When reading how to use std::rand, I found this code on
int x = 7;
while(x > 6)
x = 1 + std::rand()/((RAND_MAX + 1u)/6); // Note: 1+rand()%6 is biased
What is wrong with the expression on the right? Tried it and it works perfectly.
There are two issues with rand() % 6 (the 1+ doesn't affect either problem).
First, as several answers have pointed out, if the low bits of rand() aren't appropriately uniform, the result of the remainder operator is also not uniform.
Second, if the number of distinct values produced by rand() is not a multiple of 6, then the remainder will produce more low values than high values. That's true even if rand() returns perfectly distributed values.
As an extreme example, pretend that rand() produces uniformly distributed values in the range [0..6]. If you look at the remainders for those values, when rand() returns a value in the range [0..5], the remainder produces uniformly distributed results in the range [0..5]. When rand() returns 6, rand() % 6 returns 0, just as if rand() had returned 0. So you get a distribution with twice as many 0's as any other value.
The second is the real problem with rand() % 6.
The way to avoid that problem is to discard values that would produce non-uniform duplicates. You calculate the largest multiple of 6 that's less than or equal to RAND_MAX, and whenever rand() returns a value that's greater than or equal to that multiple you reject it and call `rand() again, as many times a needed.
int max = 6 * ((RAND_MAX + 1u) / 6)
int value = rand();
while (value >= max)
value = rand();
That's a different implementation of the code in question, intended to more clearly show what's going on.
There are hidden depths here:
The use of the small u in RAND_MAX + 1u. RAND_MAX is defined to be an int type, and is often the largest possible int. The behaviour of RAND_MAX + 1 would be undefined in such instances as you'd be overflowing a signed type. Writing 1u forces type conversion of RAND_MAX to unsigned, so obviating the overflow.
The use of % 6 can (but on every implementation of std::rand I've seen doesn't) introduce any additional statistical bias above and beyond the alternative presented. Such instances where % 6 is hazardous are cases where the number generator has correlation plains in the low order bits, such as a rather famous IBM implementation (in C) of rand in, I think, the 1970s which flipped the high and low bits as "a final flourish". A further consideration is that 6 is very small cf. RAND_MAX, so there will be a minimal effect if RAND_MAX is not a multiple of 6, which it probably isn't.
In conclusion, these days, due to its tractability, I'd use % 6. It's not likely to introduce any statistical anomalies beyond those introduced by the generator itself. If you are still in doubt, test your generator to see if it has the appropriate statistical properties for your use case.
This example code illustrates that std::rand is a case of legacy cargo cult balderdash that should make your eyebrows raise every time you see it.
There are several issues here:
The contract people usually assume—even the poor hapless souls who don't know any better and won't think of it in precisely these terms—is that rand samples from the uniform distribution on the integers in 0, 1, 2, …, RAND_MAX, and each call yields an independent sample.
The first problem is that the assumed contract, independent uniform random samples in each call, is not actually what the documentation says—and in practice, implementations historically failed to provide even the barest simulacrum of independence. For example, C99 § ‘The rand function’ says, without elaboration:
The rand function computes a sequence of pseudo-random integers in the range 0 to RAND_MAX.
This is a meaningless sentence, because pseudorandomness is a property of a function (or family of functions), not of an integer, but that doesn't stop even ISO bureaucrats from abusing the language. After all, the only readers who would be upset by it know better than to read the documentation for rand for fear of their brain cells decaying.
A typical historical implementation in C works like this:
static unsigned int seed = 1;
static void
srand(unsigned int s)
seed = s;
static unsigned int
seed = (seed*1103515245 + 12345) % ((unsigned long)RAND_MAX + 1);
return (int)seed;
This has the unfortunate property that even though a single sample may be uniformly distributed under a uniform random seed (which depends on the specific value of RAND_MAX), it alternates between even and odd integers in consecutive calls—after
int a = rand();
int b = rand();
the expression (a & 1) ^ (b & 1) yields 1 with 100% probability, which is not the case for independent random samples on any distribution supported on even and odd integers. Thus, a cargo cult emerged that one should discard the low-order bits to chase the elusive beast of ‘better randomness’. (Spoiler alert: This is not a technical term. This is a sign that whosever prose you are reading either doesn't know what they're talking about, or thinks you are clueless and must be condescended to.)
