Unit Test Connundrum - unit-testing

I'm looking to unit testing as a means of regression testing on a project.
However, my issue is that the project is basically a glorified DIR command -- it performs regular expression tests and MD5 filters on the results, and allows many criteria to be specified, but the entire thing is designed to process input from the system on which it runs.
I'm also a one-man development team, and I question the value of a test for code written by me which is written by me.
Is unit testing worthwhile in this situation? If so, how might such tests be accomplished?
EDIT: MD5 and Regex functions aren't provided by me -- they are provided by the Crypto++ library and Boost, respectively. Therefore I don't gain much by testing them. Most of the code I have simply feeds data into the libraries, and the prints out the results.

The value of test-after, the way you are asking, can indeed be limited in certain circumstances, but the way to unit test, from the description would be to isolate the regular expression tests and MD5 filters into one section of code, and abstract the feeding of the input so that in production it feeds from the system, and during the unit test, your test class passes in that input.
You then collect a sampling of the different scenarios you intend to support, and feed those in via different unit tests that exercise each scenario.
I think the value of the unit test will come through if you have to change the code to handle new scenarios. You will be confident that the old scenarios don't break as you make changes.

Is unit testing worthwhile in this situation?
Not necessarily: especially for a one-man team I think it may be sufficient to have automated testing of something larger than a "unit" ... further details at "Should one test internal implementation, or only test public behaviour?"

Unit testing can still provide value in a one-man show. It gives you confidence in the functionality and correctness (at some level) of the module. But some design considerations may be needed to help make testing more applicable to your code. Modularization makes a big difference, especially if combined with some kind of dependency injection, instead of tight coupling. This allows test versions of collaborators to be used for testing a module in isolation. In your case, a mock file system object could return a predictable set of data, so your filtering and criteria code can be evaluated.

The value of regression testing is often not realized until it's automated. Once that's done, things become a lot easier.
That means you have to be able to start from a known position (if you're generating MD5s on files, you have to start with the same files each time). Then get one successful run where you can save the output - that's the baseline.
From that point on, regression testing is simply a push-button job. Start your test, collect the output and compare it to your known baseline (of course, if the output ever changes, you'll need to check it manually, or with another independent script before saving it as the new baseline).
Keep in mind the idea of regression testing is to catch any bugs introduced by new code (i.e., regressing the software). It's not to test the functionality of that new code.
The more you can automate this, the better, even as a one-man development team.

When you were writing the code, did you test it as you went? Those tests could be written into an automated script, so that when you have to make a change in 2 months time, you can re-run all those tests to ensure you haven't regressed something.
In my experience the chance of regression increases sharply depending on how much time goes by after the time you finish version 1 and start coding version 2, because you'll typically forget the subtle nuances of how it works under different conditions - your unit tests are a way of encoding those nuances.

An integration test against the filesystem would be worthwhile. Just make sure it does what it needs to do.

Is unit testing valuable in a one-man shop scenario? Absolutely! There's nothing better than being able to refactor your code with absolute confidence you haven't broken anything.
How do I unit test this? Mock the system calls, and then test the rest of your logic.

I question the value of a test for code written by me which is written by me
Well, that's true now but in a year it will be you, the one-year-more-experienced developer developing against software written by you-now, the less experienced and knowledgeable developer (by comparison). Won't you want the code written by that less experienced guy (you a year ago) to be properly tested so you can make changes with confidence that nothing has broken?


Is there such a thing as too much unit testing?

