C++ Header files - put them in one directory or merged in a tree structure? - c++

I have a substantial body of source code (OOFILE) which I'm finally putting up on Sourceforge. I need to decide if I should go with a monolithic include directory or keep the header files with the source tree.
I want to make this decision before pushing to the svn repo on SourceForge. I expect a lot of people who use it after that move will keep a working copy checked out directly from SF so won't want to change their structure.
The full source tree has about 262 files in 25 folders. There are a lot more classes than that suggests as due to conforming to 8.3 character names (yes it dates back to Win3.1) many classes are in one file. As I used to develop with ObjectMaster, that never bothered me but I will be splitting it up to conform to more recent trends to minimise the number of classes per file. From a quick skim of the class list, there are about 600 classes.
OOFILE is a cross-platform product expected to be built on Mac, Windows and assorted Unix platforms. As it started life on Mac, with compilers that point to include trees rather than flat include dirs, headers were kept with the source.
Later, mainly to keep some Visual Studio users happy, a build was reorganised with a single include directory. I'm trying to choose between those models.
The entire OOFILE product covers quite a few domains:
database front-end
range of database backends
simple 2D graphing engine for Mac and Windows
simple character-mode report-writer for trivial html and text listing
very rich banding report-writer with Mac and Windows Preview and Printing and cross-platform generation of text, RTF, HTML and XML reports
forms integration engine for easy CRUD forms binding to the database, with implementations on PowerPlant and MFC
cross-platform utility classes
file and directory manipulation
XML and tag generation
Many people only want to use it on a single platform and some of those code areas are pure legacy (eg: PowerPlant UI framework on classic Mac). It therefore seems people would appreciate not having headers from those unwanted areas dumped in their monolithic include directory.
I started thinking about having an include directory split up into a few of the domains above and then realised that was sounding more like the original structure.
In summary, the choices seem to be:
Keep original model, all headers adjacent to source - max flexibility at cost of some complex includes in projects.
one include directory with everything inside
split includes by domain, so there may be about 6 directories for someone using the lot but a pure database user would probably have a single directory.
From a Unix build aspect, the recommended structure has been 2. My situation is complicated by needing to keep Visual Studio and XCode users happy (sniff, CodeWarrior, how I doth miss thee!).
Edit - the chosen solution:
I went with four subdirectories in include. I started trying to divide them up further by platform but it just got very noisy very quickly.

Personally I would go with 2, or 3 if really pushed.
But whichever you choose, please make it crystal clear in the build instructions how to set up the include paths. Nothing dooms an open source project more than it being really difficult to build - developers want a quick out-of-the-box experience and if it involves faffing around with many undocumented environment variables (or whatever) most will simply go away.


Visualizing a huge C++ project using Doxygen + Graphviz

I've inherited a large C++ project which I need to port to Linux. There are over 200,000 lines of source in this project spread across more than 300 files. It would be tremendously helpful to have a visual dependency/include tree to refer to for this project so that I can get a general feel for the application's internal structure. This would also help me to locate the "fault lines" between the core modules and Windows header files so that I can stub them out later.
The class viewer in Visual Studio simply isn't cutting it. I was reading around, and learned that Doxygen is a commonly used tool for listing dependencies. I'm much more of a visual person, and found that this wasn't so helpful. Fortunately, I learned about the Graphviz plugin, using something called "Dot" that has enabled me to generate dependency trees for parts. Unfortunately, hundreds of smaller dependency trees are generated for specific files, rather than having one large one as I'd hoped for. Here are a couple of examples:
As you can see (I hope), Doxygen/GraphViz seem to give up when the graph gets too large and gray out the child nodes. I then have to go to the graph for that specific node if I want to see what's further down the tree. Not only does this limit the visual helpfulness of the graph, but if the child node depends on any of the nodes from the original graph, these nodes will be shown again. This is leading to lots of duplicate connections that make it very hard to conceptually isolate the graph from any given file. As a result, I feel like I'm "zoomed in" and still can't see the whole picture.
I've tried playing around with the DOT_GRAPH_MAX_NODES setting in the Expert view in Doxygen, but this doesn't seem to affect the scope of the graphs that are being generated. From the output generated from any given run, it seems like Doxygen itself is generating hundreds of graph files, and Graphviz is just faithfully generating graphs for each one. Is there any known way to make Doxygen generate one large graph file instead of hundreds of smaller ones?
Alternatively, are there any free visual graphing solutions out there which know how to handle complicated C++ project files with nested pre-processor directives, MIDL interfaces, and manually defined include paths the way Doxygen does?
My searches are finding general graphing utilities (or questions about them), but nothing specific to large C++ projects. Surely with all the coding that's been done over the years somebody must have such a tool!
You can use the XML files generated by doxygen, and merge them into a single giant dot-format graph file (using xml stylesheet or similar), then run graphviz on it.
Doxygen automatically invoking graphviz is most useful when the number of graphs is high. For a single graph, automatically creating the content is important, but automatically calling dot, not so much.