The second problem is that even if each call did sample independently from a uniform random distribution on 0, 1, 2, …, RAND_MAX, the outcome of rand() % 6 would not be uniformly distributed in 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 like a die roll, unless RAND_MAX is congruent to -1 modulo 6. Simple counterexample: If RAND_MAX = 6, then from rand(), all outcomes have equal probability 1/7, but from rand() % 6, the outcome 0 has probability 2/7 while all other outcomes have probability 1/7.
The right way to do this is with rejection sampling: repeatedly draw an independent uniform random sample s from 0, 1, 2, …, RAND_MAX, and reject (for example) the outcomes 0, 1, 2, …, ((RAND_MAX + 1) % 6) - 1—if you get one of those, start over; otherwise, yield s % 6.
unsigned int s;
while ((s = rand()) < ((unsigned long)RAND_MAX + 1) % 6)
return s % 6;
This way, the set of outcomes from rand() that we accept is evenly divisible by 6, and each possible outcome from s % 6 is obtained by the same number of accepted outcomes from rand(), so if rand() is uniformly distributed then so is s. There is no bound on the number of trials, but the expected number is less than 2, and the probability of success grows exponentially with the number of trials.
The choice of which outcomes of rand() you reject is immaterial, provided that you map an equal number of them to each integer below 6. The code at makes a different choice, because of the first problem above—that nothing is guaranteed about the distribution or independence of outputs of rand(), and in practice the low-order bits exhibited patterns that don't ‘look random enough’ (never mind that the next output is a deterministic function of the previous one).
Exercise for the reader: Prove that the code at yields a uniform distribution on die rolls if rand() yields a uniform distribution on 0, 1, 2, …, RAND_MAX.
Exercise for the reader: Why might you prefer one or the other subsets to reject? What computation is needed for each trial in the two cases?
A third problem is that the seed space is so small that even if the seed is uniformly distributed, an adversary armed with knowledge of your program and one outcome but not the seed can readily predict the seed and subsequent outcomes, which makes them seem not so random after all. So don't even think about using this for cryptography.
You can go the fancy overengineered route and C++11's std::uniform_int_distribution class with an appropriate random device and your favorite random engine like the ever-popular Mersenne twister std::mt19937 to play at dice with your four-year-old cousin, but even that is not going to be fit for generating cryptographic key material—and the Mersenne twister is a terrible space hog too with a multi-kilobyte state wreaking havoc on your CPU's cache with an obscene setup time, so it is bad even for, e.g., parallel Monte Carlo simulations with reproducible trees of subcomputations; its popularity likely arises mainly from its catchy name. But you can use it for toy dice rolling like this example!
Another approach is to use a simple cryptographic pseudorandom number generator with a small state, such as a simple fast key erasure PRNG, or just a stream cipher such as AES-CTR or ChaCha20 if you are confident (e.g., in a Monte Carlo simulation for research in the natural sciences) that there are no adverse consequences to predicting past outcomes if the state is ever compromised.
