How do I read a Django HTTPResponse in Flex? - django

I'm a complete Flex noob, so I apologize in advance if I'm missing something obvious.
I wrote a fairly simple file uploader in Flex, which calls my Django back-end via URLRequest (the FileReference object handles the upload). My upload works as intended and I have Django return a HTTPResponse object. As such, I'd like to read the contents of the HTTPResponse object.
Any thoughts?

something along the lines of
<mx:HTTPService id="myHTTPRequest"
url="{whatever your url request is}"
then inside the resultHandler something like this
private function resultHandler (event : ResultEvent) : void {
var obj : Object = event.result;
//do something with returned object
Debug at the point of the resultHandler to see exaclty whats being returned, make sure its what you think should be getting returned.

By the time it gets to the client it's just a normal HTTP response so treat it like any other response

I am also new to flex and I ran in the same problem when doing an upload to a Java Rest backend, I solved it using the DateEvent on the FileReference. To get the response data use something like this.:
var fileRef:FileReference = new FileReference();
fileRef.addEventListener(DataEvent.UPLOAD_COMPLETE_DATA, responseHandler);
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("yourUrl");
fileRef.upload(request, "fileData");
private function responseHandler(event:DataEvent):void {
var response:XML = new XML(;
//Note the DataEvent: this is the event that holds the response.
//I sent back data as xml
Your response should always be a successful HTTP status code (200), if your backend sends status 500 codes it will not trigger the DateEvent. Server errors can still be caught with a HTTPStatusEvent, but then you don't have access to the response.

you can access the response like so in your onComplete event handler:
private function saveCompleteHandler(event:Event):void {
var loader:URLLoader = event.currentTarget as URLLoader;
trace("saveCompleteHandler - event returned:" + as String);
we do this this to get json fron a java web service.
you just need to use a URLLoader to load the URLRequest in the first place:
var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
loader.addEventListener(HTTPStatusEvent.HTTP_STATUS, statusHandler, 10000);
loader.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, saveErrorHandler, 10000);
loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, saveCompleteHandler, 10000);
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("http:/whereverer");
request.method = URLRequestMethod.GET;


