C++ - Visual Studio CRT - c++

I'm writing a DLL for a very old program that was compiled using Visual Studio 6. This program exports some functions that return pointers to standard library containers, and I'm (unsurprisingly) running into problems when I attempt to do anything with them from my DLL, which is compiled under VS 7. The source code for the program isn't available, so recompiling it with VS 7 isn't an option.
Is there any way I can reconfigure VS 7 to link against the import libraries from the VS 6 CRT? I do have VS 6 installed (and thus all the necessary .libs and headers), but I would much rather use a newer IDE. I've tried checking "Ignore Default Libraries" in VS 7 and adding the VS 6 lib/include paths to the project settings, then adding MSVCPRT.LIB to the additional dependencies, but I just get a ton of unresolved externals from the CRT when I build the project.
Thanks a lot!

This might help.

The CRT and STL were both majorly revised between VS6 and VS7. If you can make this really work, I would be surprised.
I would probably build a "wrapper" module in VS6 that exposes the data in a more neutral way.


VC 2012 Release Build encounter startup error

I'm building a pure Win32 program (no clr or any assembly) by VC 2012 (VC 2012 (VC11) as my compiler). It uses boost 1.58, wxWidget 3.0.2 series,gsl 1.8, jsoncpp, Open CV 2.4.10, etc... The development box is running Win7 64bits. I would like it to be a single executable and is able to run on both Win 7 32/64 so I built all of the above packages as libs myself by the same VC 2012. (thanks for cmake)...
It works fine on development box but not on a clean one that only installed VC redistribution packages. I got the error message box ask me to use the sxstrace and the message in event log has side-by-side error like below and I also tried the sxstrace and got similar error.
"D:\Release\xxxx.exe" 的啟用內容產生失敗。 找不到依存組合 Microsoft.VC90.DebugCRT,processorArchitecture="x86",publicKeyToken="1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b",type="win32",version="9.0.21022.8"。 請使用 sxstrace.exe 進行詳細的診斷。
I've been searching around. All and answers simply says I should use all release build for all libs. Yes, it's true if I didn't I couldn't have the single executable at first place. It won't be able to link. (I learned it by made lots of mistakes) I've tried both MD or MT build for my program (not mix them together. They are separated test.). Either of the mode works. The same error remains. I've also installed over lots of VC2008 9.0.21022, -.30729.17, -30729.4148, -30729.6161, VC 2010 10.0.40219, VC 2012 11.0.61030 (x86/x64)
I really don't understand. It's pure win32 release build made by VC 2012. How come it requires VC90 debug dll?
I'll really appreciated if someone can give me more precise advice about how to resolve or even determine where and what goes wrong with the code or the lib I build.
I will suggest that you use the following tool: Dependency walker.
By loading your executable on your PC (where it works) you should find out all the DLLs it uses and so discover any hidden dependencies in the (medium sized) library list on which your project depends (and in turn their dependencies).
This should help you point out DLLs that you have on your PC but not on freshly installed machines.
A pure Win32 release build should not depend on DEBUG CRT dlls, that's for sure. The only project setting to control that is basically that MT/MD ("Runtime Library") setting. You want MT.
I would guess that you have the Debug CRT dll referenced somewhere in the source code (e.g. one of the libraries requires it to be linked in for whatever reason, maybe because there is #define DEBUG or something, thus overriding project settings.
You could try searching #pragma comment(lib, ...bla-bla-bla...) in the source code.
It's resolved by myself. The project is about migrating a big legacy project. So there's a very small lib built by VC90 without source code. So be a detail person is the key to do this kind of job.

MSVCR100D.dll is missing when build/running project from another PC/VS

I uploaded my (VS2013) project folder and provided it to the other members of my team, but when they tried to build/run it, using Visual Studio 2012 they got this error, it also happened on their version of Visual Studio 2013.
The program can't start because MSVCR100D.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the
program to fix this problem.
They reinstalled VS2010 but no go.
I also tried to statically link my project by using /MT in the Code Generation options but now I get:
Unresolved External Symbol __free_dbg libcmptd.lib cout.obj
....25 more...
How can I get it so my project can be build/ran on my team members pc? How do I resolve the unresolved externals? It seems to happen purely with regular Microsoft files.
You are mixing C++ libraries built with different versions of the compiler (and as we know some of them are linked against debug dynamic version of VC10 runtime library). This is not supported, as different compiler versions have different ABIs.
To fix the mess you need to find libraries built with parameters that match parameters of your project. They should be built:
with the same compiler version (ex. VS 2013)
with the same configuration (Debug/Release)
against the same platform (x86/x64/ARM)
against the same runtime library variant (static/dynamic + debug/release)
You could either try to find prebuilt versions on the web or to build libraries yourself from source codes. Often, you will want to have multiple configuration/platforms for your project and, thus, you will need multiple versions of your libraries.
If your search will not succeed (for example if there is no VS2013 build for a closed source library) you could roll back your project to another version of compiler and to start over.
Any attempts to link incompatible libraries even if somehow succeeded will lead to random crashes.
This message generally states that the dll is referred to directly or indirectly in your application and is missing.
The 'D' at the end show us this is the Debug version of the file, this is DLL file is provided with the Visual Studio 2010 installation. So the MSVCR100D.dll would be provided with the installation of Visual Studio 2010.
Of course, you could be missing other versions 2008 (MSVCR90D) 2010 (MSVCR100D) 2012 (MSVCR110D) or the 2013 (MSVCR120D), each dll is provided according to the Visual Studio version.
There are a few ways to solve this:
Check to be sure that you're compiling all the components of your
project in Release mode. If this does not solve the issue continue
to the next steps.
You could solve this locally by installing Visual Studio 2010 on your
machine. This is not what I would recommend, but it would surely
overcome the issue
You could also download the file from this third party website and
copy it to your projects bin:
This option is the LEAST recommended option.
Run dependency Walker and see what file depends on the MSVCR100D.dll
and the try and fix that file in order to break your dependency. You can download depends here: http://www.dependencywalker.com/
Check to be sure that you're project is linking the correct version of
the CRT and any other libraries you may be using (e.g., MFC, ATL,
Note: Installing the redistributables alone will NOT solve this problem, since the redistributables only contain the release version of the file MSVCR100.dll (notice no 'D')
Would it be possible that in your project you are somehow using some component/library built with Visual Studio 2010, which requires the MSVCR100D DLL?