I'm not an experienced C++ user by any means, but was interested to see if the other answers regarding
std::rand()/((RAND_MAX + 1u)/6) being less biased than 1+std::rand()%6 actually holds true. So I wrote a test program to tabulate the results for both methods (I haven't written C++ in ages, please check it). A link for running the code is found here. It's also reproduced as follows:
// Example program
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>
#include <string>
int main()
std::srand(std::time(nullptr)); // use current time as seed for random generator
// Roll the die 6000000 times using the supposedly unbiased method and keep track of the results
int results[6] = {0,0,0,0,0,0};
// roll a 6-sided die 20 times
for (int n=0; n != 6000000; ++n) {
int x = 7;
while(x > 6)
x = 1 + std::rand()/((RAND_MAX + 1u)/6); // Note: 1+rand()%6 is biased
for (int n=0; n !=6; n++) {
std::cout << results[n] << ' ';
std::cout << "\n";
// Roll the die 6000000 times using the supposedly biased method and keep track of the results
int results_bias[6] = {0,0,0,0,0,0};
// roll a 6-sided die 20 times
for (int n=0; n != 6000000; ++n) {
int x = 7;
while(x > 6)
x = 1 + std::rand()%6;
for (int n=0; n !=6; n++) {
std::cout << results_bias[n] << ' ';
I then took the output of this and used the chisq.test function in R to run a Chi-square test to see if the results are significantly different than expected. This stackexchange question goes into more detail of using the chi-square test to test die fairness: How can I test whether a die is fair?. Here are the results for a few runs:
> ?chisq.test
> unbias <- c(100150, 99658, 100319, 99342, 100418, 100113)
> bias <- c(100049, 100040, 100091, 99966, 100188, 99666 )
> chisq.test(unbias)
Chi-squared test for given probabilities
data: unbias
X-squared = 8.6168, df = 5, p-value = 0.1254
> chisq.test(bias)
Chi-squared test for given probabilities
data: bias
X-squared = 1.6034, df = 5, p-value = 0.9008
> unbias <- c(998630, 1001188, 998932, 1001048, 1000968, 999234 )
> bias <- c(1000071, 1000910, 999078, 1000080, 998786, 1001075 )
> chisq.test(unbias)
Chi-squared test for given probabilities
data: unbias
X-squared = 7.051, df = 5, p-value = 0.2169
> chisq.test(bias)
Chi-squared test for given probabilities
data: bias
X-squared = 4.319, df = 5, p-value = 0.5045
> unbias <- c(998630, 999010, 1000736, 999142, 1000631, 1001851)
> bias <- c(999803, 998651, 1000639, 1000735, 1000064,1000108)
> chisq.test(unbias)
Chi-squared test for given probabilities
data: unbias
X-squared = 7.9592, df = 5, p-value = 0.1585
> chisq.test(bias)
Chi-squared test for given probabilities
data: bias
X-squared = 2.8229, df = 5, p-value = 0.7273
In the three runs that I did, the p-value for both methods was always greater than typical alpha values used to test significance (0.05). This means that we wouldn't consider either of them to be biased. Interestingly, the supposedly unbiased method has consistently lower p-values, which indicates that it might actually be more biased. The caveat being that I only did 3 runs.
UPDATE: While I was writing my answer, Konrad Rudolph posted an answer that takes the same approach, but gets a very different result. I don't have the reputation to comment on his answer, so I'm going to address it here. First, the main thing is that the code he uses uses the same seed for the random number generator every time it's run. If you change the seed, you actually get a variety of results. Second, if you don't change the seed, but change the number of trials, you also get a variety of results. Try increasing or decreasing by an order of magnitude to see what I mean. Third, there is some integer truncation or rounding going on where the expected values aren't quite accurate. It probably isn't enough to make a difference, but it's there.
Basically, in summary, he just happened to get the right seed and number of trials that he might be getting a false result.
One can think of a random number generator as working on a stream of binary digits. The generator turns the stream into numbers by slicing it up into chunks. If the std:rand function is working with a RAND_MAX of 32767, then it is using 15 bits in each slice.
When one takes the modules of a number between 0 and 32767 inclusive one finds that 5462 '0's and '1's but only 5461 '2's, '3's, '4's, and '5's. Hence the result is biased. The larger the RAND_MAX value is, the less bias there will be, but it is inescapable.
What is not biased is a number in the range [0..(2^n)-1]. You can generate a (theoretically) better number in the range 0..5 by extracting 3 bits, converting them to an integer in the range 0..7 and rejecting 6 and 7.
One hopes that every bit in the bit stream has an equal chance of being a '0' or a '1' irrespective of where it is in the stream or the values of other bits. This is exceptionally difficult in practice. The many different implementations of software PRNGs offer different compromises between speed and quality. A linear congruential generator such as std::rand offers fastest speed for lowest quality. A cryptographic generator offers highest quality for lowest speed.
I have a 2D matrix of positive real values, stored as follow:
vector<vector<double>> matrix;
Each cell can have a value equal or greater to 0, and this value represents the possibility of the cell to be chosen. In particular, for example, a cell with a value equals to 3 has three times the probability to be chosen compared to a cell with value 1.