I tried looking through all the pages about unit tests and could not find this question. If this is a duplicate, please let me know and I will delete it.
I was recently tasked to help implement unit testing at my company. I realized that I could unit test all the Oracle PL/SQL code, Java code, HTML, JavaScript, XML, XSLT, and more.
Is there such a thing as too much unit testing? Should I write unit tests for everything above or is that overkill?
This depends on the project and its tolerance for failure. There is no single answer. If you can risk a bug, then don't test everything.
When you have tons of tests, it is also likely you will have bugs in your tests. Adding to your headaches.
test what needs testing, leave what does not which often leaves the fairly simple stuff.
Is there such as thing as too much unit testing?
Sure. The problem is finding the right balance between enough unit testing to cover the important areas of functionality, and focusing effort on creating new value for your customers in the terms of system functionality.
Unit testing code vs. leaving code uncovered by tests both have a cost.
The cost of excluding code from unit testing may include (but aren't limited to):
Increased development time due to fixing issues you can't automatically test
Fixing problems discovered during QA testing
Fixing problems discovered when the code reaches your customers
Loss of revenue due to customer dissatisfaction with defects that made it through testing
The costs of writing a unit test include (but aren't limited to):
Writing the original unit test
Maintaining the unit test as your system evolves
Refining the unit test to cover more conditions as you discover them in testing or production
Refactoring unit tests as the underlying code under test is refactored
Lost revenue when it takes longer for you application to reach enter the market
The opportunity cost of implementing features that could drive sales
You have to make your best judgement about what these costs are likely to be, and what your tolerance is for absorbing such costs.
In general, unit testing costs are mostly absorbed during the development phase of a system - and somewhat during it's maintenance. If you spend too much time writing unit tests you may miss a valuable window of opportunity to get your product to market. This could cost you sales or even long-term revenue if you operate in a competitive industry.
The cost of defects is absorbed during the entire lifetime of your system in production - up until the point the defect is corrected. And potentially, even beyond that, if they defect is significant enough that it affects your company's reputation or market position.
Kent Beck of JUnit and JUnitMax fame answered a similar question of mine.
The question has slightly different semantics but the answer is definitely relevant
The purpose of Unit tests is generally to make it possibly to refector or change with greater assurance that you did not break anything. If a change is scary because you do not know if you will break anything, you probably need to add a test. If a change is tedious because it will break a lot of tests, you probably have too many test (or too fragile a test).
The most obvious case is the UI. What makes a UI look good is something that is hard to test, and using a master example tends to be fragile. So the layer of the UI involving the look of something tends not to be tested.
The other times it might not be worth it is if the test is very hard to write and the safety it gives is minimal.
For HTML I tended to check that the data I wanted was there (using XPath queries), but did not test the entire HTML. Similarly for XSLT and XML. In JavaScript, when I could I tested libraries but left the main page alone (except that I moved most code into libraries). If the JavaScript is particularly complicated I would test more. For databases I would look into testing stored procedures and possibly views; the rest is more declarative.
However, in your case first start with the stuff that worries you the most or is about to change, especially if it is not too difficult to test. Check the book Working Effectively with Legacy Code for more help.
Yes, there is such a thing as too much unit testing. One example would be unit testing in a whitebox manner, such that you're effectively testing the specific implementation; such testing would effectively slow down progress and refactoring by requiring compliant code to need new unit tests (because the tests were dependent upon specific implementation details).
I suggest that in some situations you might want automated testing, but no 'unit' testing at all (Should one test internal implementation, or only test public behaviour?), and that any time spent writing unit tests would be better spent writing system tests.
While more tests is usually better (I have yet to be on a project that actually had too many tests), there's a point at which the ROI bottoms out, and you should move on. I'm assuming you have finite time to work on this project, by the way. ;)
Adding unit tests has some amount of diminishing returns -- after a certain point (Code Complete has some theories), you're better off spending your finite amount of time on something else. That may be more testing/quality activities like refactoring and code review, usability testing with real human users, etc., or it could be spent on other things like new features, or user experience polish.
As EJD said, you can't verify the absence of errors.
This means there are always more tests you could write. Any of these could be useful.
What you need to understand is that unit-testing (and other types of automated testing you use for development purposes) can help with development, but should never be viewed as a replacement for formal QA.
Some tests are much more valuable than others.
There are parts of your code that change a lot more frequently, are more prone to break, etc. These are the most economical tests.
You need to balance out the amount of testing you agree to take on as a developer. You can easily overburden yourself with unmaintainable tests. IMO, unmaintainable tests are worse than no tests because they:
Turn others off from trying to maintain a test suite or write new tests.
Detract from you adding new, meaningful functionality. If automated testing is not a net-positive result, you should ditch it like other engineering practices.
What should I test?
Test the "Happy Path" - this ensures that you get interactions right, and that things are wired together properly. But you don't adequately test a bridge by driving down it on a sunny day with no traffic.
Pragmatic Unit Testing recommends you use Right-BICEP to figure out what to test. "Right" for the happy path, then Boundary conditions, check any Inverse relationships, use another method (if it exists) to Cross-check results, force Error conditions, and finally take into account any Performance considerations that should be verified. I'd say if you are thinking about tests to write in this way, you're most likely figure out how to get to an adequate level of testing. You'll be able to figure out which ones are more useful and when. See the book for much more info.
Test at the right level
As others have mentioned, unit tests are not the only way to write automated tests. Other types of frameworks may be built off of unit tests, but provide mechanisms to do package level, system or integration tests. The best bang for the buck may be at a higher level, and just using unit testing to verify a single component's happy path.
Don't be discouraged
I'm painting a more grim picture here than I expect most developers will find in reality. The bottom line is that you make a commitment to learn how to write tests and write them well. But don't let fear of the unknown scare you into not writing any tests. Unlike production code, tests can be ditched and rewritten without many adverse effects.
Unit test any code that you think might change.
You should only really write unit tests for any code which you have written yourself. There is no need to test the functionality inherently provided to you.
For example, If you've been given a library with an add function, you should not be testing that add(1,2) returns 3. Now if you've WRITTEN that code, then yes, you should be testing it.
Of course, whoever wrote the library may not have tested it and it may not work... in which case you should write it yourself or get a separate one with the same functionality.
Well, you certainly shouldn't unit test everything, but at least the complicated tasks or those that will most likely contain errors/cases you haven't thought of.
The point of unit testing is being able to run a quick set of tests to verify that your code is correct. This lets you verify that your code matches your specification and also lets you make changes and ensure that they don't break anything.
Use your judgement. You don't want to spend all of your time writing unit tests or you won't have any time to write actual code to test.
When you've unit tested your unit tests, thinking you have then provided 200% coverage.
There is a development approach called test-driven development which essentially says that there is no such thing as too much (non-redundant) unit testing. That approach, however, is not a testing approach, but rather a design approach which relies on working code and a more or less complete unit test suite with tests which drive every single decision made about the codebase.
In a non-TDD situation, automated tests should exercise every line of code you write (in particular Branch coverage is good), but even then there are exceptions - you shouldn't be testing vendor-supplied platform or framework code unless you know for certain that there are bugs which will affect you in that platform. You shouldn't be testing thin wrappers (or, equally, if you need to test it, the wrapper is not thin). You should be testing all core business logic, and it is certainly helpful to have some set of tests that exercise your database at some elemental level, although those tests will never work in the common situation where unit tests are run every time you compile.
Specifically with regard to database testing is intrinsically slow, and depending on how much logic is held in your database, quite difficult to get right. Typically things like dbs, HTML/XML documents & templating, and other document-ish aspects of a program are verified moreso than tested. The difference is usually that testing tries to exercise execution paths whereas verification tries to verify inputs and outputs directly.
To learn more about this I would suggest reading up on "Code Coverage". There is a lot of material available if you're curious about this.

Testing a test?