ASP.Net Core 2.0 API Response hangs with large json payload

I am working on an ASP Net Core 2.0 Web API. One of my endpoints returns a json object that includes a text field that can be fairly large. When this field gets around 10Mb in size the controller just stops until the timeout is hit. When I debug, I see that the json object is created in my business logic and passed to the endpoint controller but the controller just stops right after it receives json object with no error and doesn't return to the caller until the request finally times out. I increased my requestTimeout to 20 mins even though the business logic generates the json object in less than 2 minutes. It just hangs until the 20 minute timeout is hit.
Here is my controller action;
[HttpGet(Name = "GetFile")]
public async Task<FileResponseDto> GetFile([FromRoute] int companyId, [FromRoute] int siteId, [FromRoute] int FileId,
[FromHeader(Name = "Accept")] string mediaType, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var fileResponseDto = _fileBll.GetFile(companyId, siteId, fileId, HttpContext);
// This is the point where the controller appears to hang
return await Task.Factory.StartNew(() => fileResponseDto, cancellationToken);
and my DTO object;
public class FileResponseDto
public string ReferenceId { get; set; }
public string Filename { get; set; }
public string ProcessingFile { get; set; }
The property that is the large string is the ProcessingFile property in the FileResponseDto class.
This works fine until my ProcessingFile property gets to around 30K lines (about 10Mb) and then the controller just hangs after it completes the line;
var fileResponseDto = _fileBll.GetFile(companyId, siteId, fileId, HttpContext);
At this point, my assumption was that I have hit some limitation in the size of the json object. So, to test, I changed my controller so that it returns a file instead, like what is shown below;
[HttpGet(Name = "GetFile")]
public async Task<FileContentResults> GetFile([FromRoute] int companyId, [FromRoute] int siteId, [FromRoute] int fileId,
[FromHeader(Name = "Accept")] string mediaType, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var fileResponseDto = _fileBll.GetFile(companyId, siteId, fileId, HttpContext);
var outputFile = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(fileResponseDto.ProcessingFile);
return await Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
new FileContentResult(outputFile, new MediaTypeHeaderValue(MediaTypeNames.Application.Octet))
FileDownloadName = fileResponseDto.Filename
}, cancellationToken);
Making this change works and I can receive a file download dialog popup and a successful file if I select "Send and Download" in Postman.
So, this leads me to believe that there is something size related to the json object being transferred in the first example.
However, web searches have not turned up anything useful on this issue, which makes me think that perhaps I am missing something here.
I did find this link in StackOverflow and tried it by using...
var outfileJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject<fileResponseDto>;
outfileJson.MaxJsonLength = Int32.MaxValue;
but outfileJson did not have a MasJsonLength property.
So.. any ideas?
EDIT 6/8/18
After 2 days, 22 views and no actual responses. I figured something must be wrong with my approach. I realized that I did not mention that I was performing these tests in Postman, which is where I was seeing the problem. After further digging, I found a post on GitHub that seemed to be related to what I was experiencing in Postman (the hang on large response payload). It seems that Postman has a limit in the number of "rows" it returns in the response. The GitHub post was a feature request to increase the number of rows.
I am not sure how to handle this StackOverflow question now. Since I didn't mention Postman in the original post, I don't feel right just answering my own question. So, I guess I will leave it as is for a couple of days to see if anyone chimes in with their thoughts before I do that.
As it turns out, the was, if fact, an issue with Postman and the size of the response payload it currently supports. If, instead of selecting Send, I select Send and Download in Postman, It will download the JSON object and pop up a dialog box to allow me to save it to my local drive. Then when I examine the file, I can see the json object is correctly formatted and transferred.
I confirmed that it was only a Postman issue and not a .NET HttpResponse issue by performing the API call in a .Net client application, which was able to receive the Json object without error.

