Fortran 90 kind parameter - fortran

I am having trouble understanding Fortran 90's kind parameter. As far as I can tell, it does not determine the precision (i.e., float or double) of a variable, nor does it determine the type of a variable.
So, what does it determine and what exactly is it for?

The KIND of a variable is an integer label which tells the compiler which of its supported kinds it should use.
Beware that although it is common for the KIND parameter to be the same as the number of bytes stored in a variable of that KIND, it is not required by the Fortran standard.
That is, on a lot of systems,
REAl(KIND=4) :: xs ! 4 byte ieee float
REAl(KIND=8) :: xd ! 8 byte ieee float
REAl(KIND=16) :: xq ! 16 byte ieee float
but there may be compilers for example with:
Similarly for integer and logical types.
(If I went digging, I could probably find examples. Search the usenet group comp.lang.fortran for kind to find examples. The most informed discussion of Fortran occurs there, with some highly experienced people contributing.)
So, if you can't count on a particular kind value giving you the same data representation on different platforms, what do you do? That's what the intrinsic functions SELECTED_REAL_KIND and SELECTED_INT_KIND are for. Basically, you tell the function what sort of numbers you need to be able to represent, and it will return the kind you need to use.
I usually use these kinds, as they usually give me 4 byte and 8 byte reals:
!--! specific precisions, usually same as real and double precision
integer, parameter :: r6 = selected_real_kind(6)
integer, parameter :: r15 = selected_real_kind(15)
So I might subsequently declare a variable as:
real(kind=r15) :: xd
Note that this may cause problems where you use mixed language programs, and you need to absolutely specify the number of bytes that variables occupy. If you need to make sure, there are enquiry intrinsics that will tell you about each kind, from which you can deduce the memory footprint of a variable, its precision, exponent range and so on. Or, you can revert to the non-standard but commonplace real*4, real*8 etc declaration style.
When you start with a new compiler, it's worth looking at the compiler specific kind values so you know what you're dealing with. Search the net for kindfinder.f90 for a handy program that will tell you about the kinds available for a compiler.

I suggest using the Fortran 2008 and later; INT8, INT16, INT32, INT64, REAL32, REAL64, REAL128. This is done by calling ISO_FORTRAN_ENV in Fortran 2003 and later. Kind parameters provides inconsistent way to ensure you always get the appropriate number of bit representation

Just expanding the other (very good) answers, specially Andrej Panjkov's answer:
The KIND of a variable is an integer label which tells the compiler
which of its supported kinds it should use.
Exactly. Even though, for all the numeric intrinsic types, the KIND parameter is used to specify the "model for the representation and behavior of numbers on a processor" (words from the Section 16.5 of the standard), that in practice means their bit model, that's not the only thing a KIND parameter may represent.
A KIND parameter for a type is any variation in its nature, model or behavior that is avaliable for the programmer to choose at compile time. For example, for the intrinsic character type, the kind parameter represents the character sets avaliable on the processor (ASCII, UCS-4,...).
You can even define your own model/behaviour variations on you defined Derived Types (from Fortran 2003 afterwards). You can create a Transform Matrix type and have a version with KIND=2 for 2D space (in which the underlying array would be 3x3) and KIND=3 for 3D space (with a 4x4 underlying array). Just remember that there is no automatic kind conversion for non-intrinsic types.

From the Portland Group Fortran Reference, the KIND parameter "specifies a precision for intrinsic data types." Thus, in the declaration
real(kind=4) :: float32
real(kind=8) :: float64
the variable float64 declared as an 8-byte real (the old Fortran DOUBLE PRECISION) and the variable float32 is declared as a 4-byte real (the old Fortran REAL).
This is nice because it allows you to fix the precision for your variables independent of the compiler and machine you are running on. If you are running a computation that requires more precision that the traditional IEEE-single-precision real (which, if you're taking a numerical analysis class, is very probable), but declare your variable as real :: myVar, you'll be fine if the compiler is set to default all real values to double-precision, but changing the compiler options or moving your code to a different machine with different default sizes for real and integer variables will lead to some possibly nasty surprises (e.g. your iterative matrix solver blows up).
Fortran also includes some functions that will help pick a KIND parameter to be what you need - SELECTED_INT_KIND and SELECTED_REAL_KIND - but if you are just learning I wouldn't worry about those at this point.
Since you mentioned that you're learning Fortran as part of a class, you should also see this question on Fortran resources and maybe look at the reference manuals from the compiler suite that you are using (e.g. Portland Group or Intel) - these are usually freely available.