I primarily spend my time working on automated tests of win32 and .NET applications, which take about 30% of our time to write and 70% to maintain. We have been looking into methods of reducing the maintenance times, and have already moved to a reusable test library that covers most of the key components of our software. In addition we have some work in progress to get our library to a state where we can use keyword based testing.
I have been considering unit testing our test library, but I'm wondering if it would be worth the time. I'm a strong proponent of unit testing of software, but I'm not sure how to handle test code.
Do you think automated Gui testing libraries should be unit tested? Or is it just a waste of time?
First of all I've found it very useful to look at unit-test as "executable specifications" instead of tests. I write down what I want my code to do and then implement it. Most of the benefits I get from writing unit tests is that they drive the implementation process and focus my thinking. The fact that they're reusable to test my code is almost a happy coincidence.
Testing tests seems just a way to move the problem instead of solving it. Who is going to test the tests that test the tests? The 'trick' that TDD uses to make sure tests are actually useful is by making them fail first. This might be something you can use here too. Write the test, see it fail, then fix the code.
I dont think you should unit test your unit tests.
But, if you have written your own testing library, with custom assertions, keyboard controllers, button testers or what ever, then yes. You should write unit tests to verify that they all work as intented.
The NUnit library is unit tested for example.
In theory, it is software and thus should be unit-tested. If you are rolling your own Unit Testing library, especially, you'll want to unit test it as you go.
However, the actual unit tests for your primary software system should never grow large enough to need unit testing. If they are so complex that they need unit testing, you need some serious refactoring of your software and some attention to simplifying your unit tests.
You might want to take a look at Who tests the tests.
The short answer is that the code tests the tests, and the tests test the code.
Testing Atomic Clocks
Let me start with an analogy. Suppose you are
travelling with an atomic clock. How would you know that the clock is
calibrated correctly?
One way is to ask your neighbor with an atomic clock (because everyone
carries one around) and compare the two. If they both report the same
time, then you have a high degree of confidence they are both correct.
If they are different, then you know one or the other is wrong.
So in this situation, if the only question you are asking is, "Is my
clock giving the correct time?", then do you really need a third clock
to test the second clock and a fourth clock to test the third? Not if
all. Stack Overflow avoided!
IMPO: it's a tradeoff between how much time you have and how much quality you'd like to have.
If I would be using a home made test harnas, I'd test it if time permits.
If it's a third party tool I'm using, I'd expect the supplier to have tested it.
There really isn't a reason why you could/shouldn't unit test your library. Some parts might be too hard to unit test properly, but most of it probably can be unit tested with no particular problem.
It's actually probably particularly beneficial to unit test this kind of code, since you expect it to be both reliable and reusable.
The tests test the code, and the code tests the tests. When you say the same intention in two different ways (once in tests and once in code), the probability of both of them being wrong is very low (unless already the requirements were wrong). This can be compared to the dual entry bookkeeping used by accountants. See http://butunclebob.com/ArticleS.UncleBob.TheSensitivityProblem
Recently there has been discussion about this same issue in the comments of http://blog.objectmentor.com/articles/2009/01/31/quality-doesnt-matter-that-much-jeff-and-joel
About your question, that should GUI testing libraries be tested... If I understood right, you are making your own testing library, and you want to know if you should test your testing library. Yes. To be able to rely on the library to report tests correctly, you should have tests which make sure that library does not report any false positives or false negatives. Regardless of whether the tests are unit tests, integration tests or acceptance tests, there should be at least some tests.
Usually writing unit tests after the code has been written is too late, because then the code tends to be more coupled. The unit tests force the code to be more decoupled, because otherwise small units (a class or a closely related group of classes) can not be tested in isolation.
When the code has already been written, then usually you can add only integration tests and acceptance tests. They will be run with the whole system running, so you can make sure that the features work right, but covering every corner case and execution path is harder than with unit tests.
We generally use these rules of thumb:
1) All product code has both unit tests (arranged to correspond closely with product code classes and functions), and separate functional tests (arranged by user-visible features)
2) Do not write tests for 3rd party code, such as .NET controls, or third party libraries. The exception to this is if you know they contain a bug which you are working around. A regression test for this (which fails when the 3rd party bug disappears) will alert you when upgrades to your 3rd party libraries fix the bug, meaning you can then remove your workarounds.
3) Unit tests and functional tests are not, themselves, ever directly tested - APART from using the TDD procedure of writing the test before the product code, then running the test to watch it fail. If you don't do this, you will be amazed by how easy it is to accidentally write tests which always pass. Ideally, you would then implement your product code one step at a time, and run the tests after each change, in order to see every single assertion in your test fail, then get implemented and start passing. Then you will see the next assertion fail. In this way, your tests DO get tested, but only while the product code is being written.
4) If we factor out code from our unit or functional tests - creating a testing library which is used in many tests, then we do unit test all of this.
This has served us very well. We seem to have always stuck to these rules 100%, and we are very happy with our arrangement.
Kent Beck's book "Test-Driven Development: By Example" has an example of test-driven development of a unit test framework, so it's certainly possible to test your tests.
I haven't worked with GUIs or .NET, but what concerns do you have about your unit tests?
Are you worried that it may describe the target code as incorrect when it is functioning properly? I suppose this is a possibility, but you'd probably be able to detect that if this was happening.
