In C++, what do you do nearly all the time? - c++

There are a few things that I almost always do when I put a class together in C++.
1) Virtual Destructor
2) Copy constructor and assignment operator (I either implement them in terms of a private function called Copy(), or declare them private and thus explicitly disallow the compiler to auto generate them).
What things do you find are almost always useful?

Oddly, most of the suggestions here are things I specifically don't do.
I don't make dtors virtual unless I am designing it specifically to be inherited. It adds a lot of overhead and prevents automatic inlining, which is bad since most dtors are empty anyways (and few classes benefit from inheritance)
I don't make copy ctor/assignment op unless the defaults won't work -- and if it won't, I may want to reconsider the design. Remember, between string & vector, there's hardly ever a reason to call new anymore. And creating your own copy ctor identical to the default one will almost certainly be less efficient.
I don't add string cast. It causes too many problems where the cast is called silently where you didn't intend it to be. Better to add a ToString() method.
I don't add a friend oper<<, because friends are evil and messy. Better to add a Display(ostream) method. Then the oper<< can call that, and doesn't need to be a friend. In fact, you could make the oper<< a template function calling Display() and never have to worry about it again.

I find turning on the gcc flags -Wall, -Werror, and (this is the fun one) -Weffc++ help catch a lot of potential problems. From the gcc man page:
-Weffc++ (C++ only)
Warn about violations of the following style guidelines from Scott
Meyers’ Effective C++ book:
· Item 11: Define a copy constructor and an assignment operator
for classes with dynamically allocated memory.
· Item 12: Prefer initialization to assignment in constructors.
· Item 14: Make destructors virtual in base classes.
· Item 15: Have "operator=" return a reference to *this.
· Item 23: Don’t try to return a reference when you must return
an object.
and about violations of the following style guidelines from Scott
Meyers’ More Effective C++ book:
· Item 6: Distinguish between prefix and postfix forms of incre-
ment and decrement operators.
· Item 7: Never overload "&&", "││", or ",".
If you use this option, you should be aware that the standard
library headers do not obey all of these guidelines; you can use
grep -v to filter out those warnings.

The first i do when putting a class together is putting some doxygen comment above it about why it exists and what it does.
I once worked on a group project where they said they want to document the stuff at the end of the project. And it was all of a mess to put the comments into the code later on. I don't want to have this happen again.

Adding a semicolon after the class definition. This continuously bites me in the ass every time I forget to do it since gcc's error messages are vague and it generally says something like "can't define a type in the return type of a function" which doesn't mean a whole lot...

Stop and think

operator string () const;
friend ostream& operator << (ostream&, const MyClass&);

In header files, do
#ifndef __SOMEDEFINE__
#define __SOMEDEFINE__
In VS, I add
#pragma warning(disable: 4786)
Oh, I also use
#include <inttypes.h>
cuz I <3 C99 types.

I usually include an enum of return codes, so the class can tell its callers what happened in its member functions. Most often, this will be the only type returned by all the members of the class. All results are passed back by reference.

I start by calling the development environment macro that sets up the include guards (#ifdefs and/or #pragma once).
Next I stub out the class name and any namespace it will be in, without adding any functionality at all.
Then I create the unit test file for that class, and add the first test (usually a parameter constructor test).
I just work from there, writing and refactoring the class as I think about what I really need from it. Things I tend to test specifically: const-correctness, implicit and explicit conversions, types of exceptions thrown, etc.

The first thing I do with a totally new class file is to write several paragraphs of comments on what the class does, why it exists, what classes it uses and how to use it. It should be enough that someone who randomly opens up a file in a module knows enough from that comment to find the file they are actually looking for.
I agree with James - I am very careful not to add functionality to a class that does not need it, most classes do not need a virtual destructor (or a destructor at all). If they do, I question why they don't just use smart pointers and other automatic memory management. Obviously there are many classes (i.e smart scoped locks) that DO need a destructor but it is not just a matter of course to make on.


Can copy-constructor with delete qualifier be private? [duplicate]

In order to make an object non-copiable we can explicitly delete both its copy-constructor and copy-assignment operator.
My question is: What is the right place to do it - in the public, private or protected section of the class? And - does this choice make any difference?
what is the right place to do it - in the public, private or protected section of the class?
I would put them in the public section.
This is because deleting a constructor or an assignment operator is orthogonal to making them private / protected; and when these aren't deleted, they are public by default. Putting the deletions in one of those two sections seems to me like hinting "If I hadn't deleted them, I would have made them private/protected" - which is not a message you want to convey in your case.
Note, though, that the compiler doesn't care which section you put the deletion in.
Does where we put the deleted definition make any difference?
From a pure language standpoint it makes absolutely zero difference. Name lookup and overload resolution happen before access checking. And attempting to refer to a deleted function at the end of overload resolution makes your program ill-formed, period. A compiler may or may not issue another diagnostic about the accessibility, but the program already has an error that must be reported.
So you can put that deleted definition with whatever accessibility you desire. I think most will keep it private, to be inline with the "old" practice of making a class non-copyable (put the declaration of those members in the private section of the class, and not define them), if only to help those who know the old ways "get it" sooner. A mixture of idioms, if you would.
Marking as private is also something you can't avoid if you need to support both C++03 and C++11 mode. With the help of a macro, a header can be made to conform to both standards easily:
#if __cplusplus >= 201103L
#define DELETED_DEFINITION = delete
class noncopyable {
// This header can be compiled as both C++11 and C++03
noncopyable(noncopyable const&) DELETED_DEFINITION;
void operator=(noncopyable const&) DELETED_DEFINITION;
From Scott Meyers's book, Effective Modern C++ (Item 10), it seems that it is better to define them as public:
By convention, deleted functions are declared public, not private.
There’s a reason for that. When client code tries to use a member
function, C++ checks accessibility before deleted status. When client
code tries to use a deleted private function, some compilers complain
only about the function being private, even though the function’s
accessibility doesn’t really affect whether it can be used. It’s worth
bearing this in mind when revising legacy code to replace
private-and-not-defined member functions with deleted ones, because
making the new functions public will generally result in better error
In addition, I believe that a deleted copy constructor/assignment, should be part of the class interface to be shared with ALL of the class users. Such kind of information should not be kept as secret by making them private.
delete works just as well with private access.
The effect of delete is to cause an error if the function is chosen by overload resolution.
The effect of private is to cause an error if the function is chosen by overload resolution from outside the class or its friends.
If both errors apply, the ultimate outcome is the same either way, but public might help avoid compiler messages about access privileges, which could cause confusion.
The access of a deleted function is irrelevant. In fact, for class members, it would have made more sense to add an additional access specifier (delete:). I suspect the reason they didn't do that, was that it wouldn't work for non-member functions.
For things like the copy constructor, it makes more sense stylistically to put it in the public section. The fact that a class doesn't have a copy constructor is a pretty major fact to know about the interface to the class.
For internal functions where you are declaring a particular overload as deleted in order to get compiler-time detection of an error, it makes sense to declare the function in the same section as all the other overloads.

Can we make virtual function inline [duplicate]

Pure virtual functions are those member functions that are virtual and have the pure-specifier ( = 0; )
Clause 10.4 paragraph 2 of C++03 tells us what an abstract class is and, as a side note, the following:
[Note: a function declaration cannot provide both a pure-specifier and a definition
—end note] [Example:
struct C {
virtual void f() = 0 { }; // ill-formed
—end example]
For those who are not very familiar with the issue, please note that pure virtual functions can have definitions but the above-mentioned clause forbids such definitions to appear inline (lexically in-class). (For uses of defining pure virtual functions you may see, for example, this GotW)
Now for all other kinds and types of functions it is allowed to provide an in-class definition, and this restriction seems at first glance absolutely artificial and inexplicable. Come to think of it, it seems such on second and subsequent glances :) But I believe the restriction wouldn't be there if there weren't a specific reason for that.
My question is: does anybody know those specific reasons? Good guesses are also welcome.
MSVC does allow PVF's to have inline definitions. So don't get surprised :)
the word inline in this question does not refer to the inline keyword. It is supposed to mean lexically in-class
In the SO thread "Why is a pure virtual function initialized by 0?" Jerry Coffin provided this quote from Bjarne Stroustrup’s The Design & Evolution of C++, section §13.2.3, where I've added some emphasis of the part I think is relevant:
The curious =0 syntax was chosen over the obvious alternative of introducing a new keyword pure or abstract because at the time I saw no chance of getting a new keyword accepted. Had I suggested pure, Release 2.0 would have shipped without abstract classes. Given a choice between a nicer syntax and abstract classes, I chose abstract classes. Rather than risking delay and incurring the certain fights over pure, I used the tradition C and C++ convention of using 0 to represent "not there." The =0 syntax fits with my view that a function body is the initializer for a function and also with the (simplistic, but usually adequate) view of the set of virtual functions being implemented as a vector of function pointers. [ … ]
So, when choosing the syntax Bjarne was thinking of a function body as a kind of initializer part of the declarator, and =0 as an alternate form of initializer, one that indicated “no body” (or in his words, “not there”).
It stands to reason that one cannot both indicate “not there” and have a body – in that conceptual picture.
Or, still in that conceptual picture, having two initializers.
Now, that's as far as my telepathic powers, google-foo and soft-reasoning goes. I surmise that nobody's been Interested Enough™ to formulate a proposal to the committee about having this purely syntactical restriction lifted, and following up with all the work that that entails. Thus it's still that way.
You shouldn't have so much faith in the standardization committee. Not everything has a deep reason to explain it. Something are so just because at first nobody thought otherwise and after nobody thought that changing it is important enough (I think it is the case here); for things old enough it could even be an artifact of the first implementation. Some are the result of evolution -- there was a deep reason at a time, but the reason was removed and the initial decision wasn't reconsidered again (it could be also the case here, where the initial decision was because any definition of the pure function was forbidden). Some are the result of negotiation between different POV and the result lacks coherence but this lack was deemed necessary to reach to consensus.
Good guesses... well, considering the situation:
it is legal to declare the function inline and provide an explicitly inline body (outside the class), so there's clearly no objection to the only practical implication of being declared inside the class.
I see no potential ambiguities or conflicts introduced in the grammar, so no logical reason for the exclusion of function definitions in situ.
My guess: the use for bodies for pure virtual functions was realised after the = 0 | { ... } grammar was formulated, and the grammar simply wasn't revised. It's worth considering that there are a lot of proposals for language changes / enhancements - including those to make things like this more logical and consistent - but the number that are picked up by someone and written up as formal proposals is much smaller, and the number of those the Committee has time to consider, and believes the compiler-vendors will be prepared to implement, is much smaller again. Things like this need a champion, and perhaps you're the first person to see an issue in it. To get a feel for this process, check out
Good guesses are welcome you say?
I think the = 0 at the declaration comes from having the implementation in mind. Most likely this definition means, that you get a NULL entry in the RTTI's vtbl of the class information -- the location where at runtime addresses of the member functions of a class are stored.
But actually, when put a definition of the function in your *.cpp file, you introduce a name into the object file for the linker: An address in the *.o file where to find a specific function.
The basic linker then does need to know about C++ anymore. It can just link together, even though you declared it as = 0.
I think I read that it is possible what you described, although I forgot the behaviour :-)...
Leaving destructors aside, implementations of pure virtual functions are a strange thing, because they never get called in the natural way. i.e. if you have a pointer or reference to your Base class the underlying object will always be some Derived that overrides the function, and that will always get called.
The only way to actually get the implementation to be called is using the Base::func() syntax from one of the derived class's overloads.
This actually, in some ways, makes it a better target for inlining, as at the point where the compiler wants to invoke it, it is always clear which overload is being called.
Also, if implementations for pure virtual functions were forbidden, there would be an obvious workaround of some other (probably protected) non-virtual function in the Base class that you could just call in the regular way from your derived function. Of course the scope would be less limited in that you could call it from any function.
(By the way, I am under the assumption that Base::f() can only be called with this syntax from Derived::f() and not from Derived::anyOtherFunc(). Am I right with this assumption?).
Pure virtual destructors are a different story, in a sense. It is used as a technique simply to prevent someone creating an instance of the derived class without there being any pure virtual functions elsewhere.
The answer to the actual question of "why" it is not permitted is really just because the standards committee said so, but my answer sheds some light on what we are trying to achieve anyway.

Should constructor initialize all the data members of the class?

I have a situation like this:
class A {
A() : n(0) {}
int n;
int m;
There is simply no meaning in the application logic to initialize m in the constructor. However, Eclipse warns me that the constructor leaves m uninitialized. I can't run the code somewhere else now. The warning is:
Member 'm' was not initialized in this constructor
So, does C++ encourage us to initialize all the data members in the constructor or it is just Eclipse's logic?
Should constructor initialize all the data members of the class?
That would be a good practice.
So, does C++ encourage us to initialize all the data members in the constructor?
It's not required by the c++ standard. As long as you initialize all variables before they're used, your program is correct in that regard.
or it is just Eclipse's logic?
Quite likely. Neither g++ nor clang versions that I tested warn about this when all warnings are enabled. The logic may or might not be based on high integrity c++ coding standard
12.4.2 or some other coding standard or style guide.
C++ doesn't require attributes to be initialized in constructor, except in case of const attributes where there value must be defined in initialization list.
However, it is clearly a good practice to initialize every attributes in constructor. I cannot count how many bugs I've met due to a non initialized variable or attributes.
Finally, every object should permanently be in a consistent state, which include both public (accessible) attributes and private attributes as well. Optimization should not be a reason for keeping an object un-consistent.
Fully disagree with all the answers and comments. There is absolutely no need to default initialze a member when it is not needed. This is why C/C++ never initializes built-in types as members or automatic variables - because doing so would impede performance. Of course, it is not a problem when you create your object/variable once (that's why statics are default-initialized), but for something happening in a tight loop default initialization might eat valuable nanoseconds.
The one exception to this rule would, in my view, be pointers (if you happen to have raw pointers in your code). Raw pointers should be NULL-initialized, since having invalid pointer is a direct way to undefined behaviour.
For completeness, the warning comes from the C/C++ Code Analysis. In particular the problem is Potential Programming Problems / Class members should be properly initialized
To change the code analysis settings (in this case I recommend per-project) edit the project properties. You can disable the whole warning, or disable it on just the files that violate the warning condition.
As for comparing CDT with GCC or CLang, this appears to be a case where additional code analysis is being done by CDT compared to what is available from the compilers. Of course that is to be expected as the CDT Code Analysis' remit is greater than that of the compiler.
PS, If you are up for it, you can read the implementation of this particular checker.
As it has been already said, you should always initialize pointers and of course const objects are mandatory.
In my opinion you should not initialize when it is not necessary but it is good to check for all non constructor initialized variables once in a while because they are source of very frequent and hard to find bugs.
I run Cppcheck every few months. This gives me more than one hundred 'false' warnings like "Member variable 'foo::bar' is not initialized in the constructor." but once in a while it discovers some real bugs so it is totally worth it.

C++ IDE that supports Scott Meyer's advice: Prefer non-member non-friend functions over members

Scott Meyer's argument that non-member functions increase encapsulation and allow for more elegant design (designwise) seems very valid to me.
See here: Article
Yet I have problems with this. (And seemingly others too, especially Library developers, who usually completely ignore this)
Code usually looks better and more logical when I use member functions. This may be an acquired taste though and just takes some getting used to looking at algorithms first and then on the objects. (shudder)
So maybe I have only one problem:
With member functions, me AND my IDE know what the class can do.
For me this is huge! I use nothing that doesn't support member function code completion for programming. In well designed libraries it completely replaces documentation for me.
And even if I would look at the api doc, looking through the member list just feels absolutely natural, logical and I can be sure that, well, this is the end. If the method is not in there, I can safely assume it doesn't exist and I can write my non-member non-friend.
I put up with this in the STL, because, well, it makes sense to see algorithms apart from basic components and because of the you get used to it factor.
I haven't seen an IDE that can tell me what non-member functions work on a particular class.
And this actually is my question:
Is there an IDE (or IDE feature) out there that helps with this code convention?
I've come across this thing in the past.
My idea then was rather clumsy, but got the job done: namespaces.
What I did was
namespace myclass
class MyClass
MyClass operator+(const MyClass& lhs, const MyClass& rhs){...}
Meyers is certainly correct that using non-members increases encapsulation, by minimising the number of functions that could potentially access the private state. However, encapsulation is just one of many (often conflicting) aspects of code quality.
He does make a valid point that the library writer won't necessarily write functions for every possible usage of the class (since there may be usages that they don't think of). This means that you may well have to add non-member "helper" functions yourself, just as they would do if they followed Meyers's advice. So there's no way of knowing that the set of member and friend functions is indeed the only set of functions that act on the class.
As a technoluddite, the "IDE" that I favour (a text editor and a shell) has the following "feature" that's pretty good for finding the functions acting on a class:
find . -name '*.h' -o -name '*.cpp' | xargs grep MyClass
I can't comment on "real" IDEs.
I don't believe it is possible for an IDE to tell you all non-member functions that you can use with your class. Using templates, it is simply too difficult to make a list of all such functions. IMO, the best you can hope for is for an IDE to be able to tell you before compilation whether a call you're trying to make is valid. And even that requires some serious compilation-like process inside the IDE.
I understand how you use member functions as a replacement for documentation in classic classes. But the design Scott Meyer suggests isn't about classes that provide complex functionalities, just basic ones. Complex functionalities come from elsewhere, the original class may or may not know about it, it does not really matter. It's all part of the idea. But you are right. In that case, there is a renewed need for well-thought documentation.
Try to use Visual AssistX, it has this nice feature: Right click on your class, Refactor (VA X) -> Find references. It actually works.

