Is Polymorphism worth an increase in coupling? - c++

I'm writing a simplistic game to learn get some more C++ experience, and I have an idea where I feel polymorphism almost works, but doesn't. In this game, the Party moves fairly linearly through a Map, but can occasionally encounter a Fork in the road. A fork is (basically) an std::vector<location*>.Originally I was going to code something like the following into the a Party member function:
// Loop through forks and show options to the player, go where s/he wants
But I was wondering if some variant of the following might be better:
CurrLocation = CurrLocation->getNext();
With Fork actually being derived from Location, and overloading some new function getNext(). But in the latter case, the location (a low level structure) would have to be the one to present the message to the user instead of "passing this back up", which I don't feel is elegant as it couples location to UserInterface::*.
Your opinions?

All problems can be solved by adding a level of indirection. I would use your suggested variant, and decouple Location from Party by allowing getNext to accept an object that resolves directional choices. Here is an example (untested):
class Location;
class IDirectionChooser
virtual bool ShouldIGoThisWay(Location & way) = 0;
class Location
virtual Location * GetNext(IDirectionChooser & chooser)
return nextLocation;
virtual Describe();
Location * nextLocation;
class Fork : public Location
virtual Location * GetNext(IDirectionChooser & chooser)
for (int i = 0; i < locations.size(); i++)
if (chooser.ShouldIGoThisWay(*locations[i]))
return locations[i];
virtual Describe();
vector<Location *> locations;
class Party : public IDirectionChooser
void Move()
currentLocation = currentLocation->GetNext(GetDirectionChooser());
virtual IDirectionChooser & GetDirectionChooser() { return *this; }
virtual bool ShouldIGoThisWay(Location & way)
cout << "Do you want to go that way? y/n" << endl;
char ans;
cin >> ans;
return ans == 'y';

You should use polymorphism as long as it makes sense and simplifies your design. You shouldn't use it just because it exists and has a fancy name. If it does make your design simpler, then it's worth the coupling.
Correctness and simplicity should be the ultimate goal of every design decision.

I think you spotted the issues yourself and can probably work it out with your knowledge of the rest of the system or a few more details here for us to look at.
As has been mentioned:
Polymorphism should be used to simplify the design - which it would do in this case, so well spotted.
You have an issue with the coupling - again well spotted, coupling can lead to problems later on. However, what this says to me is that the way in which you are
applying the polymorphism might not be the best way.
Programming to interfaces should allow you to hide the internal details of how the system is put together and so reduce the coupling.

Polymorphism does not lend to greater coupling, I think they are separate issues.
In fact if you are programming to interfaces and following general inversion of control patterns then you will lead to less or zero coupling.
In you example, I don't see how location is coupled to UserInterface?
If this is the case, can the coupling be removed through another level of abstraction in between UserInterface and Location, such as LocationViewAdapter?


Extending Class via Multiple Private Inheritance - Is this a thing?

