How do I read JPEG and PNG pixels in C++ on Linux? - c++

I'm doing some image processing, and I'd like to individually read each pixel value in a JPEG and PNG images.
In my deployment scenario, it would be awkward for me to use a 3rd party library (as I have restricted access on the target computer), but I'm assuming that there's no standard C or C++ library for reading JPEG/PNG...
So, if you know of a way of not using a library then great, if not then answers are still welcome!

There is no standard library in the C-standard to read the file-formats.
However, most programs, especially on the linux platform use the same library to decode the image-formats:
For jpeg it's libjpeg, for png it's libpng.
The chances that the libs are already installed is very high.

This is a small routine I digged from 10 year old source code (using libjpeg):
#include <jpeglib.h>
int loadJpg(const char* Name) {
unsigned char a, r, g, b;
int width, height;
struct jpeg_decompress_struct cinfo;
struct jpeg_error_mgr jerr;
FILE * infile; /* source file */
JSAMPARRAY pJpegBuffer; /* Output row buffer */
int row_stride; /* physical row width in output buffer */
if ((infile = fopen(Name, "rb")) == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "can't open %s\n", Name);
return 0;
cinfo.err = jpeg_std_error(&jerr);
jpeg_stdio_src(&cinfo, infile);
(void) jpeg_read_header(&cinfo, TRUE);
(void) jpeg_start_decompress(&cinfo);
width = cinfo.output_width;
height = cinfo.output_height;
unsigned char * pDummy = new unsigned char [width*height*4];
unsigned char * pTest = pDummy;
if (!pDummy) {
return 0;
row_stride = width * cinfo.output_components;
pJpegBuffer = (*cinfo.mem->alloc_sarray)
((j_common_ptr) &cinfo, JPOOL_IMAGE, row_stride, 1);
while (cinfo.output_scanline < cinfo.output_height) {
(void) jpeg_read_scanlines(&cinfo, pJpegBuffer, 1);
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
a = 0; // alpha value is not supported on jpg
r = pJpegBuffer[0][cinfo.output_components * x];
if (cinfo.output_components > 2) {
g = pJpegBuffer[0][cinfo.output_components * x + 1];
b = pJpegBuffer[0][cinfo.output_components * x + 2];
} else {
g = r;
b = r;
*(pDummy++) = b;
*(pDummy++) = g;
*(pDummy++) = r;
*(pDummy++) = a;
(void) jpeg_finish_decompress(&cinfo);
BMap = (int*)pTest;
Height = height;
Width = width;
Depth = 32;

For jpeg, there is already a library called libjpeg, and there is libpng for png. The good news is that they compile right in and so target machines will not need dll files or anything. The bad news is they are in C :(
Also, don't even think of trying to read the files yourself. If you want an easy-to-read format, use PPM instead.

Unfortunately, jpeg format is compressed, so you would have to decompress it before reading individual pixels. This is a non-trivial task. If you can't use a library, you may want to refer to one to see how it's decompressing the image. There is an open-source library on sourceforge: CImg on sourceforge.

Since it could use the exposure, I'll mention one other library to investigate: The IM Toolkit, which is hosted at Sourceforge. It is cross platform, and abstracts the file format completely away from the user, allowing an image to be loaded and processed without worrying about most of the details. It does support both PNG and JPEG out of the box, and can be extended with other import filters if needed.
It comes with a large collection of image processing operators as well...
It also has a good quality binding to Lua.