Or are you concerned that it may describe the target code as functioning properly even if it isn't? If you're worried about that, then mutation testing may be what you're after. Mutation testing changes parts of code being tested, to see if those changes cause any tests to fail. If it doesn't, then either the code isn't being run, or the results of that code isn't being tested.
If mutation testing software isn't available on your system, then you could do the mutation manually, by sabotaging the target code yourself and seeing if it causes the unit tests to fail.
If you're building a suite of unit testing products that aren't tied to a particular application, then maybe you should build a trivial application that you can run your test software on and ensure it gets the failures and successes expected.
One problem with mutation testing is that it doesn't ensure that the tests cover all potential scenarios a program may encounter. Instead, it only ensures that the scenarios anticipated by the target code are all tested.
Yes, your GUI testing libraries should be tested.
For example, if your library provides a Check method to verify the contents of a grid against a 2-dimensional array, you want to be sure that it works as intended.
Otherwise, your more complex test cases that test business processes in which a grid must receive particular data may be unreliable. If an error in your Check method produces false negatives, you'll quickly find the problem. However, if it produces false positives, you're in for major headaches down the line.
To test your CheckGrid method:
Populate a grid with known values
Call the CheckGrid method with the values populated
If this case passes, at least one aspect of CheckGrid works.
For the second case, you're expecting the CheckGrid method to report a test failure.
The particulars of how you indicate the expectation will depend on your xUnit framework (see an example later). But basically, if the Test Failure is not reported by CheckGrid, then the test case itself must fail.
Finally, you may want a few more test case for special conditions, such as: empty grids, grid size mismatching array size.
You should be able to modify the following dunit example for most frameworks in order to test that CheckGrid correctly detects errors:
//Populate TheGrid
CheckGrid(<incorrect values>, TheGrid);
LFlagTestFailure := False;
on E: ETestFailure do
LFlagTestFailure := True;
Check(LFlagTestFailure, 'CheckGrid method did not detect errors in grid content');
Let me reiterate: your GUI testing libraries should be tested; and the trick is - how do you do so effectively?
The TDD process recommends that you first figure out how you intend testing a new piece of functionality before you actually implement it. The reason is, that if you don't, you often find yourself scratching your head as to how you're going to verify it works. It is extremely difficult to retrofit test cases onto existing implementations.
Side Note
One thing you said bothers me a little... you said it takes "70% (of your time) to maintain (your tests)"
This sounds a little wrong to me, because ideally your tests should be simple, and should themselves only need to change if your interfaces or rules change.
I may have misunderstood you, but I got the impression that you don't write "production" code. Otherwise you should have more control over the cycle of switching between test code and production code so as to reduce your problem.
Some suggestions:
Watch out for non-deterministic values. For example, dates and artificial keys can play havoc with certain tests. You need a clear strategy of how you'll resolve this. (Another answer on its own.)
You'll need to work closely with the "production developers" to ensure that aspects of the interfaces you're testing can stabilise. I.e. They need to be cognisant of how your tests identify and interact with GUI components so they don't arbitrarily break your tests with changes that "don't affect them".
On the previous point, it would help if automated tests are run whenever they make changes.
You should also be wary of too many tests that simply boil down to arbitrary permutations. For example, if each customer has a category A, B, C, or D; then 4 "New Customer" tests (1 for each category) gives you 3 extra tests that don't really tell you much more than the first one, and are 'hard' to maintain.
Personally, I don't unit test my automation libraries, I run them against a modified version of the baseline to ensure all the checkpoints work. The principal here is that my automation is primarily for regression testing, e.g. that the results for the current run are the same as the expect results (typically this equates to the results of the last run). By running the tests against a suitably modified set of expected results, all the tests shoud fail. If they don't you have a bug in your test suite. This is a concept borrowed from mutation testing that I find works well for checking GUI automation suites.
From your question, I can understand that you are building a Keyword Driven Framework for performing automation testing. In this case, it is always recommended to do some white box testing on the common and GUI utility functions. Since you are interested in Unit testing each GUI testing functionality in your libraries, please go for it. Testing is always good. It is not a waste of time, I would see it as a 'value-add' to your framework.
You have also mentioned about handling test code, if you mean the test approach, please group up different functions/modules performing similar work eg: GUI element validation (presence), GUI element input, GUI element read. Group for different element types and perform a type unit test approach for each group. It would be easier for you to track the testing. Cheers!
I would suggest test the test is a good idea and something that must be done. Just make sure that what you're building to test your app is not more complex that the app itself. As it was said before, TDD is a good approach even when building automated functional tests (I personally wouldn't do it like that, but it is a good approach anyway). Unit testing you test code is a good approach as well. IMHO, if you're automating GUI testing, just go ahead with whatever manual tests are available (you should have steps, raw scenarios, expected results and so on), make sure they pass. Then, for other test that you might create and that are not already manually scripted, unit test them and follow a TDD approach. (then if you have time you could unit test the other ones).
Finally, keyword driven, is, IMO, the best approach you could follow because it gives you the most flexible approach.
You may want to explore a mutation testing framework ( if you work with Java : check out PIT Mutation Testing ). Another way to assess the quality of your unit testing is to look at reports provided by tools such as SonarQube ; the reports include various coverage metrics;

