Persistence solutions for C++ (with a SQL database)? - c++

I'm wondering what kind of persistence solutions are there for C++ with a SQL database? In addition to doing things with custom SQL (and encapsulating the data access to DAOs or something similar), are there some other (more general) solutions?
Like some general libraries or frameworks (something like Hibernate & co for Java and .NET) or something else? (Something that I haven't even thought of can also be welcome to be suggested)
EDIT: Yep, I was searching more for an ORM solution or something similar to handle sql queries and the relationships between tables and objects than for the db engine itself. Thanks for all the answers anyway!

SQLite is great: it's fast, stable, proven, and easy to use and integrate.
There is also Metakit although the learning curve is a bit steep. But I've used it with success in a professional project.

It sounds like you are looking for some ORM so that you don't have to bother with hand written SQL code.
There is a post here that goes over ORM solutions for C++.
You also did not mention the type of application you are writing, if it is a desktop application, mobile application, server application.
Mobile: You are best off using SQLite as your database engine because it can be embedded and has a small footprint.
Desktop App: You should still consider using SQLite here, but you also have the option with most desktop applications to have an always on connection to the internet in which case you may want to provide a network server for this task. I suggest using Apache + MySQL + PHP and using a lightweight ORM such as Outlet ORM, and then using standard HTTP post calls to access your resources.
Server App: You have many more options here but I still suggest using Apache + MySQL + PHP + ORM because I find it is much easier to maintain this layer in a script language than in C++.

MySQL Connector/C++ is a C++ implementation of JDBC 4.0
The reference customers who use MySQL Connector/C++ are:
- OpenOffice - MySQL Workbench
Learn more:,221298

SQLite + Hiberlite is a nice and promising project. though I hope to see it more actively developed. see http : //

I use MYSQL or SQLite.
MYSQL: Provides a server based DB that your application must dynamically connect to.
SQLite:Provides an in memory or file base DB.
Using the in memory DB is useful for quick development as setting up and configuring a DB server just for a single project is a big task. But once you have a DB server up and running it's just as easy to sue that.
In memory DB is useful for holding small DB such as configuration etc.
While for larger data sets a DB server is probably more practical.
Download from here:
Download from here:


What are the potential drawbacks of deploying Gyroscope on IIS and SQL Server?

The recommended hosting stack for a Gyroscope application is Linux, Nginx/Apache, PHP, MySQL. What are the drawbacks of running Gyroscope on IIS and Microsoft SQL Server?
Gyroscope is written in PHP. So any dynamic web server that can run PHP would work. IIS can be extended to run PHP via ISAPI. The server can be optimized so that the performance and reliability is on par with Nginx or Apache.
Gyroscope comes with a collection of interchangeable database connectors. They are in the "connectors" folder in a fresh download (read: before deployment). Note that these files are not created equal. When a Gyroscope application is written for MySQL, one cannot simply change sql.php.mysql with sql.php.mssql. This is because MySQL and MSSQL has syntax differences.
As a framework, Gyroscope provides places for you to program the database interface. It works with any database or logical data storage such as a RESTful API. SQL databases are similar enough so it is tempting to "port" the code. In fact, most of the code can run without any changes. The code generator takes care of 90% of the cases. The main incompatibility is how records are paginated. In MySQL, "limit 10,10" returns the 10th to the 19th records. The syntax in MSSQL is more convoluted, and has to be written differently.
Unless a .NET application needs to co-exist on the server, there is little reason why IIS should be used. Gyroscope, or any PHP implementation, works better with the boost of HHVM and HAProxy.

SQL API for *NIX C++

I am currently writing a client-server app for the iOS platform. The client is written in Obj-C, and the server uses C++ on OSX11.9. Since I intend to run the server software on an Ubuntu dedicated server, I am trying my best to keep the serverside code portable.
To store data about users and user-game-relations I intend to use an SQL database (most likely MySQL or possibly PostgreSQL since I'm familiar with those). I know that it is possible to read from/write to the database through a filedescriptor just like I do in my TCP module, but I wish to utilize a higher-level SQL communications API to make the programming process quicker.
Can anyone recommend me a good open source/free SQL API for *NIX C++? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!
You have several options here:
Use native database SDK. They are usually distributed along with the database installation or as separate downloads/packets. The upside is you can get maximum speed out of it. Downside is that you'll be limited by your initial choice - no switching afterwards without rewriting part of application.
Use a C++ ORM (example: ODB). This gives you DB independence along with some tasty features, at the cost of slightly reduced speed.
unixODBC supports both MySQL and PostgreSQL. Take a look at it.

