C++ Inserting 2D array Object into another 2D array Object - c++

In using Dev C++, I a m trying to insert a smaller 2D array object into a larger 2D array object. While attempting to achieve that, I came into compilers errors which I do not know how to solve.
I attempt to insert the smaller Object by making it returning the array's name. Then I attempt to change the values inside the large array with the values of the smaller array.
There two line of code that I have problems with:
int result = smallerArray.extractPiece();
And within these two lines of codes:
int Piece::extractPiece()
return **pieceArray;
void Grid::extractArray( int** arr )
for(int i = 0; i &lt xGrid ; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j &lt yGrid ; ++j)
squares[i][j] = arr[i][j];
The two of the problems is that "int result" will not hold smallerArray.extractPiece(),
and if i just put "smallerArray.extractPiece()" in largerArray.extractArray(), i still get problems. I attempted to make "int result" a pointer pointer, as "int** result", i still have the same errors.
These are the errors that i get when i try to compile in Dev C++:
In function `int main()';
invalid conversion from `int' to `int**'
initlizing argument 1 of 'void Grid::extractArray(int**)'
[Build Error] [grid test.o] Error 1
Does anyone know whats wrong?

It's precisely this bunch of code:
int result = smallerArray.extractPiece();
// ...
int Piece::extractPiece() {
return **pieceArray;
Trying to pass an int to extractArray, which wants a pointer to a pointer, presumable your dynamic array, and not an int. Try changing it to
int **result = smallerArray.extractPiece();
// ...
int ** Piece::extractPiece() {
return pieceArray;
Only changing result to a pointer to pointer won't work. You of course also have to change what extractPiece returns (changing from int to int**)

Look, always at least for me it was easier to manage 2D arrays internally as 1D arrays where M[i,j]=A[i*N+j] where N is the number of cols (or rows, if the 2D arrays is row-column type). Users may get elements with the i,j indices but my class always store A[M * N] as private data. Passing 1-D pointer arrays is easier than managing 2-D pointer arrays (you can't fall in the pointer-to-pointer syntax which can get messy in some code).,
This is not related to this question, but since I don't know about specific compiler optimization instrinsics, I wonder if M[i,j] gets transformed to A[i] internally to use simpler addressing modes in the generated code.


Finding main diagonal matrix using pointer array

I'm new to c++,
I'm trying to find main diagonal matrix using pointer array like
int * ProblemSolution :: solution(int *A,int N)
//write your code here
for (int m=0;m<N;m++){
for (int x=0;x<N;x++){
return 0;
but i'm getting some kind of error:
can anyone help me?
You have a few problems
is an assignment, you probably want,
Square bracket syntax is a lot clearer than pointer arithmetic,
instead of,
Also *(A+m) is an integer, so *(A+m)+x is also an integer which you can't dereference.
Your index should be something like:
A is an int*
A+m is also an int*
*(A+m) is an int
(*(A+m) + x) is also an int
Instead of cout<<*(*(A+m)+x)<<","; you could write int tmp = (*(A+m)+x); cout << *tmp << ",";.
You are trying to derefence a pointer.
To make things easier you should rather use appropriate types (e.g. std::array, std::vector) instead of using raw-pointers.
*(*(A+m) + x) is an int,So try to store it in some variable then print it. Also you are mixing up 2D matrix(pointer to pointer) with 1D array(pointer).
try to do like-
*(A+m)=A[m] ,
*(*(A+m)+x) =A[m][x]
You mixed up 2D matrix represented by pointer to pointer and 1D array represented by pointer, your case is the latter.
*(*(A+m)+x) is legal only if A is a pointer to array decayed to a pointer to pointer, instead it should be *(A + N*m +x)

How to convert between flat and multidimensional arrays without copying data?

I've got some data structured as a multi-dimensional array, i.e. double[][], and I need to pass it to a function that expects a single linear array of double[] along with dimensional metadata for the multi-dimensional representation.
For example, I might have a 3 x 5 multidimensional array, which I need to pass as a 15-element flat array along with height and width parameters so that the function knows it is a 3x5 array rather than a 5x3 array.
The function will then return a flat array and size metadata, which I need to use to convert the data back into a multidimensional type.
I believe the data layout in memory is exactly the same for both the flat and multi-dimensional representations; the only difference is how the indexing operations are performed. So I'd like to do the "conversion" with typecasting rather than copying the array values.
What's the most correct and readable way to typecast between multidimensional and flat arrays of the same total size?
I actually know what the dimensions of the multi-dimensional array will be at compile time. The array sizes aren't dynamic.
The most correct way has been given by #Maxim Egorushkin and #ypnos: double *flat = &multi[0][0];. And it will work fine with any decent compiler. But unfortunately is not valid C++ code and invokes Undefined Bahaviour.
The problem is that for an array double multi[N][M]; (N and M being compile time contant expressions), &multi[0][0] is the address of the first element of an array of size M. So it is legal to do pointer arithmetics only up to M. See this other question of mine for more details.
What's the most correct and readable way to typecast between multidimensional and flat arrays of the same total size?
The address of the first array element coincides with the address of the array. You can pass around the address of the first element, no casting is necessary.
I would assume the most popular way to do it is:
double *flat = &multi[0][0];
This is how it is done in C, and you do operate with simple C arrays.
You could also have a look at std::array in your use case (dimensions known at compile time), but that one is not multi-dimensional, so if you would cascade it, you would lose the contiguous layout.
You can use cast to a reference to an array. This require to use some fancy C++ type syntax but in return it allows to use all features that work on arrays, like for each loop.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
static constexpr size_t x = 5, y = 3;
unsigned multiArray[x][y];
for (size_t i = 0; i != x; ++i)
for (size_t j = 0; j != y; ++j)
multiArray[i][j] = i * j;
static constexpr size_t z = x * y;
unsigned (&singleArray)[z] = (unsigned (&)[z])multiArray[0][0];
for (const unsigned value : singleArray)
cout << value << ' ';
cout << endl;
return 0;
Take into account that this and other methods basing on casts work only with real multi-dimensional arrays. If it is an array of arrays (like unsigned **multiArray;), it isn't allocated in a continuous block of memory and a cast cannot bypass that.

How to pass dynamic and static 2d arrays as void pointer?

for a project using Tensorflow's C API I have to pass a void pointer (void*) to a method of Tensorflow. In the examples the void* points to a 2d array, which also worked for me. However now I have array dimensions which do not allow me to use the stack, which is why I have to use a dynamic array or a vector.
I managed to create a dynamic array with the same entries like this:
float** normalizedInputs;//
normalizedInputs = new float* [noCellsPatches];
for(int i = 0; i < noCellsPatches; ++i)
normalizedInputs[i] = new float[no_input_sizes];
for(int i=0;i<noCellsPatches;i++)
for(int j=0;j<no_input_sizes;j++)
The function call needing the void* looks like this:
TF_Tensor* input_value = TF_NewTensor(TF_FLOAT,in_dims_arr,2,normalizedInputs,num_bytes_in,&Deallocator, 0);
In argument 4 you see the "normalizedInputs" array. When I run my program now, the calculated results are totally wrong. When I go back to the static array they are right again. What do I have to change?
Greets and thanks in advance!
Edit: I also noted that the TF_Tensor* input_value holds totally different values for both cases (for dynamic it has many 0 and nan entries). Is there a way to solve this by using a std::vector<std::vector<float>>?
Respectively: is there any valid way pass a consecutive dynamic 2d data structure to a function as void*?
In argument 4 you see the "normalizedInputs" array. When I run my program now, the calculated results are totally wrong.
The reason this doesn't work is because you are passing the pointers array as data. In this case you would have to use normalizedInputs[0] or the equivalent more explicit expression &normalizedInputs[0][0]. However there is another bigger problem with this code.
Since you are using new inside a loop you won't have contiguous data which TF_NewTensor expects. There are several solutions to this.
If you really need a 2d-array you can get away with two allocations. One for the pointers and one for the data. Then set the pointers into the data array appropriately.
float **normalizedInputs = new float* [noCellsPatches]; // allocate pointers
normalizedInputs[0] = new float [noCellsPatches*no_input_sizes]; // allocate data
// set pointers
for (int i = 1; i < noCellsPatches; ++i) {
normalizedInputs[i] = &normalizedInputs[i-1][no_input_sizes];
Then you can use normalizedInputs[i][j] as normal in C++ and the normalizedInputs[0] or &normalizedInputs[0][0] expression for your TF_NewTensor call.
Here is a mechanically simpler solution, just use a flat 1d array.
float * normalizedInputs = new float [noCellsPatches*no_input_sizes];
You access the i,j-th element by normalizedInputs[i*no_input_sizes+j] and you can use it directly in the TF_NewTensor call without worrying about any addresses.
C++ standard does its best to prevent programmers to use raw arrays, specifically multi-dimensional ones.
From your comment, your statically declared array is declared as:
float normalizedInputs[noCellsPatches][no_input_sizes];
If noCellsPatches and no_input_sizes are both compile time constants you have a correct program declaring a true 2D array. If they are not constants, you are declaring a 2D Variable Length Array... which does not exist in C++ standard. Fortunately, gcc allow it as an extension, but not MSVC nor clang.
If you want to declare a dynamic 2D array with non constant rows and columns, and use gcc, you can do that:
int (*arr0)[cols] = (int (*) [cols]) new int [rows*cols];
(the naive int (*arr0)[cols] = new int [rows][cols]; was rejected by my gcc 5.4.0)
It is definitely not correct C++ but is accepted by gcc and does what is expected.
The trick is that we all know that the size of an array of size n in n times the size of one element. A 2D array of rows rows of columnscolumns if then rows times the size of one row, which is columns when measured in underlying elements (here int). So we ask gcc to allocate a 1D array of the size of the 2D array and take enough liberalities with the strict aliasing rule to process it as the 2D array we wanted. As previously said, it violates the strict aliasing rule and use VLA in C++, but gcc accepts it.

C++ Pointer and 2d array outputting

I'm new to C++ and still really confused about how 2d arrays work with pointers. If I have this (in example format):
int* anarray = anarrayfiller();
for (int a=0;a<10;a++) {
for (int b=0;b<10;b++) {
cout<<(char)anarray[a][b]; //Here's the error mentioned below
//Later, outside main
int* anarrayfiller() {
int anarray[10][10];
//Populated here
return &anarray;
This produces an error under b in the cout<< line:
"Expression must have pointer-to-object type"
I would just check how to search through 2d arrays, and I found this:
A pointer to 2d array
Which suggests that actually this pointer points to the array of ints inside anarray[0], and if that's the case, I must be missing something in terms of returning pointers - wouldn't I then have to return a pointer to a 2d array of pointers that each points to a specific int from anarray? I'm pretty confused here. How do pointers work with 2d arrays?
You have a few errors here:
You return a pointer to a local variable. After the function returns the stack area previously occupied by that variable no longer exist, or is used by the next function.
You return a pointer to an integer, while you have a two-dimensional array. The closest would be a pointer-to-pointer.
You access thing single-pointer as though it was a double-pointer (pointer-to-pointer or pointer-to-array or array-or-arrays), but it's not. That's the reason you get errors at the pointed to line.
But you can't use pointer to pointer, as the memory layout of an array-of-arrays (a two-dimensional array) is different from a pointer-to-pointer. See e.g. this old answer of mine for an explanation of why.
This can be solved most easily by creating the array dynamically on the heap, as a pointer-to-pointer:
int **anarrayfiller()
int **anarray = malloc(sizeof(int *) * 10);
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
anarray[i] = malloc(sizeof(int) * 10);
/* Populate here */
return anarray;
As you tagged your question as C++, you should actually avoid plain arrays or pointers in favor of either std::vector (if you need to add dynamically) or std::array (if you have a fixed compile-time size):
std::array<std::array<int, 10>, 10> anarrayfiller()
std::array<std::array<int, 10>, 10> anarray;
// Populate arrays
return anarray;

pass a 2D array from a C++ class to a CUDA function

I am a Java guy jumping into CUDA and the syntax is tripping me. I'm trying to create a matrix in the .cpp file then pass that off to the .cu file to be processed. I see examples where the CUDA function expects the 2D array to come in looking like
void handleMatrix(float* A){
// do stuff
when I create the matrix I'm used to doing it in code that looks like this:
int main()
const int row=8;
const int column=8;
int rnum;
rnum = (rand() % 100) + 1;
float table[row][column];
for(int r=0; r<row; r++){
for(int c=0; c<column;c++){
table[row][column] = (rand()%100) + 1.f;
cout << "\n";
return 0;
When I compile the code I'm getting the error
cannot convert ‘float ()[8]’ to ‘float*’ for argument ‘1’ to ‘void handleMatrix(float*)’*
Is there a different way I should be declaring the matrix or creating it?
Thanks in advance for the help.
You can do
or, equivalently,
That's if 'handleMatrix' is host code. If it's device code, you can't allocate the buffer like that. You'll want to assemble an array in local memory, fill the entries, allocate another array in the device memory using cudaMalloc() or cudaMallocPitch(), and then copy from local to device using cudaMemcpy() or cudaMemcpy2D().
You want a pointer to an array. The syntax for declaring a pointer to an array is
void handleMatrix(float (*A)[8][8]) {
// do stuff
That is, when you dereference A, you get a reference to an 8 by 8 array of floats.
Even for 1D arrays, there is a distinction between pointer to array (float (*anArray)[100]) and pointer to element (float *anArray). C++ will transparently convert the former to the latter, which means that for 1D arrays (but not arrays of higher dimension) you can usually ignore the difference.
In your example, table[0] converts to a valid float* pointer to 64 consecutive float numbers. But it looks highly suspicious that handleMatrix takes a pointer meant to be an array and doesn't take any information about the dimensions of that array.
the handleMatrix() function, is this a function from you or is part of a library? If the latter you may need to create the 2-d array as a long row x col 1-d array. If the former you need to change the function to accept a 2-d array e.g. handleMatrix(float**m) and pass the dimensions of the matrix to the function;
preferably though you should use vector<> when programming in C++ then the dimensions are known by the callee.
#include <vector>
typedef std::vector<std::vector<float > > matrix;
void handleMatrix( matrix& m ) {..}