extend a abstract base class w/o source recompilation? - c++

ignore this, i thought of a workaround involving header generation. It isnt the nicest solution but it works. This question is to weird to understand. Basically i want to call a virtual function that hasnt been declared in the lib or dll and use it as normal (but have it not implemented/empty func).
I have an abstract base class in my library. All my plugins inherit from it, the user plugin inherits from this class and his application uses this class as a plugin pointer. I want that user to be able to extend the class and add his functions. The problem is, I am sure if he adds a virtual function and try to call it, the code will crash due to my objects not having the extra data in its vtable. How can I work around that? I thought of inheriting it but that would lead to ugly problems when a 3rd user comes to play. I dont want him to typecast to send the extended functions.
I was thinking of a msg function like intptr_t sendMsg(enum msgName, void* argv); But that removes the safty and I'd need to typecast everything. Whats the best solution for this? I would much rather use vtables then use a sendMsg function. How can I work around this?

Are you asking if you can add virtual functions to the base class without recompiling? The short answer to that is "no". The long answer is in your question, you'd have to provide some kind of generic "call_func" interface that would allow you to call functions "dynamically".

I think you can use register and callback mechanism
Your plugin can provide
Abstract base class "Base" and function
Register(Base *);
Now client can call plugin Register function
where b is defined as
Base *b = new Derived;
where Derived is new class derived from Base

I am not 100% sure I see the problem.
If the user1 derived type extends your base class (with more virtual methods) then that should be fine (of course your code will never know or understand these new methods but presumably you would not be calling them:
class B
virtual void doStuff() { /* Nothing */}
// User 1 version:
class U1: public B
virtual void doStuff()
virtual void doA() {}
virtual void doB() {}
// User 2 version can extend it differently.
If you are worried by slicing because you are storing objects in a vector that is a slightly different problem.
std::vector<B> objs;
Here the problem is that a user defined type U1 can not be copied into the vector because the vector holds only B objects. This slices off the extra data held in U1.
The solution to this problem is that you need to hold pointers in the vector. This of course leads to other problems with exception safety. So boost has the ptr_vector<> container to hold objects correctly but still let them be used like objects.
#include <boost/ptr_container/ptr_vector.hpp>
boost::ptr_vector<B> objs;
objs.push_back(new U1());


how to add a function to a lib class without overriding it

I've a case in which I need to add some functions to a game engine class I'm using for a VR project without overriding the class it self:
The engine class name is AnnwaynPlayer that contains many useful methods to control the player, now I'm in the networking phase so I need to add 2 extra methods to this lib class which are setActive() and setConnected(), what is the best way to do this ?
If you can't touch the class itself then you probably want to use inheritance. This is one of the main goals of object-oriented programming -- to be able to add/change the behavior of an existing class without altering it. So you want something like:
class MyAnnwaynPlayer : public AnnwaynPlayer {
void setActive();
void setConnected();
// ...
Now, things will be fine if AnnwaynPlayer has a virtual destructor. If it doesn't and your MyAnnwaynPlayer class has a non-trivial destructor then you have to wary of using an instance of MyAnnwaynPlayer through a pointer (be it raw or smart) of base class AnnwaynPlayer. When a pointer of the type is deleted, it will not chain through a call to your MyAnnwaynPlayer destructor.
Also consider ADL if you only need access to the public API of the base class. It's safer than inheritance, because you don't necessarily know the right class to inherit from in cases where the implementation returns something ultimately unspecified (like an internal derived class).
In essence, this would look like this:
namespace AnnwaynNamespace {
void setActive(AnnwaynPlayer& p);
void setConnected(AnnwaynPlayer& p);
And you could call them without using those functions (or the namespace), because ADL.
void wherever(AnnwaynNamespace::AnnwaynPlayer& p) {
So setActive, etc, become part of the actual public API of the class, without involving any inheritance.

C++ should I use virtual methods?