I need to select N cells of the matrix (0 <= N <= total number of cells) randomly, but according to their probability to be selected.
How can I do that?
The algorithm should be as fast as possible.
I describe two methods, A and B.
A works in time approximately N * number of cells, and uses space O(log number of cells). It is good when N is small.
B works in time approximately (number of cells + N) * O(log number of cells), and uses space O(number of cells). So, it is good when N is large (or even, 'medium') but uses a lot more memory, in practice it might be slower in some regimes for that reason.
Method A:
The first thing you need to do is normalize the entries. (It's not clear to me if you assume they are normalized or not.) That means, sum all the entries and divide by the sum. (This part is potentially slow, so it's better if you assume or require that it already happened.)
Then you sample like this:
Choose a random [i,j] entry of the matrix (by choosing i,j each uniformly randomly from the range of integers 0 to n-1).
Choose a uniformly random real number p in the range [0, 1].
Check if matrix[i][j] > p. If so, return the pair [i][j]. If not, go back to step 1.
Why does this work? The probability that we end at step 3 with any particular output, is equal to, the probability that [i][j] was selected (this is the same for each entry), times the probality that the number p was small enough. This is proportional to the value matrix[i][j], so the sampling is choosing each entry with the correct proportions. It's also possible that at step 3 we go back to the start -- does that bias things? Basically, no. The reason is, suppose we arbitrarily choose a number k and then consider the distribution of the algorithm, conditioned on stopping exactly after k rounds. Conditioned on the assumption that we stop at the k'th round, no matter what value k we choose, the distribution we sample has to be exactly right by the above argument. Since if we eliminate the case that p is too small, the other possibilities all have their proportions correct. Since the distribution is perfect for each value of k that we might condition on, and the overall distribution (not conditioned on k) is an average of the distributions for each value of k, the overall distribution is perfect also.
If you want to analyze the number of rounds that typically needed in a rigorous way, you can do it by analyzing the probability that we actually stop at step 3 for any particular round. Since the rounds are independent, this is the same for every round, and statistically, it means that the running time of the algorithm is poisson distributed. That means it is tightly concentrated around its mean, and we can determine the mean by knowing that probability.
The probability that we stop at step 3 can be determined by considering the conditional probability that we stop at step 3, given that we chose any particular entry [i][j]. By the formulas for conditional expectation, you get that
Pr[ stop at step 3 ] = sum_{i,j} ( 1/(n^2) * Matrix[i,j] )
Since we assumed the matrix is normalized, this sum reduces to just 1/n^2. So, the expected number of rounds is about n^2 (that is, n^2 up to a constant factor) no matter what the entries in the matrix are. You can't hope to do a lot better than that I think -- that's about the same amount of time it takes to just read all the entries of the matrix, and it's hard to sample from a distribution that you cannot even read all of.
Note: What I described is a way to correctly sample a single element -- to get N elements from one matrix, you can just repeat it N times.
Method B:
Basically you just want to compute a histogram and sample inversely from it, so that you know you get exactly the right distribution. Computing the histogram is expensive, but once you have it, getting samples is cheap and easy.
In C++ it might look like this:
// Make histogram
typedef unsigned int uint;
typedef std::pair<uint, uint> upair;
typedef std::map<double, upair> histogram_type;
histogram_type histogram;
double cumulative = 0.0f;
for (uint i = 0; i < Matrix.size(); ++i) {
for (uint j = 0; j < Matrix[i].size(); ++j) {
cumulative += Matrix[i][j];
histogram[cumulative] = std::make_pair(i,j);
std::vector<upair> result;
for (uint k = 0; k < N; ++k) {
// Do a sample (this should never repeat... if it does not find a lower bound you could also assert false quite reasonably since it means something is wrong with rand() implementation)
while(1) {
double p = cumulative * rand(); // Or, for best results use std::mt19937 or boost::mt19937 and sample a real in the range [0,1] here.
histogram_type::iterator it = histogram::lower_bound(p);
if (it != histogram.end()) {
return result;
Here the time to make the histogram is something like number of cells * O(log number of cells) since inserting into the map takes time O(log n). You need an ordered data structure in order to get cheap lookup N * O(log number of cells) later when you do repeated sampling. Possibly you could choose a more specialized data structure to go faster, but I think there's only limited room for improvement.