I'm trying to encapsulate existing functionality in a wide swathe of classes so it can be uniformly modified (e.g. mutexed, optimized, logged, etc.) For some reason, I've gotten it into my head that (multiple) private inheritance is the way to go, but I can't find what led me to that conclusion.
The question is: what is the name for what I am trying to do, and where I can see it done right?
What I think this isn't:
Decorator: All the descriptions I see for this pattern wrap a class to provide extra methods as viewed from the outside. I want to provide functionality to the inside (extract existing as well as add additional.)
Interface: This is close, because the functionality has a well-defined interface (and one I would like to mock for testing.) But again this pattern deals with the view from the outside.
I'm also open to alternatives, but the jackpot here is finding an article on it written by someone much smarter than me (a la Alexandrescu, Meyers, Sutter, etc.)
Example code:
// Original code, this stuff is all over
class SprinkledFunctionality
void doSomething()
int id = 42;
Db* pDb = Db::getDbInstance(); // This should be a reference or have a ptr check IRL
Thing* pThing = pDb->getAThing(id);
// The desired functionality has been extracted into a method, so that's good
class ExtractedFunctionality
void doSomething()
int id = 42;
Thing* pThing = getAThing(id);
Thing* getAThing(int id)
Db* pDb = Db::getDbInstance();
return pDb->getAThing(id);
// What I'm trying to do, or want to emulate
class InheritedFunctionality : private DbAccessor
void doSomething()
int id = 42;
Thing* pThing = getAThing(id);
// Now modifying this affects everyone who accesses the DB, which is even better
class DbAccessor
Thing* getAThing(int id)
// Mutexing the DB access here would save a lot of effort and can't be forgotten
std::cout << "Getting thing #" << id << std::endl; // Logging is easier
Db* pDb = Db::getDbInstance(); // This can now be a ptr check in one place instead of 100+
return = pDb->getAThing(id);
One useful technique you might be overlooking is the non-virtual interface (NVI) as coined by Sutter in his writings about virtuality. It requires a slight inversion of the way you're looking at it, but is intended to address those precise concerns. It also tackles those concerns from within as opposed, to say, decorator which is about extending functionality non-intrusively from the outside.
class Foo
void something()
// can add all the central code you want here for logging,
// mutex locking/unlocking, instrumentation, etc.
virtual void impl_something() = 0;
The idea is to favor non-virtual functions for your public interfaces, but make them call virtual functions (with private or protected access) which are overridden elsewhere. This gives you both the extensibility you typically get with inheritance while retaining central control (something otherwise often lost).
Now Bar can derive from Foo and override impl_something to provide specific behavior. Yet you retain the central control in Foo to add whatever you like and affect all subclasses in the Foo hierarchy.
Initially Foo::something might not even do anything more than call Foo::impl_something, but the value here is the breathing room that provides in the future to add any central code you want -- something which can otherwise be very awkward if you're looking down at a codebase which has a boatload of dependencies directly to virtual functions. By depending on a public non-virtual function which depends on an overridden, non-public virtual function, we gain an intermediary site to which we can add all the central code we like.
Note that this can be overkill too. Everything can be overkill in SE, as a simple enough program might actually be the easiest to maintain if it just used global variables and a big main function. All of these techniques have trade-offs, but the pros begin to outweigh the cons with sufficient scale, complexity, changing requirements*.
* I noticed in one of your other questions that you wrote that the right tool for the job should have zero drawbacks, but everything tends to have drawbacks, everything is a trade-off. It's whether the pros outweigh the cons that ultimately determines whether it was a good design decision, and it's far from easy to realize all of this in foresight instead of hindsight.
As for your example:
// What I'm trying to do, or want to emulate
class InheritedFunctionality : private DbAccessor
void doSomething()
int id = 42;
Thing* pThing = getAThing(id);
... there is a significantly tighter coupling here than is necessary for this example. There might be more to it than you've shown which makes private inheritance a necessity, but otherwise composition would generally loosen the coupling considerably without much extra effort, like so:
class ComposedFunctionality
void doSomething()
int id = 42;
Thing* pThing = dbAccessor.getAThing(id);
DbAccessor dbAccessor;
Basically what you're doing is decoupling the way you getAThing from the way you doSomething. Looks a lot like the Factory Method object-oriented design pattern. Have a look here:
Factory Method Pattern

