Get latency from host in C++ - c++

Using C++, I would like to use a command/class to get the latency time from pinging a host to use in my program. I tried using the ping command but there was no easy way to gather the time since its included with other statistical information. I was hoping for an easier approach.

The ping tool is usually implemented in C and works by sending ICMP Echo request packets over a raw socket,. The system time is recorded -- usually with gettimeofday on under posix -- when the Echo request is made and again when an Echo reply (if any) is received to determine the round-trip time. You can put the same functionality in your C++ application using sockets.
Otherwise, extracting the information from a ping system call is probably easier than you think. The key is to open a pipe to allow reading of the standard output of the ping command (see popen or _popen). A regular expression (e.g. "time=([0-9]*)") could be used to pluck out the desired data. If you don't have a regex library available, then extracting this data only requires fairly trivial string manipulation. The STL string class provides several algorithms that may be of use.

if you don't like regexes you can always loop through the output, looking for t followed by i followed by m followed by e followed by = by just stepping through the output string one piece at a time. store the pointer to the char after =, then step through futher and replace the next space by a zero. you now have a string with the latency, converting to a number can be done with the existing conversion functions.
e.g. if the output is in char* output with length stored in unsigned int length and the matched string needs to go in char* match...
for(unsigned int i = 4; i < length; ++i)
if(output[i] == '=')
if((output[i-4] = 't') && (output[i-3] = 'i') && (output[i-2] = 'm') && (output[i-1] = 'e'))
match = &(output[i+1]);
while(output[i] != ' ') ++i;
output[i] = 0;
regexes are nicer though... they make your code look a lot a tider and readable. although if you don't have a library for them it will be faster to just implement it like this... :)

If you are using Windows, you can use win32 api function


Converting String for Delphi to std::string for C++

I am developing a device (ESP32) and there is a rxValue variable that defined as below;
std::string rxValue = pCharacteristic->getValue(); <- ESP32 (C++) side
But I need to send data (string or character) from Delphi App via SetValueAs... method but when I use
Characteristics.SetValueAsString('b'); <- Delphi side (but problematic)
EDIT: I'm adding SetValueAsString procedure here
procedure TBluetoothGattCharacteristic.SetValueAsString(const AValue: string; IsUTF8: Boolean);
if IsUTF8 then
Value := TEncoding.UTF8.GetBytes(AValue)
Value := TEncoding.Unicode.GetBytes(AValue);
Arduino serial monitor shows me a strange character (square) and command cannot be executed.
for (int i = 0; i < rxValue.length(); i++) { <- ESP32 (C++) side
if (rxValue.find("a") != -1) {
digitalWrite(LED, HIGH);
As a result, what is the way of sending a string from Delphi to C++ (ESP32 board) as std::string. In addition (I didn't want to ask a little question separately.) What is the way of exact comparing rxValue with string? I mean if rxValue is exact same as abcdef execute a command?
Thanks right now..
The problem has become more complex after diving into deep. The main problem was 8-Bit / 16-Bit string incompatibility as #RemyLebeau pointed out and #David Heffernan was correct because you cannot use be used std::string for interop across programming languages.
So I've decided to convert my data to 8Bit AnsiString and send but this time I saw that Delphi doesn't support AnsiChar and Ansistring in mobile compilers anymore (you can read here and here).
So I cannot use 8-Bit strings in Delphi mobile (there are many people they ask "why" to Embarcadero because this means that you cannot use devices that use 8-Bit (many of IoT devices) ) but thank goodness, there are some good people solve this problem with a custom library (you can find the source here).
After adding this library to my app and execute the command like below, problem has been solved;
BUT answer is: You can't use std::string this way, it's not suitable for interop.

How to use carriage return with multiple line?

When I want to print out another text in the same line, I can do this:
int i = 0;
string text = "Paragraph ";
while (i < 10) {
if (clock() % CLOCKS_PER_SEC == 0) {
cout << text << i + 1 << "\r";
But, how I can I do this with multiple line? I want to retain a paragraph as a whole in its initial position in terminal. If I change text with a string that contains paragraph with some newline characters, it prints another new block of paragraph below the last printed.
How can I retain it's position?
Your question isn't very clear, but I'm going to assume you want to know how to overwrite text in places other than the current line.
Standard C++ doesn't give you this capability. You will have to use OS-specific functionality to place the cursor at an arbitrary place of the console.
Under Unix-like systems you will generally use ANSI escape sequences
Under Windows you're best served by the console manipulation functions, in particular SetConsoleCursorPosition. Look here for more console functions.
It is not possible in standard C++.
The technique depends on what the standard output device (i.e. std::cout) is - which is difficult, as that depends on the operating system and choices by the end user. For example, a lot of physical terminals (and terminal/console emulators) support escape sequences. Standard output can be redirected to various devices (including to a text file, which makes positioning the cursor a bit pointless).
In general terms, you will need to specify the output device (i.e. what your program can assume output is being written to), the host system, system settings, and a bunch of other things. And then use an API (or library) supported on the host system. Depending on your choices here, the techniques are highly variable.
Under unix, functions libraries like curses might be used. If you use curses, it will probably be necessary to use other curses functions to actually write your output (rather than cout).
Under windows, there is a set of console API functions (a subset of the win API), such as SetConsoleCursorPosition(). Again, it might be easier if you use other console functions, rather than cout.