If a project has 100% unit test coverage, are integration tests still needed?

If a project has 100% unit test coverage, are integration tests still needed?
I have never worked on a project with 100% unit test coverage, but I'm wondering if your project obtains this (or in the 90%), was your experience that you still needed integration tests? (did you need less?)
I ask because integration tests seem to suck. They are often slow, fragile (break easily), opaque (when broken someone has to dive through all the layers to find out what is wrong) and are causing our project to slow way down... I'm beginning to think that having only unit tests (and perhaps a small handful of smoke tests) is the way to go.
In the long run, it seems like integration tests (in my experience) cost more than they save.
Thanks for your consideration.
I think it's important to define your terms before having this discussion.
Unit test tests a single unit in isolation. For me, that's a class. A unit test will create an object, invoke a method, and check a result. It answers the question "does my code do what I intended it to do?"
Integration test tests the combination of two components in the system. It is focused on the relationship between the components, not the components themselves. It answers the question "do these components work together as intended".
System test tests the whole software system. It answers the question "does this software work as intended?"
Acceptance test is an automated way for the customer answer the question "is this software what I think I want?". It is a kind of system test.
Note that none of these tests answer questions like "is this software useful?" or "is this software easy to use?".
All automated tests are limited by axiom "End-to-end is further than you think" - eventually a human has to sit down in front of a computer and look at your user interface.
Unit tests are faster and easier to write, faster to run, and easier to diagnose. They don't depend on "external" elements like a file system or a database, so they are much simpler/faster/reliable. Most unit tests continue to work as you refactor (and good unit tests are the only way to refactor safely). They absolutely require that your code be decoupled, which is hard, unless you write the test first. This combination of factors makes the Red/Green/Refactor sequence of TDD work so well.
System tests are hard to write, because they have to go through so much setup to get to a specific situation that you want to test. They are brittle, because any change in the behavior of the software before can affect the sequence leading up to the situation you want to test, even if that behavior isn't relevant to the test. They are dramatically slower than unit tests for similar reasons. Failures can be very difficult to diagnose, both because it can take a long time to get to the point of failure, and because so much software is involved in the failure. In some software, system tests are very difficult to automate.
Integration tests sit in between: they are easier to write, run, and diagnose than system tests, but with broader coverage than unit tests.
Use a combination of testing strategies to balance the costs and values of each.
Even if all "units" do what they are supposed to do, it is no guarantee that the complete system works as designed.
Yes, besides there are a few different types of code coverage
from wiki:
Function coverage - Has each function in the program been executed?
Statement coverage - Has each line of the source code been executed?
Decision coverage (also known as Branch coverage) - Has each control structure (such as an if statement) evaluated both to true and false?
Condition coverage - Has each boolean sub-expression evaluated both to true and false (this does not necessarily imply decision coverage)?
Modified Condition/Decision Coverage (MC/DC) - Has every condition in a decision taken on all possible outcomes at least once? Has each condition been shown to affect that decision outcome independently?
Path coverage - Has every possible route through a given part of the code been executed?
Entry/exit coverage - Has every possible call and return of the function been executed?
Path coverage for example, just because every method has been called, doesn't mean that errors wont occur if you call various methods in a given order.
First, 100% unit test coverage is not enough even at unit testing level: you cover only 100% of the instructions of your code. What about paths in your code? What about input or output domains?
Second, you don't know whether output from a sender unit is compatible with input from its receiver unit. This is the purpose of integration testing.
Finally, unit testing may be performed on a different environment than production. Integration testing may reveal discrepancies.
You can only prove the presence of a bug using tests/coverage, but you can never prove that the code is bug-free using tests/coverage. This fact indicates the boundaries of testing/coverage. This is the same in mathematics, you can disprove a theorem by finding a counter example, but you can never prove a theorem by not finding a counter example. So testing and coverage are only a substitute for correctness proofs, which are so difficult to do that they are almost never used. Testing and coverage can improve quality of the code, but there is no guarantee. It remains a craft an not a science.
I've not really seen an answer that covers these considerations. Now, I'm speaking from a holistic systems perspective, not form a SW development perspective, but...
Integration is basically the process of combining lower level products into a higher level product. Each level has its own set of requirements to comply with. Although it is possible that some requirements are the same, the overall requirements set will be different for different levels. This means that test objectives are different at different levels.
Also, the environment of the environment of the higher level product tends to be different from that of the lower level product (e.g. SW module testing may occur on a desktop environment, whereas a complete loadable SW item may be tested when loaded in its HW component).
Furthermore, lower level component developers may not have the same understanding of the `requirements and design as the higher level product developers, so integration testing also validates to a certain extend the lower level product development.
Unit tests are different from integration tests.
Just to make a point: if I have to choose, I would dump unit tests and go with integration tests. Experience tells that unit tests help to ensure functionality and also find bugs early in the development cycle.
Integration testing is done with product looking close to what it would look to end users. That is important too.
Unit tests are generally all about testing your class in isolation. They should be designed to ensure that given specific inputs your class exhibits predictable and expected behaviors.
Integration tests are generally all about testing your classes in combinations with each other and with "outside" programs using those classes. They should focus on ensuring that when the overall product uses your classes it is doing so in the correct manner.
"opaque (when broken someone has to dive through all the layers to find out what is wrong)" -- this is exactly why integration tests are done - otherwise those opaque issues would show up in production environment.
Yes because the functionality of your software depends on how it's different piece interact. Unit Tests depend on you coming with the inputs and defining the expected output. Doing this doesn't guarantee that it will work with the rest of your system.
Yes integration testing is a pain to deal with when you introduce code changes that deliberately changes the output. With our software we minimize by this by focusing on comparing the save result of a integration test with a saved correct result.
We have a tool that can use when we are sure that we are producing the correct results. It goes and loads up the old saved correct results and modifies them to work with the new setup.
I routinely see all sorts of issues uncovered by good integration testing - especially if you can automate some of your integration testing.
Unit tests are great, but you can accomplish 100% code coverage without 100% relevancy in your unit tests. You're really trying to test different things, right? In unit tests, you're looking for edge cases for a specific function, usually, whereas integration testing is going to show you problems at a higher level as all these functions interact.
If you build an API into your software, you can use this for automated integration testing - I've gotten a lot of mileage out of this in the past. I don't know that I'd go as far as to say that I'd dump unit tests in favor of integration tests, but when they're done right, they're a really powerful addition.
This exact question was basically just asked a day ago. See this question for lots of the errors you could run into even with 100% code coverage.
It doesn't look like it was mentioned here, but you can never actually have 100% unit test coverage (if you have a database involved). The moment you write a unit test for database connectivity and CRUD operations, you've just created an integration test. The reason is because your test now has a dependency outside of the individual units of work. The projects I've worked on, and the developers I've spoken with, have always indicated that the remaining 10% is the DAO or service layer. The best way to test that is with integration tests and a mock (in-memory) database. I've seen attempts to mock connections in order to unit test the DAO, but I don't really see the point -- your DAO is just a way to serialize raw data from one format to another, and your manager or delegate will decide how to manipulate it.