Cast relatives classes to each other which has common parent class

I have classes DBGameAction and ServerGameAction which has common parent class GameAction. Classes DBGameAction and ServerGameAction it's a API for safety working with entity GameAction from different part of program.
My question is: is it normal at first create DBGameAction entity and then cast it to the ServerGameAction entity? Or maybe it's a wrong program design?
My program:
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
class GameAction
/* Need use mutex or something else for having safety access to this entity */
unsigned int cost;
unsigned int id;
std::vector<std::string> players;
unsigned int getCost() const
return cost;
class DBGameAction : public GameAction
void setCost(unsigned int c)
cost = c;
void setId(unsigned int i)
id = i;
class ServerGameAction : public GameAction
void addPlayer(std::string p)
std::string getLastPlayer() const
return players.back();
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
DBGameAction *dbga = 0;
ServerGameAction *sga = 0;
try {
dbga = new DBGameAction;
catch(...) /* Something happens wrong! */
return -1;
sga = reinterpret_cast<ServerGameAction*>(dbga);
std::cout << dbga->getCost() << std::endl;
std::cout << sga->getLastPlayer() << std::endl;
delete dbga;
sga = dbga = 0;
return 0;
It is wrong program design.
Is there a reason why you are not creating GameAction variables which you then downcast to DBGameAction and ServerGameAction?
I haven't used reinterpret_cast in many occasions but I am sure it shouldn't be used this way. You should try to find a better design for the interface of your classes. Someone who uses your classes, doesn't have a way to know that he needs to do this sort of castings to add a player.
You have to ask yourself, if adding a player is an operation that only makes sense for ServerGameActions or for DBGameActions too. If it makes sense to add players to DBGameActions, then AddPlayer should be in the interface of DBGameAction too. Then you will not need these casts. Taking it one step further, if it is an operation that makes sense for every possible GameAction you may ever have, you can put it in the interface of the base class.
I have used a similar pattern effectively in the past, but it is a little different than most interface class setups. Instead of having a consistent interface that can trigger appropriate class-specific methods for accomplishing similar tasks on different data types, this provides two completely different sets of functionality which each have their own interface, yet work on the same data layout.
The only reason I would pull out this design is for situations where the base class is data-only and shared between multiple libraries or executables. Then each lib or exe defines a child class which houses all the functionality that it's allowed to use on the base data. This way you can, for example, build your server executable with all kinds of nice extra functions for manipulating game data that the client isn't allowed to use, and the server-side functionality doesn't get built into the client executable. It's much easier for a game modder to trigger existing, dormant functionality than to write and inject their own.
The main part of your question about casting directly between the child classes is making us worry, though. If you find yourself wanting to do that, stop and rethink. You could theoretically get away with the cast as long as your classes stay non-virtual and the derived classes never add data members (the derived classes can't have any data for what you're trying to do anyway, due to object slicing), but it would be potentially dangerous and, most likely, less readable code. As #dspfnder was talking about, you would want to work with base classes for passing data around and down-cast on-demand to access functionality.
With all that said, there are many ways to isolate, restrict, or cull functionality. It may be worth reworking your design with functionality living in friend classes instead of child classes; that would require much less or no casting.

A better design pattern than factory?

