Use cookies without sending them back to the server - cookies

I need a way to stash some data that is global to the browser. If I open a new window with a URL from my app, e.g. via a bookmark, I need to access some data that was created in another window and never sent to the server.
As far as I can tell the only thing that is global to the browser and not just a window, (like, is a cookie. The problem I'm running into is if I set a cookie the cookie is then sent with every request to the server, but I don't ever want this data on the wire. Is there any way to set a cookie and just use it purely as a bucket for storing some data and never send that data to the server?

The HTML 5 storage API looks like exactly what you want here, but unfortunately it's only supported by a handful of browsers right now.

Is there any way to set a cookie and just use it purely as a bucket for storing some data and never send that data to the server?
You'll need to look into a plugin that provides dedicated offline storage facility, or use the HTML5 storage API and tell everyone to upgrade their browsers
If you decide to go the plugin route, as far as I am aware you have 3 options:
Google Gears
Flash - it has an offline storage facility - you could write a small flash app to store things using this facility, then interop with it from javascript.
Silverlight also has offline storage - as with flash you could write a small app to do the storage, then interop with it from javascript.
I'd probably look into using flash first, as everyone already has it.
Development would likely be a lot easier if you were to use silverlight. It's not as widely installed, but it is spreading pretty rapidly. Last I heard* something like 30% of browsers had it installed which is pretty impressive.
Google gears would unfortunately be a distant third. People are going to be installing flash and silverlight for other reasons, but nobody has gears.
*This is an entirely unsubstantiated quote, but does seem to fit with what I've seen on various people's computers, etc.

Can you mandate that your users install Google Gears? It's a javascript API that lets you store local info- also lets you persist between sessions, which may be useful for your app.

Why not just read a field in the parent window using window.opener ? Or if you've three windows running - parent and two children which I think you might be implying then read/write to a hidden field in the parent from the children.

Sounds like your app is running 100% local, if that is the case the browser isn't the way to go anyway. Cookies can be easily deleted. If your app isn't local the webserver should be the one supplying information. Cookies are never the correct way to store sensitive information or information that should persist over longer amounts of time.


Tacking offline data with xAPI

I would like to download a course and work offline on that course. How can I track my results?
I would like to record all my progress(slides that I viewed, quiz results, time for each content....), for example saving them on a file or a database, and then generate statements to send to an LRS when I'm online.
Someone could explain me how can I do that?
With TinCan statements (commonly including information about the student(actor) and then what they did, objectives, status etc) are being posted to a endpoint. Depending on how the content is written it may or may not failover to some alternative. If its a native application I would suspect you'll have limited ability to intercept these statements. If its a HTML course you may be able to locate where the content attempts to post these statements and re-direct those to local storage or some other sql/nosql option. Ultimately, it will depend on what content you're attempting to run, and what type of controls you'll have to attempt to. Based on what I know, the content itself would have to detect its 'offline' and store the statements until it is back online. Similar to this post - How tin-can-api works offline?
SCORM ultimately doesn't work like TinCan. LMS exposes a JavaScript API, and the HTML based content locates it in the DOM using JavaScript. Content then makes gets and set calls to it. The LMS is more responsible for committing this information to a server, or persisting the data in another fashion. This doesn't stop content developers from creating new and alternative ways to persist data if the LMS is not present. For this type of content its probably easier to intercept since you can be the LMS in this situation and expose that API for the content to use. In a offline situation you'd just have to manage the student attempts and then once online- sync them with your server.

Is it possible to use Django and Node.Js?

I have a django backend set up for user-logins and user-management, along with my entire set of templates which are used by visitors to the site to display html files. However, I am trying to add real-time functionality to my site and I found a perfect library within Node.Js that allows two users to type in a text box and have the text appear on both their screens. Is it possible to merge the two backends?
It's absolutely possible (and sometimes extremely useful) to run multiple back-ends for different purposes. However it opens up a few cans of worms, depending on what kind of rigour your system is expected to have, who's in your team, etc:
State. You'll want session state to be shared between different app servers. The easiest way to do this is to store external session state in a framework-agnostic way. I'd suggest JSON objects in a key/value store and you'll probably benefit from JSON schema.
Domains/routing. You'll need your login cookie to be available to both app servers, which means either a single domain routed by Apache/Nginx or separate subdomains routed via DNS. I'd suggest separate subdomains for the following reason
Websockets. I may be out of date, but to my knowledge neither Apache nor Nginx support proxying of websockets, which means if you want to use that you'll sacrifice the flexibility of using an http server as a app proxy and instead expose Node directly via a subdomain.
Non-specified requirements. Things like monitoring, logging, error notification, build systems, testing, continuous integration/deployment, documentation, etc. all need to be extended to support a new type of component
Skills. You'll have to pay in time or money for the skill-sets required to manage a more complex application architecture
So, my advice would be to think very carefully about whether you need this. There can be a lot of time and thought involved.
Update: There are actually companies springing around who specialise in adding real-time to existing sites. I'm not going to name any names, but if you look for 'real-time' on the add-on marketplace for hosting platforms (e.g. Heroku) then you'll find them.
Update 2: Nginx now has support for Websockets
You can't merge them. You can send messages from Django to Node.Js through some queue system like Reddis.
If you really want to use two backends, you could use a database that is supported by both backends.
Though I would not recommended it.