Identity Server 3 Facebook Login Get Email

Identity server is implemented and working well. Google login is working and is returning several claims including email.
Facebook login is working, and my app is live and requests email permissions when a new user logs in.
The problem is that I can't get the email back from the oauth endpoint and I can't seem to find the access_token to manually request user information. All I have is a "code" returned from the facebook login endpoint.
Here's the IdentityServer setup.
var fb = new FacebookAuthenticationOptions
AuthenticationType = "Facebook",
SignInAsAuthenticationType = signInAsType,
AppId = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Facebook:AppId"],
AppSecret = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Facebook:AppSecret"]
Then of course I've customized the AuthenticateLocalAsync method, but the claims I'm receiving only include name. No email claim.
Digging through the source code for identity server, I realized that there are some claims things happening to transform facebook claims, so I extended that class to debug into it and see if it was stripping out any claims, which it's not.
I also watched the http calls with fiddler, and I only see the following (apologies as code formatting doesn't work very good on urls. I tried to format the querystring params one their own lines but it didn't take)
POST /cookie/consent/?pv=1&dpr=1 HTTP/1.1
(identity server)
I saw the code parameter on that last call and thought that maybe I could use the code there to get the access_token from the facebook API
However when I tried that I get a message from the API telling me the code has already been used.
I also tried to change the UserInformationEndpoint to the FacebookAuthenticationOptions to force it to ask for the email by appending ?fields=email to the end of the default endpoint location, but that causes identity server to spit out the error "There was an error logging into the external provider. The error message is: access_denied".
I might be able to fix this all if I can change the middleware to send the request with response_type=id_token but I can't figure out how to do that or how to extract that access token when it gets returned in the first place to be able to use the Facebook C# sdk.
So I guess any help or direction at all would be awesome. I've spent countless hours researching and trying to solve the problem. All I need to do is get the email address of the logged-in user via IdentityServer3. Doesn't sound so hard and yet I'm stuck.
I finally figured this out. The answer has something to do with Mitra's comments although neither of those answers quite seemed to fit the bill, so I'm putting another one here. First, you need to request the access_token, not code (authorization code) from Facebook's Authentication endpoint. To do that, set it up like this
var fb = new FacebookAuthenticationOptions
AuthenticationType = "Facebook",
SignInAsAuthenticationType = signInAsType,
AppId = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Facebook:AppId"],
AppSecret = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Facebook:AppSecret"],
Provider = new FacebookAuthenticationProvider()
OnAuthenticated = (context) =>
context.Identity.AddClaim(new System.Security.Claims.Claim("urn:facebook:access_token", context.AccessToken, ClaimValueTypes.String, "Facebook"));
return Task.FromResult(0);
Then, you need to catch the response once it's logged in. I'm using the following file from the IdentityServer3 Samples Repository, which overrides (read, provides functionality) for the methods necessary to log a user in from external sites. From this response, I'm using the C# Facebook SDK with the newly returned access_token claim in the ExternalAuthenticationContext to request the fields I need and add them to the list of claims. Then I can use that information to create/log in the user.
public override async Task AuthenticateExternalAsync(ExternalAuthenticationContext ctx)
var externalUser = ctx.ExternalIdentity;
var claimsList = ctx.ExternalIdentity.Claims.ToList();
if (externalUser.Provider == "Facebook")
var extraClaims = GetAdditionalFacebookClaims(externalUser.Claims.First(claim => claim.Type == "urn:facebook:access_token"));
claimsList.Add(new Claim("email", extraClaims.First(k => k.Key == "email").Value.ToString()));
claimsList.Add(new Claim("given_name", extraClaims.First(k => k.Key == "first_name").Value.ToString()));
claimsList.Add(new Claim("family_name", extraClaims.First(k => k.Key == "last_name").Value.ToString()));
if (externalUser == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("externalUser");
var user = await userManager.FindAsync(new Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.UserLoginInfo(externalUser.Provider, externalUser.ProviderId));
if (user == null)
ctx.AuthenticateResult = await ProcessNewExternalAccountAsync(externalUser.Provider, externalUser.ProviderId, claimsList);
ctx.AuthenticateResult = await ProcessExistingExternalAccountAsync(user.Id, externalUser.Provider, externalUser.ProviderId, claimsList);
And that's it! If you have any suggestions for simplifying this process, please let me know. I was going to modify this code to do perform the call to the API from FacebookAuthenticationOptions, but the Events property no longer exists apparently.
Edit: the GetAdditionalFacebookClaims method is simply a method that creates a new FacebookClient given the access token that was pulled out and queries the Facebook API for the other user claims you need. For example, my method looks like this:
protected static JsonObject GetAdditionalFacebookClaims(Claim accessToken)
var fb = new FacebookClient(accessToken.Value);
return fb.Get("me", new {fields = new[] {"email", "first_name", "last_name"}}) as JsonObject;

Cannot call web api 2 post method with int parameter in URL in Unit Test using Http server