Edit: As #Bob__ points out in comments, in method (B) a written there is potentially going to be some error due to floating point round-off if the matrices are quite large, even using type double, at this line:
cumulative += Matrix[i][j];
The problem is that, if cumulative is much larger than Matrix[i][j] beyond what the floating point precision can handle then these each time this statement is executed you may observe significant errors which accumulate to introduce significant inaccuracy.
As he suggests, if that happens, the most straightforward way to fix it is to sort the values Matrix[i][j] first. You could even do this in the general implementation to be safe -- sorting these guys isn't going to take more time asymptotically than you already have anyways.
I have a very small probability of an event occurring (of order 1e-5) and am trying to use a uniform random number to test for success. As the probability drops to around 1e-4 the fraction of successes no longer matches the probability in the test code below.
How can I get an accurate check for success with such small probabilities? I tried using other random number generators but all the suggestions I found were for C++11 which I am not using. Many thanks in advance!
#include <cstlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
double Prob, rand_num, frac_success;
int num_success, num_tries;
Prob = 1e-4;
num_tries = 1e8;
num_success = 0;
for (int i=0; i<num_tries; i++) {
rand_num = (double) rand() / RAND_MAX; // random number between 0 and 1
if (rand_num < Prob) {
num_success ++; // Record success
frac_success = double(num_success) / double(num_tries);
cout << Prob << endl << frac_success << endl;
The fraction of successes is roughly equal to Prob when Prob = 1e-3, but for Prob = 1e-4 it is always greater than 1.2e-4. The discrepancy gets worse with lower probabilities, and does not seem to be fixed by increasing the number of tries.
As said by DiJuMx and Stefano Sanfilippo it seems rand() simply isn't a good enough generator to use. I decided to change to C++11 so I could use the uniform_real_distribution which solves the problem (this meant changes to other non-C++11 code but there was happily less to change than I expected).
This sounds like your value of RAND_MAX is too small.
Consider the fact that rand() returns an integer between 0 and RAND_MAX. If you divide this number by RAND_MAX then, besides 0, the smallest number you can get is 1.0/RAND_MAX.
When RAND_MAX is 32767, the smallest value is 3e-5. Whereas, on my machine, RAND_MAX is 2147483647, so the smallest value is 4e-10.
Alternatively, look at Stefano's answer about using C++ specific libraries.
rand() is a very bad RNG, it would be ok just for implementing tic-tac-toe, but not for any serious business.
If you can't use C+11 random module, you can still take advantage of Boost.Random, which works with C++03 too. Browse the generators page and look for the best suit.
First, you have to consider that your estimator comes with a certain error. I didnt find a good link, in short it is:
H = success / trials // your estimator
E(H) = p // the expectation value is the real probability
Var(H) = p(1-p)/n // variance of your estimator
This alone would suggest that you should get better results for smaller probabilities.
However, as suggested in the other answers, you should use a proper random number generator.
The rng should produces each possible outcome with same probablity (if its uniform). Lets say for a moment RAND_MAX=3. If we run it often enough, each possible value will occur with the same frequency and we get the same result as if we used each value only once. Now consider
for (int i=0;i<4;i++){std::cout << (double)i/3 << std::endl;}
this will produce
This will give reasonable results for not too small probabilities (eg. when trying to find p=0.5 by chance you can find the exact value). However, when you try to find a small probability, the result will be too big.
The effect is the same when RAND_MAX=32767, it just shows up for smaller probabilities (somewhere around p < 1/RAND_MAX). Actually I dont know if this can be fixed by simply dividing by RAND_MAX+1 but here is a video that quite nicely dramatizes and explains the problems with rand().
If you suspect your random number generator has a bias you can check it by running it a large number of times and generating the frequency distribution.
Try it with different seeds and see if the bias holds.
If it does have a steady bias, record the distribution and use this to overcome the bias.