Small library for generating HTML files in C++

Is there a library that will allow easier generation of a simple website using C++ code. This 'website' will then be compiled into a CHM help file (which is the final goal here). Ideally, it will allow generation of pages easily and allow links to be generated between pages easily. I can do this all by hand, but that is going be very tedious and error prone.
I know about bigger libraries such as Wt, but am more interested in smaller ones with little or no dependencies and a need for installation.
You can try CTPP template engine. It is written in C++ is small and quite fast.
Do you need this project to be written in c++? Because if you just need to prepare documentation in CHM I would go with Sphinx. Sphinx is a set of tools written in Python that generate manuals in few formats (chm, html, LaTeX, PDF) from text files (formated using reStructuredText markup language). Those text files could be created by hand or using some application and then combined into one manual using Sphinx. In my work right now we are using this solution to write documentation, because it is very easy to maintain text files (merging, tracking changes etc.) than for example html or doc. Sphinx is used to generate Python language documentation (chm), so it is capable to handle really large project.
I've used the FLATE library every day for ten years and it works flawlessly. It's a piece of cake to use; I can't recommend it enough.
It will definitely do the trick, though probably at a much lower level than you have in mind. It is a C-language source library that you can link with a C++ caller. It's also available as a Perl module, but I haven't used that.
FLATE library
Flate is a template library used to deal with html code in CGI applications. The library includes C and Perl support. All html code is put in an external file (the template) and printed using the library functions: variables, zones (parts to be displayed or not) and tables (parts to be displayed 0 to n times). Using this method you don't need to modify/recompile your application when modifying html code, printing order doesn't matter in your CGI code, and your CGI code is much cleaner.
HTH and good luck!
Are this CHM lib and the related links what you're looking for?

How to organize sources of complex program?

We're creating very complex embedded system and «sources» contains few projects of Visual C++, IAR, Code Composer Studio and Altium Designer schemes and pcbs. All of that possibly could be in few versions.
So, what practice could you advice me to arrange all that stuff?
Thank you
I have the same setup as you.
I use Altium Designer for the hardware schematics and PCB design. But I also have Firmware source files and related utilities. And I have mechanical design files.
Here's how I do it:
Project Name
This way all the project files are stored together in the SVN repository. The only down side I've found is that you can't just check out the Project and get the latest FW/HW/MEK files. You have to check out each Head of FW/HW/MEK.
The reason for the separate sub-modules for FW/HW/MEK is that they will get separate version tags.
Everything that you consider as sources should be under a Source Control System, like SVN. This is the best way to handle versions, revisions, branches and tags. SVN can handle binary files, so you won't have problems with non-text files.
If your C++ source files are numerous and span multiple directories then the effort put into grokking Large Scale C++ Software Design by John Lakos may be very worth it. The main theme of the book is how your physical layout of the software, that is, the arrangement of source code files in directories, limit or extend your ability to modify the software.
I like to have a directory structure that at the top level reflects each of the programmable parts.(i.e. microcontroller, DSP1, FPGA1, FPGA2,...)
I also like to have a subdirectory(ies) that has all the generated files, so it is easy to make a clean source tree. Also make it easy to do a clean build straight from the source code configuration tool. (i.e. get and build from source to binary image(s) in as few steps as possible)
Also have each programmable part have it's own version number, and one version number that reflects each of the combination of the sub component version numbers.
Definitely use source control, if the program itself doesn't support it, just keep the parent folder you use under source control. SVN is my current fav.
As far as how to arrange your files, I noticed you had Altium Designer on your list, that program will a) play nice with source control, and b) arrange your files in an orderly manner, assuming you use their whole 'project' file structure. Look into using their 'PCB' (if that's what your doing) or 'embedded' projects, when you create one, it creates buckets for you to store all your different types of files into.
Even if you don't want to actually use Altium for your files, create a project and look at their directory structure to get an idea about all the files you'll need to keep track of.
(Aside from trivial helper classes) put one class in each cpp/h file, and name the cpp/h files the same as the class.
Group related classes files into folders (you can optionally use a hierarchy of namespaces that match the folder structure. The .net approach here is to use a CompanyName.ProductName namespace, with your files stored in a ProductName project/subfolder of your solution). So for example, you might group your Math, I/O, and Drawing classes into separate "subsystem" folders.
Ideally, make these separate sections into re-usable libraries (MyCompany.Math). You'll be glad of this later when you want to develop a new product that will share some of the code. In that case, the top level "folders" become separate projects in their own right, and you can start to work on minimising dependences between them to realise and then enforce a much better overall framework design in your code base.
The ideal within folders is to find a good balance between clutter and sparseness - try to balance the folders so that they have between 5-15 files in each. If fewer, consider merging the folders; if greater, consider adding sub-category folders to break down the complexity.
As long as your classes/files and namespaces/folders have good descriptive names, and your folders are logically structured, you can make an extremely large project very easy to navigate.
At the risk of starting a religious war, I prefer to put the headers and their source files in the same folder so that when you are editing a .cpp the .h is easily accessible rather than having to move up and fown by a folder all the time.
Reduce the complexity!
My first engineering professor had a famous first lecture. It consisted of a single equation written on the blackboard:
Perfection = Simplicity
The problem with Source Control Systems is that they manage complexity but also promote it.