As Nils pointed, there is no such thing as a C or C++ standard library for JPEG compression and image manipulation.
In case you'd be able to use a third party library, you may want to try GDAL which supports JPEG, PNG and tens of other formats, compressions and mediums.
Here is simple example that presents how to read pixel data from JPEG file using GDAL C++ API:
#include <gdal_priv.h>
#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
int main()
GDALAllRegister(); // once per application
// Assume 3-band image with 8-bit per pixel per channel (24-bit depth)
std::string const file("/home/mloskot/test.jpg");
// Open file with image data
GDALDataset* ds = static_cast<GDALDataset*>(GDALOpen(file.c_str(), GA_ReadOnly));
assert(0 != ds);
// Example 1 - Read multiple bands at once, assume 8-bit depth per band
int const ncols = ds->GetRasterXSize();
int const nrows = ds->GetRasterYSize();
int const nbands = ds->GetRasterCount();
int const nbpp = GDALGetDataTypeSize(GDT_Byte) / 8;
std::vector<unsigned char> data(ncols * nrows * nbands * nbpp);
CPLErr err = ds->RasterIO(GF_Read, 0, 0, ncols, nrows, &data[0], ncols, nrows, GDT_Byte, nbands, 0, 0, 0, 0);
assert(CE_None == err);
// ... use data
// Example 2 - Read first scanline by scanline of 1 band only, assume 8-bit depth per band
GDALRasterBand* band1 = ds->GetRasterBand(1);
assert(0 != band1);
int const ncols = band1->GetXSize();
int const nrows = band1->GetYSize();
int const nbpp = GDALGetDataTypeSize(GDT_Byte) / 8;
std::vector<unsigned char> scanline(ncols * nbpp);
for (int i = 0; i < nrows; ++i)
CPLErr err = band1->RasterIO(GF_Read, 0, 0, ncols, 1, &scanline[0], ncols, 1, GDT_Byte, 0, 0);
assert(CE_None == err);
// ... use scanline
return 0;
There is more complete GDAL API tutorial available.

I've had good experiences with the DevIL library. It supports a wide range of image formats and follows a function-style very similar to OpenGL.
Granted, it is a library, but it's definitely worth a try.

Since the other answers already mention that you will most likely need to use a library, take a look at ImageMagick and see if it is possible to do what you need it to do. It comes with a variety of different ways to interface with the core functionality of ImageMagick, including libraries for almost every single programming language available.
Homepage: ImageMagick

If speed is not a problem you can try LodePNG that take a very minimalist approach to PNG loading and saving.
Or even go with picoPNG from the same author that is a self-contained png loader in a function.


How do I create and save an image from a byte stream in c++?

I am working in c++ trying to create an image and save it to a given directory. I don't care what type of image file it is (PNG, jpeg, bitmap, etc.), I just want it to be viewable in Windows 10. The data stream is in the following form: std::vector<unsigned char>.
I would like to do this natively in c++, but I am not against using a library if it is straightforward to implement and lightweight.
I have this working in C# using the following code, but I don't know if there is a direct translation into c++
// C# code to translate into c++?
var image = new BitmapImage();
using (var ms = new MemoryStream(message.ImageData))
image.CacheOption = BitmapCacheOption.OnLoad;
image.StreamSource = ms;
C# implementations have image routines in the language's standard library. C++ does not. So there is no equivalent code in standard C++: you need to use a third party library. On Windows you could use Win32.
Below I use stb_image_write.h, which can be found here; the stb libraries are barebones 1-file or 2-file libraries typically used in independent game development where having a dependency on libPNG et. al. would be overkill.
#include <vector>
#include "stb_image_write.h"
std::vector<unsigned char> generate_some_image(int wd, int hgt)
// this is just an example for tutorial purposes ... generate a red circle
// in a white field.
std::vector<unsigned char> data(wd * hgt * 4);
int c_x = wd / 2;
int c_y = hgt / 2;
int radius = c_x;
int i = 0;
for (int y = 0; y < hgt; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < wd; x++) {
if ((x - c_x) * (x - c_x) + (y - c_y) * (y - c_y) <= radius * radius) {
data[i++] = 255;
data[i++] = 0;
data[i++] = 0;
data[i++] = 255;
} else {
data[i++] = 255;
data[i++] = 255;
data[i++] = 255;
data[i++] = 255;
return data;
int main()
const int wd = 128;
const int hgt = 128;
std::vector<unsigned char> data = generate_some_image(wd, hgt);
return stbi_write_png( "c:\\test\\foo.png", wd, hgt, 4, &(data[0]), 4*wd);
There is no default standard C++ library for creating an image file with a specific format (PNG, Bitmap ... etc). However, there are tricks to create an image and make it viewable if this is all that you need. The ways are discussed below:
Use a library as jwezorek! mentioned in his answer. There are tons of libraries that can help: OpenCV, STB ... etc
Create a function that creates a file and streams the pixels data to that file in a specific format (Can be fun for some and a headache for others).
Save the image data as raw data (pixels data only) in a file, and use a simpler programming language to read the file data and view the image. For instance, let's assume that you will use "python" as the simpler language to create a simple image viewer on windows 10, the code will look as follows:
import NumPy as np
import scipy.misc as smp
from PIL import Image
w = 1066
h = 600
with open('rgb.raw', 'r') as file:
data ='\n', ' ') # Replacing new lines with spaces
rgbs = data.split(' ') # Get a 1D array of all the numbers (pixels) in file
rgbs = [ int(x) for x in rgbs if x != ''] # Change the data into integers
nprgbs = np.array(rgbs, dtype=np.uint8) # Define a numpy array
arr = np.reshape(nprgbs, (h,w,3)) # Reorder the 1D array to 3D matrix (width, height, channels)
img = Image.fromarray(arr) # Create an Image from the pixels. # View the image in a window (It uses the default viewer of the OS)
The above code will read a file containing the RGB channels of an image and view it on the default viewer.
As you can see, you can do it in a variety of ways, choose the simplest and the most suitable for you. In conclusion, the answer to your question is "No" unless you use a custom library, create your own functions, or use simpler programming languages to read the stream of data and use them to create the file.