Read text file step-by-step

I have a file which has text like this:
I need to create a code that will find text that follows # symbol, store it to variable and then writes it to file WITHOUT # symbol, but with a space before. So from previous code I will get:
1 14 ADEADE CAH0F 0 0......
I first tried to did it in Python, but files are really big and it takes a really huge time to process file, so I decided to write this part in C++. However, I know nothing about C++ regex, and I'm looking for help. Could you, please, recommend me an easy regex library (I don't know C++ very well) or the well-documented one? It would be even better, if you provide a small example (I know how to perform transmission to file, using fstream, but I need help with how to read file as I said before).
This looks like a job for std::locale and his trusty sidekick imbue:
#include <locale>
#include <iostream>
struct hash_is_space : std::ctype<char> {
hash_is_space() : std::ctype<char>(get_table()) {}
static mask const* get_table()
static mask rc[table_size];
rc['#'] = std::ctype_base::space;
return &rc[0];
int main() {
using std::string;
using std::cin;
using std::locale;
cin.imbue(locale(cin.getloc(), new hash_is_space));
string word;
while(cin >> word) {
std::cout << word << " ";
std::cout << "\n";
IMO, C++ is not the best choice for your task. But if you have to do it in C++ I would suggest you have a look at Boost.Regex, part of the Boost library.
If you are on Unix, a simple sed 's/#/ /' <infile >outfile would suffice.
Sed stands for 'stream editor' (and supports regexes! whoo!), so it would be well-suited for the performance that you are looking for.
Alright, I'm just going to make this an answer instead of a comment. Don't use regex. It's almost certainly overkill for this task. I'm a little rusty with C++, so I'll not post any ugly code, but essentially what you could do is parse the file one character at a time, putting anything that wasn't a # into a buffer, then writing it out to the output file along with a space when you do hit a #. In C# at least two really easy methods for solving this come to mind:
StreamReader fileReader = new StreamReader(new FileStream("myFile.txt"),
string fileContents = fileReader.ReadToEnd();
string outFileContents = fileContents.Replace("#", " ");
StreamWriter outFileWriter = new StreamWriter(new FileStream("outFile.txt"),
Alternatively, you could replace
string outFileContents = fileContents.Replace("#", " ");
StringBuilder outFileContents = new StringBuilder();
string[] parts = fileContents.Split("#");
foreach (string part in parts)
outFileContents.Append(" ");
I'm not saying you should do it either of these ways or my suggested method for C++, nor that any of these methods are ideal - I'm just pointing out here that there are many many ways to parse strings. Regex is awesome and powerful and may even save the day in extreme circumstances, but it's not the only way to parse text, and may even destroy the world if used for the wrong thing. Really.
If you insist on using regex (or are forced to, as in for a homework assignment), then I suggest you listen to Chris and use Boost.Regex. Alternatively, I understand Boost has a good string library as well if you'd like to try something else. Just look out for Cthulhu if you do use regex.
You've left out one crucial point: if you have two (or more) consecutive #s in the input, should they turn into one space, or the same number of spaces are there are #s?
If you want to turn the entire string into a single space, then #Rob's solution should work quite nicely.
If you want each # turned into a space, then it's probably easiest to just write C-style code:
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int ch;
while (EOF!=(ch=getchar()))
if (ch == '#')
putchar(' ');
return 0;
So, you want to replace each ONE character '#' with ONE character ' ' , right ?
Then it's easy to do since you can replace any portion of the file with string of exactly the same length without perturbating the organisation of the file.
Repeating such a replacement allows to make transformation of the file chunk by chunk; so you avoid to read all the file in memory, which is problematic when the file is very big.
Here's the code in Python 2.7 .
Maybe, the replacement chunk by chunk will be unsifficient to make it faster and you'll have a hard time to write the same in C++. But in general, when I proposed such codes, it has increased the execution's time satisfactorily.
def treat_file(file_path, chunk_size):
from os import fsync
from os.path import getsize
file_size = getsize(file_path)
with open(file_path,'rb+') as g:
fd = g.fileno() # file descriptor, it's an integer
while True:
x = len(x),1)
g.write(x.replace('#',' '))
if g.tell() == file_size:
it's absolutely obligatory to open the file in binary mode 'b' to control precisely the positions and movements of the file's pointer;
mode '+' is to be able to read AND write in the file
fd = g.fileno()
file descriptor, it's an integer
x =
reads a chunk of size chunk_size . It would be tricky to give it the size of the reading buffer, but I don't know how to find this buffer's size. Hence a good idea is to give it a power of 2 value. len(x),1)
the file's pointer is moved back to the position from which the reading of the chunk has just been made. It must be len(x), not chunk_size because the last chunk read is in general less long than chink_size
g.write(x.replace('#',' '))
writes on the same length with the modified chunk
these two instructions force the writing, otherwise the modified chunk could remain in the writing buffer and written at uncontrolled moment
if g.tell() >= file_size: break
after the reading of the last portion of file , whatever is its length (less or equal to chunk_size), the file's pointer is at the maximum position of the file, that is to say file_size and the program must stop
In case you would like to replace several consecutive '###...' with only one, the code is easily modifiable to respect this requirement, since writing a shortened chunk doesn't erase characters still unread more far in the file. It only needs 2 files's pointers.

Check whether a string is a valid filename with Qt

Is there a way with Qt 4.6 to check if a given QString is a valid filename (or directory name) on the current operating system ? I want to check for the name to be valid, not for the file to exist.
// Some valid names
// Some specific names
colon:name // valid under UNIX OSes, but not on Windows
what? // valid under UNIX OSes, but still not on Windows
How would I achieve this ? Is there some Qt built-in function ?
I'd like to avoid creating an empty file, but if there is no other reliable way, I would still like to see how to do it in a "clean" way.
Many thanks.
This is the answer I got from Silje Johansen - Support Engineer - Trolltech ASA (in March 2008 though)
However. the complexity of including locale settings and finding
a unified way to query the filesystems on Linux/Unix about their
functionality is close to impossible.
However, to my knowledge, all applications I know of ignore this
(read: they aren't going to implement it)
Boost doesn't solve the problem either, they give only some vague notion of the maximum length of paths, especially if you want to be cross platform. As far as I know many have tried and failed to crack this problem (at least in theory, in practice it is most definitely possible to write a program that creates valid filenames in most cases.
If you want to implement this yourself, it might be worth considering a few not immediately obvious things such as:
Complications with invalid characters
The difference between file system limitations and OS and software limitations. Windows Explorer, which I consider part of the Windows OS does not fully support NTFS for example. Files containing ':' and '?', etc... can happily reside on an ntfs partition, but Explorer just chokes on them. Other than that, you can play safe and use the recommendations from Boost Filesystem.
Complications with path length
The second problem not fully tackled by the boost page is length of the full path. Probably the only thing that is certain at this moment is that no OS/filesystem combination supports indefinite path lengths. However, statements like "Windows maximum paths are limited to 260 chars" are wrong. The unicode API from Windows does allow you to create paths up to 32,767 utf-16 characters long. I haven't checked, but I imagine Explorer choking equally devoted, which would make this feature utterly useless for software having any users other than yourself (on the other hand you might prefer not to have your software choke in chorus).
There exists an old variable that goes by the name of PATH_MAX, which sounds promising, but the problem is that PATH_MAX simply isn't.
To end with a constructive note, here are some ideas on possible ways to code a solution.
Use defines to make OS specific sections. (Qt can help you with this)
Use the advice given on the boost page and OS and filesystem documentation to decide on your illegal characters
For path length the only workable idea that springs to my mind is a binary tree trial an error approach using the system call's error handling to check on a valid path length. This is quite aloof, but might be the only possibility of getting accurate results on a variety of systems.
Get good at elegant error handling.
Hope this has given some insights.
Based on User7116's answer here:
How do I check if a given string is a legal/valid file name under Windows?
I quit being lazy - looking for elegant solutions, and just coded it. I got:
bool isLegalFilePath(QString path)
if (!path.length())
return false;
// Anything following the raw filename prefix should be legal.
if (path.left(4)=="\\\\?\\")
return true;
// Windows filenames are not case sensitive.
path = path.toUpper();
// Trim the drive letter off
if (path[1]==':' && (path[0]>='A' && path[0]<='Z'))
path = path.right(path.length()-2);
QString illegal="<>:\"|?*";
foreach (const QChar& c, path)
// Check for control characters
if (c.toLatin1() >= 0 && c.toLatin1() < 32)
return false;
// Check for illegal characters
if (illegal.contains(c))
return false;
// Check for device names in filenames
static QStringList devices;
if (!devices.count())
devices << "CON" << "PRN" << "AUX" << "NUL" << "COM0" << "COM1" << "COM2"
<< "COM3" << "COM4" << "COM5" << "COM6" << "COM7" << "COM8" << "COM9" << "LPT0"
<< "LPT1" << "LPT2" << "LPT3" << "LPT4" << "LPT5" << "LPT6" << "LPT7" << "LPT8"
<< "LPT9";
const QFileInfo fi(path);
const QString basename = fi.baseName();
foreach (const QString& d, devices)
if (basename == d)
// Note: Names with ':' other than with a drive letter have already been rejected.
return false;
// Check for trailing periods or spaces
if (path.right(1)=="." || path.right(1)==" ")
return false;
// Check for pathnames that are too long (disregarding raw pathnames)
if (path.length()>260)
return false;
// Exclude raw device names
if (path.left(4)=="\\\\.\\")
return false;
// Since we are checking for a filename, it mustn't be a directory
if (path.right(1)=="\\")
return false;
return true;
Probably faster than using regexes
Checks for illegal characters and excludes device names (note that '' is not illegal, since it can be in path names)
Allows drive letters
Allows full path names
Allows network path names
Allows anything after \\?\ (raw file names)
Disallows anything starting with \\.\ (raw device names)
Disallows names ending in "\" (i.e. directory names)
Disallows names longer than 260 characters not starting with \\?\
Disallows trailing spaces and periods
Note that it does not check the length of filenames starting with \\?, since that is not a hard and fast rule. Also note, as pointed out here, names containing multiple backslashes and forward slashes are NOT rejected by the win32 API.
I don't think that Qt has a built-in function, but if Boost is an option, you can use Boost.Filesystem's name_check functions.
If Boost isn't an option, its page on name_check functions is still a good overview of what to check for on various platforms.
Difficult to do reliably on windows (some odd things such as a file named "com" still being invalid) and do you want to handle unicode, or subst tricks to allow a >260 char filename.
There is already a good answer here How do I check if a given string is a legal / valid file name under Windows?
see example (from Digia Qt Creator sources) in:
I'd just create a simple function to validate the filename for the platform, which just searches through the string for any invalid characters. Don't think there's a built-in function in Qt. You could use #ifdefs inside the function to determine what platform you're on. Clean enough I'd say.

How to hide strings in a exe or a dll?

I discovered that it is possible to extract the hard-coded strings from a binary.
For example the properties view of Process Explorer displays all the string with more than 3 characters.
Here is the code of a simple executable that I wrote to simply test it:
#ifndef _WIN32_WINNT
#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0501
#include <stdio.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <Windows.h>
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
_TCHAR* hiddenString1 =_T("4537774B-CC80-4eda-B3E4-7A9EE77991F5");
_TCHAR* hiddenString2 =_T("hidden_password_or_whatever");
for (int i= 0; i<argc; i++) {
if (0 == _tcscmp(argv[i],hiddenString1)) {
_tprintf (_T("The guid argument is correct.\n")); }
else if (0 == _tcscmp(argv[i],hiddenString2)) {
_tprintf (_T("Do something here.\n")); }
_tprintf (_T("This is a visible string.\n"));
//Keep Running
return 0;
The strings can clearly be extracted from the corresponding executable:
I think that it is a little too easy to find the strings.
My questions are:
How to simply hide hiddenString1 or hiddenString2 in the
Is there a more secure
way to use "cheat code" than with
some obscure hidden input?
Welcome to the wider world of defensive programming.
There are a couple of options, but I believe all of them depend on some form of obfuscation; which, although not perfect, is at least something.
Instead of a straight string value you can store the text in some other binary form (hex?).
You can encrypt the strings that are stored in your app, then decrypt them at run time.
You can split them across various points in your code, and reconstitute later.
Or some combination thereof.
Bear in mind, that some attacks go further than looking at the actual binary. Sometimes they will investigate the memory address space of the program while it's running. MS came up with something called a SecureString in .Net 2.0. The purpose being to keep the strings encrypted while the app is running.
A fourth idea is to not store the string in the app itself, but rather rely on a validation code to be submitted to a server you control. On the server you can verify if it's a legit "cheat code" or not.
There are many ways to obscure data in an executable. Others here have posted good solutions -- some stronger than others. I won't add to that list.
Just be aware: it's all a cat-and-mouse game: it is impossible to guarantee that nobody will find out your "secret".
No matter how much encryption or other tricks you use; no matter how much effort or money you put into it. No matter how many "NASA/MIT/CIA/NSA" types are involved in hiding it.
It all comes down to simple physics:
If it were impossible for any user to pull out your secret from the executable and "unhide" it, then the computer would not be able to unhide it either, and your program wouldn't be able to use it. Any moderately skilled developer with enough incentive will find the way to unhide the secret.
The moment that you have handed your executable to a user, they have everything they need to find out the secret.
The best you can hope for is to make it so hard to uncover the secret that any benefits you can get from knowing the secret become not worth the hassle.
So, it's OK to try to obscure the data if it's merely "not-nice" for it to be public, or if the consequences of it becoming public would just be "inconvenient". But don't even think of hiding in your program "the password to your master client database", a private key, or some other critical secret. You just can't.
If you have truly critically secret information that your program will somehow need but should NEVER become public information (like a private key), then you will need to have your program talk to a remote server under your control, apply appropriate authentication and authorization controls (that is, make sure only the approved people or computers are able to make the request to the server), and have that server keep the secret and use it.
The simplest way is to encrypt them with something trivial like xor or rot-13, and then decrypt them on the fly when they're used. That will eliminate casual viewing of them, but it won't stop anyone with much experience at reversing.
In addition to those methods Chris mentions you could also use a hashing algorithm. If all you want to do is check if the correct ID was specified you don't actually need to store the whole ID in your program.
Create a hash (MD5, SHA, etc) of the string/password/id you want to compare against, maybe add a 'salt' value to it. Store this in your program
When the program is run, do the same algorithm on the input string/password/id and compare the two hashes to see if they match.
This way the actual text is never stored in your program and they cannot reverse engineer your program to find out what the original text was because hash algorithms are one-way only.
There are URLs for http requests that I would like to hide too.
If your app is making the request, there is no point hiding this. Running an app like fiddler, http analyzer, or one of dozens of other free and readily available methods will show all the traffic your app is creating.
Here is the method I use for this purpose. First, I use the the Strings tool by Sysinternals to display the strings in an EXE or DLL.
I then use the following small tool (see article) to replace these strings with a scrambled array of characters stored as an arithmetic expression: for example: instead of the string:
"this is a test"
I will place the following code: (which is automatically generated by this tool)
WCHAR T1[28];
T1[22] = 69;
T1[15] = 121 - 17;
T1[9] = L':' + -26;
T1[12] = L't' - 1;
T1[6] = 116 - 1;
T1[17] = 117 - 12;
T1[3] = 116 - 1;
T1[14] = L'' - 3;
T1[13] = L'w' - 3;
T1[23] = 69;
T1[26] = L'Y' + 3;
T1[19] = 111 + 0;
T1[21] = L'k' - 34;
T1[27] = L'\\' - 8;
T1[20] = L'B' + 32;
T1[4] = 42 + -10;
T1[25] = L'm' - 17;
T1[16] = L'H' + 18;
T1[18] = L'A' + 56;
T1[24] = 68;
T1[1] = 105 - 1;
T1[11] = L'k' - 6;
T1[10] = 66 + 50;
T1[2] = 105;
T1[0] = 117 - 1;
T1[5] = L'k' - 2;
T1[8] = 89 + 8;
T1[7] = 32;
There are many solutions to this problem and none of them (including mine) is perfect, however there are ways to scramble, disguise, and hide the sensitive strings. You can of course encrypt them and decrypt during runtime (see this article), but I find more important to make these string disappear among the bits and bytes of the executable file and it works. After running my tool, you won't find "this is a test" in the executable file.
Will all your secret codes be GUIDs or was that just an example?
Perhaps store your secret as a binary guid:
const GUID SecretGuid =
{ 0x4537774B, 0xCC80, 0x4eda, { 0x7A, 0x9E, 0xE7, 0x79, 0x91, 0xF5 } };
Then convert your supplied guid from string to binary format and compare the two binary guids.
If there's a specific string you don't want people to be able to see, then encrypt it and decrypt at runtime.
If you don't want people to see your GUID, then construct it from bytes, rather than constructed from a string:
const GUID SecretGuid =
{ 0x4537774B, 0xCC80, 0x4eda, { 0x7A, 0x9E, 0xE7, 0x79, 0x91, 0xF5 } };
The best you can do is to code your password or other string that you want to hide as char array. For example:
std::string s1 = "Hello"; // This will show up in exe in hex editor
char* s2 = "World"; // this will show up in exe in hex editor
char s3[] = {'G', 'O', 'D'}; // this will not show up in exe in hex editor.