Google gears a good solution for online/offline wiki?

we need an online offline wiki type app that is basically a number of pages with documentation in, but that also would need to link to a number of files .. words docs/ pdfs/ ppts etc that are on a synched mapped drive on the users laptop..
could anyone suggest whether or not google gears would be a reasonable solution to this, i have just had a brief peruse on the gears documentation.. and its seems pretty cool/useful.
as in make a web wiki and gears it up.
the app would also need some way of holding the links to the actual files (docs/pdfs etc) but that should impact the gearsiness of it i imagine)
sorry its late in the day so the question may not actually make any sense..
Given that Google is publicly committed to supporting HTML 5 and it's very extensive offline application capabilities, I would personally choose that direction over Gears.
Neither Gears nor HTML 5 is going to give you any ability to read content off of the computer. Web browsers are intentionally sand-boxed to prevent that kind of activity.
Check out the remarkable capabilities of HTML 5, and then see how extensive support for it already is.
Gears is for allowing web pages to store local content and applications on a client computer for offline mode, not for allowing the web browser to peek out on the user's computer.
Gears is also deprecated in favor of HTML5 local storage and other developments.

Accessing World of Warcraft data from the web

I'm aware of the WoW add-on programming community, but what I can find no documentation on is any API for accessing WoW's databases from the web. I see third-party sites like and Wowhead use game data (item and character databases,) so I know it's possible. But, I can't figure out where to begin. Is there a web service I can use or are they doing some sort of under-the-hood work that requires running the WoW client in their server environment?
Sites like Wowhead and WoWHearoes use client run addons from players which collect data. The data is then posted to their website. There is no way to access WoW's database. Your best bet is to hit the armory and extract the XML returned from your searches. The armory is just an xml transform on xml data returned.
Blizzard has recently (8/15/2011) published draft documentation for their RESTful APIs at the following location:
The APIs cover information about characters, items, auctions, guilds, PVP, etc.
Requests to the API are currently throttled to 3,000 per day for anonymous usage, but there is a process for registering applications that have a legitimate need for more access.
Update (January 2019): The new Blizzard Developer Portal is here:
Request throttling limits and authentication rules have changed.
Characters can be mined from the armory, the pages are xml.
Items are mined from the local installation game files, that's how wowhead does it at least.
It's actually really easy to get item data from the wow armory!
For example:
View the source of the page (not via Google Chrome, which displays transformed XML via XSLT) and you'll see the XML data!
You can use search listing pages to retrieve all blue gems, for example, then use an XML parser to retrieve the data
They are parsing the Armory information from There is no official Blizzard API for accessing it, but there is an open source PHP solution available (
Maybe a little late to the party, but for future reference check out the WoW API Documentation at
Scraping HTML and XML is now pretty much obsolete and also discouraged by Blizzard.
The documentation:
Sites like those actually get the data from the Armory. If you pull up any item, guild, character, etc. and do 'View Source' on the page you will see the XML data coming back. Here is a quick C# example of how to get the data.
This third-party site collection data from players. I think this collection based on addons for WoW or each player submit information manualy.
Next option is wraping wow site and parsing information from websites (HTML).
this is probably the wrong site for your question, but you're thinking of the wowarmory xml stuff. there is no official wow api. people just do httprequests and get the xml to do number crunching stuffs. try googling around. there are some libs out there in different languages that are already written for you. i know there are implementations in php/ruby. i was working on one in .net a while back until i got distracted. here's an article which kinda sums this all up.
Wowhead and other sites generally rely on data gathered by users with a wow add-in.
Wowhead also has a way for other sites to reference that data in hover pop-ups, so their content gets reused on a number of sites.
Powered by Wowhead
For actual ingame data collection:
cosmos.exe is what thottbot for example uses. It probably uses some form windows hack (dllinjection or something) or sniffs packets to determine what items have dropped and etc. (intercepts traffic from the wow server to your client and decodes it). It saves this data on the users computer and then uploads it to a webserver for storage. I don't know if any development libraries were created for this sort of thing.