Lightweight integration of MySQL into a C++ Project

I am working on a cross platform that needs to use a database to store information. I was thinking because MySQL is opensource, would it be possible to remove the networking components from MySQL so that the program can directly interact with it. Is this possible, or should i just ship the install with a copy of mysql server with all the settings predefined and use a connector.
SQLite has what you need.
I think in theory you could do that, but I'm not sure if the amount of work would be worth it and the chances of breaking something would be pretty high. I would just ship mySQL with your application.
Or use sqllite as suggested by someone else.
It could be possible, but I am not sure it is worth it (or else, use something like sqlite or even gdbm).
MySQL is quite robust (thousands of developers, millions of users) so in practice you should consider it won't crash.
Your own application might be less robust. It probably would crash. Then having MySQL still running ensures you that the data are in a sane state.
And you might perhaps be later interested in having some other (perhaps external) application doing SQL requests to your MySQL database, or give the ability to have the MySQL database on a remote server.

Using Django as a custom Database Management Tool

I am relatively new to Django and this is a more general 'concept' question.
For a client I need to construct an expansive database holding data returned from a series of questionnaires as well as some basic biological data. The idea is to move away from the traditional tools (i.e. Microsoft Access) and manage the data in a mysql database using a basic CRUD interface. Initially the project doesn't need to live on the web, but the next phase will to be to have a centralized db with login and admin page.
I have started building the db with Django models which is great, and I want to use the Django admin for the management of the data.
My question is: Is this a good use of Django? Is there anything I should consider before relying on django for the whole process? And is it advisable to us the Django runserver for db admin on a client's local machine (before we get to the web phase).
Any advice would be much appreciated.
Actually, your description sounds exactly like the sort of thing for which Django is an ideal solution. It sounds more complex and customized than a CMS, and if it's as straightforward as your description then the ORM is definitely a good tool for this. Then again, this sounds exactly like an appserver-ready problem, so Rails, Express for Node.js, or even ChicagoBoss (if you're brave) would be good platforms for this kind of application.
And sure, Django is solid enough you can run it with the test server for local clients before you go whole-hog and run the thing on the web. For that, though, I recommend Apache/mod_wsgi, and if you're going to be fault tolerant there are diamond architectures (one front end proxy with monitoring failover, two or more appserver machines, one database with hot spare) and more complex (see: sharding) architectural layouts you can approach later.
If you're going to run it in a client's local setting, and you're not running Windows, I recommend looking into the screen program. It will allow you to detach the running job into the background while making diagnostics accessible in an ongoing fashion.

SQL Server Native Client API examples

I am writing a C++ application that needs to execute SQL queries in a SQL Server DB and I want to do it using SQL Server Native Client.
The MSDN documentation has no a full reference on it and has a few examples so I am looking for some site having more information on how to connect, execute queries and retrieve results using this API.
Do you guys know where can I more info on it?
Thanks in advance,
In addition to ODBC as Brian mentions, you can also use OLE DB and/or ADO (which actually makes OLE DB "easy" to use). The three options are briefly introduced in this blog entry.
Of the ODBC, OLE DB and ADO options, I think the simplest route would be to use ADO. Using ODBC or OLE DB directly is, in my opinion, a somewhat painful process. It can certainly result in very fast code, but you pay for it in development time. This page has some simple examples.
Edit Since this post was made (both question and answers), OLE DB has been deprecated by Microsoft. So going forward, it probably makes sense to use a solution that does not go through OLE DB. This blog post talks about it some.
I think you are looking for the ODBC API.
You can find many tutorials on Google by typing:
ODBC API reference.