Let me start by telling that I understand how virtual methods work (polymorphism, late-binding, vtables).
My question is whether or not I should make my method virtual. I will exemplify my dilemma on a specific case, but any general guidelines will be welcomed too.
The context:
I am creating a library. In this library I have a class CallStack that captures a call stack and then offers vector-like access to the captured stack frames. The capture is done by a protected method CaptureStack. This method could be redefined in a derived class, if the users of the library wish to implement another way to capture the stack. Just to be clear, the discussion to make the method virtual applies only to some methods that I know can be redefined in a derived class (in this case CaptureStack and the destructor), not to all the class methods.
Throughout my library I use CallStack objects, but never exposed as pointers or reference parameters, thus making virtual not needed considering only the use of my library.
And I cannot think of a case when someone would want to use CallStack as pointer or reference to implement polymorphism. If someone wants to derive CallStack and redefine CaptureStack I think just using the derived class object will suffice.
Now just because I cannot think polymorphism will be needed, should I not use virtual methods, or should I use virtual regardless just because a method can be redefined.
Example how CallStack can be used outside my library:
if (error) {
CallStack call_stack; // the constructor calls CaptureStack
for (const auto &stack_frame : call_stack) {
cout << stack_frame << endl;
A derived class, that redefines CaptureStack could be use in the same manner, not needing polymorphism:
if (error) {
// since this is not a CallStack pointer / reference, virtual would not be needed.
DerivedCallStack d_call_stack;
for (const auto &stack_frame : d_call_stack) {
cout << stack_frame << endl;
If your library saves the call stack during the constructor then you cannot use virtual methods.
This is C++. One thing people often get wrong when coming to C++ from another language is using virtual methods in constructors. This never works as planned.
C++ sets the virtual function table during each constructor call. That means that functions are never virtual when called from the constructor. The virtual method always points to the current class being constructed.
So even if you did use a virtual method to capture the stack the constructor code would always call the base class method.
To make it work you'd need to take the call out of the constructor and use something like:
CallStack *stack = new DerivedStack;
None of your code examples show a good reason to make CaptureStack virtual.
When deciding whether you need a virtual function or not, you need to see if deriving and overriding the function changes the expected behavior/functionality of other functions that you're implementing now or not.
If you are relying on the implementation of that particular function in your other processes of the same class, like another function of the same class, then you might want to have the function as virtual. But if you know what the function is supposed to do in your parent class, and you don't want anybody to change it as far as you're concerned, then it's not a virtual function.
Or as another example, imagine somebody derives a class from you implementation, overrides a function, and passes that object as casted to the parent class to one of your own implemented functions/classes. Would you prefer to have your original implementation of the function or you want them to have you use their own overriden implementation? If the latter is the case, then you should go for virtual, unless not.
It's not clear to me where CallStack is being called. From
your examples, it looks like you're using the template method
pattern, in which the basic functionality is implemented in the
base class, but customized by means of virtual functions
(normally private, not protected) which are provided by the
derived class. In this case (as Peter Bloomfield points out),
the functions must be virtual, since they will be called from
within a member function of the base class; thus, with a static
type of CallStack. However: if I understand your examples
correctly, the call to CallStack will be in the constructor.
This will not work, as during construction of CallStack, the
dynamic type of the object is CallStack, and not
DerivedCallStack, and virtual function calls will resolve to
In such a case, for the use cases you describe, a solution using
templates may be more appropriate. Or even... The name of the
class is clear. I can't think of any reasonable case where
different instances should have different means of capturing the
call stack in a single program. Which suggests that link time
resolution of the type might be appropriate. (I use the
compilation firewall idiom and link time resolution in my own
StackTrace class.)
My question is whether or not I should make my method virtual. I will exemplify my dilemma on a specific case, but any general guidelines will be welcomed too.
Some guidelines:
if you are unsure, you should not do it. Lots of people will tell you that your code should be easily extensible (and as such, virtual), but in practice, most extensible code is never extended, unless you make a library that will be used heavily (see YAGNI principle).
you can use encapsulation in place of inheritance and type polymorphism (templates) as an alternative to class hierarchies in many cases (e.g. std::string and std::wstring are not two concrete implementations of a base string class and they are not inheritable at all).
if (when you are designing your code/public interfaces) you realize you have more than one class that "is an" implementation of another classes' interface, then you should use virtual functions.
You should almost certainly declare the method as virtual.
The first reason is that anything in your base class which calls CaptureStack will be doing so through a base class pointer (i.e. the local this pointer). It will therefore call the base class version of the function, even though a derived class masks it.
Consider the following example:
class Parent
void callFoo()
void foo()
std::cout << "Parent::foo()" << std::endl;
class Child : public Parent
void foo()
std::cout << "Child::foo()" << std::endl;
int main()
Child obj;
return 0;
The client code using the class is only ever using a derived object (not a base class pointer etc.). However, it's the base class version of foo() that actually gets called. The only way to resolve that is to make foo() virtual.
The second reason is simply one of correct design. If the purpose of the derived class function is to override rather than mask the original, then it should probably do so unless there is a specific reason otherwise (such as performance concerns). If you don't do that, you're inviting bugs and mistakes in future, because the class may not act as expected.