JPEG image rotation in C++ using libjpeg

I am trying to rotate a JPEG image in C++ using libjpeg v9 based on the "Orientation" parameter present in EXIF metadata. I am able to get the "Orientation" parameter and on its basis, i am also able to rotate image into another file so that rotated image corresponds to "Orientation" value 1.
See code, which i have taken from "jpegtran.c" file and working fine(reading EXIF metadata code is not present):
#include <iostream>
#include <jpeglib.h>
#include <jerror.h>
#include "transupp.h"
void setTransformation(jpeg_transform_info *transformObj, JXFORM_CODE transformation){
transformObj->perfect = FALSE;
transformObj->trim = FALSE;
transformObj->force_grayscale = FALSE;
transformObj->crop = FALSE;
transformObj->transform = transformation;
void releaseRes(j_decompress_ptr srcPtr, j_compress_ptr destPtr){
(void) jpeg_finish_decompress(srcPtr);
void rotateImage(const char *inputFilename, const char *outputFilename, JXFORM_CODE transformVal){
FILE *inputFile = fopen(inputFilename, "r");
std::cerr<<"ERROR: cannot open input file\n";
struct jpeg_decompress_struct srcObj;
struct jpeg_error_mgr srcErrMgr;
struct jpeg_compress_struct destObj;
struct jpeg_error_mgr destErrMgr;
jvirt_barray_ptr *srcCoefArr;
jvirt_barray_ptr *destCoefArr;
//transformation object
jpeg_transform_info transformObj;
//set error handler
srcObj.err = jpeg_std_error(&srcErrMgr);
destObj.err = jpeg_std_error(&destErrMgr);
//set the transformation properties
setTransformation(&transformObj, transformVal);
jpeg_stdio_src(&srcObj, inputFile);
jcopy_markers_setup(&srcObj, copyOpt);
(void) jpeg_read_header(&srcObj, TRUE);
if(!jtransform_request_workspace(&srcObj, &transformObj)){
std::cerr<<"Transformation is not perfect\n";
srcCoefArr = jpeg_read_coefficients(&srcObj);
jpeg_copy_critical_parameters(&srcObj, &destObj);
destCoefArr = jtransform_adjust_parameters(&srcObj, &destObj, srcCoefArr, &transformObj);
FILE *outputFile = fopen(outputFilename, "wb");
std::cerr<<"ERROR: cannot open output file\n";
releaseRes(&srcObj, &destObj);
jpeg_stdio_dest(&destObj, outputFile);
jpeg_write_coefficients(&destObj, destCoefArr);
jcopy_markers_execute(&srcObj, &destObj, copyOpt);
jtransform_execute_transformation(&srcObj, &destObj, srcCoefArr, &transformObj);
releaseRes(&srcObj, &destObj);
//close files
However, i do not want to store rotated image into another file and rather want to rotate in place into buffer or using temp buffer but without compression as in above code.
Below is the code to get the decompressed data into buffer:
void rotateImage(const char *filename){
FILE *file = fopen(filename, "r");
std::cerr<<"Error in reading file\n";
struct jpeg_decompress_struct info;
struct jpeg_error_mgr jerr;
info.err = jpeg_std_error(&jerr);
jpeg_CreateDecompress(&info, JPEG_LIB_VERSION, (size_t) sizeof(struct jpeg_decompress_struct));
jpeg_stdio_src(&info, file);
(void) jpeg_read_header(&info, TRUE);
uint32_t channels = 3;
uint32_t rowStride = info.output_width * channels;
uint64_t dataSize = rowStride * info.output_height;
unsigned char *buffer = new unsigned char[dataSize];
unsigned char *rowData[1];
while(info.output_scanline < info.output_height){
//initial value of output_Scanline state var is 0
rowData[0] = buffer + info.output_scanline * rowStride;
jpeg_read_scanlines(&info, rowData, 1);
/*Now, i want to rotate this buffer (or with other temp buffer without compression as in
first code) as per "orientation", either 90, 180, 270*/
/* here */
delete buffer;
Though, i tried to rotate buffer using temp buffer (analogous to matrix rotation for non-square matrix) with following code for 90 degree:
//90 degree clockwise
unsigned char *tmpBuf = new unsigned char[dataSize];
int row = info.output_height;
int col = info.output_width;
for(int i=0; i<row; i+=1){
for(int j=0;j<col; j+=1){
//copied 3 bytes as each pixed takes 3 bytes for RGB
memcpy(tmpBuf + (j*row + row-i-1)*3, buffer + (i*col + j)*3, 3);
However, i believe, it is not correct way for rotating JPEG as the rotated data is not accepted by the application i am sending this data to(FYI, i am rotating it as per "Orientation" as application respect it). Which makes me believe that it is not the correct way to rotate JPEG image. As with first method, first rotating into compressed data and then decompressing again into buffer is accepted by the application i am sending data to. But, i think, it is not the better way to do it.
So, i need your help for this. Please let me know the step required to achieve it. Any code example or tutorials will also be helpful.

