How to update a printed message in terminal without reprinting - c++

I want to make a progress bar for my terminal application that would work something like:
which would give a visual indication of how much time there is left before the process completes.
I know I can do something like printing more and more X's by adding them to the string and then simply printf, but that would look like:
or something like that (obviously you can play with the spacing.) But this is not visually aesthetic. Is there a way to update the printed text in a terminal with new text without reprinting? This is all under linux, c++.

try using \r instead of \n when printing the new "version".
for(int i=0;i<=100;++i) printf("\r[%3d%%]",i);

I'd say that a library like ncurses would be used to such things. curses helps move the cursor around the screen and draw text and such.

Something like this:
std::stringstream out;
for (int i = 0; i< 10; i++)
out << "X";
cout << "\r" << "[" << out.str() << "]";
The sneaky bit is the carriage return character "\r" which causes the cursor to move to the start of the line without going down to the next line.

Others have already pointed out that you can use \r to go back to the beginning of the current line, and overwrite the entire line.
Another possibility is to use the backspace character ("\b") to erase a few spaces, and overwrite only those spaces. This can have a couple of advantages. First, it obviously avoids having to regenerate everything in the line, which can sometimes be mildly painful (though that is fairly unusual). Second, it can avoid some pain in displaying data that (for one example) shrinks in size as you write it -- for example, if you're displaying a count-down from 100 to 0, with \r you have to be careful about overwriting the entire previous length, or your countdown will go from (for example) 100 to 990 (i.e., leaving the previous "0" intact).
Note, however, that while back-space within a line normally works, a backspace at the beginning of a line may or may not move the cursor/write position back to a previous line. For most practical purposes, you can only move around within a single line.

'\r' will perform a carriage return. Imagine a printer doing a carriage return without a linefeed ('\n'). This will return the writing point back to the start of the line... then reprint your updated status on top of the original line.

It's a different language, but this question might be of assistance to you. Basically, the escape character \r (carriage Return, as opposed to \n Newline) moves you back to the beginning of your current printed line so you can overwrite what you've already printed.

Another option is to simply print one character at a time. Typically, stdout is line buffered, so you'll need to call fflush(stdout) --
for(int i = 0; i < 50; ++i) {
putchar('X'); fflush(stdout);
/* do some stuff here */
But this doesn't have the nice terminating "]" that indicates completion.

I've written this loading bar utility some time ago. Might be useful...
You can customise basically anything in here.
int max = 1000;
LoadingBar* lb = new LoadingBar(10, 0, max);
for (size_t i = 0; i <= max; i++)
cout << lb->toString() << endl;
Very simple and customisable implementation..


How to update portions of output in C++?

So I want to update some numbers in lines of code without reprinting them, for instance, some percentages. Fortunately, I've got a bit of help using \r carriage return, but the thing is that I want to use this on new lines and this ain't working with \n or std::endl
int gameTime = 0;
\\ I need a new line after the below one
printf("%d'\r", gameTime);
std::cout << "\nattempt";
} while (gameTime <= 90);
Both windows and linux support these escape codes:
Where that page says ^[, you should insert \033.

Formatting Output c++

Wanting to do some fancy formatting. I have several lines that I want to interact with each other. Get the first two lines. Print out the character in the second line times the integer in the first line. Seperate them all with a asterisk character. No asterisk after the final character is printed. Move onto the next integer and character. Print them on a separate line. Do this for the whole list. The problem I am having is printing them on separate lines. Example:
Desired output:
My output:
Below is my code. Another thing to mention is that I am reading the data about the characters and numbers from a separate text file. So I am using the getline function.
Here is a chunk of the code:
ifstream File"NumbersAndCharacters.txt")
string Number;
string Character;
getline(File, Number);
getline(File, Character);
//a few lines of stringstream action
for (int i=0; i<=Number; i++){
cout<<Character<<"*";}//end for. I think this is where
//the problem is.
}//end while
return 0;
Where is the error? Is it the loop? Or do I not understand getline?
It should be printing an "endl" or "\n" after each multiplication of the character is done.
Thanks to everyone for the responses!
You have not shown your code yet, but what seems to be the issue here is that you simply forgot to add a new line every time you print your characters. For example, you probably have done:
std::cout << "!";
Well, in this context you forgot to add the new line ('\n'), so you have two options here: first insert the new line yourself:
std::cout << "! \n";
Or std::endl;
std::cout << "!" << std::endl;
For comparison of the two, see here and here. Without further description, or more importantly your code that doesn't seem to work properly, we can't make suggestions or solve your problem.

Searching for char from end of file using seekg() c++

I have a file and I want to only output the last line to the console.
Here's my thoughts on how I would do it. Use file.seekg(0, ios::end) to put myself at the end of file.
Then, I could create a decrement variable int decrement = -1; and use a while loop
while (joke.peek() != '\n')
and get the starting position for my final line (going backwards from the end).
Knowing this, joke.seekg(decrement, ios::end); should set me to the beginning of the final line, and assuming I previously declared string input;
I would think that
getline(joke, input);
cout << input << endl;
would output it to the console.
Full code
void displayLastLine(ifstream &joke)
string input;
int decrement = -1;
joke.seekg(0, ios::end);
while (joke.peek() != '\n')
joke.seekg(decrement, ios::end);
getline(joke, input);
cout << input << endl;
The problem is, when I go to call this method for the file, nothing happens. When I step through it, the decrement just keeps on subtracting one, far beyond where a '\n' would be. To give an example of a text file, it would look something like this:
skip this line
This is the line that we're looking for!
joke.seekg(0, ios::end);
This positions the file at the end.
while (joke.peek() != '\n')
Well, here's problem #1. When you're at the end of the file, peek() always returns EOF.
You write:
When I step through it, the decrement just keeps on subtracting one,
Well, what did you expect to happen, since that's the only thing that the loop does? The only thing your for loop does is subtract 1 from decrement. So that's what happens.
This a common problem: a computer does only what you tell it to do, instead of what you want it to do.
Although this is not optimal, your missing step is that before you peek(), you need to seek() back by one character. Then, peek() shows you the character at the current cursor position. Then, seek() back by one more character, and check peek() again, and so on.
But that still will not be sufficient for you. Most text files end with a newline character. That is, a newline is the last character in the file. So, even if you add back the missing seek(), in nearly all cases, what your code will end up doing is finding the last character in the file, the final newline character.
My recommendation for you is to stop writing code for a moment, and, instead, come up with a logical process for doing what you want to do, and describe this process in plain words. Then, discuss your proposed course of action with your rubber duck. Only after your rubber duck agrees that what you propose will work, then translate your plain language description into code.
peek does not move the file pointer, it reads the character without extracting it. So, you are constantly peeking the same value (character) and ending up in an infinite loop.
What would you need to do is something like:
while (joke.peek() != '\n')
{, ios::cur);
That would put the input position at the \n, using the 2nd overload of seekg.
Please note that this is not a perfect solution. You need to check for errors and boundary conditions, but it explains your observed behaviour and gives you something to start fixing your code.
Your loop is actually only decrementing "decrement" and not using it to make the next search.
while (joke.peek() != '\n')
joke.seekg(decrement, std::ios::end);

C : Using substr to parse a text file

I just need a little help with file parsing. We have to parse a file that has 6 string entries per row in the format:
"string1", "string2", "string3", "string4", "string5", "string6"
My instructor recently gave us a little piece of code as a "hint," and I'm supposed to use it. Unfortunately, I can't figure out how to get it to work. Here's my file parsing function.
void parseData(ifstream &myFile, Book bookPtr[])
string bookInfo;
int start, end;
string bookData[6];
getline(myFile, bookInfo);
start = -2;"Book List.txt");
for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++)
start += 3;
end = bookInfo.find('"', start);
bookData[j] = bookInfo.substr(start, end-start);
start = end;
So I'm trying to read the 6 strings into an array of strings. Can someone please help walk me through the process?
start = -2;
for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++)
start += 3;
end = bookInfo.find('"', start);
bookData[j] = bookInfo.substr(start, end-start);
start = end;
So ", " is four characters. The leading closing quote is 3 characters behind the opening closing quote.
At entry to the loop start is pointing to the last closing quote. (On first entry to loop it is faked as -2 to be pointing to the closing quote of the imaginary "-1th" element.)
So we advance from the last closing quote to the following opening quote:
start += 3;
Then we use std::string::find to find the closing quote:
end = bookInfo.find('"', start);
The offset tells it to ignore all characters up to and including that position.
We then have the two quote positions, start..end, so we use substr to extract the string:
bookData[j] = bookInfo.substr(start, end-start);
And we then update start for the next loop to be the last closing quote:
start = end
Please, for your own sake, create a minimal example. This starts with a string like the line you gave as example and ends with the different parts in an array. Leave the loading from a file out for now, getline() seems to work for you, or? Then, do not declare every variable you might want to use at the beginning of a function. This is not ancient C, where you simply had to do that or introduce additional {} blocks. There is another thing odd, and that is the Book bookPtr[]. This is indeed just a Book* bookPtr, i.e. you are not passing an array to a function but just a pointer. Don't fall for this misleading syntax, it's a lie! Anyway, you don't seem to be using that pointer to the object(s) of the unknown type anyway.
Concerning the splitting of a line into strings, one approach is to locate pairs of double quotes. Everything in between is one of the strings, everything without is irrelevant. The string class has a find() function which optionally takes a starting position. Starting position is always one behind the previously found position.
Your code above seems to assume that there is exactly one double quote, a comma, a space and another double quote that separates two strings. This isn't 100% clear, I would also be prepared for handling multiple spaces or no space at all. Also, is the comma guaranteed? Are the double quotes guaranteed? Anyway, keep it simple. Unless you get a better spec on the input, just assume that only the parts between the quotes is what differs.
Then, what exactly works and what doesn't? You need to ask more specific questions and give more detailed information. The code above doesn't look broken per se, although there are a few things a bit off. For example, you don't typically pass ifstreams to a function, but use the istream baseclass. In your case, you read a line from that file and then open another file using the same fstream object, which doesn't make sense to me, since you don't use it after that. If you only needed that stream locally, you would create and open it there (handling errors of course!) and pass in the filename as parameter only.

