Avoiding unneccessry recompilations using "branchy" development model - c++

I'm using Mercurial for development of quite a large C++ project which takes about 30 minutes to get built from the scratch(while incremental builds are very quick).
I'm usually trying to implement each new feature in the new branch(using "hg clone") and I may have several new features developed during the day and it's quickly getting very boring to wait for the new feature branch to get built.
Are there any recipes to somehow re-use object files from other already built branches?
P.S. in git there are named branches within the same repository which make re-usage of the existing object files possible for the build system, however I prefer the simpler Mercurial separate branches model...

I suggest using ccache as a way to speed up compilation of (mostly) the same code tree. The way it works is as following:
You define a place to be used as the cache (and the maximum cache size) by using the CCACHE_DIR environment variable
Your compiler should be set to ccache ${CC} or ccache ${CXX}
ccache takes the output of ${CC} -E and the compilation flags and uses that as a base for its hash. As long as the compiler flags, source file and the headers are all unchanged, the object file will be taken from cache, saving valuable compilation time.
Note that this method speeds up compilation of any source file that eventually produces the same hash. If you share source files across projects, ccache will handle them as well.
If you already use distcc and wish to use it with ccache, set the CCACHE_PREFIX environment variable to distcc.
Using ccache sped up our source tree compilation around tenfold.

A simple way to speed up your builds could be to use a local "build directory" on your disk. This way you can checkout into this directory and start the build. The first time it will take the full time, but after that it will (hopefully) only rebuild the files where the source code changed.

My Localbranch extension was designed partly around this use case. It uses a single working directory, but I think it's simpler than git. It's essentially a mechanism for maintaining multiple repository clones under one working directory, where only one is active at a given time.

Woops, I missed your P.S. where you don't like having multiple named branches in the same repo and that you prefer separate clones.. sorry about that.
I too have somewhat large C++ projects and the clone-per-feature workflow didn't work for me very well. Firstly, I had to close down my Vim session and then reopen (many of the same) files once I've created the clone. Secondly, like you said, a lot of code must be recompiled unnecessarily. Thirdly, I have to keep track of where I've pushed to and pulled from - gets confusing when you start a new feature and then get sidetracked onto a new one. Before you know it you have many clones and not sure which ones need to be pushed back to your main.
You definitely don't want to use named branches (as I'm sure you know) to handle this as they are quite permanent.
What you need are bookmarks: https://www.mercurial-scm.org/wiki/BookmarksExtension
Bookmarks allow you to create lightweight (and otherwise anonymous) branches per feature by facilitating the naming of heads in your repo. These heads would normally be unnamed and you would have to look at the output of 'hg log' or use some graphical tool to find the revision numbers for the tip of your feature-branch. With bookmarks you can name them descriptive names like 'my-cool-feature' or 'bugfix-392'.
If you like the idea of bookmarks, I'd also recommend my own extension called 'tasks': http://bitbucket.org/alu/hgtasks. This extension works like bookmarks but adds some more functionality. It allows you created feature-branches (now called tasks) and suppress the pushing of incomplete tasks. This is handy when you have a few feature-branches at once. You may not be ready to push your 'my-cool-feature' task, but 'bugfix-392' is ready to go. Because tasks track a set of changesets (and not just one 'tip' changeset) there are some things you can do with tasks that you can't with bookmarks. See an example workflow here: http://x.zpuppet.org/2009/03/09/mercurial-tasks-extension/.

Mercurial also has local named branches, see the hg branch command.
If you insist on using hg clone to do branchy development, I guess you could try creating a folder link (shortcut under windows) in your repo to a shared obj folder. This will work with hg clone, but I'm not sure your build tool will pick it up.
Otherwise, you probably keep all your repos in one folder - just put your obj folder there (it shouldn't be under source control anyways, imo). Use relative paths to refer to it.

A word of warning: many .o symbol tables (or equivalent) contain the full path name of the source file. If that other file changes (or if the path is not visible from the new directory) you may encounter weirdness when debugging.


How do we do releases involving multiple platforms using Jenkins?