How to specify little endian in Jasper JPEG2000

I am encoding raw byte to JPEG2000 using jasper library. The image produced is big endian whereas I need the output in little endian. How to specify the endianness in jasper? Here is the code snippet:
EncodeAsJPEG2000(array<Byte> ^inputImage, array<Byte> ^outputImage, uint32 width, uint32 height, uint32 size)
jas_image_t *pImage;
pImage = jas_image_create0();
pin_ptr<Byte> pInput = &inputImage[0];
int totalCopied = 0;
if (pImage)
tsize_t bytesperline = 2;
int iCmp = 0;
jas_stream_t *pStream;
jas_image_cmptparm_t cmptparm;
cmptparm.tlx = 0;
cmptparm.tly = 0;
cmptparm.hstep = 1;
cmptparm.vstep = 1;
cmptparm.width = width;
cmptparm.height = height;
cmptparm.prec = 16;
cmptparm.sgnd = false;
jas_image_addcmpt(pImage, iCmp, &cmptparm);
//jas_image_setcmpttype(pImage, 0, JAS_IMAGE_CT_GRAY_Y);
pImage->clrspc_ = JAS_CLRSPC_SGRAY; /* grayscale Image */
pImage->cmprof_ = 0;
jas_stream_seek(pImage->cmpts_[iCmp]->stream_, 0, SEEK_SET);
jas_stream_write(pImage->cmpts_[iCmp]->stream_, pInput, size);
pStream = jas_stream_fopen("C:\\jaspimage.jp2" , "w+b");
int copied = 0;
if (pStream)
char optionsString[128];
optionsString[0] = '\0';
int format = jas_image_strtofmt("jp2");
jas_image_encode(pImage, pStream, format, "rate=1.0");
I verified the endian using ImageJ. It says little endian false.
How to specify the endianness in jasper?
You cannot.
Neither its documentation mentions anything on that, nor its src contains anything related.
You can switch the endianness manually, which may come with an additional performance overhead (which even if the library supported that feature, you would have to cope with it anyway).
However, as #MatthewPope mentioned, you could try flipping only the Exif data (read more in How can I change the endianness of my file with exiftool?), like this for example:
exiftool -all= -tagsfromfile test.jpg -all:all -unsafe -exifbyteorder=little-endian test.jpg
This approach will be significantly faster than the above mentioned, since the size of the Exif data is at least one order of magnitude smaller than the whole file most of the times.
Wikipedia states that Exif metadata are restricted in size to 64 kB in JPEG images, which, if true, is ~812 times less than the image sizes you are handling.
ExifTool can be used for editing meta information in an image. Read this interesting question too: How does JPEG endianness matter on coding?

