Response.ContentType = "text/x-vcalendar" - vcalendar

I am trying to generate a vCalendar but i am getting an error "response is not available in this context"
on Response.ContentType = "text/x-vcalendar" .
I am using , 1.1 framework.
Any ideas?

If your code is wrapped up in a class you may not be able to access the Response. You could try using HttpContext.Current.Response.ContentType.


How do i convert cpr's get response into a json object?

I was looking for a easy to understand library that make HTTP REST Requests in C++ and then i came across CPR. I was successfully able to get the response from the server but i find it difficult to access the returned JSON object.
API Get Request:
auto r = cpr::Get(cpr::Url{ "" },
cpr::Parameters{ {"username", login}, {"password", password},
{"hwid", "TestChecker"}, {"obt", "1"}});
I tried to pass r.text into nlohmann::json j = r.text; and access the particular object i wanted like this string xx = j["token"];
As expected, it threw an error.
I'd really appreciate it if anyone could tell me how to achieve what i failed to do.
Edit : Added References
nlohmann/json :
I did play around a bit with the code and finally figured it out.
Basically what i wanted to do was to convert a "JSON String" into a JSON Object.
I achieved it by using the method nlohmann::json::parse();
Json j = Json::parse(r.text);
string xx = j["token"];

How can I login to MySQL via C++ code using xdevapi?

I am trying to login to MySQL via C++ code using building connector c++, here is my code with my password removed:
std::string url = "mysqlx://localhost:3306/license_db?user=licuser&password=**********";
Session mySession(url);
mySession.sql("use license_db").execute();
auto result = mySession.sql("SELECT * FROM product").execute();
Row row1 = result.fetchOne();
The code causes an exception on the "Session mySession(url);" line and the exception says "bad allocation".
Can anybody help?
The URI is usally mysqlx://user:password#host:3306/schema for X DevAPI, whih works for JS, PHP, and Python.
There is an example at for C++
var mySession = MySQLX.GetSession("server=localhost;port=33060;user=user;password=password;"); or .posttaskasync() with .net sdk returns invalid parameter when trying to post a link

I've had this working in a previous version of my application and I tried using the old code, but I think the new sdk has something different going on. I'm simply trying to post a link (that includes an image) to my wall and receiving an "Invalid Parameter" response.
Here is the relevant code (I've also tried PostTaskAsync()...same result):
var client = new FacebookClient(accessToken);
var postParams = new
name = "the name",
caption = "the caption",
description = "the description",
link = "",
picture = ""
client.Post("me/feed", postParams);
I've tried substituting the object with a Dictionary with the same result. I've tried substituting object with dynamic parameters = new ExpandoObject(); with the same result.
If I post the object with just { message = "this is a test message" } it posts fine so I know that I have permissions to post on my wall. Something just isn't jiving when I try to post the link with the image. I also tried urlencoding the link and the image url and received a different error indicating that the "link/picture URL is not properly formatted".
I stripped out all of the parameters thinking one of them was no longer supported, but still no dice.
Here is the exact exception being thrown:
Facebook.FacebookApiException: (FacebookApiException - #100) Invalid
parameter at Facebook.FacebookClient.ProcessResponse(HttpHelper
httpHelper, String responseString, Type resultType, Boolean
containsEtag, IList`1 batchEtags) at
Facebook.FacebookClient.Api(HttpMethod httpMethod, String path, Object
parameters, Type resultType) at Facebook.FacebookClient.Post(String
path, Object parameters)
I got this sorted out. It turns out the link and the image url have to be in the same domain as the app you're using to post.
EDIT: just to clarify. The domain has to be included in your app's config section (on Facebook) in the "App domains" section at the top.

SBL-ODU-01007 The HTTP request did not contain a valid SOAPAction header

I am hoping someone can help get me in the right direction...
I am using Powerbuilder 12 Classic and trying to consume a Oracle CRM OnDemand web service.
Using Msxml2.XMLHTTP.4.0 commands, I have been able to connect using https and retrieve the session id, which I need to send back when I invoke the method.
When I run the code below, I get the SBL-ODU-01007 The HTTP request did not contain a valid SOAPAction header error message. I am not sure what I am missing??
OleObject loo_xmlhttp
ls_get_url = ""
loo_xmlhttp = CREATE oleobject
loo_xmlhttp.ConnectToNewObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP.4.0") ("GET",ls_get_url, false)
loo_xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("UserName", "xxxxxxx")
loo_xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Password", "xxxxxxx")
cookie = loo_xmlhttp.getResponseHeader("Set-Cookie")
sesId = mid(cookie, pos(cookie,"=", 1)+1, pos(cookie,";", 1)-(pos(cookie,"=", 1)+1))
ls_post_url = ";"
ls_response_text = "jsessionid=" + sesId + ";"
ls_post_url = ls_post_url + ls_response_text ("POST",ls_post_url, false)
loo_xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("COOKIE", left(cookie,pos(cookie,";",1)-1) )
loo_xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("COOKIE", left(cookie,pos(cookie,";",1)-1) )
ls_post_url2 = "document/urn:crmondemand/ws/activity/10/2004:Activity_QueryPage"
loo_xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("SOAPAction", ls_post_url2)
ls_get_url = "" ("POST",ls_get_url, false)
catch (RuntimeError rte)
MessageBox("Error", "RuntimeError - " + rte.getMessage())
end try
I believe you are using incorrect URL for Login and Logoff;
Here is the sample:
Rest of the code looks OK to me.
I have run into similar issues in PB with msxml through ole. Adding this may help:
loo_xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "text/xml")
you need to make sure that the your value for ls_post_url2 is one of the values that is found in the wsdl file. Just search for "soap:operation soapAction" in the wsdl file to see the valid values for SOAPAction.

Groovy MarkupBuilder causing java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError on closure in soapUI

I am not able to get the Groovy MarkupBuilder to work with soapUI. I am very new to Groovy and I am just following one of the user guides on creating XML.
Testing a very simple method:
public String Example(){
def writer = new StringWriter()
def root = new MarkupBuilder(writer)
root.mkp.xmlDeclaration(version:"1.0", encoding:"UTF-8")
return writer.toString()
I get the following error in soapUI: ava.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: MockXML$_Example_closure2
I have no error when I run from Groovy Console.
In the same class I have:
public String Hello(){
return "Hello"
Which works fine in soapUI.
Is there something I would need setup/imported/configured in soapUI that I am not thinking about to handle MarkupBuilder/closures?
I believe you have a syntax error in your markup. I think:
root.Root {
should be:
root.Root() {
I think the Groovy evaluating your Root element as a closure instead of a new element in the markup.