Can someone explain the benefits of polymorphism?

So I understand pretty much how it works, but I just can't grasp what makes it useful. You still have to define all the separate functions, you still have to create an instance of each object, so why not just call the function from that object vs creating the object, creating a pointer to the parent object and passing the derived objects reference, just to call a function? I don't understand the benefits of taking this extra step.
Why do this:
class Parent
virtual void function(){};
class Derived : public Parent
void function()
cout << "derived";
int main()
Derived foo;
Parent* bar = &foo;
return -3234324;
vs this:
class Parent
virtual void function(){};
class Derived : public Parent
void function()
cout << "derived";
int main()
Derived foo;
return -3234324;
They do exactly the same thing right? Only one uses more memory and more confusion as far as I can tell.
Both your examples do the same thing but in different ways.
The first example calls function() by using Static binding while the second calls it using Dynamic Binding.
In first case the compiler precisely knows which function to call at compilation time itself, while in second case the decision as to which function should be called is made at run-time depending on the type of object which is pointed by the Base class pointer.
What is the advantage?
The advantage is more generic and loosely coupled code.
Imagine a class hierarchy as follows:
The calling code which uses these classes, will be like:
Shape *basep[] = { &line_obj, &tri_obj,
&rect_obj, &cir_obj};
for (i = 0; i < NO_PICTURES; i++)
basep[i] -> Draw ();
Where, line_obj, tri_obj etc are objects of the concrete Shape classes Line, Triangle and so on, and they are stored in a array of pointers of the type of more generalized base class Shape.
This gives the additional flexibility and loose coupling that if you need to add another concrete shape class say Rhombus, the calling code does not have to change much, because it refers to all concrete shapes with a pointer to Base class Shape. You only have to make the Base class pointer point to the new concrete class.
At the sametime the calling code can call appropriate methods of those classes because the Draw() method would be virtual in these classes and the method to call will be decided at run-time depending on what object the base class pointer points to.
The above is an good example of applying Open Closed Principle of the famous SOLID design principles.
Say you want someone to show up for work. You don't know whether they need to take a car, take a bus, walk, or what. You just want them to show up for work. With polymorphism, you just tell them to show up for work and they do. Without polymorphism, you have to figure out how they need to get to work and direct them to that process.
Now say some people start taking a Segway to work. Without polymorphism, every piece of code that tells someone to come to work has to learn this new way to get to work and how to figure out who gets to work that way and how to tell them to do it. With polymorphism, you put that code in one place, in the implementation of the Segway-rider, and all the code that tells people to go to work tells Segway-riders to take their Segways, even though it has no idea that this is what it's doing.
There are many real-world programming analogies. Say you need to tell someone that there's a problem they need to investigate. Their preferred contact mechanism might be email, or it might be an instant message. Maybe it's an SMS message. With a polymorphic notification method, you can add a new notification mechanism without having to change every bit of code that might ever need to use it.
polymorphism is great if you have a list/array of object which share a common ancestor and you wich to do some common thing with them, or you have an overridden method. The example I learnt the concept from, use shapes as and overriding the draw method. They all do different things, but they're all a 'shape' and can all be drawn. Your example doesn't really do anything useful to warrant using polymorphism
A good example of useful polymorphism is the .NET Stream class. It has many implementations such as "FileStream", "MemoryStream", "GZipStream", etcetera. An algorithm that uses "Stream" instead of "FileStream" can be reused on any of the other stream types with little or no modification.
There are countless examples of nice uses of polymorphism. Consider as an example a class that represents GUI widgets. The most base classs would have something like:
class BaseWidget
virtual void draw() = 0;
That is a pure virtual function. It means that ALL the class that inherit the Base will need to implement it. And ofcourse all widgets in a GUI need to draw themselves, right? So that's why you would need a base class with all of the functions that are common for all GUI widgets to be defined as pure virtuals because then in any child you will do like that:
class ChildWidget
void draw()
//draw this widget using the knowledge provided by this child class
class ChildWidget2
void draw()
//draw this widget using the knowledge provided by this child class
Then in your code you need not care about checking what kind of widget it is that you are drawing. The responsibility of knowing how to draw itself lies with the widget (the object) and not with you. So you can do something like that in your main loop:
for(int i = 0; i < numberOfWidgets; i++)
And the above would draw all the widgets no matter if they are of ChildWidget1, ChildWidget2, TextBox, Button type.
Hope that it helps to understand the benefits of polymorphism a bit.
Reuse, generalisation and extensibility.
I may have an abstract class hierarchy like this: Vehicle > Car. I can then simply derive from Car to implement concrete types SaloonCar, CoupeCar etc. I implement common code in the abstract base classes. I may have also built some other code that is coupled with Car. My SaloonCar and CoupeCar are both Cars so I can pass them to this client code without alteration.
Now consider that I may have an interface; IInternalCombustionEngine and a class coupled with with this, say Garage (contrived I know, stay with me). I can implement this interface on classes defined in separate class hierarchies. E.G.
public abstract class Vehicle {..}
public abstract class Bus : Vehicle, IPassengerVehicle, IHydrogenPowerSource, IElectricMotor {..}
public abstract class Car : Vehicle {..}
public class FordCortina : Car, IInternalCombustionEngine, IPassengerVehicle {..}
public class FormulaOneCar : Car, IInternalCombustionEngine {..}
public abstract class PowerTool {..}
public class ChainSaw : PowerTool, IInternalCombustionEngine {..}
public class DomesticDrill : PowerTool, IElectricMotor {..}
So, I can now state that an object instance of FordCortina is a Vehicle, it's a Car, it's an IInternalCombustionEngine (ok contrived again, but you get the point) and it's also a passenger vehicle. This is a powerful construct.
The poly in polymorphic means more than one. In other words, polymorphism is not relevant unless there is more than one derived function.
In this example, I have two derived functions. One of them is selected based on the mode variable. Notice that the agnostic_function() doesn't know which one was selected. Nevertheless, it calls the correct version of function().
So the point of polymorphism is that most of your code doesn't need to know which derived class is being used. The specific selection of which class to instantiate can be localized to a single point in the code. This makes the code much cleaner and easier to develop and maintain.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Parent
virtual void function() const {};
class Derived1 : public Parent
void function() const { cout << "derived1"; }
class Derived2 : public Parent
void function() const { cout << "derived2"; }
void agnostic_function( Parent const & bar )
int main()
int mode = 1;
? static_cast<Parent const &>(Derived1())
: static_cast<Parent const &>(Derived2())
Polymorphism is One of the principles OOP. With polymorphism you can choose several behavior in runtime. In your sample, you have a implementation of Parent, if you have more implementation, you can choose one by parameters in runtime. polymorphism help for decoupling layers of application. in your sample of third part use this structers then it see Parent interface only and don't know implementation in runtime so third party independ of implementations of Parent interface. You can see Dependency Injection pattern also for better desing.
Just one more point to add. Polymorphism is required to implement run-time plug-ins. It is possible to add functionality to a program at run-time. In C++, the derived classes can be implemented as shared object libraries. The run time system can be programmed to look at a library directory, and if a new shared object appears, it links it in and can start to call it. This can also be done in Python.
Let's say that my School class has a educate() method. This method accepts only people who can learn. They have different styles of learning. Someone grasps, someone just mugs it up, etc.
Now lets say I have boys, girls, dogs, and cats around the School class. If School wants to educate them, I would have to write different methods for the different objects, under School.
Instead, the different people Objects (boys,girls , cats..) implement the Ilearnable interface. Then, the School class does not have to worry about what it has to educate.
School will just have to write a
public void Educate (ILearnable anyone)
I have written cats and dogs because they might want to visit different type of school. As long as it is certain type of school (PetSchool : School) and they can Learn, they can be educated.
So it saves multiple methods that have the same implementation but different input types
The implementation matches the real life scenes and so it's easy for design purposes
We can concentrate on part of the class and ignore everything else.
Extension of the class (e.g. After years of education you come to know, hey, all those people around the School must go through GoGreen program where everyone must plant a tree in the same way. Here if you had a base class of all those people as abstract LivingBeings, we can add a method to call PlantTree and write code in PlantTree. Nobody needs to write code in their Class body as they inherit from the LivingBeings class, and just typecasting them to PlantTree will make sure they can plant trees).