In the code I am now creating, I have an object that can belong to two discrete types, differentiated by serial number. Something like this:
class Chips {
Chips(int shelf) {m_nShelf = shelf;}
Chips(string sSerial) {m_sSerial = sSerial;}
virtual string GetFlavour() = 0;
virtual int GetShelf() {return m_nShelf;}
string m_sSerial;
int m_nShelf;
class Lays : Chips {
string GetFlavour()
if (m_sSerial[0] == '0') return "Cool ranch";
else return "";
class Pringles : Chips {
string GetFlavour()
if (m_sSerial.find("cool") != -1) return "Cool ranch";
else return "";
Now, the obvious choice to implement this would be using a factory design pattern. Checking manually which serial belongs to which class type wouldn't be too difficult.
However, this requires having a class that knows all the other classes and refers to them by name, which is hardly truly generic, especially if I end up having to add a whole bunch of subclasses.
To complicate things further, I may have to keep around an object for a while before I know its actual serial number, which means I may have to write the base class full of dummy functions rather than keeping it abstract and somehow replace it with an instance of one of the child classes when I do get the serial. This is also less than ideal.
Is factory design pattern truly the best way to deal with this, or does anyone have a better idea?
You can create a factory which knows only the Base class, like this:
add pure virtual method to base class: virtual Chips* clone() const=0; and implement it for all derives, just like operator= but to return pointer to a new derived. (if you have destructor, it should be virtual too)
now you can define a factory class:
Class ChipsFactory{
std::map<std::string,Chips*> m_chipsTypes;
//delete all pointers... I'm assuming all are dynamically allocated.
for( std::map<std::string,Chips*>::iterator it = m_chipsTypes.begin();
it!=m_chipsTypes.end(); it++) {
delete it->second;
//use this method to init every type you have
void AddChipsType(const std::string& serial, Chips* c){
m_chipsTypes[serial] = c;
//use this to generate object
Chips* CreateObject(const std::string& serial){
std::map<std::string,Chips*>::iterator it = m_chipsTypes.find(serial);
if(it == m_chipsTypes.end()){
return NULL;
return it->clone();
Initialize the factory with all types, and you can get pointers for the initialized objects types from it.
From the comments, I think you're after something like this:
class ISerialNumber
static ISerialNumber* Create( const string& number )
// instantiate and return a concrete class that
// derives from ISerialNumber, or NULL
virtual void DoSerialNumberTypeStuff() = 0;
class SerialNumberedObject
bool Initialise( const string& serialNum )
m_pNumber = ISerialNumber::Create( serialNum );
return m_pNumber != NULL;
void DoThings()
ISerialNumber* m_pNumber;
(As this was a question on more advanced concepts, protecting from null/invalid pointer issues is left as an exercise for the reader.)
Why bother with inheritance here? As far as I can see the behaviour is the same for all Chips instances. That behaviour is that the flavour is defined by the serial number.
If the serial number only changes a couple of things then you can inject or lookup the behaviours (std::function) at runtime based on the serial number using a simple map (why complicate things!). This way common behaviours are shared among different chips via their serial number mappings.
If the serial number changes a LOT of things, then I think you have the design a bit backwards. In that case what you really have is the serial number defining a configuration of the Chips, and your design should reflect that. Like this:
class SerialNumber {
// Maybe use a builder along with default values
SerialNumber( .... );
// All getters, no setters.
string getFlavour() const;
string flavour;
// others (package colour, price, promotion, target country etc...)
class Chips {
// Do not own the serial number... 'tis shared.
Chips(std::shared_ptr<SerialNumber> poSerial):m_poSerial{poSerial}{}
Chips(int shelf, SerialNumber oSerial):m_poSerial{oSerial}, m_nShelf{shelf}{}
string GetFlavour() {return m_poSerial->getFlavour()};
int GetShelf() {return m_nShelf;}
std::shared_ptr<SerialNumber> m_poSerial;
int m_nShelf;
// stores std::shared_ptr but you could also use one of the shared containers from boost.
Chips pringles{"standard pringles - sour cream") };
This way once you have a set of SerialNumbers for your products then the product behaviour does not change. The only change is the "configuration" which is encapsulated in the SerialNumber. Means that the Chips class doesn't need to change.
Anyway, somewhere someone needs to know how to build the class. Of course you could you template based injection as well but your code would need to inject the correct type.
One last idea. If SerialNumber ctor took a string (XML or JSON for example) then you could have your program read the configurations at runtime, after they have been defined by a manager type person. This would decouple the business needs from your code, and that would be a robust way to future-proof.
Oh... and I would recommend NOT using Hungarian notation. If you change the type of an object or parameter you also have to change the name. Worse you could forget to change them and other will make incorrect assumptions. Unless you are using vim/notepad to program with then the IDE will give you that info in a clearer manner.
#user1158692 - The party instantiating Chips only needs to know about SerialNumber in one of my proposed designs, and that proposed design stipulates that the SerialNumber class acts to configure the Chips class. In that case the person using Chips SHOULD know about SerialNumber because of their intimate relationship. The intimiate relationship between the classes is exactly the reason why it should be injected via constructor. Of course it is very very simple to change this to use a setter instead if necessary, but this is something I would discourage, due to the represented relationship.
I really doubt that it is absolutely necessary to create the instances of chips without knowing the serial number. I would imagine that this is an application issue rather than one that is required by the design of the class. Also, the class is not very usable without SerialNumber and if you did allow construction of the class without SerialNumber you would either need to use a default version (requiring Chips to know how to construct one of these or using a global reference!) or you would end up polluting the class with a lot of checking.
As for you complaint regarding the shared_ptr... how on earth to you propose that the ownership semantics and responsibilities are clarified? Perhaps raw pointers would be your solution but that is dangerous and unclear. The shared_ptr clearly lets designers know that they do not own the pointer and are not responsible for it.