One of the uses of kind could be to make sure that for different machine or OS, they truly use the same precision and the result should be the same. So the code is portable. E.g.,
integer, parameter :: r8 = selected_real_kind(15,9)
real(kind=r8) :: a
Now this variable a is always r8 type, which is a true "double precision" (so it occupies 64 bits of memory on the electronic computer), no matter what machine/OS the code is running on.
Also, therefore you can write things like,
a = 1.0_r8
and this _r8 make sure that 1.0 is converted to r8 type.

To summarize other answers: the kind parameter specifies storage size (and thus indirectly, the precision) for intrinsic data types, such as integer and real.
However, the recommended way now is NOT to specify the kind value of variables in source code, instead, use compiler options to specify the precision we want. For example, we write in the code: real :: abc and then compile the code by using the compiling option -fdefault-real-8 (for gfortran) to specify a 8 byte float number. For ifort, the corresponding option is -r8.
It seems Fortran experts here strongly object to the recommended way stated above. In spite of this, I still think the above way is a good practice that helps reduce the chance of introducing bugs in Fortran codes because it guarantees that you are using the same kind-value throughout your program (the chance that you do need use different kind-values in different parts of a code is rare) and thus avoids the frequently encountered bugs of kind-value mismatch between dummy and actual arguments in a function call.


What shall be used in Modern Fortran to specify a 8 bytes real variable if iso_fortran_env is not supported?

I want to specify as type of a subroutine a floating point value (real) of 8 bytes precision.
I have read here that the modern way to do it would be:
real(real64), intent(out) :: price_open(length)
However, iso_fortran_env is not supported by f2py (same as it does not support iso_c_bindings either).
I get errors of this type:
94 | real(kind=real64) price_open(length)
| 1
Error: Parameter 'real64' at (1) has not been declared or is a variable, which does not reduce to a constant expression
The link referenced before states that using kind would be the proper way if iso_fortran_env is not available and that real*8 shall be avoided.
I have been using real(8) is that equivalent to using kinds? If not, what shall I use?
What is wrong with real*8 if I want to always enforce 8 bytes floating point values?
You say you are specifically interested in interoperability with C. However, iso_c_binding, nor iso_fortran_env are supported. These modules have constants that help you to set the right kind constant for a given purpose. The one from iso_fortran_env would NOT be the right one to choose anyway, it would be c_double.
If these constants meant to help you in your choice are not available, you are on your own. Now you can choose any other method freely.
It is completely legitimate to use just kind(1.d0) and just check that the connection to C works. Automake had been doing that for ages.
Or use selected_real_kind(), it does not matter, it is really up to you. Just check that double in C ended up being the same numeric type.
The traditional thing in automatic build processes was to do many tests about which (mainly C) constant ended up having which value. You just need to check that double precision in Fortran does indeed correspond to double in C. It is very likely, but just check it. You can have a macro that changes the choice if not, but probably it is a needless work untill you actually meet such a system.