Please ignore the spelling mistake, I cannot copy code so I have typed the whole thing and changed name of controller and method.
// Controller name is Test
public HttpResponseMessage Method1(int param1) // Post method
// return string
If I create an object of controller in test case then it is working fine. But if I want to test in localhost using following code:
Unit Test:
public void Method1Test()
HttpResponseMessage response;
HttpConfiguration config = new HttpConfiguration();
config.Routes.MapHttpRoute("DefaultApi", "api/{controller}/{id}");
HttpServer server = new HttpServer(config);
using(var client = new HttpClient(server))
HttpRequestMessage request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, "http://localhost:5022/api/test?param1=1");
request.Content = new ObjectContent<int>(param1, new JsonMediaTypeFormatter());
response = client.SendAsync(request, CancellationToken.None).Result;
Assert.AreEqual(HttpStatusCode.OK, response.StatusCode);
Now, my test case is failing. I used the same code in different project and it worked. May be it is the way I am trying to call Post method. Is this the right way to call post method with Int parameter in URL?
In help page, under API column it shows:
POST api/test/param1={param1}
Also I have put some stop point in actual service I am cursor is not stopping at that point. Why?
If I want to call the same service from browser, what URL should I pass? Is it -
Or something else?
I figured it out. Following is the correct unit test method but this has some extra information which I have not provided earlier i.e., passing object as an input for the service.
private void Method1Test(ObjectClass obj)
HttpResponseMessage response = null;
HttpConfiguration config = new HttpConfiguration();
config.Routes.MapHttpRoute("DefaultApi", "api/{controller}/{id}");
HttpServer server = new HttpServer(config);
using (var client = new HttpClient(server))
HttpRequestMessage request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, "http://localhost:5022/api/test/1");
request.Content = new ObjectContent<ObjectClass>(obj, new JsonMediaTypeFormatter());
response = client.SendAsync(request, CancellationToken.None).Result;
Assert.AreEqual(HttpStatusCode.OK, response.StatusCode);
So the correct URL that I was looking for was
Sorry, It took long to post this answer. This method is working like a charm for more then 2 years.

post data - ngResource AngularJS

Hello !
I develop a RESTful webapp with AngularJS, I use the ngResource module to send http requests. The webservice is developped with FuelPHP.
I'm having a problem to creating a resource with the $save method of ngResource. My web service doesn't receive post data.
When I check the http request with Firebug, I can see the post data.
I don't understand why the post data are not received by the webservice. So if you have an idea, it would be cool to help me.
Sorry for my bad level in English.
Here is the code :
Service :
app.factory('Medication', ['$resource', 'global', function ($resource, global) {
return $resource(global.API+'/medication/medication', {}, {})
Method in the controller :
$scope.addMedication = function() {
var newMed = new Medication(); = 'nameValue';
newMed.increaseinr = 1;
newMed.details = 'detailsValue';
I believe this is an issue with how PHP is handling the POST. When using AngularJS $resource it will POST the object with JSON as the post's BODY. PHP does not see this as a regular parameter. I've had to do this in other PHP (never used Fuel)
$requestBody = file_get_contents('php://input');
$requestBody = json_decode($requestBody, true);
Then you should be able to inspect $requestBody as a normal json object.
You need to config the $save method with a request method of 'POST'
you can set the default option 'transformRequest' of $http to change the transfer formation of the post data.
var myApp = angular.module('myApp');
myApp.config(function ($httpProvider) {
$["Content-Type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
$httpProvider.defaults.transformRequest = function(data){
if (data === undefined) {
return data;
return $.param(data);
Thanks for your answers.
Indeed, data is post in the request's body.
With FuelPHP, I used Input::json('key') to get the values (and not Input:post('key'))

Partial updates to an SWF

Suppose all that happens initially in a client swf is a user clicks a hyperlink in a text object of the swf, so this requests a "page" from the server. In response the server just modifies that existing swf in the client browser, by for example (?) invoking public functions of it, and possibly passing in as parameters the name of image or data files which were also downloaded in response to the URL request. The crucial part is that all that can happen initially in the SWF is a URL "page" request. Is this commonly done and if so, how.
Clicking on an hyperlink in AS3 will trigger a TextEvent.LINK event, you can then listen to this event and in your function proceed to call the relevant service which in turn will send you a response which you can use to update your swf data.
Check the docs here for the TextEvent class
Now, it all depends on what your link is, if it loads an XML ,then you can use the URLLoader class to load the XML data
private function init():void
var tf:TextField = new TextField();
tf.htmlText = "<a href=''>Update Data</a>";
tf.addEventListener(TextEvent.LINK, clickHandler);
private function clickHandler(e:TextEvent):void
trace(e.type); // link
trace(e.text); //
var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
loader.addEventListener( Event.COMPLETE , dataLoaded );
loader.load( new URLRequest( e.text ) );
private function dataLoaded(event:Event):void
trace( );// xml content
//from here you can then parse the XML & update your swf