We have a bit of a mess of a situation on our build machine...
I finally managed to get one matrix build working, a "first check that everything compiles" type of task which just compiles everything on the current platform it's running on. It runs on multiple platforms fine (about the only problem it might have is that it's compiling the java code multiple times when it could probably be optimised to do that once.)
I imagine that setting up a matrix build for "build installers" would be not too hard, either.
But there are two problems which will definitely hit.
There's one zip file we redistribute which ideally would contain all platform-dependent binaries in a single zip file to reduce duplication (essentially it's a library we hand out to others.)
The process we have for copying the actual releases up to the server relies on every single generated file for the same version number of the same product being ready before the build starts. No single-OS builds would have a complete enough view of the produced files to be able to do the release and it doesn't seem to be possible to add build steps which run in the parent job.
We're using Archive for Clone Workspace SCM as a post-build step for this initial matrix build, but it looks like that runs independently on each OS and no attempt is made to merge the results together.
How do other people get around all these issues?
I know I can just ditch matrix builds entirely and do everything via configuring multiple of each job, but we have three platforms now and the number of jobs would skyrocket.
Options which involve alternatives to Jenkins will be looked at seriously as well, as lately... the number of problems we have been having with it is enormous.
Here's what we eventually set up which is working:
Project "platform-releases" is still a "Matrix Build".
Slaves are each labeled with their relevant platform and we use the slave label as the parameters of the matrix.
The "Archive Artifacts" is used to archive the useful files. ("Clone Workspace SCM" seems to be a dead end when working with matrix builds.)
Project "unified-releases" is a normal build which copies in the artifacts from platform-releases. Since we copy the artifacts without specifying a specific platform, we get the artifacts for all platforms, which appear in directories named /os/windows, /os/macosx, etc.
The Ant build knows about the location of the artifacts (they are outside the working copy) and pulls all the files into a single directory structure before uploading.
"Parameterized Trigger" plugin is set up for platform-releases to trigger unified-releases so that the svn version it's working with matches the actual files produced. Unfortunately, we have to check out the entire repository despite only using a tiny portion of it, because there is a bug (suspected to be in the subversion plugin) which prevents subdirectories being checked out with the correct revision otherwise.

What's wrong with this user ignore file for Mercurial?

A little retrospective now that I've settled into Mercurial. Forget forget files combined with hg remove. It's crazy and bass-ackwards. You can use hg remove once you've established that something is in a forget file that isn't forgetting because the item in question was tracked before the original repo was created. Note that hg remove effectively clears tracked status but it also schedules the file for deletion in anything that gets changes from your repo. If ignored, however the tracking deactivation still happens but that delete-me change set won't ever reach another repo and for some reason will never delete in yours which IMO is counter-intuitive. It is a very sure sign that somebody and I don't know these guys, is UNWILLING TO COMPROMISE ON DUH DESIGN PROBLEMS. The important thing to understand is that you don't determine what's important, Mercurial does. Except when you're merging on a pull of course. It's entirely reasonable then. But I digress...
Ignore-file/remove is a good combo for already-tracked but very specific files you want forgotten but if you're dealing with a larger quantity of built files determined with broader patterns it's not worth the risk. Just go with a double-repo and pull -u from the remote repo to your syncing repo and then pull -u commits from your working repo and merge in a repo whose sole purpose is to merge changes and pass them on in a place where your not-quite tracked or untracked files (behavior is different when pulling rather than pushing of course because hey, why be consistent?) won't cause frustration. Trust me. The idea that you should have to have two repos just to get 'er done offends for good reason AND THAT SO MANY OF US ARE DOING IT should suggest a serioush !##$ing design problem, but it's much less painful than all the other awful things that will make you regret seeking a sensible alternative.
And use hg help. It's actually Mercurial's best feature and often better than the internet (which I don't fault for confusion on the matter of all things hg) for getting answers to everything that is confusing and counter-intuitive in this VCS.
# switch to regexp syntax.
syntax: regexp
#Config Files
#and more of the same following
And in my mercurial.ini at the root of my user directory
username = ereppen
merge = bcomp
ignore = C:\<path to user ignore file>\.hgignore-config
I wrote an auto-config utility in node. I just want changes to the files it changes to get ignored. We have two teams and both aren't on the same page with making this a universal thing so it needs to be user-specific for now.
The config file is in place and pointed at by my ini file. I clone. I run the config utility and change the files and stat reveals a list of every single file with an M next to it. I thought it was the utf-8 thing and explicitly set the file to utf-16 little endian. I don't think I'm doing with the regEx that any modern flavor of regEx worth actually calling regEx wouldn't support.
The .hgignore file has no effect for files that are tracked. Its function is to stop you from seeing files you want ignored listed as "untracked". If you're seeing "M" then they're already added (you got them with the clone) so .hgignore does nothing.
The usual way config files that differ from machine to machine are handled is to put a app.config.sample in source control, have app.config in .hgignore and have people do a copy when they're making their config edits.
Alternately if your config files allow for includes and overrides you end them with include app-local.config and override any settings in a app-local.config which you don't add and do include in .hgignore.

Should these auxiliary files be under Git version control?