Binary file only overwrites first line C++

So I have a binary file that I create and initialize. If I set my pointer to seekg = 0 or seekp = 0, then I can overwrite the line of text fine. However if I jump ahead 26 bytes (the size of one line of my file and something I have certainly confirmed), it refuses to overwrite. Instead it just adds it before the binary data and pushes the old data further onto the line. I want the data completely overwritten.
char space1[2] = { ',' , ' '};
int main()
CarHashFile lead;
lead.createFile(8, cout);
fstream in;
char* tempS;
tempS = new char[25];"CarHash.dat", ios::binary | ios::in | ios::out);
int x = 2000;
for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
tempS[i] = 'a';
int T = 30;
in.seekp(26); //Start of second line
in.write(tempS, 6); //Will not delete anything, will push
in.write(space1, sizeof(space1)); //contents back
in.write((char *)(&T), sizeof(T));
in.write(space1, sizeof(space1));
in.write(space1, sizeof(space1));
in.write((char *)&x, sizeof(x));
//Now we will use seekp(0) and write to the first line
//it WILL overwrite the first line perfectly fine
in.write(tempS, 6);
in.write((char*) &x, sizeof(x));
in.write(tempS, 6);
in.write((char *) &T, sizeof(T));
return 0;
The CarHashFile is an outside class that creates a binary file full of the following contents when create file is invoked: "Free, " 1900 ", Black, $" 0.00f.
Everything enclosed in quotes was added as a string, 1900 as an int, and 0.00f as a float obviously. I added all of these through write, so I'm pretty sure it's an actual binary file, I just don't know why it only chooses to write over the first line. I know the file size is correct because if I set seekp = 26 it will print at the beginning of the second line and push it down. space was created to easily add the ", " combo to the file, there is also a char dol[1] = '$' array for simplicity and a char nl[1] = '\n' that lets me add a new line to the binary file (just tried removing that binary add and it forced everything onto one row, so afaik, its needed).
EDIT: Ok so, it was erasing the line all along, it just wasn't putting in a new line (kind of embarrassing). But now I can't figure out how to insert a newline into the file. I tried writing it the way I originally did with char nl[1] = { '\n' }. That worked when I first created the file, but won't afterwards. Are there any other ways to add lines? I also tried in << endl and got nothing.
I suggest taking this one step at a time. the code looks OK to me, but lack of error checking will mean any behavior could be happening.
Add error checks and reporting to all operations on in.
If that shows no issues, do a simple seek then write
result = in.pseek(26);
//print result
result = in.write("Hello World",10);
// print result
lets know what happens
The end problem wasn't my understand of file streams. It was my lack of understanding of binary files. The newline screwed everything up royally, and while it could be added fine at one point in time, dealing with it later was a huge hassle. Once I removed that, everything else fell into place just fine. And the reason a lot of error checking or lack of closing files is there is because its just driver code. Its as bare bones as possible, I really didn't care what happened to the file at that point in time and I knew it was being opened. Why waste my time? The final version has error checks, when the main program was rewritten. And like I said, what I didn't get was binary files, not file streams. So AJ's response wasn't very useful, at all. And I had to have 25 characters as part of the assignment, no name is 25 characters long, so it gets filled up with junk. Its a byproduct of the project, nothing I can do about it, other than try and fill it with spaces, which just takes more time than skipping ahead and writing from there. So I chose to write what would probably be the average name (8 chars) and then just jump ahead 25 afterwards. The only real solution I could say that was given here was from Emile, who told me to get a Hex Editor. THAT really helped. Thanks for your time.