Suppose we have a map of numbers to probabilities. Is there a way to create a function that selects a key based on it's probability? So suppose the map contains two values, 2->0.55 and 3->0.66. When I call this function I want the probabilities to determine how often the number is called, so since 3 has probability 66% it will be called more often than 2 (and exactly by it's probability value).
Any ideas?
If what you actually want is to treat these "probabilities" as weights, you can use a std::discrete_distribution:
std::random_device rd;
std::mt19937 gen(rd());
std::discrete_distribution<> d({0.55, 0.66});
Then when you call d(gen), you'll get value 0 with weight 0.55 and value 1 with weight 0.66. This of course means that the probability of getting 0 is actually 0.55/(0.55+0.66) = 0.45, and the probability of getting 1 is therefore 1 - 0.45 = 0.55.
You then just need to map from 0 to 2 and from 1 to 3.
Essentially you need to keep the list of probabilities and their sum.
Generate a random number in the range 0 <= number < sum (using std::uniform_int_distribution or std::uniform_real_distribution, depending on the type).
Iterate through the list adding up the values until you reach a value greater than or equal to your generated value.
The number you're currently at is the randomly selected one.
If you have a lot of values there are a few tricks you can use to speed this up such as sorting the list largest values first and potentially even having a skip list type of structure that allows you to jump to certain probability totals in the list. Generally that sort of thing isn't needed though and if you do do it you have to be very careful not to get it wrong and skew the results.
Treat the probabilities as "weights" and add them all up to get the total weight W. Generate a random floating-point number x between 0 and W. If 0 <= x < W1 (where W1 is the weight of the first choice), choose the first number. If W1 <= x < W1 + W2, choose the second number, and so on.
Given an array of elements with their probability `{a=>0.1, b=>0.2, c=>0.3, d=>0.4}'
The total probability must be 1! Then create an array which adds up the probabilities like this {a=>0.1, b=>0.3, c=>0.6, d=>1}. Now generate a random number between 0 and 1.
And check if its smaller 0.1 select a, if its just smaller 0.3 select b and so on!
What is the fastest way to find the sum of decimal digits?
The following code is what I wrote but it is very very slow for range 1 to 1000000000000000000
long long sum_of_digits(long long input) {
long long total = 0;
while (input != 0) {
total += input % 10;
input /= 10;
return total;
int main ( int argc, char** argv) {
for ( long long i = 1L; i <= 1000000000000000000L; i++) {
return 0;
I'm assuming what you are trying to do is along the lines of
#include <iostream>
const long long limit = 1000000000000000000LL;
int main () {
long long grand_total = 0;
for (long long ii = 1; ii <= limit; ++ii) {
grand_total += sum_of_digits(i);
std::cout << "Grand total = " << grand_total << "\n";
return 0;
This won't work for two reasons:
It will take a long long time.
It will overflow.
To deal with the overflow problem, you will either have to put a bound on your upper limit or use some bignum package. I'll leave solving that problem up to you.
To deal with the computational burden you need to get creative. If you know the upper limit is limited to powers of 10 this is fairly easy. If the upper limit can be some arbitrary number you will have to get a bit more creative.
First look at the problem of computing the sum of digits of all integers from 0 to 10n-1 (e.g., 0 to 9 (n=1), 0 to 99 (n=2), etc.) Denote the sum of digits of all integers from 10n-1 as Sn. For n=1 (0 to 9), this is just 0+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9=45 (9*10/2). Thus S1=45.
For n=2 (0 to 99), you are summing 0-9 ten times and you are summing 0-9 ten times again. For n=3 (0 to 999), you are summing 0-99 ten times and you are summing 0-9 100 times. For n=4 (0 to 9999), you are summing 0-999 ten times and you are summing 0-9 1000 times. In general, Sn=10Sn-1+10n-1S1 as a recursive expression. This simplifies to Sn=(9n10n)/2.
If the upper limit is of the form 10n, the solution is the above Sn plus one more for the number 1000...000. If the upper limit is an arbitrary number you will need to get creative once again. Think along the lines that went into developing the formula for Sn.