OpenCV vs byte array

I am working on a simple C++ image processing application and deciding whether to use OpenCV for loading the image and accessing individual pixels.
My current approach is to simply load the image using fopen, reading the 54 byte header and load the rest of the bytes in a char* array.
To access a specific pixel I use
long q = (long*)(bmpData + x*3 + (bmpSize.height - y - 1) * bmpSize.stride);
To perform a simple color check, for ex. "is blue?"
if (((long*)q | 0xFF000000) == 0xFFFF0000) //for some reason RGB is reversed to BGR
//do something here
Is OpenCV any faster considering all the function calls, parsing, etc.?
Bitmap file header is actually 54 bytes and you can't skip it. You have to read it to find the width, height, bitcount... calculate padding if necessary... and other information.
Depending on how the file is opened, OpenCV will read the header and reads the pixels directly in to a buffer. The only change is that the rows are flipped so the image is right side up.
cv::Mat mat = cv::imread("filename.bmp", CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR);
uint8_t* data = (uint8_t*);
The header checks and the small changes made by OpenCV will not significantly affect performance. The bottle neck is mainly in reading the file from the disk. The change in performance will be difficult to measure, unless you are doing a very specific task, for example you want only 3 bytes in a very large file, and you don't want to read the entire file.
OpenCV is overkill for this task, so you may choose other libraries for example CImg as suggested in comments. If you use smaller libraries they load faster, it might be noticeable when your program starts.
The following code is a test run on Windows.
For a large 16MB bitmap file, the result is almost identical for opencv versus plain c++.
For a small 200kb bitmap file, the result is 0.00013 seconds to read in plain C++, and 0.00040 seconds for opencv. Note the plain c++ is not doing much beside reading the bytes.
class stopwatch
std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::system_clock> time_start, time_end;
stopwatch() { reset();}
void reset(){ time_start = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); }
void print(const char* title)
time_end = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
std::chrono::duration<double> diff = time_end - time_start;
if(title) std::cout << title;
std::cout << diff.count() << "\n";
int main()
const char* filename = "filename.bmp";
//I use `fake` to prevent the compiler from over-optimization
//and skipping the whole loop. But it may not be necessary here
int fake = 0;
//open the file 100 times
int count = 100;
stopwatch sw;
for(int i = 0; i < count; i++)
//plain c++
std::ifstream fin(filename, std::ios::binary);
fin.seekg(0, std::ios::end);
int filesize = (int)fin.tellg();
fin.seekg(0, std::ios::beg);
std::vector<uint8_t> pixels(filesize - 54);
BITMAPINFOHEADER bi;*)&hd, sizeof(hd));*)&bi, sizeof(bi));*), pixels.size());
fake += pixels[i];
sw.print("time fstream: ");
for(int i = 0; i < count; i++)
cv::Mat mat = cv::imread(filename, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR);
uint8_t* pixels = (uint8_t*);
fake += pixels[i];
sw.print("time opencv: ");
printf("show some fake calculation: %d\n", fake);
return 0;