library for doing diffs

I've been tasked with creating a tool that can diff and merge the configuration files for my company's product. The configurations are stored as either XML or URL-encoded strings. I'm looking for a library, preferably open source with a license compatible with commercial software, that can do these diffs. Our app is written in C++, so C++ libraries would be best, but I'm willing to look at libraries that are C#-specific since I can write a wrapper that exposes it to C++ via COM. Three-way diffs would be ideal, but two-way is acceptable. If it has an understanding of XML, that would also be a plus (since XML nodes can be reordered without changing the document, etc). Any library suggestions? Should I even consider writing my own diff tools in the hopes of giving it semantic knowledge of our formats?
Thanks to this similar question, I've already discovered this google library, which seems really great, but I'm still looking for other options. It also seems to be able to output the diffs in HTML format (using the <ins> and <del> tags that I didn't know existed before I discovered it), which could be really handy, but it seems to be a unified diff only. I'm going to need to display the results in a web browser, and probably have to build an interface for doing the merges in the browser as well. I don't expect a library to be able to help with these tasks, but it must produce output in a format that is amenable to me building this on top of it. I'm currently envisioning something along the lines of TortoiseMerge (side-by-side diffs, not unified), except browser-based. Any tips/tricks/design ideas on how to present this would be appreciated too.
Subversion comes with libsvn_diff and libsvn_delta licensed under Apache Software License.
Here is a C++ library that can diff what the author calls semistructured data. It deals nicely with HTML and XML. Since your data is XML it would make a lot of sense to use this instead of plain text diff. This is especially the case when the files are machine generated.
I am currently trying to use this library to build a tool that diffs Visual Studio project files. These are basically XML files and using a plain diff tool like Winmerge is too painful because Visual Studio pretty much mucks up the whole file by crazy reordering. The idea is to do some kind of a structured diff to address the problem.
For diffing the XML I would propose that you normalize it first: sort all the elements in alphabetic order, then generate a stream of tokens/xml that represents the original document but is independent of the original formatting. After running the diff, parse the result to get a tree containing what was added / removed.