I decided to start using the Git version control system for my C++ project. I'm new to version control. For the trunk things are simple, I just commit all the project versions I have. I kept each version as a separate folder because I knew I'd very soon use Git. But I encountered a problem with my branches.
At some stage of the development, I decided there's one class I want to develop in a branch. Without version control, I had to use make a "manual" branch. I copied the most recent header file and source file of that class to a separate folder and started working there. I made several versions there to work with simultaneously. One version was the first prototype of the class according to the plan (for which I made the "branch"). Then I added another file, in which I copied the first one but removed things that seemed to not be necessary. This way I have 2 versions, one with all my ideas and features, the the other one just with what I really use in my code, without what's not in use at the moment.
But then I added more. As development went on, I decided it may be a good idea to make that class a template. So I added a third version, which is just like the second one, but now some functionality implemented using polymorphism is implemented using a template. And I can't tell yet which version is the best, as it's too early to tell, so I want to have all 3 together.
Then I made another special file: A copy of the third version header file, in which each line can be marked or not marked. Marked means I use that specific method or I'm sure it's going to be in use very soon, otherwise the line isn't marked.
Then, some time later, I started a new branch. And for that branch I needed a new version of that class developed in the first branch. So I just copied one of the versions to the new branch's folder and started working there. Now again I had some kind of auxiliary file: I had 2 files, one from which I delete class methods I use, and one into which I write new methods I need to have.
Now I want to start using Git and I wonder: For all the project's text files, plans, diagrams, etc., it obvious - I keep them outside the Git repo. Whenever collaborative editing is needed I can set up a wiki or something like that. But for all those copies of the same header file, and for those auxiliary "marked" files, what do I do with them? I mean, it's fine by me to have them all in a branch, but what happens when I merge a branch into the trunk? I don't want to have all these copies and versions and lists, just the one final class file I've made.
On one hand, these are C++ source files used while coding. On the other hand they're not part of the pure source code of the software package, they just help me while I work but will never get compiled because in the end there's just the final version of the class which I chose to merge, and all other aux files, lists, etc. are kept just for reference.
What would be the best thing to do?
Thanks for reading my long story :)
EDIT: It's a local repo on my personal computer
Always keep documentation in same repository as source code. If you do not, your documentation will rot. It is becouse documentation is written agains some version of your software, so it has to develop the same way as software develops.
If your documentation is automaticaly generated or compiled into another format, commit only source data, makefile and configuration of generator, just like you do with source code.
What you describe is the normal use of branches: You have your master branch ("official", if it where) and a branch to develop a new feature (it doesn't really have to live in a separate directory, if I understand you correctly). Periodically you synchronize the feature branch with the master, either by rebasing it on the master or merging its changes in. In its turn, you can well have subordinate branches in which you try out approaches to develop the feature, handled with respect to the feature branch just like that one respect to the master. But in that case you have to be careful whenever you rebase.
You should keep any data that isn't easy to recreate in the repository, be it source code, documentation or even design sketches. Stuff that can be recreated (object code, automatically formated documentation, ...) should be kept out (any change there will create a difference to be checked in). Your repository (particularly not published branches) is your own workspace, it can be all the messy you like.
Take a look at the book mentioned at the git homepage.
Well, that’s clearly documentation and not source code, so you should separate it from your source code. As your documentation seems to be branch dependent, you should still check it into the repo, but in a separate doc directory.
About the merging: How a merge works is up to you in the end. Git just has a default merge strategy which is what most people want most of the time. But if you say that a merge into the main branch should just bring the code and not the docu, then that’s fine. Just merge that way:
git merge mybranch --no-commit
rm -rf **docu-dir**
git add -A
git commit

How to organize sources of complex program?