C++ create png/bitmap from array of numbers

So i found this link regarding my question, but it is for c#
Create a PNG from an array of bytes
I have a variable int array of numbers.
i will call it "pix[ ]"
for now it can be any size from 3 to 256, later possibly bigger.
What i want to do now, is to convert it into a pixel image.
I am still a noobin c++ so pleas excuse me.
I tried to download some libaries that make working with libpng easier, but they do not seem to be working (ubuntu, code::blocks)
So i have questions in the following:
1) how do you create a new bitmap (which libaries, which command)?
2) how do i fill it with information from "pix[ ]" ?
3) how do i save it?
if it is a repost of a question i am happy about a link also ;)
Here is what i worked out so far, thanks for your help.
int main(){
FILE *imageFile;
int x,y,pixel,height=2,width=3;
perror("ERROR: Cannot open output file");
fprintf(imageFile,"P3\n"); // P3 filetype
fprintf(imageFile,"%d %d\n",width,height); // dimensions
fprintf(imageFile,"255\n"); // Max pixel
int pix[100] {200,200,200, 100,100,100, 0,0,0, 255,0,0, 0,255,0, 0,0,255};
i have not fully understood what it does. i can open the output image, but it is not a correct representation of the Array.
If i change things around, for example making a 2 dimensional array, then the image viewer tells me "expected an integer" and doesn't show me an image.
So far so good.
As i have the array before the image i created a function aufrunden to round up to the next int number because i want to create a square image.
int aufrunden (double h)
int i =h;
if (h-i == 0)
return i;
i = h+1;
return i;
This function is used in the creation of the image.
If the image is bigger than the information the array provides like this (a is the length of th array)
double h;
h= sqrt(a/3.0);
int i = aufrunden(h);
FILE *imageFile;
int height=i,width=i;
It might happen now, that the array is a=24 long. aufrunden makes the image 3x3 so it has 27 values...meaning it is missing the values for 1 pixel.
Or worse it is only a=23 long. also creating a 3x3 image.
What will fwrite(pix,1,18,imageFile); write in those pixels for information? It would be best if the remaing values are just 0.
*edit never mind, i will just add 0 to the end of the array until it is filling up the whole square...sorry
Consider using a Netpbm format (pbm, pgm, or ppm).
These images are extremely simple text files that you can write without any special libraries. Then use some third-party software such as ImageMagick, GraphicsMagick, or pnmtopng to convert your image to PNG format. Here is a wiki article describing the Netpbm format.
Here's a simple PPM image:
P3 2 3 255
0 0 0 255 255 255
255 0 0 0 255 255
100 100 100 200 200 200
The first line contains "P3" (the "magic number identifying it as a text-PPM), 2 (width), 3 (height), 255 (maximum intensity).
The second line contains the two RGB pixels for the top row.
The third and fourth lines each contain the two RGB pixels for rows 2 and 3.
Use a larger number for maximum intensity (e.g. 1024) if you need a larger range of intensities, up to 65535.
Edited by Mark Setchell beyond this point - so I am the guilty party!
The image looks like this (when the six pixels are enlarged):
The ImageMagick command to convert, and enlarge, is like this:
convert image.ppm -scale 400x result.png
If ImageMagick is a bit heavyweight, or difficult to install you can more simply use the NetPBM tools (from here) like this (it's a single precompiled binary)
pnmtopng image.ppm > result.png
If, as it seems, you have got Magick++ and are happy to use that, you can write your code in C/C++ like this:
// sample.cpp
// Mark Setchell
// ImageMagick Magick++ sample code
// Compile with:
// g++ sample.cpp -o sample $(Magick++-config --cppflags --cxxflags --ldflags --libs)
#include <Magick++.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
using namespace Magick;
int main(int argc,char **argv)
unsigned char pix[]={200,200,200, 100,100,100, 0,0,0, 255,0,0, 0,255,0, 0,0,255};
// Initialise ImageMagick library
// Create Image object and read in from pixel data above
Image image;,3,"RGB",CharPixel,pix);
// Write the image to a file - change extension if you want a GIF or JPEG