How do I add code automatically to a derived function in C++

I have code that's meant to manage operations on both a networked client and a server, since there is significant overlap between the two. However, there are a few functions here and there that are meant to be exclusively called by the client or server, and accidentally calling a client function on the server (or vice versa) is a significant source of bugs.
To reduce these sorts of programming errors, I'm trying to tag functions so that they'll raise a ruckus if they're misused. My current solution is a simple macro at the start of each function that calls an assert if the client or server accesses members they shouldn't. However, this runs into problems when there are multiple derived instances of classes, in that I have to tag the implementation as client or server side in EVERY child class.
What I'd like to be able to do is put a tag in the virtual member's signature in the base class, so that I only have to tag it once and not run into errors by forgetting to do it repeatedly. I've considered putting a check in a base class implementation and then referring to it with something like base::functionName, but that runs into the same issue as far as needing to manually add the function call to every implementation. Ideally, I'd be able to have parent versions of the function called automatically like default constructors do.
Does anybody know how to achieve something like this in C++? Is there an alternate approach I should be considering?
Another approach might be to override a different method than the one your callers actually call:
class Base {
void doit(const Something &);
virtual void real_doit(const Something &);
class Derived: public Base {
virtual void real_doit(const Something &);
The implementation of Base::doit() could do the check to make sure that it's being called in the right environment, and then call the virtual real_doit() function. Derived classes would override the protected virtual function, and users of either class wouldn't be able to call the protected function.
The Base::doit() function is not virtual so that derived classes can't accidentally override the wrong one. (People can try, but hopefully they'll notice soon enough when it's not called.)
What you've proposed is incredibly complex. It sounds like a simpler solution would be
class CommonStuff {
// all common code that anybody can safely call
class ServerBase : public CommonStuff {
// only what the server is allowed to call; can safely be overwritten
class ClientBase : public CommonStuff {
// only what the client is allowed to call; can safely be overwritten
Compile-time enforcements are much better than any sort of runtime enforcement.
There's not a way within the language (that I know of) to do what you're asking without redesigning your classes. The simplest solution may be to have a Client interface (pure virtual) class that does not declare server functions, and a Server interface class that doesn't declare client functions, and have your consolidated code inherit (publicly) from both interfaces. Then in your client program, use a reference (or pointer) to the Client interface, which does not allow access to any methods not declared in the Client interface. On the server, use the Server interface.
This will also allow you to use derived classes as Server or Client as well.
I would consider splitting this library into three libraries: A base library that has most everything, a server-only library, and a client-only library. As long as the client doesn't use the server library, you're good. You may end up adding a few extra classes (class Processor might split into BaseProcessor, ClientProcessor, and ServerProcessor, where each subclass has one additional function that the base doesn't.)
If that won't work, could you put the server/client check in the class constructor, and call the assertion there? (That would only work if the server-only or client-only is granular to the class, not to the method.)
If that won't work, would it make any sense to actually compile different versions of your library, based on whether it's a server or client build? Surround the methods, and their declarations, with #ifdef SERVERBUILD and #ifdef CLIENTBUILD, and include some checks to make sure they aren't both defined (#if defined(SERVERBUILD) && defined(CLIENTBUILD), #error Can't define both!).
I voted up Greg Hewgill's answer, but it got me thinking about ways to add "aspects" such as you request. I used his naming convention here (class Base and method doit):
class Base {
class Aspect {
Aspect(int x) {
std::cout << "aspect" << std::endl;
virtual void doit(const Something &arg, const Aspect hook = 0)
std::cout << "doit(" << arg << ")" << std::endl;
Callers can just say base.doit(arg) since Aspect is a default argument. Its constructor runs before doit and its destructor (not pictured) runs after. Sadly my first idea to make the default argument hook = this is not allowed.
Children can override doit with the same signature and get the same effect.

Why can't we create objects for an abstract class in C++?