You can break this down recursively. The sum of the digits of an 18-digit number are the sums of the first 9 digits plus the last 9 digits. Likewise the sum of the digits of a 9-bit number will be the sum of the first 4 or 5 digits plus the sum of the last 5 or 4 digits. Naturally you can special-case when the value is 0.
Reading your edit: computing that function in a loop for i between 1 and 1000000000000000000 takes a long time. This is a no brainer.
1000000000000000000 is one billion billion. Your processor will be able to do at best billions of operations per second. Even with a nonexistant 4-5 Ghz processor, and assuming best case it compiles down to an add, a mod, a div, and a compare jump, you could only do 1 billion iterations per second, meaning it will take on the order of 1 billion seconds.
You probably don't want to do it in a bruteforce way. This seems to be more of a logical thinking question.
Note - 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 = N(N+1)/2 = 45.
---- Changing the answer to make it clearer after David's comment
See David's answer - I had it wrong
Quite late to the party, but anyways, here is my solution. Sorry it's in Python and not C++, but it should be relatively easy to translate. And because this is primarily an algorithm problem, I hope that's ok.
As for the overflow problem, the only thing that comes to mind is to use arrays of digits instead of actual numbers. Given this algorithm I hope it won't affect performance too much.
It uses these three recursions I found by looking and poking at the problem. Rather then trying to come up with some general and arcane equations, here are three examples. A general case should be easily visible from those.
relation 1
Reduces function calls with arbitrary argument to several recursive calls with more predictable arguments for use in relations 2 and 3.
foo(3456) == foo(3000)
+ foo(400) + 400 * (3)
+ foo(50) + 50 * (3 + 4)
+ foo(6) + 6 * (3 + 4 + 5)
relation 2
Reduce calls with an argument in the form L*10^M (e.g: 30, 7000, 900000) to recursive call usable for relation 3. These triangular numbers popped in quite uninvited (but welcome) :)
triangular_numbers = [0, 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28, 36] # 0 not used
foo(3000) == 3 * foo(1000) + triangular_numbers[3 - 1] * 1000
Only useful if L > 1. It holds true for L = 1 but is trivial. In that case, go directly to relation 3.
relation 3
Recursively reduce calls with argument in format 1*10^M to a call with argument that's divided by 10.
foo(1000) == foo(100) * 10 + 44 * 100 + 100 - 9 # 44 and 9 are constants
Ultimately you only have to really calculate the sum or digits for numbers 0 to 10, and it turns out than only up to 3 of these calculations are needed. Everything else is taken care of with this recursion. I'm pretty sure it runs in O(logN) time. That's FAAST!!!!!11one
On my laptop it calculates the sum of digit sums for a given number with over 1300 digits in under 7 seconds! Your test (1000000000000000000) gets calculated in 0.000112057 seconds!
I think you cannot do better than O(N) where N is the number of digits in the given number(which is not computationally expensive)
However if I understood your question correctly (the range) you want to output the sum of digits for a range of numbers. In that case, you can increment by one when you go from number0 to number9 and then decrease by 8.
You will need to cheat - look for mathematical patterns that let you short-cut your computations.
For example, do you really need to test that input != 0 every time? Does it matter if you add 0/10 several times? Since it won't matter, consider unrolling the loop.
Can you do the calculation in a larger base, eg, base 10^2, 10^3, etcetera, that might allow you to reduce the number of digits, which you'll then have to convert back to base 10? If this works, you'll be able to implement a cache more easily.
Consider looking at compiler intrinsics that let you give hints to the compiler for branch prediction.
Given that this is C++, consider implementing this using template metaprogramming.
Given that sum_of_digits is purely functional, consider caching the results.
Now, most of those suggestions will backfire - but the point I'm making is that if you have hit the limits of what your computer can do for a given algorithm, you do need to find a different solution.
This is probably an excellent starting point if you want to investigate this in detail:
Possibility 1:
You could make it faster by feeding the result of one iteration of the loop into the next iteration.
For example, if i == 365, the result is 14. In the next loop, i == 366 -- 1 more than the previous result. The sum is also 1 more: 3 + 6 + 6 = 15.