C++ Help on refactoring a monster class

I have a C background and am a newb on C++. I have a basic design question. I have a class (I'll call it "chef" b/c the problem I have seems very analogous to this, both in terms of complexity and issues) that basically works like this
class chef
void prep();
void cook();
void plate();
char name;
char dish_responsible_for;
int shift_working;
in pseudo code, this gets implemented along the lines of:
int main{
chef my_chef;
kitchen_class kitchen;
for (day=0; day < 365; day++)
The chef class here seems to be a monster class, and has the potential of becoming one. chef also seems to violate the single responsibility principle, so instead we should have something like:
class employee
char name;
int shift_working;
class kitchen_worker : employee
class cook_food : kitchen_worker
void cook();
class prep_food : kitchen_worker
void prep();
class plater : kitchen_worker
void plate();
I'm admittedly still struggling with how to implement it at run time so that, if for example plater (or "chef in his capacity as plater") decides to go home midway through dinner service, then the chef has to work a new shift.
This seems to be related to a broader question I have that if the same person invariably does the prepping, cooking and plating in this example, what is the real practical advantage of having this hierarchy of classes to model what a single chef does? I guess that runs into the "fear of adding classes" thing, but at the same time, right now or in the foreseeable future I don't think maintaining the chef class in its entirety is terribly cumbersome. I also think that it's in a very real sense easier for a naive reader of the code to see the three different methods in the chef object and move on.
I understand it might threaten to become unwieldy when/if we add methods like "cut_onions()", "cut_carrots()", etc..., perhaps each with their own data, but it seems those can be dealt with by having making the prep() function, say, more modular. Moreover, it seems that the SRP taken to its logical conclusion would create a class "onion_cutters" "carrot_cutters" etc... and I still have a hard time seeing the value of that, given that somehow the program has to make sure that the same employee cuts the onions and the carrots which helps with keeping the state variable the same across methods (e.g., if the employee cuts his finger cutting onions he is no longer eligible to cut carrots), whereas in the monster object chef class it seems that all that gets taken care of.
Of course, I understand that this then becomes less about having a meaningful "object oriented design", but it seems to me that if we have to have separate objects for each of the chef's tasks (which seems unnatural, given that the same person is doing all three function) then that seems to prioritize software design over the conceptual model. I feel an object oriented design is helpful here if we want to have, say, "meat_chef" "sous_chef" "three_star_chef" that are likely different people. Moreover, related to the runtime problem is that there is an overhead in complexity it seems, under the strict application of the single responsibility principle, that has to make sure the underlying data that make up the base class employee get changed and that this change is reflected in subsequent time steps.
I'm therefore rather tempted to leave it more or less as is. If somebody could clarify why this would be a bad idea (and if you have suggestions on how best to proceed) I'd be most obliged.
To avoid abusing class heirarchies now and in future, you should really only use it when an is relationship is present. As yourself, "is cook_food a kitchen_worker". It obviously doesn't make sense in real life, and doesn't in code either. "cook_food" is an action, so it might make sense to create an action class, and subclass that instead.
Having a new class just to add new methods like cook() and prep() isn't really an improvement on the original problem anyway - since all you've done is wrapped the method inside a class. What you really wanted was to make an abstraction to do any of these actions - so back to the action class.
class action {
virtual void perform_action()=0;
class cook_food : public action {
virtual void perform_action() {
//do cooking;
A chef can then be given a list of actions to perform in the order you specify. Say for example, a queue.
class chef {
perform_actions(queue<action>& actions) {
for (action &a : actions) {
This is more commonly known as the Strategy Pattern. It promotes the open/closed principle, by allowing you to add new actions without modifying your existing classes.
An alternative approach you could use is a Template Method, where you specify a sequence of abstract steps, and use subclasses to implement the specific behaviour for each one.
class dish_maker {
virtual void prep() = 0;
virtual void cook() = 0;
virtual void plate() = 0;
void make_dish() {
class onion_soup_dish_maker : public dish_maker {
virtual void prep() { ... }
virtual void cook() { ... }
virtual void plate() { ... }
Another closely related pattern which might be suitable for this is the Builder Pattern
These patterns can also reduce of the Sequential Coupling anti-pattern, as it's all too easy to forget to call some methods, or call them in the right order, particularly if you're doing it multiple times. You could also consider putting your kitchen.opens() and closes() into a similar template method, than you don't need to worry about closes() being called.
On creating individual classes for onion_cutter and carrot_cutter, this isn't really the logical conclusion of the SRP, but in fact a violation of it - because you're making classes which are responsible for cutting, and holding some information about what they're cutting. Both cutting onions and carrots can be abstracted into a single cutting action - and you can specify which object to cut, and add a redirection to each individual class if you need specific code for each object.
One step would be to create an abstraction to say something is cuttable. The is relationship for subclassing is candidate, since a carrot is cuttable.
class cuttable {
virtual void cut()=0;
class carrot : public cuttable {
virtual void cut() {
//specific code for cutting a carrot;
The cutting action can take a cuttable object and perform any common cutting action that's applicable to all cuttables, and can also apply the specific cut behaviour of each object.
class cutting_action : public action {
cuttable* object;
cutting_action(cuttable* obj) : object(obj) { }
virtual void perform_action() {
//common cutting code
object->cut(); //specific cutting code