C++ vim IDE. Things you'd need from it

I was going to create the C++ IDE Vim extendable plugin. It is not a problem to make one which will satisfy my own needs.
This plugin was going to work with workspaces, projects and its dependencies.
This is for unix like system with gcc as c++ compiler.
So my question is what is the most important things you'd need from an IDE? Please take in account that this is Vim, where almost all, almost, is possible.
Several questions:
How often do you manage different workspaces with projects inside them and their relationships between them? What is the most annoying things in this process.
Is is necessary to recreate "project" from the Makefile?
Reason to create this plugin:
With a bunch of plugins and self written ones we can simulate most of things. It is ok when we work on a one big "infinitive" project.
Good when we already have a makefile or jam file. Bad when we have to create our owns, mostly by copy and paste existing.
All ctags and cscope related things have to know about list of a real project files. And we create such ones. This <project#get_list_of_files()> and many similar could be a good project api function to cooperate with an existing and the future plugins.
Cooperation with an existing makefiles can help to find out the list of the real project files and the executable name.
With plugin system inside the plugin there can be different project templates.
Above are some reasons why I will start the job. I'd like to hear your one.
There are multiple problems. Most of them are already solved by independent and generic plugins.
Regarding the definition of what is a project.
Given a set of files in a same directory, each file can be the unique file of a project -- I always have a tests/ directory where I host pet projects, or where I test the behaviour of the compiler. On the opposite, the files from a set of directories can be part of a same and very big project.
In the end, what really defines a project is a (leaf) "makefile" -- And why restrict ourselves to makefiles, what about scons, autotools, ant, (b)jam, aap? And BTW, Sun-Makefiles or GNU-Makefiles ?
Moreover, I don't see any point in having vim know the exact files in the current project. And even so, the well known project.vim plugin already does the job. Personally I use a local_vimrc plugin (I'm maintaining one, and I've seen two others on SF). With this plugin, I just have to drop a _vimrc_local.vim file in a directory, and what is defined in it (:mappings, :functions, variables, :commands, :settings, ...) will apply to each file under the directory -- I work on a big project having a dozen of subcomponents, each component live in its own directory, has its own makefile (not even named Makefile, nor with a name of the directory)
Regarding C++ code understanding
Every time we want to do something complex (refactorings like rename-function, rename-variable, generate-switch-from-current-variable-which-is-an-enum, ...), we need vim to have an understanding of C++. Most of the existing plugins rely on ctags. Unfortunately, ctags comprehension of C++ is quite limited -- I have already written a few advanced things, but I'm often stopped by the poor information provided by ctags. cscope is no better. Eventually, I think we will have to integrate an advanced tool like elsa/pork/ionk/deshydrata/....
NB: That's where, now, I concentrate most of my efforts.
Regarding Doxygen
I don't known how difficult it is to jump to the doxygen definition associated to a current token. The first difficulty is to understand what the cursor is on (I guess omnicppcomplete has already done a lot of work in this direction). The second difficulty will be to understand how doxygen generate the page name for each symbol from the code.
Opening vim at the right line of code from a doxygen page should be simple with a greasemonkey plugin.
Regarding the debugger
There is the pyclewn project for those that run vim under linux, and with gdb as debugger. Unfortunately, it does not support other debuggers like dbx.
Responses to other requirements:
When I run or debug my compiled program, I'd like the option of having a dialog pop up which asks me for the command line parameters. It should remember the last 20 or so parameters I used for the project. I do not want to have to edit the project properties for this.
My BuildToolsWrapper plugin has a g:BTW_run_parameters option (easily overridden with project/local_vimrc solutions). Adding a mapping to ask the arguments to use is really simple. (see :h inputdialog())
work with source control system
There already exist several plugins addressing this issue. This has nothing to do with C++, and it must not be addressed by a C++ suite.
source code navigation tools (now I am using http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1638 plugin and ctags)
compile lib/project/one source file from ide
navigation by files in project
work with source control system
easy acces to file changes history
rename file/variable/method functions
easy access to c++ help
easy change project settings (Makefiles, jam, etc)
fast autocomplette for paths/variables/methods/parameters
smart identation for new scopes (also it will be good thing if developer will have posibility to setup identation rules)
highlighting incorrect by code convenstion identation (tabs instead spaces, spaces after ";", spaces near "(" or ")", etc)
reformating selected block by convenstion
Things I'd like in an IDE that the ones I use don't provide:
When I run or debug my compiled program, I'd like the option of having a dialog pop up which asks me for the command line parameters. It should remember the last 20 or so parameters I used for the project. I do not want to have to edit the project properties for this.
A "Tools" menu that is configurable on a per-project basis
Ability to rejig the keyboard mappings for every possible command.
Ability to produce lists of project configurations in text form
Intelligent floating (not docked) windows for debugger etc. that pop up only when I need them, stay on top and then disappear when no longer needed.
Built-in code metrics analysis so I get a list of the most complex functions in the project and can click on them to jump to the code
Built-in support for Doxygen or similar so I can click in a Doxygen document and go directly to code. Sjould also reverse navigate from code to Doxygen.
No doubt someone will now say Eclipse can do this or that, but it's too slow and bloated for me.
Adding to Neil's answer:
integration with gdb as in emacs. I know of clewn, but I don't like that I have to restart vim to restart the debugger. With clewn, vim is integrated into the debugger, but not the other way around.
Not sure if you are developing on Windows, but if you are I suggest you check out Viemu. It is a pretty good VIM extension for Visual Studio. I really like Visual Studio as an IDE (although I still think VC6 is hard to beat), so a Vim extension for VS was perfect for me. Features that I would prefer worked better in a Vim IDE are:
The Macro Recording is a bit error prone, especially with indentation. I find I can easily and often record macros in Vim while I am editing code (eg. taking an enum defn from a header and cranking out a corresponding switch statement), but found that Viemu is a bit flakey in that deptartment.
The VIM code completion picks up words in the current buffer where Viemu hooks into the VS code completion stuff. This means if I have just created a method name and I want to ctrl ] to auto complete, Vim will pick it up, but Viemu won't.
For me, it's just down to the necessities
nice integration with ctags, so you can do jump to definition
intelligent completion, that also give you the function prototype
easy way to switch between code and headers
interactive debugging with breaakpoints, but maybe
maybe folding
extra bonus points for refactoring tools like rename or extract method
I'd say stay away from defining projects - just treat the entire file branch as part of the "project" and let users have a settings file to override that default
99% of the difference in speed I see between IDE and vim users is code lookup and navigation. You need to be able to grep your source tree for a phrase (or intelligently look for the right symbol using ctags), show all the hits, and switch to that file in like two or three keystrokes.
All the other crap like repository navigation or interactive debugging is nice, but there are other ways to solve those problems. I'd say drop the interactive debugging even. Just focus on what makes IDEs good editors - have a "big picture" view of your project, instead of single file.
In fact, are there any plugins for vim that already achieve this?