How is unit testing better than just testing the entire output of your application as a whole?

I don't understand how an unit test could possibly benefit.
Isn't it sufficient for a tester to test the entire output as a whole rather than doing unit tests?
What you are describing is integration testing. What integration testing will not tell you is which piece of your massive application is not working correctly when your output is no longer correct.
The advantage to unit testing is that you can write a test for each business assumption or algorithm step that you need your program to perform. When someone adds or changes code to your application, you immediately know exactly which step, which piece, and maybe even which line of code is broken when a bug is introduced. The time savings on maintenence for that reason alone makes it worthwhile, but there is an even bigger advantage in that regression bugs cannot be introduced (assuming your tests are running automatically when you build your software). If you fix a bug, and then write a test specifically to catch that bug in the future, there is no way someone could accidentally introduce it again.
The combination of integration testing and unit testing can let you sleep much easier at night, especially when you've checked in a big piece of code that day.
The earlier you catch bugs, the cheaper they are to fix. A bug found during unit testing by the coder is pretty cheap (just fix the darn thing).
A bug found during system or integration testing costs more, since you have to fix it and restart the test cycle.
A bug found by your customer will cost a lot: recoding, retesting, repackaging and so forth. It may also leave a painful boot print on your derriere when you inform management that you didn't catch it during unit testing because you didn't do any, thinking that the system testers would find all the problems :-)
How much money would it cost GM to recall 10,000 cars because the catalytic converter didn't work properly?
Now think of how much it would cost them if they discovered that immediately after those converters were delivered to them, but before they were put into those 10,000 cars.
I think you'll find the latter option to be quite a bit cheaper.
That's one reason why test driven development and continuous integration are (sometimes) a good thing - testing is done all the time.
In addition, unit tests don't check that the program works as a whole, just that each little bit performs as expected. That's often quite a lot more than higher level tests would check.
From my experience:
Integration and functional testing tend to be more indicative of the overall quality of the system, than unit test suit is.
High level testing (functional, acceptance) is a QA tool.
Unit testing is a development tool. Especially in a TDD context, where unit test becomes more of a design implement, rather than that of a quality assurance.
As a result of better design, quality of the entire system improves (indirectly).
Passing unit test suite is meant to ensure that a single component conforms to the developer's intentions (correctness). Acceptance test is the level that covers validity of the system (i.e. system does what user want it to do).
Unit test is meant as a development tool first, QA tool second.
Acceptance test is meant as a QA tool.
There is still a need for a certain level of manual testing to be performed but unit testing is used to decrease the number of defects that make it to that stage. Unit testing tests the smallest parts of the system and if they all work the chances of the application as a whole working correctly are increased significantly.
It also assists when adding new features since regression testing can be performed quickly and automatically.
For a complex enough application, testing the entire output as a whole may not cover enough different possibilities. For example, any given application has a huge number of different code paths that can be followed depending on input. In typical testing, there may be many parts of your code that are simply never encountered, because they are only used in certain circumstances, so you can't be sure that any code that isn't run in your test situation, actually works. Also, errors in one section of code may be masked a majority of the time by something else in another section of code, so you may never discover some errors.
It is better to test each function or class separately. That way, the test is easier to write, because you are only testing a certain small section of the code. It's also easier to cover every possible code path when testing, and if you test each small part separately then you can detect errors even when those errors would often be masked by other parts of your code when run in your application.
Do yourself a favor and try out unit testing first. I was quite the skeptic myself until I realized just how darned helpful/powerful unit-tests can be. If you think about it, they aren't really there to add to your workload. They are there to provide you with peace of mind and allow you to continue extending your application while ensuring that your code is solid. You get immediate feedback as to when you may have broke something and this is something of extraordinary value.
To your question regarding why to test small sections of code consider this: Suppose your giant app uses a cool XOR encryption scheme that you wrote and eventually product management changes the requirements of how you generate these encrypted strings. So you say: "Heck, I wrote the the encryption routine so I'll go ahead and make the change. It'll take me 15 minutes and we'll all go home and have a party." Well, perhaps you introduced a bug during this process. But wait!!! Your handy dandy TestXOREncryption() test method immediately tells you that the expected output did not match the input. Bingo, this is why you broke down your unit tests ahead of time into small "units" to test for because in your big giant application you would not have figured this out nearly as fast.
Also, once you get into the frame of mind of regularly writing unit tests you'll realize that although you pay an upfront cost in the beginning in terms of time, you'll get that back 10 fold later in the development cycle when you can quickly identify areas in your code that have introduced problems.
There is no magic bullet with unit tests because your ability to identify problems is only as good as the tests you write. It boils down to delivering a better product and relieving yourself of stress and headaches. =)
Agree with most of the answers. Let's drill down on the topic of speed. Here are some real numbers:
Unit test results in 1 or 2 minutes from a
fresh compile. As true unit tests
(no interaction with external
systems like dbs) they can cover a
lot of logic really fast.
Automated functional test results in 1 or 2 hours. These run on a simplified platform, but sometimes cover multiple systems and the database - which really kills the speed.
Automated integration test results once a day. These exercise the full meal deal, but are so heavy and slow, we can only execute them once a day and it takes a few hours.
Manual regression results come in after a few weeks. We get stuff over to testers a few times a day, but your change isn't realistically regressed for week or two at best.
I want to find out what I broke in 1 or 2 minutes, not a few weeks, not even a few hours. That's where the 10fold ROI on unit tests that people talk about comes from.
This is a tough question to approach because it questions something of such enormous breadth. Here's my short answer, however:
Test Driven Development (or TDD) seeks to prove that every logical unit of an application (or block of code) functions exactly as it should. By making tests as automated as possible for productivity's sake, how could this really be harmful?
By testing every logical piece of code, you can trust the usage of the code up some hierarchy. Say I build an application that relies on a thread-safe stack implementation. Shouldn't the stack be guaranteed to work up at every stage before I build on it?
The key is that if something in the whole application breaks, meaning just looking at the total output/outcome, how do you know where it came from? Well, debugging, of course! Which puts you back where you started. TDD allows you to -hopefully- bypass this most painful stage in development.
Testers generally test end to end functionality. Obviously this is geared for going at user scenarios and has incredible value.
Unit Tests serve a different functionality. The are the developers way of verifying the components they write work correctly in the absence of other features or in combination with other features. This offers a range of value including
Provides un-ignorable documentation
Ability to isolate bugs to specific components
Verify invariants in the code
Provide quick, immediate feedback to changes in the code base.
One place to start is regression testing. Once you find a bug, write a small test that demonstrates the bug, fix it, then make sure the test now passes. In future you can run that test before each release to ensure that the bug has not been reintroduced.
Why do that at a unit level instead of a whole-program level? Speed. In good code it's much faster to isolate a small unit and write a tiny test than to drive a complex program through to the bug point. Then when testing a unit test will generally run significantly faster than an integration test.
Very simply: Unit tests are easier to write, since you're only testing a single method's functionality. And bugs are easier to fix, since you know exactly what method is broken.
But like the other answerers have pointed out, unit tests aren't the end-all-be-all of testing. They're just the smallest piece of the equation.
Probably the single biggest difficulty with software is the sheer number of interacting things, and the most useful technique is to reduce the number of things that have to be considered.
For example, using higher-level languages rather than lower-level improves productivity, because one line is a separate thing, and being able to write a program in fewer lines reduces the number of things.
Procedural programming came about as an attempt to reduce complexity by making it possible to treat a function as a thing. In order to do that, though, we have to be able to think about what the function does in a coherent manner, and with confidence that we're right. (Object-oriented programming does a similar thing, on a larger scale.)
There are several ways to do this. Design-by-contract is a way of exactly specifying what the function does. Using function parameters rather than global variables to call the function and get results reduces the complexity of the function.
Unit testing is one way to verify that the function does what it is supposed to. It's usually possible to test all the code in a function, and sometimes all the execution paths. It is a way to tell if the function works as it should or not. If the function works, we can think about it as a single thing, rather than as multiple things we have to keep track of.
It serves other purposes. Unit tests are usually quick to run, and so can catch bugs quickly, when they're easy to fix. If developers make sure a function passes the tests before being checked in, then the tests are a form of documenting what the function does that is guaranteed correct. The act of creating the tests forces the test writer to think about what the function should be doing. After that, whoever wanted the change can look at the tests to see if he or she was properly understood.
By way of contrast, larger tests are not exhaustive, and so can easily miss lots of bugs. They're bad at localizing bugs. They are usually performed at fairly long intervals, so they may detect a bug some time after it's made. They define parts of the total user experience, but provide no basis to reason about any part of the system. They should not be neglected, but they are not a substitute for unit tests.
As others have stated, the length of the feedback loop and isolation of the problem to a specific component are key benefits of Unit Tests.
Another way that they are complementary to functional tests is how coverage is tracked in some organizations:
Unit tests on code coverage
Functional tests on requirements coverage
Functional tests might miss features that were implemented but are not in the spec.
Being based on the code, Unit tests might miss that a certain feature wasn't implemented, which is where requirements based coverage analysis of Functional testing comes in.
A final point : there are some things that are easier/faster to test at the unit level, especially around error scenarios.
Unit testing will help you identify the source of your bug more clearly and let you know that you have a problem earlier. Both are good to have, but they are different, and unit testing does have benefits.
The software you test is a system. When you are testing it as a whole you are black box testing since you primarily deal with inputs and outputs. Black box testing is great when you have no means of getting inside of the system.
But since you usually do, you create a lot of unit tests that actually test your system as a white box. You can slice system open in many ways and organize your tests depending on system internal structure. White box testing provides you with many more ways of testing and analyzing systems. It's clearly complimentary to Black box testing and should not be considered as an alternative or competing methodology.