You are not far off - well done for trying! As far as I can see, you only had a couple of mistakes:
You had P3 where you would actually need P6 if writing in binary.
You were using int type for your data, whereas you need to be using unsigned char for 8-bit data.
You had the width and height interchanged.
You were using the PGM extension which is for Portable Grey Maps, whereas your data is colour, so you need to use the PPM extension which is for Portable Pix Map.
So, the working code looks like this:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(){
FILE *imageFile;
int x,y,pixel,height=3,width=2;
perror("ERROR: Cannot open output file");
fprintf(imageFile,"P6\n"); // P6 filetype
fprintf(imageFile,"%d %d\n",width,height); // dimensions
fprintf(imageFile,"255\n"); // Max pixel
unsigned char pix[]={200,200,200, 100,100,100, 0,0,0, 255,0,0, 0,255,0, 0,0,255};
If you then run that, you can convert the resulting image to a nice big PNG with
convert image.ppm -scale 400x result.png
If you subsequently need 16-bit data, you would change the 255 to 65535, and store in an unsigned short array rather than unsigned char and when you come to the fwrite(), you would need to write double the number of bytes.
The code below will take an integer array of pixel colors as input and write it to a .bmp bitmap file or, in reverse, read a .bmp bitmap file and store its image contents as an int array. It only requires the <fstream> library. The input parameter path can be for example C:/path/to/your/image.bmp and data is formatted as data[x+y*width]=(red<<16)|(green<<8)|blue;, whereby red, green and blue are integers in the range 0-255 and the pixel position is (x,y).
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
typedef unsigned int uint;
int* read_bmp(const string path, uint& width, uint& height) {
ifstream file(path, ios::in|ios::binary);
if( println("\rError: File \""+filename+"\" does not exist!");
uint w=0, h=0;
char header[54];, 54);
for(uint i=0; i<4; i++) {
w |= (header[18+i]&255)<<(8*i);
h |= (header[22+i]&255)<<(8*i);
const int pad=(4-(3*w)%4)%4, imgsize=(3*w+pad)*h;
char* img = new char[imgsize];, imgsize);
int* data = new int[w*h];
for(uint y=0; y<h; y++) {
for(uint x=0; x<w; x++) {
const int i = 3*x+y*(3*w+pad);
data[x+(h-1-y)*w] = (img[i]&255)|(img[i+1]&255)<<8|(img[i+2]&255)<<16;
delete[] img;
width = w;
height = h;
return data;
void write_bmp(const string path, const uint width, const uint height, const int* const data) {
const int pad=(4-(3*width)%4)%4, filesize=54+(3*width+pad)*height; // horizontal line must be a multiple of 4 bytes long, header is 54 bytes
char header[54] = { 'B','M', 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0, 54,0,0,0, 40,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0, 1,0,24,0 };
for(uint i=0; i<4; i++) {
header[ 2+i] = (char)((filesize>>(8*i))&255);
header[18+i] = (char)((width >>(8*i))&255);
header[22+i] = (char)((height >>(8*i))&255);
char* img = new char[filesize];
for(uint i=0; i<54; i++) img[i] = header[i];
for(uint y=0; y<height; y++) {
for(uint x=0; x<width; x++) {
const int color = data[x+(height-1-y)*width];
const int i = 54+3*x+y*(3*width+pad);
img[i ] = (char)( color &255);
img[i+1] = (char)((color>> 8)&255);
img[i+2] = (char)((color>>16)&255);
for(uint p=0; p<pad; p++) img[54+(3*width+p)+y*(3*width+pad)] = 0;
ofstream file(path, ios::out|ios::binary);
file.write(img, filesize);
delete[] img;
The code snippet was inspired by
For .png images, use lodepng.cpp and lodepng.h:
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <fstream>
#include "lodepng.h"
using namespace std;
typedef unsigned int uint;
int* read_png(const string path, uint& width, uint& height) {
vector<uchar> img;
lodepng::decode(img, width, height, path, LCT_RGB);
int* data = new int[width*height];
for(uint i=0; i<width*height; i++) {
data[i] = img[3*i]<<16|img[3*i+1]<<8|img[3*i+2];
return data;
void write_png(const string path, const uint width, const uint height, const int* const data) {
uchar* img = new uchar[3*width*height];
for(uint i=0; i<width*height; i++) {
const int color = data[i];
img[3*i ] = (color>>16)&255;
img[3*i+1] = (color>> 8)&255;
img[3*i+2] = color &255;
lodepng::encode(path, img, width, height, LCT_RGB);
delete[] img;