Generating UML from C++ code? [closed] - c++

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Is there a tool that can parse C++ files within a project and generate UML from it?

Here are a few options:
Step-by-Step Guide to Reverse Engineering Code into UML Diagrams with Microsoft Visio 2000 -
StarUML -
Reverse engineering of the UML class diagram from C++ code in presence of weakly typed containers (2001) -
Umbrello UML Modeller -
A list of other tools to look at -

If its just diagrams that you want, doxygen does a pretty good job.

I've developed a tool called Doxygraph which can parse the XML generated by Doxygen and turn it into an interactive UML class diagram which you can view in a web browser or import into any software that can read Graphviz "dot" files.

I believe Enterprise Architect can do that.

I find that Wikipedia can be a great source of information about such tools, especially for comparison tables. There's a page on UML tools. See in particular the reverse engineered languages column.

UML Studio does this quite well in my experience, and will run in "freeware mode" for small projects.

Seems Umbrello produces best UML from C++ code (suggest to use latest version >= 2.22) comparing to command-line autodia for Dia and other tools.
StarUML have not produced good diagrams for me: strange import, not usable, does not work for many people:

I have used Rational Rose and Rational Rhapsody for reverse engineering large projects. I would prefer Rational Rhapsody for getting the UML class files for C++ !

Whoever wants UML deserves Rational Rose :)

StarUML does just that and it is free. Unfortunately it hasn't been updated for a while. There were a couple of offshoot projects (as the project admins wouldn't allow it to be taken over) but they too have died a death.


Looking for reverse-engineering UML tool [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm looking for a reverse-engineering UML free tool for c++ code.
The old software i'm working on has almost no documentation, and i must add an evolution :s
So an UML diagram would help me a lot.
I downloaded StarUML, but when i do the reverse engineering, i have an issue, it doesn't display all the classes on the diagram, as if it was too small.
I didn't find the solution so i wanted to download another free tool. But doesn't find one.
Thanks for the answers
You could always try Doxygen. It won't produce the most beautiful output of all times, but you can force it to generate class diagrams for you.
One of the best tools I've ever used for reverse engineering to create UML diagrams is Visual Paradigm. I've never used it for C++ but for Java and C#.
Try to take a look:

Suggest tool to convert cpp code to UML class diagram [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I want to propose some class interface changes in my project. I feel that changes would be best explained using UML class diagrams.
My project code base is in C++ (RHEL).
Could you please tell me any open source/free tool that works on linux (ubuntu gnome - so preferably gtk app) and can help me to generate the class diagrams given the class declaration for the same.
As I know Umbrello supports reverse engineering for C++
You can use doxygen:
This is not exactly UML but doxygen let you: "visualize the relations between the various elements by means of include dependency graphs, inheritance diagrams, and collaboration diagrams, which are all generated automatically." This is probably what you are looking for.
I have used Dia before. With it you can create many different kinds of diagrams in addition to UML modelling.
Check the Dia Homepage. Take a look at examples and demo.
And yes it is open source and GTK+ based.
This demo is close to what you may want to do.

documentation generator for vc++ 2010 [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am looking for a plugin(s) for VS2010 that will allow me to:
Document my code easily.
Browse that documentation.
Export it into some format or other.
I was looking for a sort of front-end for doxygen + a documentation browser, but found nothing. Any other such tool will be great, it doesn't have to be doxygen, although it should preferably be free.
My addin, Atomineer Pro Documentation, will help you a lot with generating and updating documentation comments. It will save a huge amount of time creating the comments as it not only provides boilerplate commetns, but also fills in as much documenation as it can to help minimise the typing you need to do to complete the docs. It makes it extremely easy to keep the docs in sync with the code. It supports comments in Documentation Xml and Doxygen (Qt or JavaDoc) formats, and the style and layout of comments is highly configurable. It handles C++, C, C++/CLI, C#, Java, and Visual Basic.
You can then process the documentation comments using Doxygen (which also handles DocXml, Qt, JavaDoc formats) to produce external (e.g. html) documentation.
JavaDoc/Qt format comments can be made more readable than XmlDoc, but it's worth considering that Visual Studio supports XmlDoc (so you get syntax colouring in the comments, code analysis tools like FxCop and StyleCop can check the content for you, and in some languages the intellisense system can show your documentaton in tooltips as you write client code, etc. So XmlDoc is steadily gaining a lead over the other documentation formats due to the VS IDE support for it).
Why don't you just use the official Doxygen GUI? The documentation is usually generated within seconds and it can generate very nice HTML files.

simple C++ project samples [closed]

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Closed last month.
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Im trying to learn OOP but I need to see some real case scenarios of using C++. For me, as a beginner in programming internet is too big and the book is too few examples. All I find on the source repositories are large projects or too few details.
Can you give me a link to some c++ projects which are good for beginners? It will be great if the samples have some details about good practices.
maybe some universities are hosting such projects or maybe you know a webpage with samples and contests about how to program in C++ and it is good for beginners.
I'd recommend starting at the C++ Language Tutorial. There are lots of good examples there, including a section on OOP.
If you want to learn OOP try looking at these lecture videos, they are fantastic for beginners its in Java but you shouldnt limit yourself to C++ as a learning platform.
You can take a look at this C++ book: C++ Primer which has good practice exercises and there is also a Answer book for the exercise problems.
In addition to all the fabulous lectures / books, I'd encourage you to practice a few times. I enjoy using the bowling kata exercise for this. Technically, this is a refactoring exercise but it is quite fun and I believe effective.
I did a screencast of the bowling game in C++ earlier this week. You can watch it here:
I've found such a sample project.
The problem is that it is documented well, but the documentation-language is German. There additionally are some classnames which are German etc. There also is no documentation like a class diagram included.
I've written that project some months ago to show a new apprentice some C++ and some object-oriented tasks. Hope its not too complex for your purposes.
This example is not perfect, but perhaps it is what you're searching or other users could get a better idea of what is questioned.
Download (
PS: How should someone upload such things in the future? There are several source-files included (pastebin wouldn't be good for something like that). I wouldn't use Sourceforge for such a project. Is there something like a stackoverflow-attachment feature?

C++ XML comments to generate MSDN style CHM [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I have several projects, some using managed code and some using only unmanaged. All have the XML comments have been added and the XML documentation is being generated correctly (the generated xml file and intermediate the xdc files).
Surely there's something that can take these files (the output of xdcmake) and generate MSDN style chm help! ?
From what I understand, both doxygen and sandcastle ignore that obvious step and re-invent the wheel to re-scan your code. (there's also the fact that sandcastle is apparently useless for non-.NET projects).
Having tried doxygen (horrible output, but fast) and sandcastle (nice MSDN style output, but sloooooow) both are begging to be outdone by something much simpler.
It would also be nice if there was some kind of editor associated that we can also write the 'Getting Started' and 'Information' kind of pages that are also needed with any API documentation.
Does anyone know of any solutions?
You might want to try DoxyComment. Here is the description from Doxygen's Helper tools & scripts:
An addin for Visual Studio 2005 called
DoxyComment was created by Troels
Gram. It is designed to assist you in
inserting context sensitive comment
blocks into C/C++ source files.
DoxyComment also comes with an xslt
template that lets you generate
documentation like the MSDN library.
Honestly, Sandcastle is your best bet. I know it can be a bit of a pain to configure, but the documentation is exactly the style you are looking for.
I know the project where people still use NDocConsole
However I suppose that NDoc is a dead project, because on there are no updates since 2005