What is unit testing? [closed]

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I saw many questions asking 'how' to unit test in a specific language, but no question asking 'what', 'why', and 'when'.
What is it?
What does it do for me?
Why should I use it?
When should I use it (also when not)?
What are some common pitfalls and misconceptions
Unit testing is, roughly speaking, testing bits of your code in isolation with test code. The immediate advantages that come to mind are:
Running the tests becomes automate-able and repeatable
You can test at a much more granular level than point-and-click testing via a GUI
Note that if your test code writes to a file, opens a database connection or does something over the network, it's more appropriately categorized as an integration test. Integration tests are a good thing, but should not be confused with unit tests. Unit test code should be short, sweet and quick to execute.
Another way to look at unit testing is that you write the tests first. This is known as Test-Driven Development (TDD for short). TDD brings additional advantages:
You don't write speculative "I might need this in the future" code -- just enough to make the tests pass
The code you've written is always covered by tests
By writing the test first, you're forced into thinking about how you want to call the code, which usually improves the design of the code in the long run.
If you're not doing unit testing now, I recommend you get started on it. Get a good book, practically any xUnit-book will do because the concepts are very much transferable between them.
Sometimes writing unit tests can be painful. When it gets that way, try to find someone to help you, and resist the temptation to "just write the damn code". Unit testing is a lot like washing the dishes. It's not always pleasant, but it keeps your metaphorical kitchen clean, and you really want it to be clean. :)
Edit: One misconception comes to mind, although I'm not sure if it's so common. I've heard a project manager say that unit tests made the team write all the code twice. If it looks and feels that way, well, you're doing it wrong. Not only does writing the tests usually speed up development, but it also gives you a convenient "now I'm done" indicator that you wouldn't have otherwise.
I don't disagree with Dan (although a better choice may just be not to answer)...but...
Unit testing is the process of writing code to test the behavior and functionality of your system.
Obviously tests improve the quality of your code, but that's just a superficial benefit of unit testing. The real benefits are to:
Make it easier to change the technical implementation while making sure you don't change the behavior (refactoring). Properly unit tested code can be aggressively refactored/cleaned up with little chance of breaking anything without noticing it.
Give developers confidence when adding behavior or making fixes.
Document your code
Indicate areas of your code that are tightly coupled. It's hard to unit test code that's tightly coupled
Provide a means to use your API and look for difficulties early on
Indicates methods and classes that aren't very cohesive
You should unit test because its in your interest to deliver a maintainable and quality product to your client.
I'd suggest you use it for any system, or part of a system, which models real-world behavior. In other words, it's particularly well suited for enterprise development. I would not use it for throw-away/utility programs. I would not use it for parts of a system that are problematic to test (UI is a common example, but that isn't always the case)
The greatest pitfall is that developers test too large a unit, or they consider a method a unit. This is particularly true if you don't understand Inversion of Control - in which case your unit tests will always turn into end-to-end integration testing. Unit test should test individual behaviors - and most methods have many behaviors.
The greatest misconception is that programmers shouldn't test. Only bad or lazy programmers believe that. Should the guy building your roof not test it? Should the doctor replacing a heart valve not test the new valve? Only a programmer can test that his code does what he intended it to do (QA can test edge cases - how code behaves when it's told to do things the programmer didn't intend, and the client can do acceptance test - does the code do what what the client paid for it to do)
The main difference of unit testing, as opposed to "just opening a new project and test this specific code" is that it's automated, thus repeatable.
If you test your code manually, it may convince you that the code is working perfectly - in its current state. But what about a week later, when you made a slight modification in it? Are you willing to retest it again by hand whenever anything changes in your code? Most probably not :-(
But if you can run your tests anytime, with a single click, exactly the same way, within a few seconds, then they will show you immediately whenever something is broken. And if you also integrate the unit tests into your automated build process, they will alert you to bugs even in cases where a seemingly completely unrelated change broke something in a distant part of the codebase - when it would not even occur to you that there is a need to retest that particular functionality.
This is the main advantage of unit tests over hand testing. But wait, there is more:
unit tests shorten the development feedback loop dramatically: with a separate testing department it may take weeks for you to know that there is a bug in your code, by which time you have already forgotten much of the context, thus it may take you hours to find and fix the bug; OTOH with unit tests, the feedback cycle is measured in seconds, and the bug fix process is typically along the lines of an "oh sh*t, I forgot to check for that condition here" :-)
unit tests effectively document (your understanding of) the behaviour of your code
unit testing forces you to reevaluate your design choices, which results in simpler, cleaner design
Unit testing frameworks, in turn, make it easy for you to write and run your tests.
I was never taught unit testing at university, and it took me a while to "get" it. I read about it, went "ah, right, automated testing, that could be cool I guess", and then I forgot about it.
It took quite a bit longer before I really figured out the point: Let's say you're working on a large system and you write a small module. It compiles, you put it through its paces, it works great, you move on to the next task. Nine months down the line and two versions later someone else makes a change to some seemingly unrelated part of the program, and it breaks the module. Worse, they test their changes, and their code works, but they don't test your module; hell, they may not even know your module exists.
And now you've got a problem: broken code is in the trunk and nobody even knows. The best case is an internal tester finds it before you ship, but fixing code that late in the game is expensive. And if no internal tester finds it...well, that can get very expensive indeed.
The solution is unit tests. They'll catch problems when you write code - which is fine - but you could have done that by hand. The real payoff is that they'll catch problems nine months down the line when you're now working on a completely different project, but a summer intern thinks it'll look tidier if those parameters were in alphabetical order - and then the unit test you wrote way back fails, and someone throws things at the intern until he changes the parameter order back. That's the "why" of unit tests. :-)
Chipping in on the philosophical pros of unit testing and TDD here are a few of they key "lightbulb" observations which struck me on my tentative first steps on the road to TDD enlightenment (none original or necessarily news)...
TDD does NOT mean writing twice the amount of code. Test code is typically fairly quick and painless to write and is a key part of your design process and critically.
TDD helps you to realize when to stop coding! Your tests give you confidence that you've done enough for now and can stop tweaking and move on to the next thing.
The tests and the code work together to achieve better code. Your code could be bad / buggy. Your TEST could be bad / buggy. In TDD you are banking on the chances of BOTH being bad / buggy being fairly low. Often its the test that needs fixing but that's still a good outcome.
TDD helps with coding constipation. You know that feeling that you have so much to do you barely know where to start? It's Friday afternoon, if you just procrastinate for a couple more hours... TDD allows you to flesh out very quickly what you think you need to do, and gets your coding moving quickly. Also, like lab rats, I think we all respond to that big green light and work harder to see it again!
In a similar vein, these designer types can SEE what they're working on. They can wander off for a juice / cigarette / iphone break and return to a monitor that immediately gives them a visual cue as to where they got to. TDD gives us something similar. It's easier to see where we got to when life intervenes...
I think it was Fowler who said: "Imperfect tests, run frequently, are much better than perfect tests that are never written at all". I interprete this as giving me permission to write tests where I think they'll be most useful even if the rest of my code coverage is woefully incomplete.
TDD helps in all kinds of surprising ways down the line. Good unit tests can help document what something is supposed to do, they can help you migrate code from one project to another and give you an unwarranted feeling of superiority over your non-testing colleagues :)
This presentation is an excellent introduction to all the yummy goodness testing entails.
I would like to recommend the xUnit Testing Patterns book by Gerard Meszaros. It's large but is a great resource on unit testing. Here is a link to his web site where he discusses the basics of unit testing. http://xunitpatterns.com/XUnitBasics.html
I use unit tests to save time.
When building business logic (or data access) testing functionality can often involve typing stuff into a lot of screens that may or may not be finished yet. Automating these tests saves time.
For me unit tests are a kind of modularised test harness. There is usually at least one test per public function. I write additional tests to cover various behaviours.
All the special cases that you thought of when developing the code can be recorded in the code in the unit tests. The unit tests also become a source of examples on how to use the code.
It is a lot faster for me to discover that my new code breaks something in my unit tests then to check in the code and have some front-end developer find a problem.
For data access testing I try to write tests that either have no change or clean up after themselves.
Unit tests aren’t going to be able to solve all the testing requirements. They will be able to save development time and test core parts of the application.
This is my take on it. I would say unit testing is the practice of writing software tests to verify that your real software does what it is meant to. This started with jUnit in the Java world and has become a best practice in PHP as well with SimpleTest and phpUnit. It's a core practice of Extreme Programming and helps you to be sure that your software still works as intended after editing. If you have sufficient test coverage, you can do major refactoring, bug fixing or add features rapidly with much less fear of introducing other problems.