We're creating very complex embedded system and «sources» contains few projects of Visual C++, IAR, Code Composer Studio and Altium Designer schemes and pcbs. All of that possibly could be in few versions.
So, what practice could you advice me to arrange all that stuff?
Thank you
I have the same setup as you.
I use Altium Designer for the hardware schematics and PCB design. But I also have Firmware source files and related utilities. And I have mechanical design files.
Here's how I do it:
Project Name
This way all the project files are stored together in the SVN repository. The only down side I've found is that you can't just check out the Project and get the latest FW/HW/MEK files. You have to check out each Head of FW/HW/MEK.
The reason for the separate sub-modules for FW/HW/MEK is that they will get separate version tags.
Everything that you consider as sources should be under a Source Control System, like SVN. This is the best way to handle versions, revisions, branches and tags. SVN can handle binary files, so you won't have problems with non-text files.
If your C++ source files are numerous and span multiple directories then the effort put into grokking Large Scale C++ Software Design by John Lakos may be very worth it. The main theme of the book is how your physical layout of the software, that is, the arrangement of source code files in directories, limit or extend your ability to modify the software.
I like to have a directory structure that at the top level reflects each of the programmable parts.(i.e. microcontroller, DSP1, FPGA1, FPGA2,...)
I also like to have a subdirectory(ies) that has all the generated files, so it is easy to make a clean source tree. Also make it easy to do a clean build straight from the source code configuration tool. (i.e. get and build from source to binary image(s) in as few steps as possible)
Also have each programmable part have it's own version number, and one version number that reflects each of the combination of the sub component version numbers.
Definitely use source control, if the program itself doesn't support it, just keep the parent folder you use under source control. SVN is my current fav.
As far as how to arrange your files, I noticed you had Altium Designer on your list, that program will a) play nice with source control, and b) arrange your files in an orderly manner, assuming you use their whole 'project' file structure. Look into using their 'PCB' (if that's what your doing) or 'embedded' projects, when you create one, it creates buckets for you to store all your different types of files into.
Even if you don't want to actually use Altium for your files, create a project and look at their directory structure to get an idea about all the files you'll need to keep track of.
(Aside from trivial helper classes) put one class in each cpp/h file, and name the cpp/h files the same as the class.
Group related classes files into folders (you can optionally use a hierarchy of namespaces that match the folder structure. The .net approach here is to use a CompanyName.ProductName namespace, with your files stored in a ProductName project/subfolder of your solution). So for example, you might group your Math, I/O, and Drawing classes into separate "subsystem" folders.
Ideally, make these separate sections into re-usable libraries (MyCompany.Math). You'll be glad of this later when you want to develop a new product that will share some of the code. In that case, the top level "folders" become separate projects in their own right, and you can start to work on minimising dependences between them to realise and then enforce a much better overall framework design in your code base.
The ideal within folders is to find a good balance between clutter and sparseness - try to balance the folders so that they have between 5-15 files in each. If fewer, consider merging the folders; if greater, consider adding sub-category folders to break down the complexity.
As long as your classes/files and namespaces/folders have good descriptive names, and your folders are logically structured, you can make an extremely large project very easy to navigate.
At the risk of starting a religious war, I prefer to put the headers and their source files in the same folder so that when you are editing a .cpp the .h is easily accessible rather than having to move up and fown by a folder all the time.
Reduce the complexity!
My first engineering professor had a famous first lecture. It consisted of a single equation written on the blackboard:
Perfection = Simplicity
The problem with Source Control Systems is that they manage complexity but also promote it.

C++ Directory Restructuring

I have a source code of about 500 files in about 10 directories. I need to refactor the directory structure - this includes changing the directory hierarchy or renaming some directories.
I am using svn version control. There are two ways to refactor: one preserving svn history (using svn move command) and the other without preserving. I think refactoring preserving svn history is a lot easier using eclipse CDT and SVN plugin (visual studio does not fit at all for directory restructuring).
But right now since the code is not released, we have the option to not preserve history.
Still there remains the task of changing the include directives of header files wherever they are included. I am thinking of writing a small script using python - receives a map from current filename to new filename, and makes the rename wherever needed (using something like sed). Has anyone done this kind of directory refactoring? Do you know of good related tools?
If you're having to rewrite the #includes to do this, you did it wrong. Change all your #includes to use a very simple directory structure, at mot two levels deep and only using a second level to organize around architecture or OS dependencies (like sys/types.h).
Then change your make files to use -I include paths.
Voila. You'll never have to hack the code again for this, and compiles will blow up instantly if something goes wrong.
As far as the history part, I personally find it easier to make a clean start when doing this sort of thing; archive the old one, make a new repository v2, go from there. The counterargument is when there is a whole lot of history of changes, or lots of open issues against the existing code.
Oh, and you do have good tests, and you're not doing this with a release coming right up, right?
I would preserve the history, even if it takes a small amount of extra time. There's a lot of value in being able to read through commit logs and understand why function X is written in a weird way, or that this really is an off-by-one error because it was written by Oliver, who always gets that wrong.
The argument against preserving the history can be made for the following users:
your code might have embarrassing things, like profanity and fighting among developers
you don't care about the commit history of your code, because it's not going to change or be maintained in the future
I did some directory refactoring like this last year on our code base. If your code is reasonable structured at the beginning, you can do about 75-90% of the work using scripts written in your language of choice (I used Perl). In my case, we were moving from set of files all in one big directory, to a series of nested directories depending on namespaces. So, a file that declared the class protocols::serialization::SerializerBase was located in src/protocols/serialization/SerializerBase. The mapping from the old name to the new name was trivial, so that doing a find and replace on #includes in every source file in the tree was trivial, although it was a big change. There were a couple of weird edge cases that we had to fix by hand, but that seemed a lot better than either having to do everything by hand or having to write our own C++ parser.
Hacking up a shell script to do the svn moves is trivial. In tcsh it's foreach F ( $FILES ) ... end to adjust a set of files. Perl & Python offer better utility.
It really is worth saving the history. Especially when trying to track down some exotic bug. Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it, or some such junk...
As for altering all the files... There was a similar question just the other day over at: