When to build your own buffer system for I/O (C++)? - c++

I have to deal with very large text files (2 GBs), it is mandatory to read/write them line by line. To write 23 millions of lines using ofstream is really slow so, at the beginning, I tried to speed up the process writing large chunks of lines in a memory buffer (for example 256 MB or 512 MB) and then write the buffer into the file. This did not work, the performance is more or less the same. I have the same problem reading the files. I know the I/O operations are buffered by the STL I/O system and this also depends on the disk scheduler policy (managed by the OS, in my case Linux).
Any idea about how to improve the performance?
PS: I have been thinking about using a background child process (or a thread) to read/write the data chunks while the program is processing data but I do not know (mainly in the case of the subprocess) if this will be worthy.

A 2GB file is pretty big, and you need to be aware of all the possible areas that can act as bottlenecks:
The HDD itself
The HDD interface (IDE/SATA/RAID/USB?)
Operating system/filesystem
C/C++ Library
Your code
I'd start by doing some measurements:
How long does your code take to read/write a 2GB file,
How fast can the 'dd' command read and write to disk? Example...
dd if=/dev/zero bs=1024 count=2000000 of=file_2GB
How long does it take to write/read using just big fwrite()/fread() calls
Assuming your disk is capable of reading/writing at about 40Mb/s (which is probably a realistic figure to start from), your 2GB file can't run faster than about 50 seconds.
How long is it actually taking?
Hi Roddy, using fstream read method
with 1.1 GB files and large
buffers(128,255 or 512 MB) it takes
about 43-48 seconds and it is the same
using fstream getline (line by line).
cp takes almost 2 minutes to copy the
In which case, your're hardware-bound. cp has to read and write, and will be seeking back and forth across the disk surface like mad when it does it. So it will (as you see) be more than twice as bad as the simple 'read' case.
To improve the speed, the first thing I'd try is a faster hard drive, or an SSD.
You haven't said what the disk interface is? SATA is pretty much the easiest/fastest option. Also (obvious point, this...) make sure the disk is physically on the same machine your code is running, otherwise you're network-bound...

I would also suggest memory-mapped files but if you're going to use boost I think boost::iostreams::mapped_file is a better match than boost::interprocess.

Maybe you should look into memory mapped files.
Check them in this library : Boost.Interprocess

Just a thought, but avoid using std::endl as this will force a flush before the buffer is full. Use '\n' instead for a newline.

Don't use new to allocate the buffer like that:
Try: std::vector<>
unsigned int buffer_size = 64 * 1024 * 1024; // 64 MB for instance.
std::vector<char> data_buffer(buffer_size);
_file->read(&data_buffer[0], buffer_size);
Also read the article on using underscore in identifier names:. Note your code is OK but.

Using getline() may be inefficient because the string buffer may need to be re-sized several times as data is appended to it from the stream buffer. You can make this more efficient by pre-sizing the string:
Also you can set the size of the iostreams buffer to either very large or NULL(for unbuffered)
// Unbuffered Accesses:
fstream file;
// Larger Buffer
std::vector<char> buffer(64 * 1024 * 1024);
fstream file;
std::string line;
line.reserve(64 * 1024 * 1024);
// Do Stuff.

If you are going to buffer the file yourself, then I'd advise some testing using unbuffered I/O (setvbuf on a file that you've fopened can turn off the library buffering).
Basically, if you are going to buffer yourself, you want to disable the library's buffering, as it's only going to cause you pain. I don't know if there is any way to do that for STL I/O, so I recommend going down to the C-level I/O.


How to read huge file in c++

If I have a huge file (eg. 1TB, or any size that does not fit into RAM. The file is stored on the disk). It is delimited by space. And my RAM is only 8GB. Can I read that file in ifstream? If not, how to read a block of file (eg. 4GB)?
There are a couple of things that you can do.
First, there's no problem opening a file that is larger than the amount of RAM that you have. What you won't be able to do is copy the whole file live into your memory. The best thing would be for you to find a way to read just a few chunks at a time and process them. You can use ifstream for that purpose (with ifstream.read, for instance). Allocate, say, one megabyte of memory, read the first megabyte of that file into it, rinse and repeat:
ifstream bigFile("mybigfile.dat");
constexpr size_t bufferSize = 1024 * 1024;
unique_ptr<char[]> buffer(new char[bufferSize]);
while (bigFile)
bigFile.read(buffer.get(), bufferSize);
// process data in buffer
Another solution is to map the file to memory. Most operating systems will allow you to map a file to memory even if it is larger than the physical amount of memory that you have. This works because the operating system knows that each memory page associated with the file can be mapped and unmapped on-demand: when your program needs a specific page, the OS will read it from the file into your process's memory and swap out a page that hasn't been used in a while.
However, this can only work if the file is smaller than the maximum amount of memory that your process can theoretically use. This isn't an issue with a 1TB file in a 64-bit process, but it wouldn't work in a 32-bit process.
Also be aware of the spirits that you're summoning. Memory-mapping a file is not the same thing as reading from it. If the file is suddenly truncated from another program, your program is likely to crash. If you modify the data, it's possible that you will run out of memory if you can't save back to the disk. Also, your operating system's algorithm for paging in and out memory may not behave in a way that advantages you significantly. Because of these uncertainties, I would consider mapping the file only if reading it in chunks using the first solution cannot work.
On Linux/OS X, you would use mmap for it. On Windows, you would open a file and then use CreateFileMapping then MapViewOfFile.
I am sure you don't have to keep all the file in memory. Typically one wants to read and process file by chunks. If you want to use ifstream, you can do something like that:
ifstream is("/path/to/file");
char buf[4096];
do {
is.read(buf, sizeof(buf));
process_chunk(buf, is.gcount());
} while(is);
A more advances aproach is to instead of reading whole file or its chunks to memory you can map it to memory using platform specific apis:
Under windows: CreateFileMapping(), MapViewOfFile()
Under linux: open(2) / creat(2), shm_open, mmap
you will need to compile 64bit app to make it work.
for more details see here: CreateFileMapping, MapViewOfFile, how to avoid holding up the system memory
You can use fread
char buffer[size];
fread(buffer, size, sizeof(char), fp);
Or, if you want to use C++ fstreams you can use read as buratino said.
Also have in mind that you can open a file regardless of its size, the idea is to open it and read it in chucks that fit in your RAM.

C++ - efficiently reading a file sequentially

I need to sequentially read a file in C++, dealing with 4 characters at a time (but it's a sliding window, so the next character is handled along with the 3 before it). I could read chunks of the file into a buffer (I know mmap() will be more efficient but I want to stick to platform-independent plain C++), or I could read the file a character at a time using std::cin.read(). The file could be arbitrary large, so reading the whole file is not an option.
Which approach is more efficient?
The most efficient method is to read a lot of data into memory using the fewest function calls or requests.
The objective is to keep the hard drive spinning. One of the bottlenecks is waiting for the hard drive to spin to correct speed. Another is trying to locate the sectors on the hard drive where your requested data lives. A third bottleneck is collisions with the database and memory.
So I vote for the read method into a buffer and search the buffer.
Determine what the largest chunk of data you can read at a time. Then read the file by the chunks.
Say you can only deal with 2K characters at a time. Then, use:
std::ifstream if(filename);
char chunk[2048];
while ( if.read(chunk, 2048)) )
std::streamsize nread = in.gcount();
// Process nread number of characters of the chunk.

Reading large txt efficiently in c++

I have to read a large text file (> 10 GB) in C++. This is a csv file with variable length lines. when I try to read line by line using ifstream it works but takes long time, i guess this is becuase each time I read a line it goes to disk and reads, which makes it very slow.
Is there a way to read in bufferes, for example read 250 MB at one shot (using read method of ifstream) and then get lines from this buffer, i see lot of issues with solution like buffer can have incomplete lines etc..
Is there a solution for this in c++ which handles all these cases etc. Are there any open source libraries that can do this for example boost etc ?
Note: I would want to avoid c stye FILE* pointers etc.
Try using the Windows memory mapped file function. The calls are buffered and you get to treat a file as if its just memory.
memory mapped files
IOstreams already use buffers much as you describe (though usually only a few kilobytes, not hundreds of megabytes). You can use pubsetbuf to get it to use a larger buffer, but I wouldn't expect any huge gains. Most of the overhead in IOstreams stems from other areas (like using virtual functions), not from lack of buffering.
If you're running this on Windows, you might be able to gain a little by writing your own stream buffer, and having it call CreateFile directly, passing (for example) FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN or FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING. Under the circumstances, either of these may help your performance substantially.
If you want real speed, then you're going to have to stop reading lines into std::string, and start using char*s into the buffer. Whether you read that buffer using ifstream::read() or memory mapped files is less important, though read() has the disadvantage you note about potentially having N complete lines and an incomplete one in the buffer, and needing to recognise that (can easily do that by scanning the rest of the buffer for '\n' - perhaps by putting a NUL after the buffer and using strchr). You'll also need to copy the partial line to the start of the buffer, read the next chunk from file so it continues from that point, and change the maximum number of characters read such that it doesn't overflow the buffer. If you're nervous about FILE*, I hope you're comfortable with const char*....
As you're proposing this for performance reasons, I do hope you've profiled to make sure that it's not your CSV field extraction etc. that's the real bottleneck.
I hope this helps -
BTW, you wrote "i see lot of issues with solution like buffer can have incomplete lines etc.." - in this situation how about reading 250 MB and then read char by char until you get the delimiter to complete the line.

Which is faster in memory, ints or chars? And file-mapping or chunk reading?

Okay, so I've written a (rather unoptimized) program before to encode images to JPEGs, however, now I am working with MPEG-2 transport streams and the H.264 encoded video within them. Before I dive into programming all of this, I am curious what the fastest way to deal with the actual file is.
Currently I am file-mapping the .mts file into memory to work on it, although I am not sure if it would be faster to (for example) read 100 MB of the file into memory in chunks and deal with it that way.
These files require a lot of bit-shifting and such to read flags, so I am wondering that when I reference some of the memory if it is faster to read 4 bytes at once as an integer or 1 byte as a character. I thought I read somewhere that x86 processors are optimized to a 4-byte granularity, but I'm not sure if this is true...
Memory mapped files are usually the fastest operations available if you require your file to be available synchronously. (There are some asynchronous APIs that allow the O/S to reorder things for a slight speed increase sometimes, but that sounds like it's not helpful in your application)
The main advantage you're getting with the mapped files is that you can work in memory on the file while it is still being read from disk by the O/S, and you don't have to manage your own locking/threaded file reading code.
Memory reference wise, on the x86 memory is going to be read an entire line at a time no matter what you're actually working with. The extra time associated with non byte granular operations refers to the fact that integers need not be byte aligned. For example, performing an ADD will take more time if things aren't aligned on a 4 byte boundary, but for something like a memory copy there will be little difference. If you are working with inherently character data then it's going to be faster to keep it that way than to read everything as integers and bit shift things around.
If you're doing h.264 or MPEG2 encoding the bottleneck is probably going to be CPU time rather than disk i/o in any case.
If you have to access the whole file, it is always faster to read it to memory and do the processing there. Of course, it's also wasting memory, and you have to lock the file somehow so you won't get concurrent access by some other application, but optimization is about compromises anyway. Memory mapping is faster if you're skipping (large) parts of the file, because you don't have to read them at all then.
Yes, accessing memory at 4-byte (or even 8-byte) granularity is faster than accessing it byte-wise. Again it's a compromise - depending on what you have to do with the data afterwards, and how skilled you are at fiddling with the bits in an int, it might not be faster overall.
As for everything regarding optimization:
These are sequential bit-streams - you basically consume them one bit at a time without random-access.
You don't need to put a lot of effort into explicitly buffering reads and such in this scenario: the operating system will be buffering them for you anyway. I've written H.264 parsers before, and the time is completely dominated by the decoding and manipulation, not the IO.
My recommendation is to use a standard library and for parsing these bit-streams.
Flavor is such a parser, and the website even includes examples of MPEG-2 (PS) and various H.264 parts like M-Coder. Flavor builds native parsing code from a c++-like language; here's an quote from the MPEG-2 PS spec:
class TargetBackgroundGridDescriptor extends BaseProgramDescriptor : unsigned int(8) tag = 7
unsigned int(14) horizontal_size;
unsigned int(14) vertical_size;
unsigned int(4) aspect_ratio_information;
class VideoWindowDescriptor extends BaseProgramDescriptor : unsigned int(8) tag = 8
unsigned int(14) horizontal_offset;
unsigned int(14) vertical_offset;
unsigned int(4) window_priority;
Regarding to the best size to read from memory, I'm sure you will enjoy reading this post about memory access performance and cache effects.
One thing to consider about memory-mapping files is that a file with a size greater than the available address range will only be able to be map a portion of the file. To access the remainder of the file requires the first part to be unmapped and the next part to mapped in its place.
Since you're decoding mpeg streams you may want to use a double buffered approach with asynchronous file reading. It works like this:
blocksize = 65536 bytes (or whatever)
currentblock = new byte [blocksize]
nextblock = new byte [blocksize]
read currentblock
while processing
asynchronously read nextblock
parse currentblock
wait for asynchronous read to complete
swap nextblock and currentblock

Which is faster, writing raw data to a drive, or writing to a file?

I need to write data into drive. I have two options:
write raw sectors.(_write(handle, pBuffer, size);)
write into a file (fwrite(pBuffer, size, count, pFile);)
Which way is faster?
I expected the raw sector writing function, _write, to be more efficient. However, my test result failed! fwrite is faster. _write costs longer time.
I've pasted my snippet; maybe my code is wrong. Can you help me out? Either way is okay by me, but I think raw write is better, because it seems the data in the drive is encrypted at least....
#define SSD_SECTOR_SIZE 512
int g_pSddDevHandle = _open("\\\\.\\G:",_O_RDWR | _O_BINARY, _S_IREAD | _S_IWRITE);
while (ulMovePointer < 1024 * 1024 * 1024)
ulMovePointer += SSD_SECTOR_SIZE;
FILE * file = fopen("f:\\test.tmp","a+");
while (ulMovePointer < 1024 * 1024 * 1024)
ulMovePointer += SSD_SECTOR_SIZE;
Probably because a direct write isn't buffered. When you call fwrite, you are doing buffered writes which tend to be faster in most situations. Essentially, each FILE* handler has an internal buffer which is flushed to disk periodically when it becomes full, which means you end up making less system calls, as you only write to disk in larger chunks.
To put it another way, in your first loop, you are actually writing SSD_SECTOR_SIZE bytes to disk during each iteration. In your second loop you are not. You are only writing SSD_SECTOR_SIZE bytes to a memory buffer, which, depending on the size of the buffer, will only be flushed every Nth iteration.
In the _write() case, the value of SSD_SECTOR_SIZE matters. In the fwrite case, the size of each write will actually be BUFSIZ. To get a better comparison, make sure the underlying buffer sizes are the same.
However, this is probably only part of the difference.
In the fwrite case, you are measuring how fast you can get data into memory. You haven't flushed the stdio buffer to the operating system, and you haven't asked the operating system to flush its buffers to physical storage. To compare more accurately, you should call fflush() before stopping the timers.
If you actually care about getting data onto the disk rather than just getting the data into the operating systems buffers, you should ensure that you call fsync()/FlushFileBuffers() before stopping the timer.
Other obvious differences:
The drives are different. I don't know how different.
The semantics of a write to a device are different to the semantics of writes to a filesystem; the file system is allowed to delay writes to improve performance until explicitly told not to (eg. with a standard handle, a call to FlushFileBuffers()); writes directly to a device aren't necessarily optimised in that way. On the other hand, the file system must do extra I/O to manage metadata (block allocation, directory entries, etc.)
I suspect that you're seeing a different in policy about how fast things actually get on to the disk. Raw disk performance can be very fast, but you need big writes and preferably multiple concurrent outstanding operations. You can also avoid buffer copying by using the right options when you open the handle.