I know it is not allowed in C++, but why? What if it was allowed, what would the problems be?
Judging by your other question, it seems you don't understand how classes operate. Classes are a collection of functions which operate on data.
Functions themselves contain no memory in a class. The following class:
struct dumb_class
void foo(){}
void bar(){}
void baz(){}
// .. for all eternity
int i;
Has a size of int. No matter how many functions you have ever, this class will only take up the space it takes to operate on an int. When you call a function in this class, the compiler will pass you a pointer to the place where the data in the class is stored; this is the this pointer.
So, the function lie in memory somewhere, loaded once at the beginning of your program, and wait to be called with data to operate on.
Virtual functions are different. The C++ standard does not mandate how the behavior of the virtual functions should go about, only what that behavior should be. Typically, implementations use what's called a virtual table, or vtable for short. A vtable is a table of function pointers, which like normal functions, only get allocated once.
Take this class, and assume our implementor uses vtables:
struct base { virtual void foo(void); };
struct derived { virtual void foo(void); };
The compiler will need to make two vtables, one for base and one for derived. They will look something like this:
typedef /* some generic function pointer type */ func_ptr;
func_ptr __baseTable[] = {&base::foo};
func_ptr __derivedTable[] = {&derived::foo};
How does it use this table? When you create an instance of a class above, the compiler slips in a hidden pointer, which will point to the correct vtable. So when you say:
derived d;
base* b = &d;
Upon executing the last line, it goes to the correct table (__derivedTable in this case), goes to the correct index (0 in this case), and calls that function. As you can see, that will end up calling derived::foo, which is exactly what should happen.
Note, for later, this is the same as doing derived::foo(b), passing b as the this pointer.
So, when virtual methods are present, the class of the size will increase by one pointer (the pointer to the vtable.) Multiple inheritance changes this a bit, but it's mostly the same. You can get more details at C++-FAQ.
Now, to your question. I have:
struct base { virtual void foo(void) = 0; }; // notice the = 0
struct derived { virtual void foo(void); };
and base::foo has no implementation. This makes base::foo a pure abstract function. So, if I were to call it, like above:
derived d;
base* b = &d;
What behavior should we expect? Being a pure virtual method, base::foo doesn't even exist. The above code is undefined behavior, and could do anything from nothing to crashing, with anything in between. (Or worse.)
Think about what a pure abstract function represents. Remember, functions take no data, they only describe how to manipulate data. A pure abstract function says: "I want to call this method and have my data be manipulated. How you do this is up to you."
So when you say, "Well, let's call an abstract method", you're replying to the above with: "Up to me? No, you do it." to which it will reply "##^##^". It simply doesn't make sense to tell someone who's saying "do this", "no."
To answer your question directly:
"why we cannot create an object for an abstract class?"
Hopefully you see now, abstract classes only define the functionality the concrete class should be able to do. The abstract class itself is only a blue-print; you don't live in blue-prints, you live in houses that implement the blue-prints.
The problem is simply this:
what should the program do when an abstract method is called?
and even worse: what should be returned for a non-void function?
The application whould proabably have to crash or thow a runtime exception and thus this would cause trouble. You can't dummy-implement every abstract function.
A class can simply be declared abstract where it has no abstract methods. I guess that could be instantiated in theory but the class designer doesn't want you to. It may have unintended consequences.
Usually however abstract classes have abstract methods. They can't be instantiated for the simple reason that they're missing those methods.
Because logically it does not make any sense.
An abstract class is a description that is incomplete.
It indicates what things need to be filled out to make it complete but without those bits its not complete.
My first example was a chess game:
The game has lots of pieces of different type (King,Queen,Pawn ... etc).
But there are no actual objects of type piece, but all objects are instances of objects derived from piece. How can you have an object of something that is not fully defined. There is not point in creating an object of piece as the game does not know how it moves (that is the abstract part). It knows it can move but not how it does it.
Abstract classes are non-instantiable by definition. They require that there be derived, concrete classes. What else would an abstract class be if it didn't have pure virtual (unimplemented) functions?
It's the same class of question as why can't I change the value of a const variable, why can't I access private class members from other classes or why can't I override final methods.
Because that's the purpose of these keywords, to prevent you from doing so. Because the author of the code deemed doing so dangerous, undesired or simply impossible due to some abstract reasons like lack of essential functions that need to be added by specific child classes. It isn't really that you can't instantiate because a class is virtual. It's that inability to instantiate a class defines it as virtual (and if a class that can't be instantiated isn't virtual, it's an error. Same goes the other way, if instance of given class makes sense, it shouldn't be marked as virtual)
Why we cant create an object of an abstract class?
simply abstract class contains abstract methods(means the functions which are without the body) and we cannot give functionality to the abstract methods. And if we try to give functionality to the abstract methods then there will be no difference between abstract class and virtual class. So lastly if we create an object Of an abstrast class then there is no fun to call the useless functions or abstract methods as they are without the functionality..so thats why any language doesnt allow us to create an object of an abstract class..
Abstract classes instantiated would be pretty useless, because you would be seeing a lot more of "pure virtual function called". :)
It's like: we all know that a car would have 3 pedals and a steering wheel and a gear stick. Now, if that would be it, and there'd be an instance of 3 pedals and gear stick and a wheel, I'm not buying it, I want a car, like with seats, doors, AC etc. with pedals actually doing something apart from being in existence and that's what abstract class doesn't promise me, the ones implementing it do.
Basically creation of object is responsible for allocation of memory for member variables and member functions. but here, in pure virtual function we have declaration and defination in derived class.so creation of object generates error.