How to leave Visual Studio 2013 dlls dependencies behind?

My application when opened in others computer will give an error missing msvcr"something".dll, I found out that to fix this they need to install the following:
Which is Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013.
I would like to compile the program with the dlls in the executable already, is such thing possible?
If not possible, where can I get all the dlls to put in the compiled project folder?
Try to set /MT for Release and /MTd for Debug in Project Settings->C/C++->Code Generation. This will make your program not dependent on Visual Studio libraries. But beware that all the libraries/ projects you will link with should also have the same option there, otherwise you'll get nasty linker errors.
You may also wish to select v120_xp in General->Platform Toolset for your program to be able to run on Windows XP
Because a lot of Programms use the functionality of these dll's they are dynamically linked.
So your filesize stays small and in case of fixes within the dll you dont have to recompile your program.
If you dont want this behaviour you can set in the projectsettings the dll's to "static linked" (/MT).
That way they will be compiled into your executable
Here is a relevant MSDN-article
Which is Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013.
For Visual Studio 2013, you need:
If you were building with Visual Studio 2012, then you would need:
If you were building with Visual Studio 2012, then you would need:
http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=5555 (x86)
http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=14632 (x64)
The point is, you are probably going to need a runtime if you are writing portable C/C++ code by using functions like new, malloc, delete, free, etc.
You might be able to avoid the code if you use the Win32 API. For example, HeapAlloc and HeapFree, etc. Installers often use the Win32 API, and that's one of the reasons they usually don't need a runtime installed prior to running them.
I would like to compile the program with the DLLs in the executable already, is such thing possible?
Yes, its possible. Its called Static Linking (as opposed to Dynamic Linking).
But you will probably still need a runtime.
If not possible, where can I get all the DLLs to put in the compiled project folder?
Retired Ninja gave you this answer: Microsoft Visual Studio ~ C/C++ Runtime Library ~ Static/dynamic linking.
My application when opened in others computer will give an error missing msvcr "something".dll" ...
Another possible solution is to build your project with Visual Studio 2005 or Visual Studio 2008. The runtime used by VS2005 and VS2005 are usually available on Windows Vista, Windows 7, and Windows 8. So the computer may already have them.
But usually you just build your installer to carry around what you need. I use Inno Setup because it allows you to include both x86 and x64 components side-by-side. At install time, you just install the right components based on architecture (x86 vs x64), including the correct runtime. (At the time I choose Inno, Wix did not allow mixing architectures and I wanted a unified installer).

Multiple CRTs giving segfault

Background: I'm building a plugin for a large simulation framework. I'm compiling a DLL using Visual Studio C++ 2010.
After much bughunting and googling I believe I have a problem which stems from having multiple versions of CRT linked to my DLL. I'm getting a segfault in tidtable.c (from msvcr100.dll), in the function _CRTIMP PFLS_GETVALUE_FUNCTION __cdecl __set_flsgetvalue(). Reading this thread (there are multiple problems discussed, but towards the end this function is mentioned) is where I got the idea, and if I check the linking part of my project I see msvcr90.dll, ´msvcp100d.dllandmsvcr100d.dll`.
I'm using several external libraries, and I've been able to recompile all but one of them using VS2010. The last one is not open source however (it's a library belonging to the framework), and I guess that is where the dependency would come from. I'm not certain however, how could I check this?
Given that I'm right about where the dependency is coming from, what can I do?
You are linking to the release runtime from Visual Studio 2008 and debug runtime of Visual Studio 2010 ... you shouldn't mix and match release and debug in general. If you need the debug VC9 you'll need to install Visual Studio 2008 (install before 2010 to be safe)
However I'd probably just rebuild all projects and dependencies against VC10. You may be able to get away with installing the redist for VC9 if it's missing from your system for release only.
Edit: Link to Dependency Walker which is invaluable for determining missing or conflicting dependencies.

How can I build VS 2010's C Runtime Library?

I need to modify the C runtime which ships with VS2010 because the 2010 CRT relies on functions released in Windows XP SP2, and I need to be able to deploy to Windows 2000.
Specifically, I need to remove any and all calls to EncodePointer and DecodePointer.
The source for the C runtime is included in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\crt\src, so it seems like it should be possible to build the runtime after slightly modifying the source.
Oh, I don't need to be able to build the dynamic versions of the runtime -- static versions only. (I cannot rely on the user installing the CRT on their system either).
With VS2008 and earlier, there was a tutorial in MSDN describing how to build the CRT, but I can't seem to find it for 2010.
Is such a thing possible?
Here's an MSDN link. It looks like you have to do it yourself in VS2010.
You can use the following compiler and linker options to rebuild the MFC, CRT, and ATL libraries. Starting in Visual C++ 2010, scripts for rebuilding these libraries are no longer shipped.
If it is a option, I would consider using the VC++ 2008 toolset within VS2010 instead of building a custom CRT. The procedure is explained here.
"Oh, I don't need to be able to build the dynamic versions of the runtime -- static versions only."
Since you only need static linking, you can try this trick to provide implementations of EncodePointer and DecodePointer.