Error: Old-style type declaration REAL*16 not supported

I was given some legacy code to compile. Unfortunately I only have access to a f95 compiler and have 0 knowledge of Fortran. Some modules compiled but others I was getting this error:
Error: Old-style type declaration REAL*16 not supported at (1)
My plan is to at least try to fix this error and see what else happens. So here are my 2 questions.
How likely will it be that my code written for Fortran 75 is compatible in the Fortran 95 compiler? (In /usr/bin my compiler is f95 - so I assume it is Fortran 95)
How do I fix this error that I am getting? I tried googling it but cannot see to find a clear crisp answer.
The error you are seeing is due to an old declaration style that was frequent before Fortran 90, but never became standard. Thus, the compiler does not accept the (formally incorrect) code.
In the olden days before Fortran 90, you had only two types of real numbers: REAL and DOUBLE PRECISION. These types were platform dependent, but most compilers nowadays map them to the IEEE754 formats binary32 and binary64.
However, some machines offered different formats, often with extra precision. In order to make them accessible to Fortran code, the type REAL*n was invented, with n an integer literal from a set of compiler-dependent values. This syntax was never standard, so you cannot be sure of what it will mean to a given compiler without reading its documentation.
In the real world, most compilers that have not been asked to be strictly standards-compliant (with some option like -std=f95) will recognize at least REAL*4 and REAL*8, mapping them to the binary32/64 formats mentioned before, but everything else is completely platform dependent. Your compiler may have a REAL*10 type for the 80-bit arithmetic used by the x86 387 FPU, or a REAL*16 type for some 128-bit floating point math. However, it is important to stress that since the syntax is not standard, the meaning of that type could change from compiler to compiler.
Finally, in Fortran 90 a way to refer to different kinds of real and integer types was made standard. The new syntax is REAL(n) or REAL(kind=n) and is supported by all standard-compliant compilers. However, The values of n are still compiler-dependent, but the standard provides three ways to obtain specific, repeatable results:
The SELECTED_REAL_KIND function, which allows you to query the system for the value of n to specify if you want a real type with certain precision and range requirements. Usually, what you do is ask for it once and store the result in an INTEGER, PARAMETER variable that you use when declaring the real variables in question. For example, you would declare a type with at least 15 digits of precision (decimal) and exponent range of at least 100 like this:
REAL(rk) :: v
In Fortran 2003 and onwards, the ISO_C_BINDING module contains a series of constants that are meant to give you types guaranteed to be equivalent to the C types of the same compiler family (e.g. gcc for gfortran, icc for ifort, etc.). They are called C_FLOAT, C_DOUBLE and C_LONG_DOUBLE. Thus, you could declare a variable equivalent to a C double as REAL(C_DOUBLE) :: d.
In Fortran 2008 and onwards, the ISO_FORTRAN_ENV module contains a different series of constants REAL32, REAL64 and REAL128 that will give you a floating point type of the appropriate width - if some platform does not support one of those types, the constant will be a negative number. Thus, you can declare a 128-bit float as REAL(real128) :: q.
Javier has given an excellent answer to your immediate problem. However I'd just briefly like to address "How likely will it be that my code written for Fortran 77 is compatible in the Fortran 95 compiler?", with the obvious typo corrected.
Fortran, if the programmer adheres to the standard, is amazingly backward compatible. With very, very few exceptions standard conforming Fortran 77 is Fortran 2008 conforming. The problem is that it appears in your case the original programmer has not adhered to the international standard: real*8 and similar is not, and has never been part of any such standard and the problems you are seeing are precisely why such forms should never be, and should never have been used. That said if the original programmer only made this one mistake it may well be that the rest of the code will be OK, however without the detail it is impossible to tell
TL;DR: International standards are important, stick to them!
When we are at guessing instead of requesting proper code and full details I will venture to say that the other two answers are not correct.
The error message
Error: Old-style type declaration REAL*16 not supported at (1)
DOES NOT mean that the REAL*n syntax is not supported.
The error message is misleading. It actually means that the 16-byte reals are no supported. Had the OP requested the same real by the kind notation (in any of the many ways which return the gfortran's kind 16) the error message would be:
Error: Kind 16 not supported for type REAL at (1)
That can happen in some gfortran versions. Especially in MS Windows.
This explanation can be found with just a very quick google search for the error message:
It does not not complain that the old syntax is the problem, it just mentions it, because mentioning kinds might be confusing even more (especially for COMPLEX*32 which is kind 16).
The main message is: We really should be closing these kinds of questions and wait for proper details instead of guessing and upvoting the question where the OP can't even copy the full message the compiler has spit.
If you are using GNU gfortran, try "real(kind=10)", which will give you 10 bytes (80-bits) extended precision. I'm converting some older F77 code to run floating point math tests - it has a quad-precision ( the real*16 you mention) defined, but not used, as the other answers provided correctly point out (extended precision formats tend to be machine/compiler specific). The gfortran 5.2 I am using does not support real(kind=16), surprisingly. But gfortran (available for 64-bit MacOS and 64-bit Linux machines), does have the "real(kind=10)" which will give you precision beyond the typical real*8 or "double precision" as it was called in some Fortran compilers.
Be careful if your old Fortran code is calling C programs and/or maybe making assumptions about how precision is handled and floating point numbers are represented. You may have to get deep into exactly what is happening, and check the code carefully, to ensure things are working as expected, especially if fortran and C routines are calling each other. Here is url for the GNU gfortran info on quad-precision:
Hope this helps.