comparison of ways to maintain state

There are various ways to maintain user state using in web development.
These are the ones that I can think of right now:
Query String
Form Methods (Get and Post)
Viewstate (ASP.NET only I guess)
Session (InProc Web server)
Session (Dedicated web server)
Session (Database)
Local Persistence (Google Gears) (thanks Steve Moyer)
I know that each method has its own advantages and disadvantages like cookies not being secure and QueryString having a length limit and being plain ugly to look at! ;)
But, when designing a web application I am always confused as to what methods to use for what application or what methods to avoid.
What I would like to know is what method(s) do you generally use and would recommend or more interestingly which of these methods would you like to avoid in certain scenarios and why?
While this is a very complicated question to answer, I have a few quick-bite things I think about when considering implementing state.
Query string state is only useful for the most basic tasks -- e.g., maintaining the position of a user within a wizard, perhaps, or providing a path to redirect the user to after they complete a given task (e.g., logging in). Otherwise, query string state is horribly insecure, difficult to implement, and in order to do it justice, it needs to be tied to some server-side state machine by containing a key to tie the client to the server's maintained state for that client.
Cookie state is more or less the same -- it's just fancier than query string state. But it's still totally maintained on the client side unless the data in the cookie is a key to tie the client to some server-side state machine.
Form method state is again similar -- it's useful for hiding fields that tie a given form to some bit of data on the back end (e.g., "this user is editing record #512, so the form will contain a hidden input with the value 512"). It's not useful for much else, and again, is just another implementation of the same idea behind query string and cookie state.
Session state (any of the ways you describe) are all great, since they're infinitely extensible and can handle anything your chosen programming language can handle. The first caveat is that there needs to be a key in the client's hand to tie that client to its state being stored on the server; this is where most web frameworks provide either a cookie-based or query string-based key back to the client. (Almost every modern one uses cookies, but falls back on query strings if cookies aren't enabled.) The second caveat is that you need to put some though into how you're storing your state... will you put it in a database? Does your web framework handle it entirely for you? Again, most modern web frameworks take the work out of this, and for me to go about implementing my own state machine, I need a very good reason... otherwise, I'm likely to create security holes and functionality breakage that's been hashed out over time in any of the mature frameworks.
So I guess I can't really imagine not wanting to use session-based state for anything but the most trivial reason.
Security is also an issue; values in the query string or form fields can be trivially changed by the user. User authentication should be saved either in an encrypted or tamper-evident cookie or in the server-side session. Keeping track of values passed in a form as a user completes a process, like a site sign-up, well, that can probably be kept in hidden form fields.
The nice (and sometimes dangerous) thing, though, about the query string is that the state can be picked up by anyone who clicks on a link. As mentioned above, this is dangerous if it gives the user some authorization they shouldn't have. It's nice, though, for showing your friends something you found on the site.
With the increasing use of Web 2.0, I think there are two important methods missing from your list:
8 AJAX applications - since the page doesn't reload and there is no page to page navigation, state isn't an issue (but persisting user data must use the asynchronous XML calls).
9 Local persistence - Browser-based applications can persist their user data and state to the local hard drive using libraries such as Google Gears.
As for which one is best, I think they all have their place, but the Query String method is problematic for search engines.
Personally, since almost all of my web development is in PHP, I use PHP's session handlers.
Sessions are the most flexible, in my experience: they're normally faster than db accesses, and the cookies they generate die when the browser closes (by default).
Avoid InProc if you plan to host your website on a cheap-n-cheerful host like webhost4life. I've learnt the hard way that because their systems are over subscribed, they recycle the applications very frequently which causes your session to get lost. Very annoying.
Their suggestion is to use StateServer which is fine except you have to serialise/deserialise the session eash post back. I love objects and my web app is full of them. I'm concerned about performance when switching to StateServer. I need to refactor to only put the stuff I really need in the session.
Wish I'd know that before I started...
Cheers, Rob.
Be careful what state you store client side (query strings, form fields, cookies). Anything security-related should not be stored client-side, except maybe a session identifier if it is reasonably obscured and hard to guess. There are too many websites that have settings like "authenticated=true" and store those in a cookie or query string or hidden form field. It is trivial for a user to bypass something like that. Remember that ANY input coming from a client could have been tampered with and should not be trusted.
Signed Cookies linked to some sort of database store when you need to grab data. There's no reason to be storing data on the client side if you have a connected back-end; you're just looking for trouble if this is a public facing website.
It's not some much a question of what to use & what to avoid, but when to use which. Each has a particular circumstances when it is the best, and a different circumstance when it's the worst.
The deciding factor is generally lifetime of the data. Session state lives longer than form fields, and so on.