Macros to disallow class copy and assignment. Google -vs- Qt

To disallow copying or assigning a class it's common practice to make the copy constructor
and assignment operator private. Both Google and Qt have macros to make this easy and visible.
These macros are:
TypeName(const TypeName&); \
void operator=(const TypeName&)
#define Q_DISABLE_COPY(Class) \
Class(const Class &); \
Class &operator=(const Class &);
Why are the signatures of the two assignment operators different? It seems like the Qt version is correct.
What is the practical difference between the two?
It doesn't matter. The return type is not part of a function's signature, as it does not participate in overload resolution. So when you attempt to perform an assignment, both declarations will match, regardless of whether you use the return type.
And since the entire point in these macros is that the functions will never get called, it doesn't matter that one returns void.
I'd just like to mention that there is an alternative strategy for implementing an abstraction for disallowing copy and assignment of a class. The idea is to use inheritance instead of the preprocessor. I personally prefer this approach as I follow the rule of thumb that it is best to avoid using the preprocessor when at all possible.
boost::noncopyable is an example implementation. It is used as follows:
class A : noncopyable
See Boost.Utility, specifically boost::noncopyable. It's not a macro but a base class with private copy and assignment. It prevents the compiler from generating implicit copy and assignment in derived classes.
edit: Sorry, this was not an answer to the original question. By the way, boost::noncopyable uses a const reference as return type for the assignment operator. I was under the impression that the type of the return value doesn't matter since it's not supposed to be used. Still, making the operator private doesn't prevent usage inside the class or friends in which case a non-usual return type (like void, a const reference, etc) might lead to compilation errors and catch additional bugs.
There's no practical difference. The assignment operator signatures differ just as a matter of style. It's usual to have an assignment operator returning a reference to allow chaining:
a = b = c;
but a version returning void is also legal and will work just fine for cases when the only purpose is to just declare the operator private and therefore prohibited to use.
From the standard, 12.8, clause 9: "A user-declared copy assignment operator X::operator= is a non-static non-template member function of class X with exactly one parameter of type X, X&, const X&, volatile X&, or const volatile X&." It says nothing about the return type, so any return type is permissible.
Clause 10 says "If the class definition does not explicitly declare a copy assignment operator, one is declared implicitly."
Therefore, declaring any X::operator=(const X&) (or any other of the specified assignment types) is sufficient. Neither the body nor the return type is significant if the operator will never be used.
Therefore, it's a stylistic difference, with one macro doing what we'd likely expect and one saving a few characters and doing the job in a way that's likely to surprise some people. I think the Qt macro is better stylistically. Since we're talking macro, we're not talking about the programmer having to type anything extra, and failing to surprise people is a good thing in a language construct.
Others have already answered why it's legal to have different return values for operator=; IMHO jalf said it best.
However, you might wonder why Google uses a different return type, and I suspect it's this:
You don't have to repeat the type name when disabling the assignment operator like this. Usually the type name is the longest part of the declaration.
Of course, this reason is void given that a macro is used but still - old habits die hard. :-)
Both serve the same purpose
Once you write this one:
Class &operator=(const Class &);
you will get the benefits of chain assignments. But in this case you want the assignment operator to be private. so it doesn't matter.
Qt version is backward compatible, while google's is not.
If you develop your library and deprecate the use of assignment before you completely remove it, in Qt it will most likely retain the signature it originally had. In this case older application will continue to run with new version of library (however, they won't compile with the newer version).
Google's macro doesn't have such a property.
As several other answers have mentioned, the return type of the function doesn't participate in the function signature, so both declarations are equivalent as far as making the assignment operator unusable by clients of the class.
Personally I prefer the idiom of having a class privately inherit from an empty non-copyable base class (like boost::noncopyable, but I have my own so I can use it in projects that don't have boost available). The empty base class optimization takes care of making sure there's zero overhead, and it's simple, readable, and doesn't rely on the dreaded preprocessor macro functionality.
It also has the advantage that copy and assignment can't even be used within class implementation code - it'll fail at compile time while these macros will fail at link time (likely with a less informative error message).
Incidentally, if you have access to the Boost libraries (You don't? Why the heck not??), The Utility library has had the noncopyable class for a long time:
class YourNonCopyableClass : boost::noncopyable {
Clearer IMHO.
In practice I would say that both should not be used anymore if you have a C++11 compiler.
You should instead use the delete feature , see here
Meaning of = delete after function declaration
and here
Why : essentially because compiler message is much more clearer. When the compiler need one of the copy or copy assignment operator, it immediately points out to the line where the =delete was coded.
Better and complete explanations can also be found in Item 11: Prefer deleted functions to private undefined ones from Effective Modern C++ book by Scott Meyers