Generic and specific functions to get real and imaginary parts of complex variables

In Fortran, I always work with double precision, so I have been using specific functions like dble and dimag to get real and imaginary parts of complex variables. However, for other functions like sin, I no longer use dsin because the former returns a value of proper kind (i.e., sin is a generic function). The same seems to hold for complex variables. So my question is:
1) What are the most recommended generic functions for getting real and imaginary parts?
-- It seems that real(z), aimag(z), and conjg(z) return a proper kind always (via experiments with gfortran), i.e., if z is double precision, those functions return double precision. Is this guaranteed? Also, is the behavior dependent on the standard used by the compiler? (i.e., Fortran 77 vs 90 or later, particularly for real(z)?)
2) If I (nevertheless) want to use specific functions that receives only double precision arguments and always return double precision values, what are the specific functions?
-- I have been using dble(z) and dreal(z), dimag(z), dconjg(z) up to now, but some web pages say that they are vendor extensions (though commonly supported by many compilers).
I have read various pages but the information is rather confusing (i.e., it is not very clear what is the "standard" way), so I would appreciate any advice on the choice of such functions.
As background, what do we mean by kinds of real and complex variables? Of course, you know what is meant by the kind of a real object.
A complex object consists of a real and an imaginary part. If a complex object has a given kind then each component is a real of kind corresponding to the kind of the complex object.
That's a long way of saying, if
complex(kind=k) z
then KIND(z%re) and KIND(z%im) both evaluate to k (using the complex part designators introduced by Fortran 2008 for clarity).
Now, the real intrinsic generic takes a complex expression and returns its real component. It does so subject to the following F2008 rule (13.7.138), where A is the argument:
If A is of type complex and KIND is not present, the kind type parameter is the kind type parameter of A.
So, yes: in current Fortran real without a requested kind will always give you a real of kind that of the complex's real component. Whether that's double precision or otherwise.
Similarly, aimag returns a real (corresponding to the imaginary part) of kind that of the complex number. Unlike real, aimag doesn't accept a kind= argument controlling the result kind.
Things are different for Fortran 77: there was no similar concept of kind, and just one complex.
dble is a standard intrinsic. Although this always returns a double precision it is still generic and will accept any numeric. dble(a) is the same as real(a,kind(0d0)), whatever the type of a. There is no (standard) specific.
dreal, dimag and dconjg are not standard intrinsics.
I suppose one could create specific wrappers around real if one cared greatly.

Undefined components of a derived type in Fortran

This is more a software design question than a technical problem.
I planned to use a derived type to define atomic configurations. These might have a number of properties, but not every type of configuration would have them all defined.
Here's my definition at the moment:
type config
double precision :: potential_energy
double precision :: free_energy
double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: coords
integer :: config_type
end type config
So, in this example, we may or may not define the free energy (because it's expensive to calculate). Is it safe to still use this derived type, which would be a superset of sensible cases I can think of? Should I set some sort of default values, which mean undefined (like Python None or a null pointer)?
I know about the extends F2003 feature, but I can't guarantee that all of our compilers will be F2003-compliant. Is there another better way to do this?
Formally, operations that require the value of the object as a whole when one of its components are undefined, are prohibited (see 16.6.1p4 of the F2008 standard).
Practically you may not run into issues, but it is certainly conceivable that a compiler with appropriate debugging support might flag the undefined nature of the component when operations that require the entire value of the derived type object are carried out.
High Performance Mark's suggestion is a workaround for that, because a derived type scalar still has an "overall" value even if one of its allocatable components is not allocated (see 4.5.8). This suggestion might be useful in cases where the component is heavy in terms of memory use or similar.
But a single double precision component isn't particularly heavy - depending on the platform the descriptor for an allocatable scalar component may be of similar size. An even simpler workaround is to just give the component an arbitrary value. You could even use default initialization to do just that.
(Presumably you have some independent way of indicating whether that component contains a useful value.)
These days Fortran comprehends the concept of allocatable scalars. Like this:
type config
double precision :: potential_energy
double precision, allocatable :: free_energy
double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: coords
integer :: config_type
end type config
If, however, you can't rely on having a Fortran 2003 compiler available this won't work. But such compilers (or rather versions) are becoming very scarce indeed.
But do go the whole hog, and drop double precision in favour of real(real64) or some other 21st century way of specifying the kind of real numbers. Using the predefined, and standard, constant real64 requires the inclusion of use iso_fortran_env in the scoping unit.