Problems arise when there is a carry digit. If i == 99 (ie. result = 18), the next loop's result isn't 19, it's 1. You'll need extra code to detect this case.
Possibility 2:
While thinking though the above, it occurred to me that the sequence of results from sum_of_digits when graphed would resemble a sawtooth. With some analysis of the resulting graph (which I leave as an exercise for the reader), it may be possible to identify a method to allow direct calculation of the sum result.
However, as some others have pointed out: Even with the fastest possible implementation of sum_of_digits and the most optimised loop code, you can't possibly calculate 1000000000000000000 results in any useful timeframe, and certainly not in less than one second.
Edit: It seems you want the the sum of the actual digits such that: 12345 = 1+2+3+4+5 not the count of digits, nor the sum of all numbers 1 to 12345 (inclusive);
As such the fastest you can get is:
long long sum_of_digits(long long input) {
long long total = input % 10;
while ((input /= 10) != 0)
total += input % 10;
return total;
Which is still going to be slow when you're running enough iterations. Your requirement of 1,000,000,000,000,000,000L iterations is One Million, Million, Million. Given 100 Million takes around 10,000ms on my computer, one can expect that it will take 100ms per 1 million records, and you want to do that another million million times. There are only 86400 seconds in a day, so at best we can compute around 86,400 Million records per day. It would take one computer
Lets suppose your method could be performed in a single float operation (somehow), suppose you are using the K computer which is currently the fastest (Rmax) supercomputer at over 10 petaflops, if you do the math that is = 10,000 Million Million floating operations per second. This means that your 1 Million, Million, Million loop will take the world's fastest non-distributed supercomputer 100 seconds to compute the sums (IF it took 1 float operation to calculate, which it can't), so you will need to wait around for quite some time for computers to become 100 so much more powerful for your solution to be runable in under one second.
What ever you're trying to do, you're either trying to do an unsolvable problem in near real-time (eg: graphics calculation related) or you misunderstand the question / task that was given you, or you are expected to perform something faster than any (non-distributed) computer system can do.
If your task is actually to sum all the digits of a range as you show and then output them, the answer is not to improve the for loop. for example:
1 = 0
10 = 46
100 = 901
1000 = 13501
10000 = 180001
100000 = 2250001
1000000 = 27000001
10000000 = 315000001
100000000 = 3600000001
From this you could work out a formula to actually compute the total sum of all digits for all numbers from 1 to N. But it's not clear what you really want, beyond a much faster computer.
No the best, but simple:
int DigitSumRange(int a, int b) {
int s = 0;
for (; a <= b; a++)
for(c : to_string(a))
s += c-48;
return s;
A Python function is given below, which converts the number to a string and then to a list of digits and then finds the sum of these digits.
def SumDigits(n):
z=[int(d) for d in ns]
In C++ one of the fastest way can be using strings.
first of all get the input from users in a string. Then add each element of string after converting it into int. It can be done using -> (str[i] - '0').
using namespace std;
int main()
{ string str;
long long int sum=0;
for(long long int i=0;i<str.length();i++){
sum = sum + (str[i]-'0');
The formula for finding the sum of the digits of numbers between 1 to N is:
(1 + N)*(N/2)
There is a class written in C# which supports a number with more than the supported max-limit of long.
You can find it here. [Oyster.Math][2]
Using this class, I have generated a block of code in c#, may be its of some help to you.
using Oyster.Math;
class Program
private static DateTime startDate;
static void Main(string[] args)
startDate = DateTime.Now;
Console.WriteLine("Finding Sum of digits from {0} to {1}", 1L, 1000000000000000000L);
Console.WriteLine("Time Taken for the process: {0},", DateTime.Now - startDate);
private static void sum_of_digits(long input)
var answer = IntX.Multiply(IntX.Parse(Convert.ToString(1 + input)), IntX.Parse(Convert.ToString(input / 2)), MultiplyMode.Classic);
Console.WriteLine("Sum: {0}", answer);
Please ignore this comment if it is not relevant for your context.
If you want to find the sum for the range say 1 to N then simply do the following
long sum = N(N+1)/2;
it is the fastest way.