How to choose between some methods at runtime?

In order to make my code a bit clearer, I was trying to split a long piece of code into several methods (a little PHP-like).
I have a variable CurrentStep indicating the current screen to be rendered.
class Game
enum Step { Welcome = 0, Menu, };
unsigned int CurrentStep;
Now I want to call the corresponding method when rendering the frame:
void Game::RenderFrame
switch (CurrentStep)
case Welcome:
// the actual work is done by WelcomeScreen() to keep this clean
WelcomeScreen(); break;
case Menu:
// same here
MenuScreen(); break;
I hope it is understandable what I was trying to achieve. Eventually it is supposed to call the appropriate method (at runtime).
However, this way is just that redundant... Isn't there a "better" way to go with C++?
I guess what you are looking for is the command pattern.
Read this detailed explanation (for C++)
to learn more about it.
First off, your private variable should be declared as Step CurrentStep; and RenderFrame() needs parentheses. Next, it's hard to give specific advice given how general and vague the question is, but in principle you could do something with inheritance:
class AbstractGameState
virtual ~AbstractGameState() { }
virtual void renderFrame() = 0;
class WelcomeScreenState : public AbstractGameState
void renderFrame(); // implement!
class MenuState : public AbstractGameState
void renderFrame(); // implement!
class Game
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<AbstractGameState> > gameStates;
void renderFrame()
std::shared_ptr<AbstractGameState> state = getCurrentState(); // implement!
We're going to need more information. If you make RenderFrame a virtual function, you can use run-time polymorphism to call the correct case of RenderFrame.
Besides the polymorphic approach that Kerrek posted (some would call it the classic object-oriented approach), there are other techniques that doesn't use polymorphism.
One of them are table driven methods
the other one worth mentioned is the visitor pattern, already efficiently implemented in the boost variant library. Here is an example that shows something similar to what you want to do
How many other states will you have?
Do the implementations of WelcomeScreen() and MenuScreen() have anything in common that can be moved into a common base class?
If the answer to the first question is "a few others" or the answer to the second is "not much" then your code is just fine. Keep things simple if you can.
Inheritance, the Command Pattern and other approaches that are suggested will complicate your code a bit while allowing more flexibility in adding more states in the future. You know your app better and know what its future holds.