It's most effective when all unit tests can be run automatically.
Unit testing is generally associated with OO development. The basic idea is to create a script which sets up the environment for your code and then exercises it; you write assertions, specify the intended output that you should receive and then execute your test script using a framework such as those mentioned above.
The framework will run all the tests against your code and then report back success or failure of each test. phpUnit is run from the Linux command line by default, though there are HTTP interfaces available for it. SimpleTest is web-based by nature and is much easier to get up and running, IMO. In combination with xDebug, phpUnit can give you automated statistics for code coverage which some people find very useful.
Some teams write hooks from their subversion repository so that unit tests are run automatically whenever you commit changes.
It's good practice to keep your unit tests in the same repository as your application.
LibrarIES like NUnit, xUnit or JUnit are just mandatory if you want to develop your projects using the TDD approach popularized by Kent Beck:
You can read Introduction to Test Driven Development (TDD) or Kent Beck's book Test Driven Development: By Example.
Then, if you want to be sure your tests cover a "good" part of your code, you can use software like NCover, JCover, PartCover or whatever. They'll tell you the coverage percentage of your code. Depending on how much you're adept at TDD, you'll know if you've practiced it well enough :)
Unit-testing is the testing of a unit of code (e.g. a single function) without the need for the infrastructure that that unit of code relies on. i.e. test it in isolation.
If, for example, the function that you're testing connects to a database and does an update, in a unit test you might not want to do that update. You would if it were an integration test but in this case it's not.
So a unit test would exercise the functionality enclosed in the "function" you're testing without side effects of the database update.
Say your function retrieved some numbers from a database and then performed a standard deviation calculation. What are you trying to test here? That the standard deviation is calculated correctly or that the data is returned from the database?
In a unit test you just want to test that the standard deviation is calculated correctly. In an integration test you want to test the standard deviation calculation and the database retrieval.
Unit testing is about writing code that tests your application code.
The Unit part of the name is about the intention to test small units of code (one method for example) at a time.
xUnit is there to help with this testing - they are frameworks that assist with this. Part of that is automated test runners that tell you what test fail and which ones pass.
They also have facilities to setup common code that you need in each test before hand and tear it down when all tests have finished.
You can have a test to check that an expected exception has been thrown, without having to write the whole try catch block yourself.
I think the point that you don't understand is that unit testing frameworks like NUnit (and the like) will help you in automating small to medium-sized tests. Usually you can run the tests in a GUI (that's the case with NUnit, for instance) by simply clicking a button and then - hopefully - see the progress bar stay green. If it turns red, the framework shows you which test failed and what exactly went wrong. In a normal unit test, you often use assertions, e.g. Assert.AreEqual(expectedValue, actualValue, "some description") - so if the two values are unequal you will see an error saying "some description: expected <expectedValue> but was <actualValue>".
So as a conclusion unit testing will make testing faster and a lot more comfortable for developers. You can run all the unit tests before committing new code so that you don't break the build process of other developers on the same project.
Use Testivus. All you need to know is right there :)
Unit testing is a practice to make sure that the function or module which you are going to implement is going to behave as expected (requirements) and also to make sure how it behaves in scenarios like boundary conditions, and invalid input.
xUnit, NUnit, mbUnit, etc. are tools which help you in writing the tests.
Test Driven Development has sort of taken over the term Unit Test. As an old timer I will mention the more generic definition of it.
Unit Test also means testing a single component in a larger system. This single component could be a dll, exe, class library, etc. It could even be a single system in a multi-system application. So ultimately Unit Test ends up being the testing of whatever you want to call a single piece of a larger system.
You would then move up to integrated or system testing by testing how all the components work together.
First of all, whether speaking about Unit testing or any other kinds of automated testing (Integration, Load, UI testing etc.), the key difference from what you suggest is that it is automated, repeatable and it doesn't require any human resources to be consumed (= nobody has to perform the tests, they usually run at a press of a button).
I went to a presentation on unit testing at FoxForward 2007 and was told never to unit test anything that works with data. After all, if you test on live data, the results are unpredictable, and if you don't test on live data, you're not actually testing the code you wrote. Unfortunately, that's most of the coding I do these days. :-)
I did take a shot at TDD recently when I was writing a routine to save and restore settings. First, I verified that I could create the storage object. Then, that it had the method I needed to call. Then, that I could call it. Then, that I could pass it parameters. Then, that I could pass it specific parameters. And so on, until I was finally verifying that it would save the specified setting, allow me to change it, and then restore it, for several different syntaxes.
I didn't get to the end, because I needed-the-routine-now-dammit, but it was a good exercise.
What do you do if you are given a pile of crap and seem like you are stuck in a perpetual state of cleanup that you know with the addition of any new feature or code can break the current set because the current software is like a house of cards?
How can we do unit testing then?
You start small. The project I just got into had no unit testing until a few months ago. When coverage was that low, we would simply pick a file that had no coverage and click "add tests".
Right now we're up to over 40%, and we've managed to pick off most of the low-hanging fruit.
(The best part is that even at this low level of coverage, we've already run into many instances of the code doing the wrong thing, and the testing caught it. That's a huge motivator to push people to add more testing.)
This answers why you should be doing unit testing.
The 3 videos below cover unit testing in javascript but the general principles apply across most languages.
Unit Testing: Minutes Now Will Save Hours Later - Eric Mann - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_UmmaPe8Bzc
JS Unit Testing (very good) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-IYqgx8JxlU
Writing Testable JavaScript - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OzjogCFO4Zo
Now I'm just learning about the subject so I may not be 100% correct and there's more to it than what I'm describing here but my basic understanding of unit testing is that you write some test code (which is kept separate from your main code) that calls a function in your main code with input (arguments) that the function requires and the code then checks if it gets back a valid return value. If it does get back a valid value the unit testing framework that you're using to run the tests shows a green light (all good) if the value is invalid you get a red light and you then can fix the problem straight away before you release the new code to production, without testing you may actually not have caught the error.
So you write tests for you current code and create the code so that it passes the test. Months later you or someone else need to modify the function in your main code, because earlier you had already written test code for that function you now run again and the test may fail because the coder introduced a logic error in the function or return something completely different than what that function is supposed to return. Again without the test in place that error might be hard to track down as it can possibly affect other code as well and will go unnoticed.
Also the fact that you have a computer program that runs through your code and tests it instead of you manually doing it in the browser page by page saves time (unit testing for javascript). Let's say that you modify a function that is used by some script on a web page and it works all well and good for its new intended purpose. But, let's also say for arguments sake that there is another function you have somewhere else in your code that depends on that newly modified function for it to operate properly. This dependent function may now stop working because of the changes that you've made to the first function, however without tests in place that are run automatically by your computer you will not notice that there's a problem with that function until it is actually executed and you'll have to manually navigate to a web page that includes the script which executes the dependent function, only then you notice that there's a bug because of the change that you made to the first function.
To reiterate, having tests that are run while developing your application will catch these kinds of problems as you're coding. Not having the tests in place you'd have to manually go through your whole application and even then it can be hard to spot the bug, naively you send it out into production and after a while a kind user sends you a bug report (which won't be as good as your error messages in a testing framework).
It's quite confusing when you first hear of the subject and you think to yourself, am I not already testing my code? And the code that you've written is working like it is supposed to already, "why do I need another framework?"... Yes you are already testing your code but a computer is better at doing it. You just have to write good enough tests for a function/unit of code once and the rest is taken care of for you by the mighty cpu instead of you having to manually check that all of your code is still working when you make a change to your code.
Also, you don't have to unit test your code if you don't want to but it pays off as your project/code base starts to grow larger as the chances of introducing bugs increases.
Unit-testing and TDD in general enables you to have shorter feedback cycles about the software you are writing. Instead of having a large test phase at the very end of the implementation, you incrementally test everything you write. This increases code quality very much, as you immediately see, where you might have bugs.