Convert FORTRAN DEC UNION/MAP extensions to anything else

Edit: Gfortran 6 now supports these extensions :)
I have some old f77 code that extensively uses UNIONs and MAPs. I need to compile this using gfortran, which does not support these extensions. I have figured out how to convert all non-supported extensions except for these and I am at a loss. I have had several thoughts on possible approaches, but haven't been able to successfully implement anything. I need for the existing UDTs to be accessed in the same way that they currently are; I can reimplement the UDTs but their interfaces must not change.
Example of what I have:
INTEGER*4 test1
INTEGER*4 test2
INTEGER*8 test3
Access to the elements has to be available in the following manners: TEST%test1, TEST%test2, TEST%test3
My thoughts thusfar:
Replace somehow with fortran EQUIVALENCE.
Define the structs in C/C++ and somehow make them visible to the FORTRAN code (doubt that this is possible)
I imagine that there must have been lots of refactoring of f77 to f90/95 when the UNION and MAP were excluded from the standard. How if at all was/is this handled?
EDIT: The accepted answer has a workaround to allow memory overlap, but as far as preserving the API, it is not possible.
UNION and MAP were never part of any FORTRAN standard, they are vendor extensions. (See, e.g., So they weren't really excluded from the Fortran 90/95 standard. They cause variables to overlap in memory. If the code actually uses this feature, then you will need to use equivalence. The preferred way to move data between variables of different types without conversion is the transfer intrinsic, but to you that you would have to identify every place where a conversion is necessary, while with equivalence it is taking place implicitly. Of course, that makes the code less understandable. If the memory overlays are just to save space and the equivalence of the variables is not used, then you could get rid of this "feature". If the code is like your example, with small integers, then I'd guess that the memory overlay is being used. If the overlays are large arrays, it might have been done to conserve memory. If these declarations were also creating new types, you could use user defined types, which are definitely part of Fortran >=90.
If the code is using memory equivalence of variables of different types, this might not be portable, e.g., the internal representation of integers and reals are probably different between the machine on which this code originally ran and the current machine. Or perhaps the variables are just being used to store bits. There is a lot to figure out.
P.S. In response to the question in the comment, here is a code sample. But .... to be clear ... I do not think that using equivalence is good coding pratice. With the compiler options that I normally use with gfortran to debug code, gfortran rejects this code. With looser options, gfortran will compile it. So will ifort.
module my_types
type test_p1_type
integer (int32) :: int1
integer (int32) :: int2
end type test_p1_type
type test_p2_type
integer (int64) :: int3
end type test_p2_type
end module my_types
program test
use my_types
type (test_p1_type) :: test_p1
type (test_p2_type) :: test_p2
equivalence (test_p1, test_p2)
test_p1 % int1 = 2
test_p1 % int1 = 4
write (*, *) test_p1 % int1, test_p1 % int2, test_p2 % int3
end program test
The question is whether the union was used to save space or to have alternative representations of the same data. If you are porting, see how it is used. Maybe, because the space was limited, it was written in a way where the variables had to be shared. Nowadays with larger amounts of memory, maybe this is not necessary and the union may not be required. In which case, it is just two separate types
For those just wanting to compile the code with these extensions: Gfortran now supports UNION, MAP and STRUCTURE in version 6.