o.some_function());
You might also want to copy the new behaviour found in the containers of the C++0x standard library. Containers such as vector now have members cbegin() and cend() that return a const_iterator whether the container is const or not unlike begin() and end()
class Other {
// Rest of other
// No overload for non-const
// Even if called with a non const Other, since this member is marked
// const, this will be of type Other const * in all cases and will call
// the const qualified overload of some_function.
ConstIntSomething csome_function() const
return some_function();

const overloaded operator[] function and its invocation

I define two versions of overloaded operator[] function in a class array. ptr is a pointer to first element of the array object.
int& array::operator[] (int sub) {
return ptr[sub];
int array::operator[] (int sub) const {
return ptr[sub];
Now, if I define a const object integer1 the second function can only be called..... but if I make a non-const object and then invoke as below:
cout << "3rd value is" << integer1[2];
which function is called here?
In your second example, the non-const version will be called, because no conversion is required, and a call that requires no conversion is a better match than one that requires a conversion.
Ultimately, however, you have a basic problem here: what you really want is behavior that changes depending on whether you're using your object as an rvalue or an lvalue, and const doesn't really do that. To make it work correctly, you normally want to return a proxy object, and overload operator= and operator T for the proxy object:
template <class T>
class myarray {
T *ptr;
class proxy {
T &val;
proxy &operator=(proxy const &p); // assignment not allowed.
proxy(T &t) : val(t) {}
operator T() const { return val; }
proxy &operator=(T const&t) { val = t; return *this; }
proxy const operator[](int sub) const { return proxy(ptr[sub]); }
proxy operator[](int sub) { return proxy(ptr[sub]); }
// obviously other stuff like ctors needed.
Now we get sane behavior -- when/if our array<int> (or whatever type) is const, our operator[] const will be used, and it'll give a const proxy. Since its assignment operators are not const, attempting to use them will fail (won't compile).
OTOH, if the original array<int> was not const, we'll get a non-const proxy, in which case we can use both operator T and operator=, and be able to both read and write the value in the array<int>.
Your const version should return const int& not int, so that the semantics are just the same between the two functions.
Once you've done that, it doesn't matter which one is used. If the const version has to be used because your object has a const context, then it will be... and it won't matter as you're not trying to modify anything. Otherwise, it'll use the non-const version... but with just the same effect.

const correctness and return values - C++

Please consider the following code.
struct foo
template<typename T>
class test
test() {}
const T& value() const
return f;
T f;
int main()
const test<foo*> t;
foo* f = t.value();
return 0;
t is a const variable and value() is a constant member-function which returns const T&. AFAIK, a const type is not assignable to a non-const type. But how foo* f = t.value(); compiles well. How this is happening and how can I ensure value() can be only assigned to const foo*?
I found that, this is happening on when templates are used. Following code works as expected.
class test
test() {}
const foo* value() const { return f; }
foo* f;
int main()
const test t;
foo* f = t.value(); // error here
return 0;
Why the problem is happening when templates are used?
Because you have two levels of indirection - in your main function, that call to value returns a reference to a const pointer to a non-const foo.
This can safely be copied into non-const pointer to a non-const foo.
If you'd instantiated test with const foo *, it would be a different story.
const test<const foo*> t;
foo* f = t.value(); // error
const foo* f = t.value(); // fine
return 0;
From the comment:
value() returns const T& which can
only be assigned to another const
type. But in this case, compiler is
safely allowing the conversion.
Const data can only be read. It cannot be written ("mutated"). But copying some data is a way of reading it, so it's okay. For example:
const int c = 5;
int n = c;
Here, I had some const data in c, and I copied the data into a non-const variable n. That's fine, it's just reading the data. The value in c has not been modified.
Now, suppose your foo had some data in it:
struct foo { int n; };
If I have a non-const pointer to one of those, I can modify the n value through the pointer. You asked your test template to store a pointer to a non-const foo, and then made a const instance of test. Only the pointer address is constant, therefore. No one can change the address stored in the pointer inside test, so it cannot be made to point to another object. However, the object it points to can have its contents modified.
Update 2:
When you made your non-template version of the example, you made a mistake. To get it right, you need to substitute foo * into each place where there's a T.
const T& value() const
Notice that you have a reference to a const T there. So the return value will be a reference to something const: a foo *. It's only the pointer address that can't be modified. The object it points to can have its contents modified.
In your second example, you got rid of the reference part, which changes the meaning and makes the const modifier apply to the object that the pointer points to, instead of applying to the pointer itself.
Use the following template specialization:
template<typename T>
class test<T*>
test() {}
const T* value() const
return f;
T* f;
After including this, g++ says:
d.cpp: In function ‘int main()’:
d.cpp:41: error: invalid conversion from ‘const foo*’ to ‘foo*’
There's nothing wrong in your code, having a const reference to a pointer only means that you can't modify the pointer, but the pointed-to object remains perfectly mutable. If inside your main function you try to change the address pointed to by the f member of t you'll see that you can't: encapsulation is perfectly preserved.
This is the same principle that makes the following code valid:
void foo(std::vector<int *> const & v)
*v[0] = 0; // op. [] returns const & to int *
People new to C++ are usually surprised by this behavior, because for them a const vector should not allow the modification of its elements. And in fact it doesn't, because the pointer stored in the vector does not change (it keeps pointing to the same address). It's the pointed-to object which is modified, but the vector does not care about that.
The only solution is to do as Amit says and provide a specialization of your class for T*.